HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-97 RESOLUTION NO..q-q7 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles adopting a transportation services and facilities plan (TSFP). WHEREAS, the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Policy A.3. calls for the development of a transportation (streets, bikeways and pedestrian walkways) services and facilities plan; and WHEREAS, the City' s adopted Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Policy A.5. states that said plan shall be consistent with the general level of service standards established in the Comprehensive Plan, establish detailed level of service standards which, at a minimum, meet all local, state and federal health and safety requirements and may also establish desired level of service standards including an inventory of current facilities, measurements of current and future service capacities, the determination of future service and facility improvements necessary to serve the twenty year vision of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and a financial feasibility analysis; and WHEREAS, the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element Policy A.6. states that said plan shall also include specific actions and requirements for bringing street facilities that fall below the required level of service standards into compliance while encouraging reduced reliance on single occupant vehicle trips encouraging the use of alternate modes of transportation with incentive programs for and from local businesses; and WHEREAS, the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element requires said plan to include a future US 101 corridor to meet long-term local and regional transportation needs; and WHEREAS, the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element states that said plan shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the County-Wide Planning Policy, and the State's Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, the proposed TSFP reviews air, marine, public, and non-motorized transportation as well as roads and highways, including sections on transportation standards, existing deficiencies, forecasting, projected needs, and funding; and WHEREAS, requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (Chapter 43.21C RCW) have been met; and WHEREAS, public review and comments were solicitated during the development of the plan, at a public hearing before the City Council and Planning Commission; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES to adopt the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan attached as Exhibit "A" to be used when planning future transportation and development projects. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th~ day of May ,1997. .'Prospet~ Ostrowski, Mayorz ATTEST: Becky J: U~a, ~y Cl~r~ - ~PRO.~ED AS TO FO~: Crm~utsoff, C~5 ARomey City of Port Angeles .... Transportation Services and Facilities Plan Port Angeles, Washington - October 1996 ENTRAN¢O TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES-1 PORT ANGELES TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS ES- 1 EXISTING DEFICIENCIES ES-1 TRAFFIC FORECASTING ES-2 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM NEEDS ES-3 Travel Patterns ES-4 Multimodal Center ES-5 Public Involvement ES-5 Pedestrian Facilities ES-6 Non-motorized Transportation ES-6 Project Cost Estimates ES-6 Scenario Prioritization ES-7 Project Prioritization ES-7 FUNDING ES-9 Revenue Sources ES-9 Impact Fee Program ES-9 Concurrency Management System ES- 10 Funding Transportation Needs ES. 10 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 CITY OF PORT ANGELES BACKGROUND 1-2 THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND FACILITIES PLAN 1-5 Purpose 1-5 OTHER DOCUMENTS 1-5 The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles 1-6 Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan 1.6 Clallam County Comprehensive Plan 1-7 Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan 1-7 CHAPTER 2 PORT ANGELES TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS 2-1 DESIGN STANDARDS FOR ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 2-1 Functional Classification System 2-1 950051 Reports / Master / Table of Contents (7119/96) / jb i Table of Contents Non-Motorized Transportation Standards 2-2 OPERATIONAL STANDARDS 2-4 Intersection Level of Service (LOS) 2-4 Transit Level of Service 2-6 CHAPTER 3 EXISTING TRANSPORTATION INVENTORY AND DEFICIENCIES 3-1 ROADS AND HIGHWAYS 3-1 Inventory Data Source 3-1 Arterial Streets 3-1 Commercial Vehicle Routes 3-15 Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections 3-15 AIR TRANSPORTATION 3-21 MARINE TRANSPORTATION 3-22 PUBLIC TRANSIT 3-23 Deficiencies 3.23 NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION 3-28 Pedestrian Facilities 3-28 Bicycle Facilities 3-29 School Walkway Program 3-30 Non-Motorized System Deficiencies 3-33 CHAPTER 4 TRAFFIC FORECASTING 4-1 MODEL CALIBRATION 4.1 Background 4-1 Study Area and Zone Structure 4.1 Network 4.2 Land Use and Trip Assignment 4-2 Model Accuracy 4-5 2014 FORECASTS 4-5 Land Use 4.5 Future Network Scenarios 4-6 CHAPTER 5 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM NEEDS 5-1 ROADWAY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS 5-1 New Facilities 5-1 Transportation Systems Management 5-2 ii 9~ / Repo~ls / Maste~ / Table of Conten~s (7/19/96) / jb Table of Contents Model Network Scenarios 5-2 Projected Travel Patterns and Average Daily Traffic Volumes 5-6 Future Intersection Level of Service 5-10 Multimodai Facility 5-14 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT 5-15 Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities 5-15 Lincoln-Peabody Couplet 5-16 Lauridsen. Race Alternative 5-16 White Creek Crossing Alternative 5-16 Heart of the Hills Parkway 5-16 NON.MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION 5-17 Pedestrian Facilities 5-17 Bicycle Facilities 5-17 PROJECT COST ESTIMATES 5-21 Existing Deficiency Improvements 5.21 Other Network Improvements 5-24 PROJECT PRIORITIZA TION 5.27 Scenario Prioritization 5-27 Project Prioritization Criteria 5-29 Prioritization of Improvement Projects 5-29 CHAPTER 6 FUNDING, REVENUE, AND IMPACT FEES 6-1 INVENTORY OF CURRENT REVENUE SOURCES 6-1 Street Fund 6-1 Real Estate Excise Tax 6-2 Federal Funds 6-3 Public Works Trust Fund 6-3 Transportation Improvement Account 6-3 Local Improvement District 6-3 Other Sources 6-4 POTENTIAL REVENUE SOURCES 6-4 Taxation 6-4 Fees 6-5 Debt 6-6 Local Assistance Programs 6-6 Special Districts 6-7 IMPACT FEE PROGRAM PROTOTYPE 6-8 CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 6-9 Concepts of Concurrency Management 6-9 Table of Contents Elements of a Concurrency Management System 6-10 FUNDING TRANSPORTATION NEEDS 6-12 REFERENCES R-1 GLOSSARY OF TERMS G-1 APPENDIX A - Arterial Street Inventory Database B- Arterial Street Inventory Summary Statistics C - Midblock Accident Summary D - 1995 Existing Intersection Level of Service Calculations E- 1995 Intersection Level of Service Calculations F- Intersection Accident Summary G - Development of Port Angeles Traffic Model H - 2014 Level of Service Summary by Scenario I- Open House Comments J - Impact Fee Prototype K - Concurrency Management System Procedural Prototype FIGURES I. I Project Vicinity 1-3 3.1 Roadway Functional Classification System 3-3 3.2 Changes Made to Functional Classifications from the City's Comprehensive Plan and ElS 3-4 3.3 1994 Average Weekday Daily Traffic Volumes 3.9 3.4 Level of Service 3-17 3.5 Intracity Transit Routes 3-25 3.6 Pedestrian Facilities 3-31 3.7 Bicycle Survey Results--Priority Corridors in Need of Bicycle Facilities 3-32 4.1 Model Zone Structure 4-3 4.2 Existing Network 4-4 5.1 New Facilities/Corridors 5-3 iv 95005 / Reports / Master / Table o! Contents (7/19/96) / jb Table of Contents 5.2 Lincoln/Peabody Couplet 5-5 5.3 Average Daily Traffic Forecasts Given Different Network Scenarios 5-7 5.4 Intersection Level of Service By Network Scenario 5-11 5.5 Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan 5.19 TABLES ES. 1 Network Scenarios ES-3 E5.2 Improvement Project Cost Estimates By Priority ES-8 2.1 Urban Functional Classification Description and Typical Distribution 2-2 2.2 Minimum Street Design Standards by Functional Classification 2-3 2.3 Bicycle Way Functional Classification 2-4 2.4 Level of Service Description and Threshold Values for Signalized Intersections 2-5 2.5 Clallam Transit Service Performance Standards 2-6 3.1 Recommended Functional Classification Distribution 3-5 3.2 Arterial Street Characteristics 3-6 3.3 Percentage of Arterial Streets by Width and Number of Lanes 3-7 3.4 Collector Arterial Street Existing Conditions 3-8 3.5 Minor Arterial Street Existing Conditions 3-11 3.6 Principal Arterial Street Existing Conditions 3-11 3.7 Port Angeles Six. Year Transportation Improvement Program 3-14 3.8 1994 P.M. Peak Intersection Planning Level of Service Analysis 3-19 3.9 Port Angeles Six. Year Transportation Improvement Program 3-21 3.10 Clallam Transit Route Summary 3.24 3.11 Clallam Transit Service Performance Indicators June 1995-May 1996 3-27 3.12 Transit Level of Service 3-28 3.13 Arterial Street Pedestrian Facilities 3-29 4.1 Twenty. Year Household Growth 4-5 4.2 Base Package Improvements 4-7 5.1 Network Scenarios 5-6 5.2 Number of Intersections at Each Level of Service 5-13 5.3 Number of Intersections Experiencing a Change in LOS 5-14 950051 Ret3o~s / Maste~ I Ex~c, Summ (7119/96) Ijb