HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 07/21/1998 AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON July 21, 1998 - REGULAR MEETING - 5:30 p.m. ..'~"" :":'~ :::":"':'~!A~NOA~ITEB ::: Fim:':::~Action:? ! Action Taken ' ' ~' ' ;Page. ....... '~, ,' ,t .i" ,,,, ! . CALL TO O~IDER - Reg01ar Meeting (5:30 p.m.) ~, r~ ,~,~. IV CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS~ ' No~e. ~ ,'~ '~_. ~~'~. _~"~ ~.~ ~, , V .WORK SESSION ' ,':, None '" vt', AP 'R0vALoFM NUTESofJu y7,1998regu ar meeting: , ''~ //~/X_t~/~, - i--I 'VII' 'LATE ITEMS'TO BE pLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS (By Council, Staffer Public) AND PUBLIC cI~MMENT FOR ITEMS NOT ON AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to speak to ~he City Counc# abou~ anything not on the agenda, please keep comments to 5-10 minutes.) ¥111 FINANCE: /~, A'. Advertise for Fire I~ngine Bids 9 Action :., B; ~ward Bic{s .for. La. n.d.fill' Cell #3 expansion 11 Action 'C. "Final aqcepta~ce arid payment for high school 13 Action~) ~ :-.' sideWalk project D. Amendment to contract with HLA Inc. for Airport 15 Action Road Realignme.~nt .project ' B. 'P~yroll - July 12, '1998 - $361,887.17 29 C. Check list - July 17, 1998 - $582,833.85 X CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS None A Senior Discount Income Level Adjustments $9 Action B. Adoption of new construction codes and fees 6t Action Xll RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC None HEARINGS XlII PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES None XlV OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ~,,. A. Alteration of subdivision - SHP 78(2)8 67 Action B. Consideration of acceptance of solid waste frOmjefferson County 71 Action ~' ~ ~~A.__ C. Amendment to PUD Wholesale Water Contact 73 Action D. Interlocal Agreement with Transit and Downtown 77 Action &. ~' t"'~ ~ . . I~., Association for Port Angeles International Gate- way Transportation Center E. Amendment to Industrial Water Supply contract 83 _ Action F,_,, - NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FC MAYOR TO DETERMINE TIME QF BREAK ~ul¥ 21, ]998 Port Angeles City Coundl Meeting Page - (7:00 P.M. or soon thereafter) A. REZONE APPLICATION - REZ 98-04 -OLYMPIC Action MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, between Georgiana and Caroline adjacent to Chambers Street: Request to rezone property designated CO. Commercial~.i ..Office, tp. PBP, Public Buildings and Parks.. I~,' · '1~. 'REZONE APPLICATION - REZ.98-03, NORTH- Action ,...,,, ~ j .'_ ~ · "WEST PERMIT, Ninth Street between L~ncoln and ' Laurel Street: Request to rezoneproperty ~. ~ designated RS-7, Residential Single Family, to CSD, Community Shopping District. :,, XVl PUBLIC H,.ARiNGS '"OTHER A. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98-02- Action OLYMPIC MEMORIAL HOSPITAL: A portion of the alley between Georgiana and Caroline directly west o.f Chambers. B. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 98-O1 Action NORTHWEST PERMIT: A portion of the 8thl9th Street alley between Lincoln and Laurel Streets: A proposal to vacate right-of-way. C. RALSTON SHORT PLAT APPEAL Action D. 6-YEAR TRANSPORTAT4ON IMPROVEMENT Action PLAN AND 6-YEAR ,CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN E. Allocation of federal grant funds for School · Re'sourCe Officer program` ~,ehicle Action XVII EXECUTIVE sEsSIoN (As needed and determined by City Attorney) XVlII ADJOURNMENT' Action XIX INFORMATION: A. Letter from Ecology providing extension of time for completing Elwha Water Right (Pg 323)"' B. ~otificatiOn that Doyle McGinley [Public Works -Water] received Water Distribution Manag C ~ Parks &-Recreation Monthly Reports for May & June 1998 (327) D:. Public Works Monthly Report for June 1998 (357) " E;' ,- Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Meeting Minutes - May 21,1998 (361) F Draft UtilityAdvisor~Committee Minutes - July 6, 1998 (365) G. District'=C0ttrt Caseload - Cumulative Status Report for 2nd Quarter 1998 (369) H. Museum of Clallam County Historical Society Report - 2nd Quarter, 1998 (371) I. Clallam County EDC Financial Report - 2nd Quarter, 1998 (375) J. Parks & Recreation Lodging Tax funding - Second Quarter report (3'81) PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearings am .~t by the City Cou~'l ~ ord.'to m~t le~l r~luirements pa~ining to mattem such as, land u~e p~rmit appli~tions, propo~l amendments to City:land use regulations, zoning changes, annexations. In addition, the City Council may set a public hearing in order to receive public Input prior to making decisions which impact the citizens. Certain matters may be controversial, and the City Council may choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process. , .- C:~980721.WPD ~ ' ' NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE MAYQR TQ DI~TERMINE TIME OF BREAK July 2 I, 1998 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page - 2