HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 09/03/1991NOTE: SPECIAL HEARING DEV'FCE TS AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON September 3, 1991 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING ii. ROLL CALL TO EX CUTIV SESSION III. ADJOURN IV. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION '~/_~ V. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING ~c~,~L VII. Need for/5:orrect£on~to C£ty Courlc~.l m['-lSu J~.l¥ 16 and August 6, APPRO F REGULAR MEETING O~ AUGUST 20, 1991 VIII. FINANCE: 'Nbne IX. CONSENT AGENDA: Vouchers of $1,543,934.08 3~05,0~t_04 Payroll period ending 8-18-91 of $ . X. ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA: XI. LEGISLATION AGENDA: 1. Yard of the month - September 1991 "c~ ~-~.~'~9~2' Consideration of Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 2647 to change p~uri~~LID No. 211 C0~~~final~4~~ plat for City Lights 3. subdivision 4. Disdu~sion and t95T~s£deration of Senior S~rvices and Communit~.~ _~~. ~Cents project ~ 5. uiscuss~on ano consi4~eratio~/of Vern Burton Me~ria'l Community Cent, er, (VBMCC) enha~m, ents~ ~_ 7. c~~n~of Harbor .Lease ~newal 8. Cof~sideration~ to telephone tax ordinance 9. REZONE~RE~UEST - REZ 91(08)~ - OLYMPIC MEMORXAL HOSPITAL: Rezone of property from RS-7, Residential Single-Family to CC, Office Commer c ial. ( Reset , p~ublic hearing to September 17 1991) MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK Page 2 City Council Meeting September 3, 1991 10. PL,%NNING CqMMISS~ON MINUTeS.of August 28, 1991: A. PROPOSED ZONING CODE AMEIrl;MKNTS - ZCA 91(08)6 - CITY OF PORT ANOn.RS, City-wide: Day care and residential care model ordinances. (Set~Dubl%c hearing for September 17, 1991) ~~ ~~2. ~ q-/'l-ql B. Correction to Planning Co~i~on Minutes of August 14, 1991, and City Council Minutes of August 2~, 1991~ ~n Shoreline . Management Permit - SMA 91(08)120 ~~ ~O~tt~O~ XII. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORT/LATE ITEMS /D XlII. ADJOURNMENT!! ~'~'