HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-91 e e RESOLUTION NO. 2-91 A RESOLUTION of the city council of the City of Port Angeles re-establishing the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee as the Growth Management Advisory Committee. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2592 provides for the estab- lishment of long-range planning advisory committees to assist the Planning Commission in long-range planning matters; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2592 provides that such long- ange planning advisory committees be established by Resolution of the City Council, which resolution shall specify the ~ommittee's purpose, number of members, and duration; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 15-90 specified a need to revise and update the City's Comprehensive Plan and provide assistance to the Planning Commission and the City Council in accomplishing this very important function; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is now mandated to update its land use plans in accordance with State goals enacted in the Growth Management Act of 1990; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: section 1. The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee is hereby re-established as the Growth Management Advisory Committee. Section 2. The purpose of the Growth Management ~dvisory Committee shall be to advise the Planning Commission with regard to the revision and updating of the Comprehensive Plan and implementing the Growth Management Act as mandated for he City of Port Angeles. In accomplishing this task, the Growth Management Advisory Committee shall be authorized to establish ~omprehensive Plan priorities, approve planning methods and population projection, direct public meetings and public -1- e e earings, recommend an updated Comprehensive Plan in accordance ith the Open Public Meetings Act and the By-Laws of the Planning Commission, and conduct other activities designated by the city Council as necessary to implement the Growth Management Act of 1990. Section 3. The Growth Management Advisory Committee shall consist of ten (10) members. The Planning Commission shall designate three of its members to be members of the Growth anagement Advisory Committee and shall designate one of its embers as the chairperson of the Committee. The City Council shall appoint the remaining members. The initial membership of the Growth Management Advisory Committee shall consist of the current members of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. Section 4. Five members of the Growth Management dvisory Committee will serve on a joint City/County Urban Growth Area Committee, as established pursuant to the Growth Management Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County. Section 5. The duration of the Growth Management dvisory Committee shall be from the enactment of this Resolution ntil approval of a new Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordinances, or December 31, 1994, whichever occurs first. section 6. This Resolution shall supersede Resolution o. 15-90. -2- e e PASSED by the City Council of the city of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 15th day of January r 1991. ~. . "-J<~OL MAY 0 R PLAN. 409 .......~....",.,.~~,.,. ':\,'.....,;-: -:,.... ':'- "r,/: ~"'-\ .....-...:.~,.......=!...I...... ~ ~/:........ -. ~ ~ ~_""A .A.. ......<..... ~ "\...'..:' .'-' ..~S % ~ ~...*: ~ 7 .-' - : - :; ::-:::: ~ .. -~ ~ ..... - ../ : - :. ......... -:. ~ ",. > - ~ ......."- 1-:"";--,..,.. ................::',~- .,--.",:: '0; '/ ~ .-.~- - '"'\. .' /"1. .... .....\...... \... ...... (':-tt'\." ...-- ..,..........~ I'.......,..n..,...,"\..."l -3-