V Table of Contents 5.4 Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan 5-18 5.5 Arterial Roadway Widening Project Cost Estimates 5-22 5.6 Pedestrian Facility Project Cost Estimates 5-23 5.7 Major Capital Improvements by Network Scenario and Associated Planning-Level Cost Estimate 5-25 5.8 Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan Planning. Level Cost Estimates 5-26 5,9 Scenario Performance Measures 5-27 5.10 Cost Benefit Analysis 5-28 5.11 Prioritization of Major Capital Improvement Projects for Scenario III 5-30 5.12 Prioritization of Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Projects 5-31 5.13 Prioritization of Interim Bicycle Facih'ties Plan Improvement Projects 5-32 5.14 PriorJtizatioa of Arterial Roadway Widening Improvement Projects 5-33 5.15 Improvement Project Cost Estimates By Priority 5-35 6.1 Revenue Sources and Amounts for the City of Port Angeles 6.2 vi 95005 / Reports I Master / Table of Contents {7/19/96) Ijb ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ADT average daily traffic apmv accidents per million entering vehicles apmvm accidents per million vehicle miles AWDT average weekday daily traffic CAPP County Arterial Preservation Program CDBG Community Development Block Grant CMS Concurrency Management System CRAB County Road Administration Board DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement FAS Federal Aid Secondary System FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement GMA Growth Management Act HCM Highway Capacity Manual ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act LID Local Improvement District LMEA Labor Market and Employment Analysis LOFT Local Option Fuel Tax LOS level of service LTA Local Transportation Act MVET Motor Vehicle Excise Tax MVFT Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax PWTF Public Works Trust Fund RAP Rural Arterial Program RATA Rural Arterial Trust Account RCW Revised Code of Washington RID Road Improvement District SEPA State Environmental Policy Act SR State Route 950051 Ref~orts / Master / Table of Contents (7/19/96) / jb vii Abbreviations and Acronyms TAZ traffic analysis zone TBD Transportation Benefit District TDM Transportation Demand Management TIA Transportation Improvement Account TIB Transportation Improvement Board TIP Transportation Improvement Program TSFP Transportation Services and Facilities Plan TSM Transportation Systems Management UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account UGA urban growth area v/c volume-to-capacity ratio VHT vehicle hours of travel VMT vehicle miles of travel vpd vehicles per day vph vehicles per hour WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation viii g~oo5 / Re~orts / Master / Table ot Content, (7/19/96)/ih EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP) is to supplement and expand the goals and policies stated in the 1994 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles. This TSFP addresses the City's transportation standards, existing deficiencies, traffic forecasting, future transportation system needs, and funding. A brief summary of these topics follows. PORT ANGELES TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS Design standards for each roadway functional classification are documented in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines. The City's functional classification standards also include pedestrian facility standards, which require sidewalks on both sides of arterial streets. There are currently no standards for bicycle facilities. Operational standards for intersections are based on a planning- level analysis for level of service (LOS), comparing critical volume to intersection capacity (v/c ratio). Port Angeles standards require LOS D or better at both signalized and unsignalized intersections, which corresponds to a 0.9 v/c ratio. Transit operations standards used for this TSFP are from the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan (1995). The standards are based on a supply and demand LOS methodology, and require LOS D operations or better. EXISTING DEFICIENCIES Roadway deficiencies were based on City standards by functional classification, intersection planning-level LOS in the p.m. peak hour, accident rates, citizen comments, and the City's 1994 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). City's Functional Classification Standards. Chambers, Fourth, Fifth, and "M" Streets, and Marine Drive meet City standards. All other designated collector, minor, and principal arterials do not meet the recommended width and/or curb and gutter standard. Intersection LOS. Eighth Street and Lincoln Street is the only intersection currently operating below the recommended LOS D standards. This intersection currently operates in