HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 05/18/1993 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. O~ ~ORT AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON May 18, 1993 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting ~ ' m /~-- III. SPECIAL MEETING Executive Session iv. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION V. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Dori Goin and Cheryl McCurdy's Camp Fire Group "Starflight Roses" VII. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Regular meeting of May 4, 1993 VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Proclamation recognizing Buddy Poppy Days May 21 & 22, 1993 2. Proclamation recognizing Safe Boating Days May 17 - 27, 1993 IX. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS X. FINANCE: None 1. Concept Administrators through April of $384,582.27 2. Wire transfers for April 1993 of $1,736,689.30 3. Payroll of May 9, 1993 of $368,778.00 4. Voucher list of May 14, 1993 of $1,836,467.03 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th~ ~ ~e opportuni~ for membem of ~e public m ~qu~t spec~c items on ~e agenda.) "~ XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ....... ~.~._~Z-__~~ 1. PROPOSED AMENDMENTTOTHBPARKINGRE_GULaTIONS AS THEY PE~T~T~ ~~< - TO THE PARKING BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT A~F~ (PBIA), Downtown. 2. REZONE REgUEST - RE~ 93(05)06 - PET~_~, Southeast corner of 16th and "O" Streetst Request to rezone approximately 5.23 acres from RS 9, Residential. Single-Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density. ,~6~4~_~W~ City Council Agenda May 18, 1993 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: (continued) A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3. REZONE REQUEST - REZ 93(05)07 - PETREE, 2300 Block West 10th Street: Request to rezone approximately 9.20 acres from RS-9, Residential Single-Family, to RMD, Residential Medium Density. (The applicant has withdrawn this application.) ~-~×~< j?~ ~. RE,ON, REqUEST - RE, 93(05)0~ - Mc,,~, 229 Ea.t ,ir.t St--t= Request for rezone of approximately 11,900 square feet of property from ACD, Arterial Commercial, and CBD, Central Business, to RHD, Residential High Density.~f~t~/. ~/~--~' ~7~c// B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING~_~.~;PUBLIC HEARINGS: · Bicycle helmets /$- ~ C. RESOLUTIONS REQUIRING PUBLIC COMMENT: · Consideration of public nuisance /~ /~_ ~ D. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: REQUEST FOR VACATION OF CITY RI~HT-OF-WAY - LEVICK~ Petition requesting vacation of a portion of the Fifteenth Street right-of- way west of Cedar Street. ~ . E.PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: Planning Commission Minutes of May 12, 1993: 1. SHORT PLAT APPEAL - P~%LSTON, SHP 93(02)01, Park and Porter Streets: Request for appeal of two conditions of a preliminary short plat approval for a ~-lot plat in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. 2. PRELIMINARY S%F~DIVISION - MILWAUKEE HEIGHTS, Southwest corner of Milwaukee and "N# Streets~ Proposal to subdivide approximately 6.88 acres into 24 residential lots in the RS-9, Residential Single-Family District. F. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Presentation of ~t Angeles Downtown Association 1993-94 operating budget /a~3 ~~/4~t~a~~ 2. Agreement between Downtown Association and Budget Rent a Car for o~ration of downtown parking lot 3. City assistance in cost of sewer pump station/~~<_~.~ Air Quality Forum representative from the 4. 5. federal energy tax ~~ ~L~--~5~/D/-~) Authorize Mayor to sign letter expressing concern over.proposed 6. Consideration of recommendation of Fine Arts Center Board of Trustees to amend investment policy