HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 09/18/1990 NOTE: SPECIAL HEARING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON SEPTEMBER 18, 1990 7:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER '7 III ROLL CALL IV APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 V FINANCE: 1. Request for progress payment to Delhur for ~ndfill 0construction of $690,001.36; retainage to escrow $33,560.37 2. Consideration of,bi.d award for rgPf .repl. acement at City Light operations building ~ ~ ~ C~ VI CONSENT AGENDA: Vouchers of $1,749,108.63 ~~ VII ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA: VIII LEGISLATION: ¢~. PUBLIC HEARING: Planning g A. STREET VACATION REQUEST - STV .90(09)4 - Richard Grimsley, et al, ~ Portion of East Sixth Street d~U~ ~ a~ ~t. ~. Planning Commission minutes of September 12, 1990 A. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 90(09)110 - DAISHOWA AMERICAof a recycledCO', LTD.,paper MarinefacilityDrive:~t~to. allow the construction B. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 90(09)112 - DAISHOWA AMERICA C~, LTD., Marine Drive: Permit to allow construction of a 69kV substation at the Port Angeles Daishowa mill site C. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - SMA 90(09) 111 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, Marine Drive between Oak and Hill Streets: Exten- sion of Port Angeles Waterfront Trail ~.~. Request to circulate an annexation petition - KAUFMANN: Property loca. t.ed west of the c.urren, t, city limits ~ .$L~~ ~ ~.~.Request to circut/ate an annexation ~etiti~n - FREEMAN: Property located sout~ of. the curr~nt ci_ty limits ~ ~-. ~~ ~~ ~.~.Resg~u. tio, n set~i~n.~ p~bl.i¢ hearipg~for ~ftre. et .v~a_cation requ~t ~ I. PUBLIC HEARING: ~.,x~ ~.~/"~ ~ ~~O, A. REVOCATION OF PAWN S~P BUSINESS LICENSE ~.0 ~et. g,~ ;qqO, 7. Cons~derati.on o~ .offer . to purchase property located at 14 th & "I" 8. Discussion and consideration of letter ~egarding Elwha Dam removal/pro- tection of city'~ wate~ supply ~ ~~ - ~ ~ ¢3~1. 9. Considdration o~f bond prdina, nce for. ^ext. ension of interim f_inancing .~IX CI~OUNCIL~ COMMITTEE REPORTS/LATE ITEMS X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION (length of session)(possible action on Exec. Session items) ~'~- XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION ~0~. XZZ ADJOURNMENT 1 ! g~__7 MAYOR 'WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK