HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 10/15/1991 NOTE: SPECIAL HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON October 15, 1991 EXECUTIVE SESSION - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO O~ER &--~ __ iii.~Jou~ TO EXECUTIVE SESSION 6~~ p'~. IV. =TU~ TO OPEN SESSION ~--' V. C~L TO ODER - ~GU~ ~ETING -- VI. PLEDGE OF ~LEGI~CE - Led by ~er Pittis' C~p Fire ~roup and Special Meeting of October 8, 1991 VIII. CE~MONI5 ~TTERS/PROC~TIONS: 1. Proolmation roco~nizin~ AIDS AW~NESS DAY on October 19, 1991 2.Proclmation r~cognizing ~D RIBBON ~EK from October 19 through October 27, 1991 IX. CITY COUNCIL CO~ITTEE ~PORTS XI. CON~ENT AGENDA: 1. Concept A~inistrators: Health Claims for Au~st of $52,796.79 and 2. Vouchers of $2,037,920.18 3. Payroll of 9-29-91 of $285,733.69 XlI. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE~CO, OIL~STAFF TO BE CONSID~D OR P~CED ON A F~T~ A~ENDA (~is is the op~niU for membe~ of the public to ~est to spe~ to specific items on the a~n~.) XI I I. LEGI SLAT ION A. PUBLIC HE~INGS: d ~ ' _Q /~ ~ ~. _ .'~ 1. Third & ~ourth ~treot LID ~~ ~ ~t 2. Appeals of Conditional Use Pemit - CUP 9~9}16 - Por~ ~o Anqeles Hiqh School: Ap~als (3) of a conditional use /~D ~, ~it to allow tennis courts and related parking ~/'~ m ~, facilities in a residential single-f~ily district.-~~ ~~'~ ~ ~' O~IN~CES NOT ~QUIRING PUBLIC ~INGS: None. - 1. Resolution ~ending City Council's Rules of Procedure _9~ ~. a.~o~tson =..o~~.eh~ a~e~e ~mpace~ ~ ~~ ~itiative 559. , ~~ . · ~ ~ ~ - City Council Meeting October 15, 1991 Page 2 D. PLANING CO~ISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: ~~ Minutes of Meeting of October 9, 1991: 1. PLANNED ~SIDENTI~ DE~LOP~NT - Pm 91(07)02 - OLYMPIC ESTATES, Eckard/Wabash Streets: Proposal to develop a Planned Residential Developm~t of fou~ single-f~ily residences on 1.5 acres. 2. SHO~LINE MANAGE~NT PE~IT - S~ 91(10)123 - BRITISH PETROLEUM, Ediz Hook: Re~est for a permit to allow the placement of up to 15 piling, 4 - 5 brace piling and 4 ti~er whalers to an existing concrete/steel mooring dolphin. E. OTHER CONSIDE~TIONS: 1 Fis~ and~Progr~ proposed ~en~eDts to the ~PPC · Letter to ~PPC regarding 2. A~nce of interagency~~'~ ~ ~ agreement between DCD and local jurisdiction to provide latter its proportionate share of Border Towns Progr~ ~und%ng for July 1,.1991 through June 30, 3. Security anU City Pier ~~~1~ ~ 4. Innovative Housing~o~itteeReport (Set p~li= hearing for 6. Governor's Interagency Tier Task Force - Designation of Port Angeles as At Risk_ ---~ - _-_ xiv.