HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 12/05/1995 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON December 5, 1995 REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER "-'f v,~ fi, II. ROLL CALL ~ III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by IV. APPRO~UTES of regular meeting - N~vember 21, 1995 V. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PRO~TIONS. None VI. FINANCE: VII. CONSENT: 1. Voucher list - D~,ember 1, 1995 - $2.551.194/31 2. fitj~a~o~..~N~ovember 19, 1995 - $352,717.64 'VIII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agendt~ ) IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS: City of Port Angeles 1996 Budget X. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: XI. LEGISLATION: A. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~:J., o?qDO 1. Revising local limits for City Industrial Pretreatment Program~d, 2. Rezoning property in the city in compliance with the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan~ is from. November ,~, 1995.) B. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC I:I'EARINGS:_ 1. Providing for informal bicidins and small works_roster 2. Delegating authority to enter into comracts MAYOR WII J. DETERMINE 'lIME OF BREAK City Council Agenda December 5, 1995 Page 2 XI. LEGISLATION: C. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: October 25, 1995 minutes: Revised Planning Commission minutes of November 8, 1995: 1. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - K-PLY, SMA 95(11)152, 439 Marine Drive: A request to replace a existing timber log slide with a mechanical steel rail and cable-driven carriage system in the IH, Industrial Heavy zone. 2. SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, SMA 95(10)153, Ediz Hook: A proposal for a shoreline substantial ~evelopment permit to allow the removal of an underground storage tank in the IH, ~ Industrial Heavy zone. CON~?~"ERATION'~'~c~'~-~to ~: ~ D. OTHER 1. Student appointment to Law Enforcement Adviso^ry Board 2. Reappointments to Utility Advisory Committee ~o~ ~.~~/~0,__ 3. Council member for solid waste consultant selection review team/__~t_ ~ .',/~,._~& .c/ 4. Interlocal agreement for Growth Manage~nent Funds 1995-1997 Public Hoarin0s Public hoarin0s am set by the Gity Goun¢il in order to m~t I~al r~Cluir, ments portainin9 to matters such [~rrnit apl~ications, propoa~cl amondmenta to ~ land uae m0ulationa, zonin9 changes, annexations. In addition, the t2~ Council may sot a puhlie hoarin0 in ord~r to raeeive public input prior to ruskin9 doeiaions which impact the citizens. C~nain mattom mag bo eontrovomial, and the Oht Gouneil may choo~ to s~k public opinion throu0h the public h~arin0 Public Hoarin[t Procodum: All commonts must I~ marlo at tho Ix~dium a~tor tho al~mkor first 0iv~ his/hot namo and addroas so that ¢ommonts and spoakor idontification I:~eomo part o~ tho rt~a:wd. Tho bla¥or malt indieato tho amount o~ time availablo for oath hoaring. $o that all I~raona havo an opportunity to timo pormittod ~ach spoaker. In makin§ your pro~ntation to the C, ouncil, tho ~ollowin9 format may I~ h~p~ul: PLtB/~$~: What is tho idea you wish to pro~nt? Be0in with an '1 atatemont' outlinin9 your idea, such aa, '1 am ham to (aupport/opposo)..." I~£.A$ON: ~Nh¥ am you makin0 this point? This ia an important atop aa tho Iistenor do~a not make assumptions about your mothtoa. EXAMP/.~: Briar and r~lovant ~¢amplo to clari~y and mako your Ix~int concrete. $t. IMMABY: What condition will bo changod or impro¥od ff your point ia adopted? A¢TION: (1! appropriato, dol~ndin0 on tho situation). What n~n~cls to bo done and who will do it?