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A RESOUJTION approving and confirming action of the City
Council of the 'City of Port An~eles and Bonneville Power Acl:minis-
tration relative to the contract for power purch3se by the City
of Port Anseies from 30nneville Power Administration and approvin~
and confirming action of the Council heretofore taken on the 18th
day of November, 1954 ar.d confirning contract for po~er.
HHEnE.i\.S, the City of Port 'An,'5eles' did heretofore negotie.te
vdth the Bonneville Power Administration of the United States
Govcrrr.ent relative to the direct purchase of power by the City of
Port Angeles from said Bonneville Power Administration, and
WHEl1li..o\.S, 'fi{E Bonneville FOHer Administration and the (:i ty
of POl't AnSfles after negotiation entered into arid confirmed the
provisions and specifications of a contract for the purchase of
, power by the City, and
V~HEREAS, the City did on the 18th day of November, 1954,
in a regular meeting of said city Council duly assemoled, moved
and approved the terms and conditions of the contract witrt the
Bonneville Power Adnlinistration and authorized the h:~yor and proper
officers to' execute the same, and
~0~REAS, said contract has been duly signed as of the 30th
day of December, 1354, authQrizing the purchase by the City of
Port Angeles commenc ing YIi th midni~)l t De camber 31, 1954 of povier
s2.id Bonneville Power l~d.ministra tioD; rlOW, the !'efore,
riB IT TIESOL V~D 'JY T}Le; CI'::.'Y counCIL O? '1'3":; CI'l'Y 01" POHT.
~~G~ES that all previous actions of the City Council, the ~ayor,
and other officers in conformity thcl'ev:i th be, and the same are
aereby approved and confirDed.
BE r.r FUH'l'H.t.;P' E~~,SuL Vl.m that the contrac there tofore [,Jude
and entered into by and between the (;ity of Port Anc;elcs c.nd the
nonnrnr'i i 1 A Pm/AT' Anmini Rtl'ati on ()f thB Unitc:d States on the 30th
L/ (
day of Dec.emoeI', 1954. bo, and the same is here by approved and con-
firmed and that the purchase of electric ~nereY tlmreunder by the
City of Port Angeles commencing wi th midni[;llt December 31, 1954,
be, and the same is hereby approved and confirmed.
ADOPTED BY THE CITY ~OUnCIL this ~"!f day of January, 19.55.
Q. e..~
(J Gity Clerl{
Approved as to form: