HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 10/16/1990 NOTE: SPECIAL HEARING DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I CALL TO ORDER - SPECIAL MEETING II INTERVIEW OF CANDIDATES FOR THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT VACANCY: Barbara Kaufmann 6:00 P.M. Charles Turner 6:15 P.M. Carl A. Carlson 6:30 P.M. Fran Burch 6:45 P.M. III CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING ~ ~.~. IV PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Maryann Unger's DARE students from Monroe School VI APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 2, 1990 VII FINANCE: None VIII CONSENT AGENDA: Vouchers of $ 243,422.80 Payroll of 9/30/90 of $259,607.85 IX ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL/AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED/PLACED ON THE AGENDA: X LEGISLATION: 1. Proclamations: A. National Red Ribbon Campaign October 20-28, 1990 B. Indian Education Week October 21-27, 1990 C. Venture Week October 21-27, 1990 2. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Consideration of Initiative 547 - relating to Growth Management Act of 1990  3. Consideration of a resolution endQrsing the Growth Management Act of _ ~ 1990 and opposing Initiative 547 ~-~~ ~. 4. Consideration of a resolution establishing a multi-year regional planning ~_~ strategy for implementin~ the Growth Management Act (GMA) 5. Consideration of a ~a~-~n establishing a Growth Management Fund ~,~:~, for administration of State grant funds used in planning as mandated ~/~ by the Growth Management Act ~ 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. STREET VACATION REQUEST - STV 90(09)04 - Richard Grimsley, et al., 0 Portion of East Sixth Street: Consideration of a request to vacate that portion of East Sixth Street abutting Lot 10, Block 189, Lots ~/~ 17 & 18, Block 190, Lot 1 & the east 30 feet of Lot 2, Block 211, B. STREET REQUEST - STV 90(09)05 - Winters, East Second Street: Consideration of a request to vacate that portion of East Second Street abutting Lots 1-8, Block 117, F.G. Richards Subdivision, alon~ ~with the ~outhern~portion of Suburban Lot 13, TPA C. STREET VACATION REQUEST - STV 90(10)06~- Chartraw, Euclid Street: Consideration of a request to vacate that portion of Euclid Street , ~o abutting Lot 1, Block 8, Penns¥!vania Park Addition~to TPA D~7~c_Planning [~mmission minutes of ~qc~ber 1~, 1990: ~~ ~?~'v~ A. APPEAL OF SHORT PLAT DECISION - ~SHP 90(07)90 - Har' ~--t, 2600 Block B. REQUEST TO CIRCULATE AN ANNEXATION PETITION - Freeman: Request to circulate an annexation petition for property located south of the current city limits ~~ MAYOR WILL DETERMINE TIME OF BREAK CONTINUED Page two City Council Agenda October 16, 1990 X LEGISLATION: ( cont. ) ~&/~. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Cons~ of a revision to Flood Plain Management Ordinance 9. Consideration of _interpretation of park, View Vill b, uffe,r co~ditions~/: 10. C~rtificatioq of,~O9~o~ty Tax L~vy ~ /~~ ~ 11. Se~gct~o9 9f-~9~t~o fill vacancy on the Board of Adjustment Con's'ideration of an amen~,ent to the Off-Street Parking Ordinance 12. 14. Requ~st~to schedule ~ UAC_(Util~ty A~sory Co~ittee) meeting XIV ADJOUR~ENT ] ] 1~ //~ The Port.les Counctl- / ...... TALK TO YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS Council mem~rs w~t to he~ from ~e ~ople ~ey ~e elected to represent - YOU. Let them know how you feel a~ut issues ~fore ~em. After all, it's yo~ home town. WHEN CAN I TALK TO THE CITY COUNCIL? AT CO~CIL MEET~GS (held ~e first and ~ird Tues~y is a phone call. Just ~11 at a re~onable hour, identify yom- night of eveu mon~): self, ~d ex~ess yo~ concerns. You shoed be aw~e, how- ever, ~at certain matters, such as rezones and l~d use per- 1. After the Consent Agenda, the Mayor will ask the mira, c~not ~ discus~ oumide public hemngs. au~ence if anyone w~hes ~ ad,em the Council. If yo~ issue is not flready on the agent, go to ~e podium, state ~ayor Joan Sargent 451-9181 yo~ nme ~d M~ess, ~d ~11 ~e Council what you would Jerry Cornell 451-4549 like to discuss. The Council will decide when to ad,ess Jta ~allett 451-769~ your issue - ~en, later that night, or at ano~er meeting. ~ke Bemon 452-939~ Larry ~choIson 457-4826 2. PUBLIC HEAR~GS Prosper Ostrovsk~ 651-3668 There are sp~ial rules that apply to ~ at Dfck ~Xght ~52-8823 Council meetings. In these hemngs, ~e Council's role is l~e a judge's and yo~ commenm ~e considered testi- * You c~ l~ve a message at City H~I. C~I ~e City M~- mony. It is g~ m have yo~ thoughm gathered so the ager's Office at 457-~11, ext. 101. Council gets yo~ message cl~ly. · You can ~ways write Council members at City Hall, 321 Cer~in matters, such as rezones and land use permit, ~st Fifth, P. O. Box 1150, Pon Angeles, WA 98362. cannot ~ discussed ou~ide public hearings. This is to ~ s~e boih sides have equal opportunity m sp~. Pub- lic comment is limit~ to the ~ri~ that the Mayor opens ~OW TO PLACE AN ~EM for ~e public h~ng. So when ~e Mayor closes ~e h~- ON THE COUNCIL'S AGENDA ing, you may not have ~e opportunity to spe~ ag~n. You can contact the City Manager's Office ~d ask to be put on the agenda (457-~11, ext. 101). ~e agen~ is ~e list of is- 3. ~ you have s~e~g ~ my a~ut a ~pic ~ing d~d sues to ~ acted upon at each semi-monthly meeting. during the meeting, ~d it is not ad~es~d in ~e public he~g press demfib~ a~ve, pl~e wait ~fil ~e br~ Bear in mind ~ere me time cons~ints. You must cfll by noon or after the m~fing to discuss it wi~ a Councilmember. ~ the Wednes~y before ~e Council. meeting m get on ~e next agenda. This is to provide adequate time for the stuff to prep~e ~r ~, ~e m~fing is a bus~ m~fing ~d time is lira- and get the info~afion to the CounBil members to study ~fore ired. Gene~ly s~ing, public comment at the meetings ~ch m~ting. is limit~ to when ~e Mayor calls for public comment or at public h~ings. You'll n~ to provide a brief w~tten back~ound of ~e issue you wish ~e Council to consider:' Yo~ ~tten ~fomafion is OUTS~E CO~C~ MEET~GS n~ded by n~n ~e Ffi~y ~fore ~e m~fing.