HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 06/06/1995NOTE: ItEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON June 6, 1995 SPECIAL MEETING - 5:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORI)~ER - Special Meeting II. ROLL CALL ~z~_,~,o_c~fr',~_o.;~.~. "~/~',~.~z~_~,~.__ HI. SPECIAL MEETING TOPICS: 1. Parks & Recreation Department Comprehensive Plan - 2. Interview applicants for Downtown Forward Advisory Committee IV. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeti~ng -~ ~2_o_ . ~r~, VI. APPROVAL OF MII~TES ofregt{lar meeting - May 16, 1995 and special meeting of May 23, 1995 Ld_~jD&O~_x4 CA._. VII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Yard o£the Month awards - June 1995 VIII. FINANCE: Consideration of final acceptance and n.,aymerg for Southwood Watermaln and Sewer Repair Project ~ tx. co s t.. 1. Travel request - Finance Department 2. Consideration of filling Wastewater Maintenance Worker position 3. Voucher list - June 2, 1995 - $762,397.84 4. Payroll - May 21, 1995 - $360,561.66 X. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCF_JCOUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th/s/s the oppommity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda) MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda June 6, 1995 Page 2 XI. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. REZONE REQUEST - RF.Z 95(05)02 - CLALLAM COUNTY, Campbell Avenue: Request to rezone approximately 18.5 acres from RS-9, Residential Single Family, and.RHD - Resid, ential High Density, to RMD, Residemial Medium Density. 2. PRO, POSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, City wide: Proposed amendments to the City's subdivision regulations for compliance ' ~ d~/5 v , with the Comprehensive Plgn. (Tc~ be cominued to July___5, 1995.) 9~ez'**z-'~c-~I.--C~fi~ COUNCm COMlViITTEE REPORTS: q w q ' XIII. LEGISLATION: ~;}.. (..~53 70 A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: A~dmem to fireworks ordinance insurance requiremems B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: PI .a0~ing Commi.'ssion minutes - May 10 & 24, 1995 D. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Lease of old Senior Center .~~, '-~ ~/.~_C~ 2. Int'on~ation on Sidewalk Grant ~ Transportation Improvei'0ent Board 3. Authorize Cit~ Manager to enter into contract for Customer Service Training Program 4. Extension of labor contract through 1996 between the City of Port Angeles and IAFF #656 5. interlocal agr ment (Port, City. EDC t, dustrial p ,elopment Plan 6. Contract for microfilming services 7. Acceptance of Public Works Trust Fund.,Loan of $240,000 for watermains and sidewalks ~dzto~o_~z~/_d.._ /-'W-PF 8. Agreement with Port ~Angele~ Downtown Association (PADA) for Main Street 9. Agreement with Community Action for Phase II of Housing Rehabilitation Program 10. Recornmendation on consultant to be used for Marine Lab Expansion Feasibility 11. Agreement with CH2MHill for desisn of~nJH~Creek Pump Station modifications 12. Hotel-Motel fund/grant application process ~2~c~_~z~_ ~E~-~e~_/adz ~ e~ 13. Selection of"votingt' City Council de)egates fo! AWC 1995 Annual Bus,ess Meeting