HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 10/06/1992NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON October 6, 1992 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING III. SPECIAL MEETING TOPICS:~/~.~.¥~.~ 1. Executive Session 2. Interview applicants for vacancy on Civil Service Commission ~--~:w~. V. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR ME__I C~ .~. VI. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Kathy Monds' Camp Fire group VII. APPROVAL OF~MINUTES of Regular Meeting of September 15, 1992 VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: 1. Proclamation recognizing Captain Michael Stenger, United States Coast Guard Air Station, Port Angeles 2. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Bernie Flores and Curt Oppelt for performing lifesaving C.P.R. on September 15, 1992 3.Proclamation recognizing October 19, 1992 as AIDS AWARENESS DAY IX. CITY COUNCI~ COMMITTE~ REPORTS X. FINANCE: Final acceptance and final payment for landfill contract 2A with DelHur Industries, Inc. ($49,272.45, plus $2,396.52 retainage) See voucher list for payment approval XI. CONSENT AGENDA:~,v~_ 1. Payroll of Septe~k~e~-~3, 1992 for $332,217.31 and of September 27, 1992 of $324,164.83 2. Voucher list of October 2, 1992 for $2,604,707.35 XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th~ ~ ~e opponunigformembemof~epublic~ request m speakm specific items on ~e agenda.) XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS:  1. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA 92(08)03 - Residential Medium ~ ~//~ Density (RMD) District: Continuation of discussion to create a new zoning district establishing a Residential Medium Density (RMD) District MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda - Page 2 October 6, 1992 XIII. LEGISLATION: (continued) A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. STREET VACATION REQUEST - STY 92(09)04 - RALSTON, Portion of the 5/6 alley and West Fifth Street: Request to vacate a portion of the 5/6 alley a~d West Fifth Street rights-of-way (Continued from 9/15/92) {-,~p~LX~{ ]~)/t~F~-'~c~ 3.Consideration of Surplus _City-owned property (Park}and Porter Streets) /,~~ ~&k~ ~~.~ ~ ~/~. B. O~IN~CES NOT ~QUIRI~G PUBLIC ~INGS: ~_~, ~ / ~ ~en~ent to "For-Hire Vehicles" ordinance C. ~SOLUTIONS ~QUIRING PUBLIC COUNT: ~d~ ~5~ ~ Consideration of Public Nuisances D. ~SOLUTIONS NOT ~QUIRING PUBLIC HE~INGS: ~. ~7~ ~.~ Resolution in support of local industry /~. E. PLANING CO~ISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: Planning Co~ission minutes of Septe~er 23, 1992: F. OTHER CONSIDE~TIONS: 1. Ap~int me~er ~o Civil. Service Co~ission 2. e~r~n~um ~; Understa~di~ with County on address system 3. Sal6 ~of City .property to Diversified Industries 4. h~ro~nt to accop~ ~ro~B ~ana~m~nt ~ct {~) fund~ for 5. Fir~S~ion architect agreement with Robert Nixon Ass~iates 6. Ter~ihation of Ener~ Smart Design agreement with Public Uti%ity Distr~ct (P~) 7. Re~e~t by Serenity House for City's participation in ~vergreen F~ily Center project by waiving of fees re~ired by City during Gonstruction procgss. con? '