HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 12/15/1992NOTE: HEARING DEVICES AVAILABLE FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STREET PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON December 15, 1002 SPECIAL MEETING - 6..00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7:00 P.M. II. ROLL CALL ~ p~,~ ~ ~c~/Z/Z~,~_ ~~?~ III. SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA ITEMS.' oQToQ~ 2. Law Enforcement Advisory Board '~ IV. CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting ~_t V. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Led by Camp Fire Group, Leader Leslie Diimmel vi. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of Regular24eeting of Decembe~ 1, 1992 and Special meeting of December 8, 1992 ~~ ~ VI I. CEREMONIAL MATTERS/PROCLAMATIONS: Presentation of official City of Port Angeles Christmas tree ornament to City Council by Port Angeles Downtown Association VIII. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS IX. FINANCE: 1. Concept Admin£stratt~rs through Nov~aber 1002 of $"/06,416.88 2. ~£re transfers for November of $343,01~.3~ 3. Vouchers of December 11, 1092 of $3,497,145.20 4. Payroll of December 6, 1992 of $351,673.22 XI. ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/STAFF TO BE CONSIDERED OR PLACED ON A FUTURE AGENDA (Th/s/s the opportunity for members of the public to request to speak to specific items on the agenda.) XII. LEGISLATION: A. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. ANNEXATION REO~EST - ANX 92t10~1 - aOCKFORD/ANDREW. Eckard Avenue: Request to annex approximately 5 acres east of Nt.~,~_~,~ Angeles Road from the Campbell/Eckard alley to the Eckard/Le£ghton alley. (Continued from December 1, 1992) 2. PARKINO VARIANCE - PKV 92(10}02 - ~ARDNER. 113 Del Guzzi Dr£~e: .~L~ Request for a reduction in the amount of parking spaces required for a restaurant in the Arterial Commercial District. K! I~%/, ~~ 3. Adopting the 1993 budget, amending the .1992 budget and establishing wages for 1993, ~.3%/~..~Z.~(~ a. Utility taxes ~0~ -- ~. ~Q~.'~ c. Fines for parking v~olations ~J~IL~.~ /h ~/C~, ~,~i~ ~ d. Police Department charges for services PROD% /% ~. <//~ _~ ~-e. vern Burton Memoria!~ ~om~,un%ty Center fee proposal ~)~j...~q f. Solid waste rates ~/A,/_~.; o~'7.~C~_ Mi%YOR WILL DETBRMTNE TIME OF BREAK g. Electric rates for IndUstrial Transmission (IT) class City Council Agenda December 15, 1992 Page 2 XI I. LEGISLATION: ( Continued) A. PUBLIC HEARINGS = B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HI?.ARINGS~ ,f)~.~,~. ,:.9_'73/ 1. ENN:rS CREEK ESTATES PLANNED RL~SlDENTIAL DEVELOPHENT - PRD 90(04~01 - Del Guz~-i Drive~ ¢~nsideration of an ordinance approving a final planned residential development and ~/~. 2. Latecome~ agreements for water, sewer, transportation systems c. HESOLUTIONS UIRI G PUBLIC ~,~M~ %/~-~Jo2 Consideration of public nuisances ~_ D. HESOLUTIONS NOT R~QUIRING ~B~~ARINGS: · _~ ~ ~/~-~ Cr£m~nal Justice ~und£ng PLANNING COI~4ISSION MTNUTES~ACT~ON ITENS~ Planning Commission minutes of November 18, 1992~ ~INAL SUBDIVTSTON APPROVAL - BAYV~EN HE~GI~S (Re~at of B~ock 6~ Green's Belle view Addition) - LBR CONSTRUC~ON~ LocaKed Golf Course Road between Third and ~ourth streets. P~anning commission minutes - meeting of December 9, 1992: ~d~-~. 1. SHOHELINE F~M~AG~M~N~ PER~IT - S~ 92(~2)~3~, C~T~ O~ ~RT ~G~L~S~ ~d~z Hook Dr~ve~ Re~es~ fo~ a ~ ~o ~o~ u~ade ~o ~he ~e~f~on~ a~ea ~nc~d~ng ~v~g, ~gn~ge ~nd u~rade ~o khe Paddle Park a~ea. Street: Re~es~ for a reduction ~n the re~ed n~er of 3. ~ZON~ ~Q~ST - ~Z 92~2J05 - ~O~. No~h~es~ co~ne~ ~2kh and ~O~ S~ree~ Re~e~ for ~ezone of ~p~ox~te~y 4~ ac~es f~om Res~den~a~ S~ng~e-~y ~o Res~den~a~ Hed~ Dens~y.