HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 05/15/1990 AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY OCUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON MAY 15, 1990 7:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER 7~. fc~ ~ II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Carol Bornson, OF MAY 8, 1990 ~4~7~,d ~ V FINANCE: 1. Consideration of bids for landfill construction 2. Consideration of final payment and acceptance of Lincoln Street, First/Race and First/Front VI CORSE~T ~Gg~D~: Vouchers of $ VII ITemS FRO~ THE CO~Clh/hHDI~Cg TO B~ CORSIDER~D/PL~D 1. Presentation of ~rant funds ~or comBa~n~ armn ~m~actor7 ~utual ~BIC H~RIN~: { conff, from previous meeting) ~ ~'~E S~R~E~ V~C~IIO~ - S~V 00(04)1 - Port,on of ~a~t S~xth Street ~ ~ REZONE REQUEST - REZ 90(03) 1 - SC~EIDER~ - Tumwater Truck Route area: Request to rezone property zoned RS-9~, Residential Single- Famxly to:LI, L1Ght Industrial ~C~ 3. ~LIC HEARING: ~/ ~ZONING CODE ~ENDMENT - ZCA 90(04)1 - McNUTT, Central Business & Arterial Co~ercial District: amendment to allow mixed retail/ co~ercial use ~'~<~_~' ~' ~7/~"~/~:~ 4. Plannin~ Co--lesion minutes of May 9, 1990: A. CONDITIONAL USE PE~IT - CUP 90(05)7 C~ACK Southwest corner of Second and Vine Streets: Request for a conditional use pe~it to allow the sale of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in OC~Office~.~'z~t~''CO~ercial District ~TL?~ B. PARKING VARIANCE - PKV 90(05) 2 - OL~PIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 939 Caroline Street: Request for a reduction in the required number of parkinG spaces for expansion of the Olympic Memorial Hospital, located in the PBP, Public Buildings & Parks District (continue to 6/19/90) ~ C. REPLAT OF GREEN'S BELLE VIEW ADDITION - LBR CONSTRUCTION, Block 6 of Green's Belle View Addition to Port Angeles: Request to replat block 6 of Green's Belle View Addition to create fewer, larger homesites. The property is located on Golf Course Road be~tween 3rd.and 4th Streets within, an RS-7 zonin~ district :~,, D. EXTENSION OF CONDITIONAL USE PE~IT - CUP 86(11)20 HO - FISHER, 1221 East Second Street: Request for extension of a permit to allow the continuation of a gift consulting se~ice as a Home Occupation, located in the RS-7, Residential Single-Family District (This item is referred from the March 15, 1990 .Administrative .~~ Hearing. ) ~L~t.C~c~, ~ ~C. /~d ~ L~~. 5. Final approval of Cit~ Council,s Goals & Objectives 6. Cons~.~erat~n of ~llow~ng B~ C~ty teen nightclub to have 12-15 years old only events o~ T~esday nigh%s_ 7. Request for ~unding f~om '~oa~al Parkway': Coalition ( requested MAYOR WILL DETE~INE TIME OF B~AK Page two City Council Agenda May 15, 1990 VIII ~GISLATION: (cont.) 0~~~ Consideration of ordinance amending consolicated LID 1990 Bond Ordinan.ce ~;.~.O~!-~ 9. Request from Port Angeles School District for a joint effort to prDvi~e ,nee~ded community improvements t~.~"~.f ..J~%~ c~:~ ~'~ 10. C~nsideration o~':~Harbor Line Relocation application - Relocation for ....Harbor Line~?~along~2~<Central Business District waterfront 11. PUBLIC HEARING: A..CoDsideratipn of declarin~ City-owned r~% estate as su~lus Consideration of contract fo~ Value En~ineerin~ for Secondary Sewage Treatment design 13. Request for approval of Police Records Clerk Inte~iew Board Members 14. Con~i~ration of acceptin~ resignations from Ro~er Reidel, Parks Boar~em~r ap~ Jphn~Hu~ar~, .Board q~ A~j~t~e~ ~b~ ~ ~ .... ~... 15. Request to-~~ti~ity Advisory Co~ttee) meeting ~/~ Proclamation-- PUBLIC WORKS WEEK May 20-26, 1990 ~ ~' ~ Proclamation - NATIONAL SAFE BOATING WEEK June 3-9, 1990 /J ~Consideration of agreement to dispose of sludge IX CITY COUNCIL CO~ITTEE REPORTS/LATE ITEMS X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION (length of session) (possible action on Executive Session items) XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION /':' '~--~ ',~,n~ ¢ XII ADJOUR~ENTI ~ /I ':' ,~