HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 11/15/1994 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON November 15, 1994 REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Campfire group, Leader S. Bruch IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of regular meeting of November 1, 1994 (Page 003 - V. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: None (Page 015) VI. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: VII. FINANCE: Final payme~ttand acceptance of Ediz Hook Waterfront Trail, forcemain and roadway paving Project 91-16, 92-11 and 92-24. (Page 019 - 024) 1. Request to advertise for proposals to performaerial mapping of the city. (Page 028) 2. Declare contract #CL94-4 with Olympic Electric complete for Peninsula College primary cable replacement (Page 030) 3. Voucher list - November 10, 1994 - $452,749.98 (Page 032 -051) 4. P~yroll - November 6, 1994 ~ $335,681.~9.(Page 052). IX. ITEMS FR~ THE ~UDI~NCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED O~LACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (~h~ ~ ~e oppormni~formembemof~epublicm request spec~citems on ~eagenda.) X. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS:  STREET VACATION PETITION - HECKMAN - STV 94(10)06, Hancock/Foqarty · alley: Petition to vacate a portion of the Hancock/Fogarty alley west of~herry Street. (From November 1, 1994 meeting.) (Page 056 - 060) C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~./ 1. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 94(12)09KEY - Portions of Maud . c~]- ~ and Frank Street and the alley, in Block 11~ Ione and Helen Streets abuttinq Blocks 11 and 12, Frederick's Addition to Port Anqeles. (Page 062 -065) ~ STREET VACATION PETITION - STY 94(12)10 - PETERSEN, Portion of . c~Q-~ 2. the~5/6 alley in,Suburban Lot 34 (Page 066 -069) Planning Commission minutes - September 14, 1994: APPEAL OF DENIAL OF A BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT- BLORE: (Continued from November 1, i 94 ) (Page.~70~) ~ ~i~ NAYOR WILL DETERNINE TINE OF BREA~ CITY COUNCIl, NOVENBER 15, 1994 PA(~E 2 X. LEC. T SLATION: E. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: ~, ~. Letter from U.S. Department of the Interior requesting selection of representative(s) from City Council to attend meeting on Tuesday, November 1~ 1994, re: Elwha Rive= R~st,orat, ion ~ro~ect. (Page 072) ~~ ~. ,2~. ~equest City Council authorization to ~ign amendment to Block Gr~u~ing rehab project. (Page 074 -079) 3. Req~eS~ apprQval of trip,to Japan in .Spri~ 1995 (Page 080 0 ~on~£deration of ~'~c¥cling contract extension with Env~ronmenta~ ~aste (Page 0~ - 0e~) 6. Meet~g with Clall~ ~ounty. Co~issioner6 r~ Gro~h Management (Page 092)~~C ~, 7. Reco~endation to sign agreement for Police Department remQdeling project (Page 094 -108) :~ ~ .... ::~: ,ublic ~rinqs Public h~ngs are set by the C~ Council in order to m~t leg~ r~uirements ~ining to ma~ers such as, land use perm~ appli~tions, propos~ amendments to C~ land use regulations, zoning changes, anne~tions. In add,ion, the C~ Council may set a public h~ring in o~er to r~eNe pu~ic inp~ pdor to making decisions which im~ct the cEizens. Ce~in maxem ~y ~ controvemial, and the C~ ~uncil may choose to seek public opinion through the public h~ring process. Public H~rinq Proc~um: ~1 comme~s must ~ ~de at the p~ium a~er the spiker first gNes his/her name and address so that comments and s~ker identEi~tion ~come indi~te the amount of time available for ~ch h~dng. So t~t all ~rsons ~ve an oppo~un~ to s~k, the Mayor ~ lim~ the amount of time pe~ ~ch spiker. In making your pmsen~tion to the Council, the following format may be help~l: PURPOSE: What is the id~ you wish to presenO Begin w~h an "1 s~teme~" o~lining your id~, such as, "1 am here to (suprA/oppose)..." R~SON: Why are you making this poi~ This is an impo~nt step so the li~ener does not make assumptions abo~ your motNes. E~PLE: Brim a~ relevant e~mple to clar~ and ~ke your ~i~ ~ncrete. SUMM~Y: What condEion will be chang~ or improv~ E your point is adoptS? ACTION: (If appropriate, depending on the sEuation). What ne~s to be done and who will do