HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 04/20/1993 "NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. ~ORT 4; AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON April 20, 1993 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:30 P.M. REGtU_2%R MEETING - 7: 00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting ~--~ III. SPECIAL MEETING Executive Session IV. R~TURN TO OPEN SESSION V. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeti ./--/ ~.~. VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Regular meeting of April 6, 1993~ VI I I. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Proclamation recognizing NATIONAL TOURISM WEEK 2. Employee Suggestion Program Awards IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: Final acceptance and final payment for Vern Burton Memoria~ Community Center renovation ($5,746.19 plus $29,600.50 retainage) 1. ~qire transfers 'for March 1993 o~ $1,595,513.~ 2. Concept Administrators through March 1993 of $251,440.76 3. Voucher list for April 16, 1993 of $1,349,908.09 4. Payroll for April 11, 1993 of $328,339.74 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. PROPOSED REVISION TO THE PARKING OPd)INANCE, Central Business District (CBD). Request for amendment to the existing parking regulations as they relate to the Parking Business Improvement Area (PBIA) .~/(Con. tinued to May 12, 1993, at .applicant' s/City's 2. HOSPITAL,STREET VACATIONportionREQUEST - STV 93{04)03 - OLYMPICcolumbia/MEMORIAL ~ A of Columbia Street and the Caroline alley west of Chambers: Proposed vacation of City right-of-way. ( ,Real Estate Committee recommendat ion) 3. STREET ~TI~~T- ,TV 93(04)02 - R'I'C.NDt Portion of ~L.-J` ~d~ the 13/14 alley east of Pine Street: Proposed vacation of City r~.htTof:~w~_._(n~Rea~Estate Committee recommendation) City Council Agenda April 20, 1993 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: (continued) B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~. ~9 Repealing old railroad franchises ~ ~~ C. RESOLUTIONS REQUIRING PUBLIC COMMENT: D. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: Planning Commission Minute~ of April 14, 1993~ P~.IMI~Y S~DIVISXON - ~ST ~I~, Southeast corner of 14th and "N" Streets: Pro~sal to divide 4.33 acres into 16 residential~RS-9, Residential Single-F~ily District. F. OT~R CONSIDE~TIONS: Ap~intment to Law Enforcement Advisory Board 1. 2. a. Habitat for Humanities re~est for donation of City-owned pro~rty b. Kiwanis Club re,est to purchas~City property (~e 3: STP a~r 1994-1997 ~ ~ 4. Corres~dndence from AWC: Registering 3 Voting delegates - 1993 Annu~ Business Meeting . ~ ~ 6. x~= =or~r~ari~ f~ wat~ ou~si~ th~, =ity _ Sales Tax Report 8. Authorize City Light to seek pro~rty for a warehouse and future~atigns c~nte~_ . ~ ~ ~ - '~--