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Agenda Summary 06/04/1996
NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAIl .ABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FWTH STREET PORT ANGE!.FS, WASHINGTON June 4, 1996 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING- 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDE~R -~Speeial Meeting II. ROLL CALL L/~ ~tA~_~Y__ ~, SPEC~ MEET~G: 2. ~cus~on of goff co~e fea~ ~dy -- V. C~L TO O~ER - Re~r Mee~g VH. APPROVAL QF M~ES of May 21, 1996 rear me~g ~d ~ecifl meet~g of May V~. CE~MO~ ~ERS~ROC~TIONS: None IX. FINANCE: Award ofhosebids ~L~_~_~ L~ ~, ~, x. 1. Pa~oH May 19,' 1996 - $370,235.52 2. Voucher ~ - May 31, 1996 - $717,116.60 XI. ~MS ~OM ~ A~NC~CO~C~ST~ TO BE CONS~E~D OK P~CED ON A ~ AGE~A ~is ~ the oppo~i~for me~ers of the p~lic w request w ~eak ~ec~c items on the agent.) ' ' ' ' ' 1. CO~~NS~ P~ ~~NT - CPA 96-01 - ~ED - 600 Block S~e~: Reque~ for ~ ~dm~t to ~e CiW's Co~reh~e P~ to allow a ch~ge for ~.~. ~ / 7 appro~mately 28,000 square feet ofprope~ ~om LDK Low D~ Ke~d~ti~ to C, Commerce. ~YOR ~LL DETE~~E T~E OF B~AK City Council Agenda June 4, 1996 Page 2 XII. PUBLIC ilEARINGS: 2. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT - CPA 96-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, East and West of Golf Course Road between Melody Lane/Lindberg Road and Maddock Road/Woodhaven Lane: Proposal to designate recently annexed property on the City's Comprehensive Land Use Map to LDR, Low Density Residential. 3. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA - 96-02 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESA) Ordinance: Revision to the City's ESA Ordinance ~, ~ q I ~ to allow flem'bility in determining buffer requirements and creating a "minor construction" exemption where constl3lction is so minor as .to make geotechnical analysis infeasible. 4. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT- ZCA 96-03 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Planned Residential Developments (PRD): Revision to the City's PRD requirements for .,d.. final plat approval clarifying the final approval of PRDs where of the / q phasing development has been previously approved. . 5. MUlt[ICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA- 96-05- CITY OF PORT ANGELES, City- wide: Proposal to amend the City's subdivision regulations with regard to requirements for final plat submittal and to allow for improvement exceptions for commercially zoned 5. properties where there will not be increase in the nunlber of lots within a short plat allowing for ir?rovements to be made following final plat approval but prior to occupancy of any~ structure. , XIII. LEGISLATION: A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC lt-EARINGS: None B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC l~EARINGS: None C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINIJTES/ACTION ITEMS: Planning Commission minutes - May 8, 1996: SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - SMA 96(05)156, Waterward of 1509 Columbia Street: Request for an gDPCUP to permit the replacement of the City's sewer treatment outfall diffuser system in the PBP, Public ,. Plan/~LC~r~sion minutes- May 22, 1996. D. OTltER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Amendment to Chamber .of Commerc~ contract 2. Lease for old City Hall {dot~©~_~_ ct,_ 3. Ea~sementfor s~wer~,on ~0/a-~r-G~ard Base on ~E..diz Hook XIV. ADJOURNMENT ?b__0 p.'7)~, ~dS_;'