HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 05/03/1994 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON May 3, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. cmm TO ORDER - S~cial Meeting ~ iii. ~=o~ TO EXECUTI~ SESSION IV. RETU~ TO OPE~ SESSION v. CALL TO ORDER - Regular ~eeting '~!~°~ VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by ~%~p rirc ,grcup ~ Lcd!it Diir.~cl VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Yard of the Month - May 1994 2. Proclamation recognizing May 18, 1994 as Transit Employee Appreciation Day IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: 1. consideration of bids ~or water utility materials 2. Consideration of interlocal agreement with Port Townsehd fo~ joint purchase of wastewater treatment disinfection ch?micals 3. Consideration of bids for equipment XI. CONSENT AGENDA: o~r~pm~- 1. Voucher list f 1994 of $473,590.36 2. Payroll for April 24, 1994 of $347,939.51 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th~ ~ ~¢ opporfun~Iormcmbcmo~¢pubHc specific~emson meagenda.) xIII. LEGISLATIOn: ~. PUBLIC H~ARING$: Z,c01.ZONING CODE ~ND~NT - ZCA - 94(04~01 City-wide: Proposals to amend the City's zoning regulations eo allow the sale of marine supplies, and retail uses incidental to uses 2. REZONE REQUEST - REZ 94(04)01 -ALBERTSON'S, between Laurel and Lincoln Streets, south of Lauridsen Boulevard: Request to rezone property from RS-7, Residential Single-Family, to CSD, Community Shopping ~istFict. (This item should be continued Ju.. 7. > 3. STREET VACATION REQUEST - STV 94(04)01 - ALBERTSON'S, San Juan Avenue: Request to vacate a portion of San Juan Avenue lying between Laurel and Lincoln Streets, south of Lauridsen Boulevard. ~This item should~e cont~ued to June 7, 1994.) MAYOR ~Ix,~. ~ER~XI~ ~IM~ OF ~I~.~K City Council Agenda May 3, 1994 Page 2 XI I I. LEGISLATION: , 07s. o iN c .s NoT QUIRI P LIC in ncy datelesS: for Medic I billings C. ~SOL~IONS UIRING PUBLIC ~INGS: Planning Co~ission minutes - April 13, 1994: SHO~LI~ ~AGE~NT pE~IT - S~ 94 (04)140 - CITY OF ~RT ~GELES, Ediz Hook: Re.est for a shoreline manag~ent ~it to extend utility services including sewer~nd telecq~unications, in the M- ~p,~. 2, Heaw Industrial District. ~d~~_ ~,~n~' OT~R1. CONSIDE~TIONS: Re~.~st for t~i a~for-hire vehic%e ~i.cense 2. Auth6fization re~ of Public Works Director to sign agreement signal maintenance ~~of with Washington State ~epartment Trans~rtation for US101 3. Set public hearing on school concurrency in May at s~cial me~ing, M~y~ 10 orn May 24, o~ at M~ 17 re~lar meeting 4. La.Pier annexatio~ roadwa~ ~icat~n P~lic Hearinqs P~lic hearings are set bF the CitF ~cil in order to meet l~al remitments ~aining to matters such as land use pe~it applications, p~sed ~en~ents to citF land use re~lations, zoning changes, a~exations. In addition, the CitF ~uncil may set a p~lic hearing in order to receive p~lic input prior to making decisions which ~pact the citizens. ~ain ~tters ~ be controversial, and the CitF ~cil maF choose to seek p~lic opinion though the p~lic hearing process. P~lic Hearinq Procedure: All co~ents must be ~de at the ~4i~ a~ter the speaker first gives his/her n~e and address so that co~ents and speaker identification become pa~ of the record. The ~For may indicate the t~e avail~le for each hearing. So that all ~rsons have am open,itF to s~ak, the ~yor may l~it the ~o~t of t~e pe~itted each speaker. In ~king Four presentation to the ~cil, the ~ollowing fo~% ~F be helpful: PU~OSE: ~at is the idea Fou wish to present? Begin with an "I statement" outlining Four idea, such as, "I ~ here to (sup~/op~se)..." ~ON: ~ are Fou ~king this ~t? ~is is an ~ant step so the listener does not ~ke ass~ptions ~ut Four motives. E~: Brief and relevant ex~ple to clarifF ~d ~ke Four ~int concrete. SUEZ: ~at condition will be changed or ~prove4 i~ Four ~int is adopted? A~ION: (If appropriate, de,riding on the situation). ~at needs to be 4one and who will do it?