HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 05/17/1994 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABI~E FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON May 17, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. O~ ! I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting ~p-- III. SPECIAL MEETING TOPICS: 1. Executive Session 2. Interview applicants for Law Enforcement Advisory Board iv. SPECIAL mETING &Sm- V. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting ~__C~+ VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Ca~.p Fire group of JoAnn Fredrickson VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 3, 1994 regular meeting VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Proclamation recognizing National Maritime Day 2. Proclamation recognizing Buddy Poppy Days IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: None 1. Voucher list for May 13, 1994 of $533,430.47 2. Payroll for May 8, 1994 of $335,431.74 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th~ ~ ~e opportuniU for membem of ~e public specificitems on ~eagenda.) XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Consideration of capital facilities policies for K-12 ^public B. ORDINANCES NOT ~gUIRING PU~C HEARINGS: Ordinance amen~ding li~ regulation of for-hire vehicles ~ and taxicabs MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda May 17, 1994 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ' ~ ~_ ~ Adoption of resolution authorizing submission of an application for · a Community Development~Block Grant a, nd committing to compliance with all regulations ~, k~Ld~ D. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: E. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Appointment to Law Enforcement Advisory Board 2.Ex~ion of carney agreeme~n with Serenity House for prQpe~r~y .at 16th_~nd "E" Streets 3. FoQd Bank u~e o~b~d'~} Senior C~nt~r ~ _~ 4. Di~_cus~ion of Pe~ody.Cr~ek Ravin~righ. t-of-wpy issues _.-- '_~L_ 5. Purchase of property on Go.l~ Cou~ Road by City Light f~r fut~ume substation ~ ~ ^ ~ - 6. W~t~$Qn~ Trail lighting_ ~-- 7. Multi-Modal Transportation Project '~eh~:t ~&+ l& Publio Hearinqs Publio he~rings are ~et by the Oity Oounoil in order to meet legal requirement~ pe~aining to m~er8 8uoh ~s, land use perm~ appli~tions, propo~ ~mendments to Gity land use regulations, zoning ohange~, annexations. In ~dd~ion, the ~ Gounoil m~y ~et a publio he. ring in order to reoeiw publio inp~ prior to making deoision~ which impaot the o~izen~. Get. in m~.er~ may be oontrover~ial, and the Oity Oounoil m~y ohoose to seek publio opinion through the publio h~ring prooe~8. Publio Hearing Proo~ure: All oomment8 mu~t be m~de at the p~ium ~er the spiker first gNe~ hi~/her name ~nd addre~ ~o that oomment8 ~nd ~pe~ker ident~i~tion beoome ~. of the reoord. The Mayor m~ indioate the amount of time ~vail~ble for eaoh he~ring. 8o that all person8 h~ve an oppo.un~ to 8pe~k, the M~yor ~ lim~ the ~mount of time perm~ eaoh spiker. In m~king your presentation to the Oounoil, the following format m~y be helpful: PURPOSE: What i~ the id~ you wish to present? Begin w~h an "~ s~tement" o~lining your ide~, ~uoh ~, "1 am here to (~uppo~/oppo~e)..." REASON: Why are you m~king thi~ point? Thi~ is ~n impo~nt 8rep ~o the listener doe8 not make a~umption8 ~bout your motNe~. E~MPLE: Brief ~nd relevant example to ol~r~ ~nd m~ke your point oonorete. SUMMARY: Whm oond~ion will be ohang~ or improv~ ~ your point i~ adoptS? AOTION: (If ~ppropri~te, depending on the situation). Wh~t ne~8 to be done ~nd who will do it?