HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Summary 12/20/1994 NOTE: HF.,A~IN~ DEVTCES AVAIL~R?.~. FOR THOSE NEEDING ASSISTANCE. AGENDA PORT ANO~.~.S CITY COUNCIL 321 EAST FIFTH STP, EST POItT ANG~.wS, WASHINGTON December 20, 1994 SPECIAL MEETINO - 6:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING - 7: 00 P.M. I. C~?.?. TO ORDE~ -~pecial Meeting ~.'/~)f ~'~ II. ROT'T' C)~T'T' III. SPECT~T, HI~-~.TING TOPIC: To consider the 1995 budget iv. VI. pT.I~.DGI~. OF ~T.T.I~GI~TC VII. APPROVAL OF MTNU2~S Of December R special meeting, (Page 001 - 004) December 3 special meeting, (Page 005 - 012) December 6 regular meeting, (Page 013 - 024) and December 9, 1994 special meeting (Page - 0 9) VIII. CJIRI~ONIAL I~I~RS[PRO~T ION$: NOlq~ IX. CI~*~' COUNClT. COI.~II~qtE REPORT~ X. FINANCE: Final aj~.eptance of Was~ewater Treatment Plan Project 87-5 (Page 031 - 1. Voucher list - December 16, 1994 - $565,513.21 (Page 041 - 079) 2. Payroll - December 4, 1994 - $381,858.35 (Page 081) A XIII. ~GI S~TZON: A. P~ZC ~INGS 1. ~ND~NT TO C~PTER 15.04 oF THE PORT ~GELES ~NICIP~ CODE- ~.'' ~ ~ ~7 ~en~ent to Chapter 15 (Enviro~ent) of the P~C for 2. URB~ SERVICES O~IN~CE ~D COMP~NSI~ P~ ~~NT PROCESS O~IN~CE - Review of the City' s. development re~lations and ~eme~t~t~on ~f the Comprehensive Plan. (Page 0~ - x0s) ~. o~.~c~s .~ =9U~N~ ~c ~~s~ 1. ZONING O~IN~CE ~~NT - ZCA 94(11)06 - CITY OF PORT ~GELES: ~en~ent to the Zoning Ordinance to allow the ~ ~~ ~.~~ inclusion of regulations allowing the use of, and defining the use of, zoning lot~covenants. (From Dece~er 6, 1994 meeting. ) (Page 109 - 112) ~-- ~. ~ ~YOR WI~ DE~I~ TI~ OF City Council Agenda December 20, 1994 Page 2 XIII. LEGISLATION: B. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS~ (cunning_ed) 2. Adoption of 1995 budget (Page - 116) 3. Adoption of Senior Ser~ce.s &..Community Cente~r Maifr~enance Fund (Page - 118) 4. ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT~ TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Page 119 - 122) ~~~_~ C. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC 1. Resolution authorizing receipt and execution of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Enhancement Funds on behalf of Serenity House of Clalla~.Cou~ty. for the Evergreen Village Project. (Page 123 - 128)~ . 2. Resolution authorizing receipt and ~xecution ~f--~ommunity ~ m ~--'~ ~ Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Enhancement Funds on · behalf of Healthy Families of ~ll_am Country for the Rose House Project. (Page 129 - 3. ST ET VACATIO P .TITIO, - 95(01)01 - Portion of "P" Street: Request for vacation of City right-of-way located at Eighteenth and "P" Streets. (Page 135 - 138~~ D. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES/ACTION ITEMS: 1. Planning g~.~mmission minutes - November 30, 1994. (Page 139 - 2. Planning~Commiss~on mfn~tes December 14, 1994: (Page 155 - 170) E. OTI~R CONSII~.RA~IONS: 1. Letter to Governor Lowry requesting recreat~o~a!.' salmon _ -.~ fishing in Port Mgeles in 1995 (Page 171 - 172~:i~"~-t-.~~''~-~ 2. Appoint representative from City Council to serve on the Humar~ Services Coordinating Council through 1995 (Page 173 - 174)~-~ 3. Intergovernmental collaborative review process f~r review of major transportation projects (Page 175 - 178)~ 4. 1995 agreement with Humane Society (Page 179 - lg0~&.d~A~ 5. 1995 agreement for~e,gal publications and retail adve~sing (Page 181 - 184) ~ 6. Extens~_on ~f old Cit~ ~all earnest money agreement (Page 185 - 186 ) ~ 7. Mayor.Sa~_ent' s deleg~ appointment to White House Conference on Aging-b~ Governor Mike Lowry (Page 187 - 190) t/ ~ubli¢ I-'l~arincls I~uBli¢ hoarin~s sro sot by tho Git~ Goun¢il in ordor to m~t Io~tal roquiromonts portainin~l to mattor$ such as, land uso pormit applications, proposod am~ndmonts to C~ land uso m~lulations, ~onin~l chan~los, anno×ations. In addition, tho 0it~ Goun¢il may sot a public hoarin~l in ordor to r~¢ohto public input prior to makin[t do¢isions which impact th~ eiti2ons. O~rt~in matt,m may I~ ¢ontro¥orshal, and tho ~it~ Ooun¢il may chooso to sook public opinion throu[lh tho public h~arin~i pro¢oss. Public Hoarincl ~roeeduro: ~1 ¢ommonts must bo roads at tho podium a~t~r tho sl:~ak, r first ~livos nares and addross so that comments and sp~ksr idontification bo¢omo part of tho ro¢ord. Tho Mayor indicato tho amount of timo aYailabl~ [or oach hearin§. 8o that all parsons hays an opportun~ to spaak, tho Mayor nm¥ limit tho amount o~ tiros pormRtod oach sp~kor. In makin~i your pmsontation to tha ~oun¢il, tho followin~l [ormat may bo halpful: PI.I~PO$£: What is tho idoa you wish to pmsont?. Bo~iin with an "1 statom~nt" outlinin~t gout idea, such as, "1 am hors to (support/opposo)...' ~£A$0~: Why ars you makin~l this point?, lhis is an important stop so tho listener dogs not mako assumptions about your motivos. £XAMP/.£: 8rioI and r~loYant oxamplo to ¢lar'~ht and mako your point ¢oncroto. $~MMAB¥: What condition will bo chan~lod or improYed i~ your point i~ adopted? AC,'I'ION: (If appropriato, dopondin{I on tho situation). What hoods to bo dong and who will do ~