HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-04 RESOLUTION NO. 1-04
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, approving a public participation program for the City of
Port Angeles 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update in compliance with the
Growth Management Act of the State of Washington.
WHEREAS, the City Council appointed a nine member citizen advisory committee to
facilitate a public participation program for the Growth Management Act update of the City of Port
Angeles Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Citizen Advisory Committee met on January 8, 2004, and proposed a
program called "2020 Vision for Port Angeles;" and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the Council Community and Economic
Development Committee have reviewed the proposed program and support it; and
WHEREAS, the "2020 Vision for Port Angeles" public participation program is
consistent with the Comprehensive Plan amendment process provided in the Port Angeles Municipal
Code and the State of Washington Growth Management Act.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles as follows:
Section 1. The City Council hereby approves the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update
Public Participation Program as referenced in Attachment A.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
2ouncil held on the 20th day of January, 04.
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Exhibit "A"
2004 Comprehensive Plan Update Public Participation Program
The draft public participation program for the City of Port Angeles 2004
Comprehensive Plan Update will be considered for legislative action by
City Council Resolution at the regular meeting of January 20, 2004, at
which time the Council will hear public testimony on the draft program.
The newly appointed Citizen Advisory Committee for the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan
Update has proposed a public participation program to the City Council. The Council will review
the proposed program at its regular meeting of January 20, 2004. The program provides the general
public and development stakeholders an opportunity to bring up issues about and ideas for the future
of Port Angeles. The program would kick off with a full week open house allowing residents and
business people to log into a special internet bulletin called "2020 Vision for Port Angeles" where
questions and comments can be posted for everyone's input. Yes, public meetings are still planned,
but those less enthusiastic about talking to a large audience won't have to put themselves on stage.
The Growth Management Act RCW 36.70A. 130(4) requires each city and county in
Washington to take legislative action to review and, if needed, revise its Comprehensive Plan and
development regulations to ensure they complywith the Growth Management Act (GMA). Clallam
County and the cities within the county are required to complete the review by December 1, 2004.
The update process requires three basic actions by the local government:
(1) establish a public participation program that identifies procedures and schedules for
the review, evaluation and possible revision process;
(2) review relevant plans and regulations and analyze whether there is a need for
revisions; and
(3) take legislative action.
The first action is for the City of Port Angeles to establish a public participation program,
which will be done by City Council Resolution on January 20, 2004. The following components
make up the City's Public Participation Program for the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update:
(1) Invite various stakeholders affected by changes to the Comprehensive Plan to
participate during the update process required by the Growth Management Act and
Legislative amendments to GMA. The City has completed two earlier phases in
2002 for the central planning areas and in 2003 for the east planning areas. In 2004,
stakeholders, including the Port of Port Angeles William Fairchild International
Airport, for west planning areas are being invited to participate.
(2) Appoint a Citizen Advisory Committee to facilitate public participation in this final
third phase that will also look at the review and analysis of the existing Comp Plan
as required under the second action to be taken during the GMA Update.
(3) Hold a series of informal neighborhood meetings and formal public hearings per the
following schedule:
January 20, 2004, 6 pm Take legislative action by passing a City Council
Resolution for the public participation program
required in the Comp Plan Update process
February 9/10/11/12, 2004 "2020 Vision for Port Angeles Week" to introduce the
public participation program for the Comp Plan
February 23/24/25/26, 2004 At a series of neighborhood meetings conducted by
the Citizen Advisory Committee, the public can
identify ideas about community issues and planning
March 1/2/3/4, 2004 At a series of neighborhood meetings conducted by
the Citizen Advisory Committee, the public can
identify ideas about community solutions and
planning proposals
March 8/9/10/11, 2004 At a series of neighborhood meetings conducted by
the Citizen Advisory Committee, the public can
review and comment on proposed amendments
March 18, 2004, 7-9 pm Finalize Advisory Committee recommendations
March 24, 2004, 6-8 pm Finalize Comp Plan draft amendments and initiate
Planning Commission review
April, 2004 Distribute draft amendments (including to CTED) and
set public heatings before the Planning Commission
and City Council
April 6, 2004, 6 pm Take legislative action by passing a City Council
Resolution for the review and analysis of the Comp
Plan required in the GMA Update process
May 12, 2004, 6 pm Conduct public hearing before the Planning
Commission and forward their recommendations to
the City Council
June, 2004 Forward CTED comments to the City Council
June 1,2004, 7 pm Conduct a final public hearing before the City Council
June 15, 2004, 6 pm Take legislative action by adopting an ordinance for
the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Update
July-November, 2004 Repeat a similar process for development regulations
update, including critical areas
This process will be duplicated for development regulations similarly updated per GMA from
July through November 2004.
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