HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 12/06/1994 NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON December 6, 1994 SPECIAL MEETING - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting II. ROLL CALL ~ III. SPECIAL MEETING: 1. Interview candidates for vacancy on Board of Adjustment (Page 3 - 6) 2. Executive session iv. ~T~ TO OPEN SESSION ~.a_~ ~.~. V. pCL~DLGETOoORDERE~ Recg~ 1 ar. _M~ee~t ~.ng,__p?.~O.. ~_ .~ h'~ .p _ VII. APPROVAL OF~INUT~S of regular meeting of November 15, and special me~ing of Ngvember 29, 1994 (Page 009 - 019) VIII. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: None IX. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS X. FINANCE: 1. Final payment and ~acceptance of sidewalk project no. 94-03 (Page 2. Consideration of ~c6ntract With Brown and Caldwell for engineering services on Out fall Extension Study, compost facility, silvaculture plannin~and plant op~eration and permit assistance' (Page 033 - 046) ~[~C~ ~ 1. Voucher list , 1994 - $2,433,744.74 (Page 049 - 080) 2. Payroll - November 20, 1994 - $348,540.64 (Page 081) XII. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (This is the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) XIII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ~. j¢q~ 1. STREET VACATION PETITION - SAFEWA~ - S~ 94~1~)0S, ro~rt'h Street between Lincoln and Laurel: Petition to vacate a portion of r~ght-~f-way. (~age 055 - 151) 2. STHE~.{ VACATION PETITION - SHILLINGTON - STV 94(10)07g "A" Street north of Fourth Street: Petition to vacate a portion of righ~o~f.~w~ayt (P,ge .153 - 184) 3. ZONINGCQODE AMENDMENTS TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Page 185 - 18~) City Council Agenda December 6, 1994 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: 4. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA'94(11)06 - CITY OF PORT ANGELES: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to allow the inclusion of regulations allowing the use of, and defining the use of, zoning lot covenants. (Page 187 - 202) 5.MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT - COMPLIANCE WITH SEPA,_etc. (Page B. O I ANCES NOT REQUI ING PUBLIC ~, ~~ Revision of~att~go ordin~nc~ (Page 213 - 218) C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING 'PUBLIC REARINGS: ~. Resolution recognizing need for ~rson task force (Page 219) Planning Commission minutes - November~9 (Page 221 - 232) & November 16, 1994 (Page 233 252) 1. Appointment to Board of Adjustment ~~ 2. Award of bids for su~plused b~ntonite and wastewater d~keatment tanks (Page 256) 3. Continuation of lea-a~ with ~ort of Port Angeles for Railroad Avenue right-of-way (Cqntinued from November 1, 19~94.)(Page 4. Presentation ob'Multi-Modal Action Plan (Page 262)L~%en~t ~'~ ~- h~ 5. Modification of Peninsula Communications contract betwe city of Port Angeles and Cl~llam County (Page 264 - 268) xiv. ~ubli¢ I.-Ioarin~s Public hoarin~ls am sot by tho C~ l~ouncil in ordor to moot lo,Iai r~uimmonts portainin~l to mattors such as, land uso pormit applications, proposod amondmonts to G~ land uso ro~iulations, ~'onin~l chan~los, annoxations. In addition, tho ~t~ Ooun¢il may sot a pulpit h~arin~l in ordor to rocoivo public input prior to makin[I docisions which impact th~ dtizons. Gortain mattors may b~ contro¥orsial, and tho Oit¥ Gouncil may chooss to sook pulpit opinion throu~lh tho public boating ubli¢ I-Ioarinq Pro¢ um: ^Il ¢ommont rnuat bo roads at podium a tor a kor irat [lht0a nam~ and address so that commonts and sl~akor idont~ication I:~¢omo part si th~ record, lbo Mayor indicato tho amount of tiros aYailablo [or oath hoarin~l. So that all porsons hays an opportunity to spoak, tho Mayor trm¥ limit tho amount of tiros pormittod oach spoakor. In makin~l your prosontation to tho Goun¢il, tho followin~l t~ormat mag bo holp~ul: PUBRO$£: What is tho idoa you wish to prosont?. Bo~tin with an "1 stat~mont" outlinin~l your ids,a, such "1 am hors to (support/opposo)..." ~£A$ON: Why am you makin~l this point'?, lhis is an important stop so tho listonor doss not mako assumptions about your motivos. £XAMP££: Briof and roloYant oxamplo to clar~ and mako your point toner,to. $UMMAB¥: What condition will bo chan~iod or impro¥od ~f your point is adoptod? A¢TION: {If appropriato, dopondin~l on tho situation). What hoods to bo dons and who will do it.*