the p.m. peak hour at LOS E. Executive Summary Accident rates. Accident rates were calculated for Port Angeles streets based on a three-year accident history. Accident rates were mostly below the State's 1994 average accident rates. Of the six locations with accident rates higher than the State's average, only one location on Front Street (from Lincoln Street to Valley Street) has a significant number of accidents, which may indicate a design deficiency. Citizen Comments. Citizen comments indicated a need for another east/west corridor through the City, and intersection improvements at the First Street/Front Street/Golf Course Road intersection for maneuverability and sight distance. Citizen requests also have included reducing through traffic on the C Street Extension, and upgrading Rose Street, Thistle Street, O Street, and 14th Street to meet City functional classification standards. City TIP. The City's TIP also identifies existing traffic-related deficiencies. Many projects to correct these deficiencies involve realigning or reconstructing existing corridors or intersections to improve operations, others involve interconnecting or adding traffic signals, and some propose constructing new facilities. Transit. Clallam Transit provides good route coverage within the City limits, however, the area east of the City only has access to the intracity service by using an intercity bus from SR 1 01. Transit supply and demand LOS calculations revealed the lowest LOS was C, indicating transit operations do not have any current deficiencies. Pedestrian Facilities. Most collector, minor, and principal arterials do not have continuous, uninterrupted sidewalk on both sides of the road. Some road segments provide sidewalk which is not continuous, not paved, or only on one side of the road. In most cases, these segments meet almost fifty percent of the design standard for each one's respective functional classification. TRAFFIC FORECASTING A computer model was created to determine future traffic volumes and demands on the transportation system. The Port Angeles Travel Model was created based on existing and proposed land use, existing facility capacity, employment concentrations, and existing travel patterns and volumes. The Port Angeles Travel Model has a high degree of accuracy in that about 94 percent of the variation in observed traffic was accounted for by the model. ES-2 9=51 Ref:~rts I Master/ExecSumm {7/17/96} / jc Executive Summary Using the model's traffic forecasts, new and revised street facilities were modeled to accommodate the projected growth. FUTURE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM NEEDS The future year model network was used to evaluate different network scenarios. Each scenario implemented the current 6-year TIP projects, while different combinations of new facilities and a transportation systems management strategy (TSM) varied by scenario (table ES.l). Two new facilities modeled were: White Creek Crossing and Heart of the Hills Parkway. White Creek Crossing is a two- to three-lane extension of Lauridsen Boulevard eastward from Ennis Street to Golf Course with a bridge over White Creek. Heart of the Hills Parkway will be a two-lane facility beginning outside the eastern Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA), and extending southwesterly and westerly from SR 1 01 to Race Street, near the Mount Angeles Road/Heart of the Hills Parkway intersection. Table ES.1 Network Scenarios Scenario I II III IV V VI VII 1 994 Existing Network 201 4 Network with TIP Improvements White Creek Crossing Heart of the Hills Parkway · Lincoln/Peabody Couplet · · · A third transportation improvement was a TSM strategy for the SR 101 corridor through the City which would convert Lincoln Street (which already serves as a portion of SR 101) and Peabody Street to a one-way couplet. Lincoln Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility southbound, while Peabody Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility northbound. The couplet would join the existing one-way couplet of Front Street and First Street on the north, with the two-way Lauridsen Boulevard on the south. 