HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-67 ,.'" ......-- .;" . . . . RESOLUTION NO. 1-67 A RESOLUTION pertaining to personnel, rules and regulations, establishing hours of employment, leaves of absence with pay, sick leave with pay, annual vacation, military leave, fixing policy as to holidays, holiday work and other matters pertaining to employment with the City of Port Angeles and repealing certain resolutions. WHEREAS, previously certain resolutions were adopted by the City Council pertaining to the matters covered by the title of this I resolution; and WHEREAS, conditions have changed and it appears desirable and to the best interest of the City and its employees to make certain changes as hereinafter set forth; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES that Resolutions numbered 8-58, 3-64 and 6-64 are hereby repealed. I I- I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to all the City employees, department heads and offi- cers of the City, and that this resolution shall be effective immediately after its adoption. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following rules and regula- tions .shall apply to all department heads and employees of the City of Port Angeles to the end that all persons employed by the City shall receive equal and equitable consideration during their term of employment or appointment, to wit: The following provisions of these rules, as contained here- in, are hereby declared to be general administrative rules for all departments. Section 1. HOURS 'OF DUTY: Minimum hours of duty for all employees shall be prescribed by the heads of the departments con- cerned, with the approval of the City Manager, and set forth in instructions issued by them to govern their respective departments. . . . . . Section 2. LEAVES OF ABSENCE WITH PAY: Payments may be made to monthly employees for absence during their assigned hours of duty only for the purposes and to the 'extent provided in the sections that follow covering sick leave, annual leave, civil leave, and military leave. In calculating leaves, the total work- ing time normally required of each employee in a week shall be treated as the equivalent of five (5) working days for the purpose of leave. Section 3. SICK LEAVE WITH PAY: Sick leave with pay shall be granted by appointing authorities at the rate of one (1) work day for each calendar month of service. Sick leave shall not be considered as a privilege which the employees may use at their discretion, but shall be only used in the case of necessity and actual sickness or disability. Unused sick leave shall be accumu- lated at the rate of twelve (12) days a year, and all twelve (12) days can be accumulated if not used to a total of not more than one hundred twenty (120) work days. In order to receive compensa- tion while absent on such ,leave, the employees must see that proper notification is given his immediate superior of his illness within four (4) hours after the time set for beginni~g his daily duties, or as may be specified by the head of his department. When absence is for more than three (3) work days, the employee shall file a personal affidavit or a physician's certificate with the head of the department stating the cause of the absence. After five (5) days a physician's certificate is required. No accumu- lated sick leave may be used, except in case of actual sickness. Sick leave with pay shall be granted for one of the following rea- sons, where the facts are established to the satisfaction of the head of the department: (1) Because of, and during illness or injury in- capacitati~g the employee to perform his duties. t . . . . ~ (2) By reason of exposure to contagious disease during such period as his attendance on duty would jeopardize the health of fellow workers or the public. (3) Because of illness or death in the immediate i family requiring the attendance of the employee. Leave for such reason shall be limited to three (3) days in anyone instance. "Immediate family" shall include only persons related by blood or I marriage or legal adoption in the degree of consanquinity of which , includes grandparents, parent, wife, husband, brother, sister, child or grandchild; and any relative living in the employee's household. (4) In the case of maternity leave, leave for such reason shall be limited to thirty (30) days. In cases of absence arising by reason of injury to an em- ployee in line of duty, except when covered by industrial insur- ance, or by reason of illness from cont~gious or infectious di- sease, the City Manager may extend the sick leave provided for in these rules. Section 4. ANNUAL LEAVE WITH PAY: Employees who were in the employ of the City on or before the lst day of June, 1958 shall be granted annual leave at the rate of one (l) -working day for each month of continuous service in the employment of the City for the first ten (lO) year period, after ten (10) years fifteen , (15) working days, and after twenty (20) years twenty (20) working days. During each of the first ten (10) years of employment, annual leave with pay shall accrue monthly to each employee of the City employed after June 1958 at the rate of ten (10) working days for each twelve (l2) months of service. Employees having completed ten (10) years of continuous service in the employ of the City shall be entitled to fifteen (l5) working days of annual leave and 3 . . . . employees having been in the continuous employ of the City for a perlod of twenty (20) years or more shall be entitled to twenty (20) working days of annual leave. (a) Annual leave after ten (10) years service shall accrue each month as follows: Eleven (ll) through twenty (2D) years at the rate of fif,teen (lS) working days per year; twenty-one (21) years and after at the rate of twenty (20) working days per year. (b) The leave credited for any month of service may be taken in any subsequent month provided, however, such leave I will not interfere with the work of the department, and application for such leave has been made in advance and approved by the depart- ment head. (~)(c) No employee shall be permitted to accumulate 'va~leave in excess of the -amount earned over a two (2) year period and such leave is subject to provision (b) stated above. (d) Any ~~~ted in excess of two (2) i-ecve.. weeks may be paid in cash provided pay is taken the year after vacation is accumulated. Section 5. LEGAL HOLIDAYS: The followi~g