HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 05/02/1995 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANO~T.~S CIT~ COtlNCXL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON Ma~ 2, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CAT-T. TO ORDER - Special Meeting ~ ~P.~, iv. TO oPss s*ssxos V. ~JtT.T. TO ORDER -Regular Heeting ~-~ VI. PLEDGE OF AT.T.mGXANCB - Led ~y Boy Scout Troop 1990, Dennis Longme£r & Pamela Caldwell, leaders VII. APP,%OVAL OF MIN%~S o~ special meeting of April 14 and regular meeting VIII. (~EMONI AL MA~X~ / PRO(=~MATI ON$: 1. Proclamation recognizing NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK May 21 through May 27, 1995 2. Pr~oclamation~recognizing NATIONAL MARITIME DAY - May 22, 1995 X. FINANCE: Bids for Francis Street Stormdrain Pro4ect . . CONSENT AGENDA: ~ ~_~ 1. Voucher list - A-~il 28, 1995 - $653,148.54 2. Payroll - April 23, 1995 - $358,468.50 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO nE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This ~ t~ op~on~fli~ for mcmbem uf thc ~b;ic to ~qu¢$t to $]~ak to specific items off the ageflda~) 1. STRE~'.T VAC,~TION P~..TITION - STV 95{04}03 - 3aND~..RSON[SAWB¥, Portion o.~ Fourth S.tr~: ,Rg~rues~ for vacation of~ity right-  2. RE~.ot~m RE~u'~.s;t - RE~. 95{0~0~ - ~-~om~so~, 80o nl~:k ~eorejiana. from RS-~7~f Residential r~x. in~le Family, to CO, Con~aer¢ial MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda May 2, 1995 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: Proposal to amend the subdivision/short subdivision regulations regarding right-of-way access requirements in the caste of one existing habitable dwelling B. ORDINANCES NOT RB~U/RING PUBLIC H'~B,R/NGS: _j C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINg: , tq/ ' ~-- ' 2. Adopting retention period for audi9 tape/recordings ~-- p'.~ of City meetings/hearings~4~L~ ~~%~t~_~,_ ~-~ ~- /7~-~ p.~%. 3. Establishin~ policy re: payment of City funds~t~ contracting ~ 4. R.e;fising travel ~olicy re: lodging expenses ~ D. PXma~NIiqG COIf~4ISSXON MiNUTES/ACTION ITENS: 12,~995: /7 __- PERMIT - SMA 95(04)149 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, Ediz Hook. Proposal to construct a multi-purpose pier (Marine Safety & E. OTHE~ ¢ON~ IDE~A~IONS: 2. Inter-local agreement-Fire Investigation T.sk__F~.rce 3. Approval of lease on Edi~ Hook - Fomer Salmon Club 4. Comments on County's Comprehensive Plan~ ~0 ~tu~t 5. Letter of support for Coastal Corridor gr~ 6. Approval of WPPSS, Washington Publi~ Power Su. pply System) cost -sharing litigation settlement ~t~_~ 7. Consideration of contract with Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development/9_four, ~Pha_~e II of the Housing Rehabilitation Program ~~ . . Public he, rings ~re set by th~ ¢~ Council i~ on:let to nmet I~1~1 requimm~l~ p~rl~i~i~ to nmtl~ such ~$, In addilion, l~e C~ Council may set a public hearing in o~ler to receiYe public i~p~t prior to mal~ng deci~ion~' which impact the c~zens. Ce~ain maxem may ~ controve~al, and ~C~ Co~dl m~y choose to ~ek public opinion through the public hea~ng proce~. ~, ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Public Hearin- Pro~dure NI commen~ mu~ ~ ' ~~ ~ I ~ : maoe at ~e ~ium after ~e speake~ g~es hi~er name and addre~ so that commen~ and s~aker ~en~cafion ~come pa~ of~e reco~. The Mayor may indi~ ~e amount of~me available for each healing. So ~at all ~ns have an op~un~ to s~ak, ~e Mayor ~y lim~ the amount of time perm~ each s~aker. In ma~ng your presentation to ~e Council, the follo~ng fo~at may ~ helpful: PURPOSE: ~at ~ the ~ea you ~h to presen~ Begin ~ an "1 ~temenff o~ining your idea, such as, "1 am here to (sup~oppo~)..." R~SON: Why are you ma~ng ~ ~in~ Th~ ~ an implant step so the I~ener does not make a~umpfions about your mo~es. ~MPLE: BHef and rele~nt example to cla~ and make your ~int ~ncrete. SUM~RY: What cond~on ~11 ~ changed or improved if your point ~ ado~? ACTION: (If appropriate, depending on ~e s~uafion). What ne~s to ~ done and who ~11 do ~