HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 06/06/2000 AGENDA , i_.,ORT/. NGELES CiTY COUNCIL MEETING W A S H I N (3 t O N, U.S.a. 321 EAST FIFTH STREET June 6, 2000 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) - 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL - Councilmembers Erickson and Hulett absent PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Steve Ilk CEREMONIAL MATTERS & I I Recognition by Mayor, City PROCLAMATIONS 1 Manager & Detective Sergeant Recognition of the retirement of Steve Ilk, Chief of Police B. WORK SESSION None C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) Contract re. Moving Structures (Airport Road Realignment Project) added as Item D.3. D. FINANCE 1. Contract awarded to Glacier 1. Award bid for landfill closure Action Environmental Services 2. Public Works Trust Fund Pre-Construction Loan Action 2. Approved loan agreement Agreement Amendment (8th Street Reconstruction amendment Project) 3. Contract awarded to Alt-Tech 3. Award Contract re. Moving Structures Construction (Airport Road Realignment Project) E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. City Council minutes of May 16, 2000 Action Consent Agenda accepted 2 Travel request for Government Finance Officers Association Annual Conference F. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS I. Shoreline Master Program Amendment - SMP 00- Action 1. Ordinance No. 3052 adopted 01 - Proposal to increase the maximum covered moorage height allowable from 20' to 30' and to clarify the defmifion of conditional use. (Action continued from May 16, 2000.) 2. Municipal Code Amendment - MCA 00-01 - Action 2. Ordinance No. 3053 adopted Consideration of animal husbandry regulations City wide (Action continued from May 16, 2000.) NOTE: HF. ARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 6, 2000 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 G. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Human Svcs. funds, Art League ribbon cutting, EDC Interim Director, AWC Res. Comm., Kids Day, Martha Choe visit, Sen. Grimm visit, Hist. Soc. installation, Rotary Auction, Lome White visit H. RESOLUTIONS - Steward Street Vacation Petition - STV 00-01 - Portion of"H" Street north of 73 Resolution No. 6-00 passed 10m Street: Adopt a resolution setting a public hearing on July 5, 2000. I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Approve Amendment 2 to Extend Agreement with 77 Action 1. Agreement extension Washington State Department of Transportation approved for Right-of-Way Services 2. Appeal of Parking Variance - PKV 00-01 - 79 Action 2. Continued to June 19, 2000 Maverick Development, 116 North Albert. 3. Contract approved 3. Economic Development Council 2000 contract 117 Action 4. Surplus City property sale 127 Action 4. Approved property sale J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) None K. PUBLIC l~EARINGS - OTI:fER 1. 2001-2006 Capital Facilities Plan/Transportation 129 Action 1. Public hearing continued to Improvement Program Hearing June 19, 2000 2. Comprehensive Plan Amendments: 133 2. Public hearing continued to A. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA 00- 135 Action June 19, 2000 01 - LUND - Redesignation of property from Medium Density Residential to Commercial, 5th Street to 7th Street west of Race Street. B. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA 00- 151 Action 02 - City of Port Angeles: A proposal to amend the density for residential units in High Density Residential zones from a maximum of 43 units an acre to a "density greater than 43 units per net acre." C. Comprehensive Plan Amendment - CPA 00- 163 Action 03 - Morningview Development. Redesignation of property from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential located at the southeast comer of Lindberg Road and Golf Course Road. L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Report (Page 183) * Pavement Restoration Plan for 2000 * Draft Salmon Habitat and Ecosystem Conservation Plan - authorized Mayor to sign letter * Opinion Survey Regarding City Council Term Limits 2. Public Works & Utilities Department Monthly Report - April 2000 (Page 209) 3. Planning Commission Minutes - May 10 and 24, 2000 (Page 213 and 223) NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 6, 2000 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2 M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) - 8:50 p.m. to discuss potential litigation for approximately 15 minutes N. ADJOURNMENT [ 9:25 p.m. PUBLIC HE~NGS public input,p~r to making decisions ~ich impact the citizens. Certain matters r~y be controversial, and the CEy Councit may choose to seek publ O opinion ;through the publ~ h~dng~pr°cess. G :XCNCLPKTXAGENDA\00-0606.WPD NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK June 6, 2000 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 3