HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 08/16/1994 NOTE: HE. ARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFITI STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON August 16, 1994 REGULAR MEETING - ?:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting (--- j::>, III PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE IV APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 1, 1994 special meeting; August 2, 1994 regular meeting. Augus.t 8, 1994 special meeting; August 9, 1994 special meeting V CEREMONIAL MATYERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Employee Suggestion Program Awards: Kirk Johnson, $50; Tom Kaufmann; $500 VI CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS VII FINANCE: VIII CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Final acceptance and {aayment for Landfill compost facility 2. Request to call for bids for Morse Creek trash rack 3. Voucher list - August 12, 1994 - $719,809.57 4. Payroll - July 31, 1994 - $355,810.58 IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (~is is thc opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specj.~c items on agenda.) . X LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~)A_~, .~Q.~. O~..dinance establishing charge for connection to Ediz Hook sanitary sewer 1VIAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA August 16, 1994 Page -2- C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~3. t C ~ q</1. Se~publlc hearing for consideration of vacation of City right-of-way, portion of Center Street D. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: None E. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Co!tsi ra~on ~f Tequest for prop,osgls~fpr ~Cityrwide f~xed asset appraisal ~- r~.~o,n,o~f ~'endment to Public Worl~-T?nst Fund Agreement 3. Co)~l tee [o cqnsMer re, ques, ts for hc ~l,~n~ot.el [~ax f.un~ '., 4. 'c heagin, g-,for pr~sentai, ion of; b_o.reline ~t3Ma~ter Plan _ ~unc~ .M~~ r~...~...~- ~n~[~Lu~th Violence Steering Committee 5. App~: a._ ' ~ ; , ~0, ]qq4 ',fly re~o~,mon~~ ilune 30, 1994 Pubic he~ ~e set by the Ci~ Co=~ in order to meet leg~ requ~ements pertaining to matters su~ l~d ~e pemit appfi~fions, pro~sed men~ents to Ci~ l~d ~e re~lafiom, ~g e~ge~ anne~fio~. In ad~tio~ the Ci~ Counc~ may set a pubfic he~Mg M order to receive pubic Mput prior to m~ing de~io~ wMch ~pa~ the fit~e~. Cert~n matters may be controversi~ ~d the Ci~ Co,cfi may ch~se to seek pubfic op~on t~ou~ the public he~g process. Public Hearine Pr~edur¢: ~ comments must be made at the ~um ~er the spewer f~st ~ves ~/her nme ~d ad&ess so that comments ~d spewer identifi~tion become part of the record. The Mayor ~ M~te the mo=t of Me av~able for ea~ he~Mg. So that ~I perso~ have ~ opportuM~ to s~, ~e Mayor ~it the mo=t of t~e permitted each spewer. In making yo~ presentation to the ~, ~e foHo~g format may be helpMl: PU~OSE: ~at is the idea you ~sh to present? Be~ ~th an 'I statement' outlining your idea, such ~, "I m here to (support/oppose)...~ ~SON: ~y ~e you ma~ng tMs point? TMs is ~ ~po~t step so the listener d~s not m~e ~smptions a~m yo~ motives. ~PLE: Brief and relev~t e~mple to cl~ ~d m~e yo~ ~t concrete. SUM~E' ~at condition ~1 be ch~ged or ~proved d yo~ ~Mt is adopted? A~ION: (If appropriate, dependMg on the situation). ~at needs to be done and who ~ do it?