HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 08/06/1996 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON August 6, 1996 REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER .~'.CXa /cv, vrc, IV. APPROV~~ES of July 16, 1996 ~gular meefihg V. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Yard of the Month - August VI. FINANCE: None VII. CONSENT: 1. Payment #2- Lakeside -VBMCC/City Hall parking lot expansion 2. Payroll July 14, 1996 - $387,192.17 and Payroll July 28, 1996 - $365,457.34 3. Voucher list - August 2, 1996 - $1,476,897.35 vm. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the oppoL, tunity for members of the public, to request to speak to jpecific items on the agenda.)LT? '~ ~_~_;(~Z~ ~g.c~_~k - A,~c~-~..tQ._K~_ d-o ~'~2L~_ IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~,~, ~,9~1. STREET VACATION PETITION- STV 96(06)02- ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Portion of an alley in Grant's Addition, east of Peabody sJ, reet and south of Park Avenue: Request for vacation of a portion of City right-of-way ~.2k~. 2. APPEAL OF A CONDITION OF PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR A SHORT PLAT, SHP 96(03)03 CUNNINGHAM, Northeast comer of Grant and Race Streets: Al~peal of a condition requiting improvement to Grant and Race Streets ~_~-Oc d._ dv ~-' ,-.20 3. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96(08)07 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES,  City-wide: A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code _& to clarify the definition of a single-family residence in regard to manufactured homes. ' (Items 3 and 4 will be heard together at the July 24 meeting) ~,gq,~ 4. MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - MCA 96(08)08 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, A proposal to amend Chapter 17 (Zoning) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code City-wide: to make residential uses a conditional use in the CO, Commercial Office zone. / MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TI/VIE OF BREAK City Council Agenda August 6, 1996 Page 2 X. LEGISLATION: A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: . ]%/_ ~& 1. Resolution desi.g~ating American !~aFrance as sole supplier of replacement fire 5~._~3 track ladder ~$. 2. STREET VACATION PETITION - ~IONSTONE - STy 96(08)04, Portion of ,~SP~--' /~-/~p_ ~/4~ ~ 3. STREET VACATION PEI1 lIUr~- a~v ~,RS~-~F)' ( )'~7 ' ' Center Streetinlllin°is-A-d-'di~ti°'0-'n" ~m~" ~2'S6~TV629~08 05 Port,on of Vine -/k~,3, Street between Whidby and Vashon Streets C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: Planning Commission minutes - June 26, 1996.~ Planning Commission minutes - July 10, 1996: STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 96(06)02 - ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH: Request for vacation of a portion of an alley abutting Block 25, Grant's Addition, south of Park Avenue, east of Peabody Street Planning Commission minutes - July 24, 1996: 1. SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 96(06)158 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, 439 Marine Drive: A request for a permit to allow the filling of an existing pond allowing for dry land storage of raw material., and a Valley Creek estuary project in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone. 2. SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 96(08)'159 - PORT OF PORT ANGELES, Coho Ferry Terminal, Foot of Laurel Street: A request to expand an existing ferry docl~and replace/repair a failing bulkhead in the CBD, Central Business District. D. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Presentation on Downtown Forward Planning process 2. Dergolition of building at 2nd & A~!bert S~eets (Payment of) 3. Int.~rlocal ag~ement with City o£S'equim for s'l~ared city attorney services 4. Mefiabrandum of Understanding with Fire Department and US Coast Guard Group Set~e for special meeting re: 1997 Goals/City organization structure 5. t~~~ 'C:~~ ~0;ee~m>~!r' September 10~ ~S.~id Waste issues 6. Se ~o 7. Letter to Congressional delegation re.' El% ,%~Uam~,legislat~n XI.ADJOURNMENT