are legal holi- days: the first day of January, commonly called New Year's Day; , the twelfth day of February, being the anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln; the twenty-second day of February, being the anni- versary of the birth of George Washington; the thirtieth day of May, commonly known as Memorial Day; the fourth day of July, being the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence; the first Mon- day in September, to be known as Labor Day; the eleventh day of November, to be known as Veteran's DaYi the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas Day, and any day designated by public proclamation of the chief executive of the State as a day of thanksgiving. The holiday is to be celebrated on the actual date. Provided that: whenever any legal holiday falls on a Sun- f . . . . day, employees who generally do not work on Sunday shall have Mon- I day as a holiday, and except whenever any holiday falls on a Sat- urday, employees who generally do not work on Saturday shall have the previous Friday as a holiday. Section 6. MILITARY LEAVE WITH PAY: Upon written applica- tion to the City Manager, leave not to exceed fifteen (lS) calen- dar days in anyone year over and above the annual leave may be allowed to any employee who is a member of National Guard or Re- serve Corps of the united States to the extent authorized by, and under the provision of the laws of the state of Washington. All military leave requests shall have military orders. No military leave request shall exceed the days allowed in the orders. Section 7. LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY: Leave of absence without pay may be allowed for specific periods for any of the _ reasons applicable for leave with pay for any periods beyond those covered by permissible leaves with pay; for military service; and for maternity leave. Leave of absence without pay shall not be allowed to an extent aggregating more than twelve (12) months in any consecutive period of five (5) years, but this limitation shall not apply to absence on account of military service. Any employee I entering the military or naval service of the united States, under , the conditions prescribed in the Laws of the State of Washington shall be entitled to leave of absence without pay and restoration of his position in accordance with the provisions of the Law. Leave of absence without pay, except in cases of military service or maternity leave, shall not be authorized in any case where such leave shall operate to the detriment of the City service. Section 8. ABSENCE WITHOUT DULY AUTHORIZED LEAVE: Absence not on duly authorized leave shall be treated as absence without pay and, in addition, may be grounds for disciplinary action or discharge. --- .;:. . . . . Section 9. CANCELLATION OF LEAVE CREDITS ON SEPARATION: When an employees service with the City has been terminated, he shall be paid for accumulated vacation pay. All other leave credits, however, shall be cancelled. The limitation in this sec- tion shall not be interpreted to apply to employees going on leave of absence without pay under the provisions of the Laws of the State of Washington, as provided in Section 7 of these rules. Such employee shall be allowed leave with pay to the extent of his accrued and unused leave which shall be followed with the leave without pay, provided for in Section 7 of these rules. Sec'tion lO. PART-TIME SERVICES: Where less than full-time service is required, or rendered in any position, or employment, compendation shall be paid only on such a part-time basis, and payment shall take account of the ratio of hours actually engaged on duty to the ratio required for full-time services in determin- ing the benefits under this resolution. Section ll. This resolution shall not apply to extra help or temporary employees. This resolution shall apply to any em- ployee whether employed on hourly or monthly basis in regular em- ployment of the City as covered by the budget under regular classi- fication of employment. Section l2. NONPAYMENT OF DEBTS: Nonpayment of just debts by City employees, or garnishments against them, may be cause for I disciplinary action or termination of employment. DEPARTMENT: I Section 13. PENSION POLICY GOVERNING THE POLICE All members of the Police Department, upon reaching the retirement age of fifty-five (55) years, will not be required to retire prior to attaining full benefit of their retirement, but may request a one (l) year extension, and if the Police Chief and City Manager approve the recommendation for the request, the City Council shall then be requested to grant the one (l) year extension. These one (l) year extensions can be requested each year until the age of t- . . . . sixty (60), at which time it shall be mandatory that the police officer retire. Section 14, PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Shall consist of e~ght (8) official members, five (5) representing all departments of the City, on a pro rata basis, to be selected by the. group which they represent, each year. The City Manager and two otherrrem- bers, designated by the Manager and Council, to represent City Management. Regular meetings are to be conducted the second Wednesday of January, April, July and October. Special meetings may be called by the City Manager or at the written request of any three I (3) members of the committee. Minutes of the meetings are to be "t:- c.,rY C"uN,:,'fA-) , presented to the department heads~and the committee, or published ~ in the Newsletter. Any member of the committee may present a. grievance or proposal <preferably in writing) to the City Manager at any time. Grievances should be handled through the Manager's office rather than department heads or others. Objectives of this committee are: 1. To improve communication between employees and management. 2. To provide a forum for exchange of ideas. 3. To foster cooperative development between per- sonne I and management. 4. To advise management on all personnel matters. I These and any other rules agreed upon by the committee shall, govern this committee. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved by its Mayor at a regul'ar meeti~g of the Council held on 1 .. ..:;r . . . . the 5tiJ day of January, 1967. ... ..:...'>^ - ^ ....."'t.:..... At-cest: ......, -- , ~ ...,... i-.d'~~, City Clerk [ Approved as to form: I ,I i /)tf#'~. ~ 'jIl~ ~ Ma or ~(P~ City Attorn i