95005 / Reports / Master / ExecSumm (7/17~J~) / lc ES-3 Executive Summary Five different networks using different combinations of these three facilities were modeled and analyzed for the 2014 planning year. For comparison, the current (1994) base network and future (2014) base network without these improvements were also modeled. Network scenarios are shown in talkie £S.1. Travel Patterns ^n 11 to 68 percent increase in average daily traffic (ADT) was witnessed over the 20 years between the 1994 and 2014 base networks (Scenarios I and II), with an average 34 percent increase for the whole network. Traffic shifts significantly as new facilities are added to the network. Adding White Creek Crossing (Scenario Ill) decreases ADT 30 percent at the eastern portion of First Street and Front Street, while Golf Course Road and White Creek Crossing absorbed the shift in traffic. Lincoln Street and Race Street near Lauridsen Boulevard also showed noticeable decreases in ADT. Adding both White Creek Crossing and Heart of the Hills Parkway (Scenario IV) decreases traffic 43 percent on the eastern end of First and Front Streets. The Heart of the Hills Parkway shifts some traffic from Golf Course Road (57 percent decrease) and White Creek Crossing (37 percent decrease). The Heart of the Hills Parkway carries between 13,400 and 17,100 vehicles per day (vpd). Lauridsen Boulevard traffic increases about 19 percent over Scenario III and 57 percent over Scenario II. Lincoln Street continues to have a lower ADT. Adding the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet (Scenario V) significantly affects traffic on Lincoln Street, but has little to no affect on the remaining network. The ADT on Lincoln Street decreases approximately 35 percent, while traffic on Peabody Street increases slightly indicating drivers are using alternate routes northbound to First Street. Near First and Front Streets, volumes increase on Peabody Street and near Lauridsen Boulevard. Adding White Creek Crossing (Scenario VI), Heart of the Hills Parkway (Scenario VII), and the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet shifts traffic in much the same way as it does without the Lincoln/ Peabody Couplet. In fact, ADTs are nearly the same with or without the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet. Traffic increases were projected on Race Street, Lauridsen Boulevard, and Golf Course Road. ES-4 9~051 Reports / Master I ExecSumm (7/17/96) / jc Executive Summary Between 40 and 46 signalized and unsignalized intersections were analyzed in each scenario. Based on model volumes and improvements in the TiP only, seven intersections will be below the LOS D standard in 2014. With proposed improvements in place, the number of substandard intersections ran§es from three to six in 2014. Multimodal Center A multimodal center has been proposed for downtown Port Angeles to promote use of alternative forms of transportation in and around the Port Angeles UGA. Currently, a study is underway to analyze need, location, and services to be supplied by the center. Because of the many unknowns, the multimodal center was not used in the model forecasting. Public Involvement An Open House for the Port Angeles TSFP was held in the Fall of 1 995 to inform the community about the work completed to date on the TSFP and gather comments. The majority of participants at the open house were very concerned about improving pedestrian and bicycle routes throughout the City. Comments received included: · Improve pedestrian and bicycle routes · Negative impacts of the Lincoln/Peabody couplet on residential and commercial communities along the streets · Lauridsen Boulevard to Race Street would provide an alternative cross-town route especially for commercial traffic if growth were limited along the route · Increase in traffic on Race Street with Lauridsen Boulevard to Race Street new cro~s-town route would not I~e acceptable due to the school and narrow bridge · Against truck traffic going through residential areas which would occur with Lauridsen Boulevard to Race Street as a new cross-town route, trucks are least disruptive through downtown · White Creek Crossing provides an easier access to east SR 1 01 businesses Executive Summary · Heart of the Hills Parkway would provide a good secondary eastern access route · Transportation demand management strategies should be implemented before any road improvements are made Pedestrian Facilities The City has committed to providing sidewalks on approximately 20 existing arterial segments and many access streets (local) (School Walkway Program, TIP 1994). The remaining portions of First Street, Front Street, Fifth Street, "C" Street, and Ennis Street should also be considered for sidewalks to meet City standards. These sidewalks would connect to existing ones and would make a safer environment for pedestrians. Non-motorized Transportation Based on preliminary results from a bicycle survey and engineering judgment, an interim bicycle facilities plan for future facilities was developed. The City intends to finalize a bicycle facilities plan in the future based on additional studies and research. The City also will consider constructing bicycle facilities with any new development or redevelopment when the need for such a bicycle way or trail is apparent. Project Cost Estimates Planning-level cost