HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 07/20/1999 pOaT tG AGENDA .ELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING w a $ h i N g T O N, U. $. a. 321 EAST FIFTH STREET July 20, 1999 REGULAR MEETING - 6:00 p.m. ACtion Taken A. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (6:00 p.m.) - 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL - All present Interview to fill vacancy on Building Code Board of Appeals - Page 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Mayor Braun CEREMONIAL MATTERS & Employees honored for over 71 PROCLAMATIONS years of experience collectively Retirement proclamations in recognition of 5 Ralph Ellsworth, Gary Holbrook, and Rick O'Connor B. WORK SESSION Status report submitted on Elwha Tony Williams, Slade Gorton's Chief of Staff, to Dam removal legislation discuss local issues C. LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDA~ (By Council, Staff or Public) AND PUBLIC COMMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to the City Council about anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) Travel request for Finance Dept. added to Consent Agenda D. FINANCE 1. Parametrix contract of monitoring and 9 Action 1. Amendment to contract landfill cover design approved 2. John Reed - "P.A. Youth Center" concept 15 Info 2. Presentation made - no action 3. Final acceptance for Fourth Street 17 Action 3. Approved Reconstruction [Project 97-06.09] 4. Approved 4. Final acceptance for Pine Street Extension 19 Action retaining wall [Project 97-06.10] E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Council minutes of July 6, 1999 21 Action Consent Agenda accepted 2. Check list-July 14, 1999-$1,496,490.10 27 3. Agreement with County for Household 61 Hazardous Waste Amnesty Day 4. Travel request for Finance Department NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK July 20, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 1 eag F. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Rental Assn. mtg., NW High Tcch Career Exposition, trestle dedication, United Way survey of community health, OAPCA budget, ONP mtg., community service workers, approval of letter to be sent to Sid Morrison re. Hwy. 101 repairs needed G. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS H. RESOLUTIONS I. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 1. Appointment to Building Code Board of 63 Action 1. Appointed Steve Anderson Appeals 2. Progress report from EDC, Bart Phillips - Info 2. Report submitted - no action verbal 65 Info 3. Report on status of Carnegie Library 3. Authorized RFP for Phase II restoration 67 Info Restoration - staff to prepare 4. Noxious weed presentation - Cathy Lucero 69 Action pro's & con's of National 5. Food Bank Lease 77 Action Registry listing 6. Acceptance of leachate from Shotwell 4. Report submitted - no action landfill 5. Lease approved 6. Tabled pending staff preparation of ordinance J. PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) K. PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER 6-Year Transportation Improvement Plan [TIP] 83 Action Resolution No. 13-99 passed and Capital Facilities Plan [CFP] · Approval of Resolution adopting 6-Year TIP L. INFORMATION 1. City Manager's Report (Page 89) - reevaluation of Lockbox, retirements, future Council agenda items 2. Mid-Year Budget Status Report (Page 91) 3. Parks & Recreation Department Monthly Report - June 1999 (Page 113) 4. Police Department Monthly Report - June 1999 (Page 129) 5. Planning Department Monthly Report - June 1999 (Page 143) 6. Public Works & Utilities Department Monthly Report - June 1999 (Page 145) 7. Fire Department Monthly Report - June 1999 (Page 149) M. EXECUTIVE SESSION (As needed and determined by City Attorney) 9:35 p.m. for 20 minutes - labor negotiations and litigation N. ADJOURNMENT- approx. 10:00 p.m. [ I [ NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK July 20, 1999 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2