HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 07/05/1994 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON July 5, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting ii. ROLL CALL III. SPECIAL MEETING TOPICS: 1. Executive Session 2. Presentation of mobile Police unit IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION m V. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Boy Scout troop 1458, leader K.C. Carmean VII. special meeting APPROVAL OF MINUTES of June 21~regular meeting and June 28, 1994 VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Proclamation recognizing "Port of Angels" Derby Days, August 20 - 28, 1994 2. Yard of the Month - July IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: 1. Consideration ~f bid for 8th S~reet culvert repair Phase II for Peabody Creek~~ ~.~L~-~-~ 2. Award bid - Fire Hall furnishings~~W~/v~a~Q~/~~~_J 3. wastewater Treatment Plant progress payment and chg~~de~a_~ XI. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Payroll for June 19, 1994 - $356,536.45 2. Voucher list July 1, 1994 $1,727,649.04~/~ XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th~ ~ ~e opportuni~formembe~of~epubHc spec~c items on ~e agenda.) "-/tw-~-e--.-~ XlII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~g-~ ~ ". ~D( 1. ZONING CODE ~[ENDMENT - ZCA 94{05)01 - CL/LLLAM TRANSIT AUTHORITY, LI, Liqht Industrial Districts. Proposal to amend the City's zoning regulations with regard to the hei~.f~7__ radio towers in the LI, Light Industrial Districts. ~ d~ . ~ ~ ~j~_2. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA 94(06)02 - NORTH OLYMPIC LIBRARY SYSTEM, Office Commercial Districts: Proposal to amend the City's zoning regulations to allow libraries, a~ pe.r .~d uses in the OC, Office Commercial Districts. ~ . W~ ..~~ 3. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA 93(12)01 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Proposal to amend Chapter 17.70 (Planned Residential Development Chapter) as it relates to exterior se~~_~ MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda July 5, 1994 Page 2 XIII. ~GI SLATION: B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~ ~$ o7~ 1. LAPPIER ET AL ANNEXATION PETITION - ANX 93 (01)00 - Melody Lane · to Woodhaven Lane, west of Golf Course Road. Final action on amendment to annexation ordinance. ~. ,~g~D~'-2. Amendment to LID penalty ~at,e o.rd~-a,nc~ ~ ~ 3. City Pier use ordinance ~ c. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC ~ ~ Set public hearing for 6-Year Transportation Plan and Capital . Finance Plan ~~ D. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS:~-~ Planning Commission minutes of June 8, 1994: SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT - SMA 94{07)142 - DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, North of Ediz Hook: Request approval of a permit to allow an unconfined open-water dredge ~~l~si~t~. E. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Request appr~v.al.~t,o add d~ferred compensation program for city employees 2.Request tg~ s~sgr a b/~nd issue election for new Port Angeles Library &~/~-~_~c 3. Request for ~aiver of city application fees for converting area in Pres~yt~erian Church building for periodic emergency homeless needs 4. Appoint r~Dresentative(s) to Pubic H~alth and Safety Qom~.unity \ Networks steerin co ittee Board 5. Contract with AMSCO Engineering for preventive ma~ntenance~~t~_~ 6. Three month extension of EWS recycling contract~FL~_~ 7. Public Works Trust Fund sidewalk restoration pro~e6t XIV. ADJOURNMENT ~'? Z~ /,0'} Public Hearings Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meat legal requirements pertaining to matters such as, land use permit applications, proposed amendments to City land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. Public Hearino Procedure: All comments must be made at the podium after the speaker first gives his/her name and address so that comments and speaker identification become part of the record. The Mayor may indicate the amount of time available for each hearing. So that all persons have an opportunity to speak, the Mayor may limit the amount of time permitted each speaker. In making your presentation to the Council, the following format may be helpful: PURPOSE: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "1 statement" outlining your idea, such as, "1 am here to (support/oppose)..." REASON: Why are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not make assumptions about your motives. EXAMPLE: Brief and relevant example to clarify and make your point concrete. SUMMARY: What condition will be changed or improved if your point is adopted? ACTION: (If appropriate, depending on the situation). What needs to be done and who will do it?