estimates were prepared for the improvements needed to bring the transportation system up to City design standards and to complete the projects listed in the City TIP. The estimates are as follows: · Widening existing streets to City standards, approximately $33.5 million · Providing pedestrian facilities, which includes widening or replacing bridges as needed, approximately $22.1 million Planning-level estimates also were made for the capital improvements projects and are as follows: · Constructing new roadway facilities and implementing TSM improvements, approximately $10.5 to $15.1 million for ES-6 ,~s i Re~orts / Master / ExecSumm (7117/96) / jc Executive Summary Scenario II, Scenario V, Scenario Ill, and Scenario VI (in order of increasing cost) · Constructing Heart of the Hills Parkway Scenario VII at approximately $32 million in capital improvements In addition, a planning-level estimate was made for providing bicycle facilities described in the Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan. The cost is approximately $6.3 million. Scenario Prioritization The six 2014 scenarios were analyzed to determine which one would be the most economical and effective for the City to pursue over the next two decades. Three measures of effectiveness were used: intersection LOS, vehicle hours of travel (VHT), and vehicle miles of travel (VMT). A decrease in either VMT or VHT as compared to the base scenario (Scenario II) indicates a positive impact on traffic flow. The VHT and VMT for Scenarios III through VII were compared to the base scenario (Scenario II) to determine the net increase or decrease in VHT and VMT. A cost/benefit ratio for each effectiveness measure and each scenario were calculated and ranked from most (1) to least (5) cost effective. The ranks were totaled for each scenario. This ranking considered only traffic operational measures of effectiveness. Considering traffic effectiveness, fundability, environmental impacts, and public acceptance for each scenario, Scenario III (White Creek Crossing) was selected as the City's future transportation network plan. Project Prioritization Project prioritization for Scenario III improvements was based on safety need or benefit; capacity need or benefit; circulation and/or access need or benefit; whether it is a transit route, major/key bicycle route, and/or existing School Walkway Program facility; preservation of existing facilities; cost and cost-effectiveness; environmental impact; funding opportunities; and its effect on enhancing the City's economic viability. Among the high priorities were: Executive Summary · White Creek Crossing. Connect Golf Course Road and Lauridsen Boulevard over White Creek. · Tumwater Truck Road. Complete the SR 101 interchange adding the east on and off ramps. · First Street and Golf Course Road Intersection Improvements. Add a third eastbound through lane through the intersection and drop the lane at Delguzzi Drive, Add a second westbound le~t-turn lane. · Pedestrian Facilities. Add or complete sidewalks along Peabody Street, Lauridsen Boulevard, Race Street, Pare Avenue, Fifth Street, and others (see School Walkway Program). · Bicycle Facilities. Add or complete bicycle facilities along Lauridsen Boulevard, Race Street, Golf Course Road, First Street, Front Street, and Lincoln Street. Generally, 50 percent of the total cost for high priority projects will be spent on roadways, while approximately 25 percent each will be spent on pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Cost estimates by priority are summarized in table ES.2. If all projects are completed within the next two decades, the City would spend approximately $73.4 million, or about $3.7 million per year (disregarding inflation). High priority projects, or projects the City should complete within the next 5 to 10 years, total $13.1 million. Table ES.2 Improvement Project Cost Estimates By Priority Cost Estimates1 High Medium Low Projects Priority Priority Priority Total Capital Improvement $ 6,343 $ 1,911 $ 6,296 $14,550 Pedestrian Facility 3,391 11,571 7,111 22,073 Improvement Bicycle Facility Improvement 3,351 1,029 5,629 10,009 Arterial Roadway Widening --- 2,610 24,176 26,786 Improvement Total Cost: $13,085 $17,121 $43,212 $73,418 1. In thousands of dollars ES-8 ,~00~ / Reports i Master / Exe<=Summ (7/17/96) Executive Summary FUNDING The City is faced with a substantial list of improvement projects totaling approximately $73.4 million. These projects are needed to satisfy the City's design standards, and to address capacity or circulation deficiencies. In addition, the City is also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the transportation system. Revenue Sources Existing revenue sources for the City of Port Angeles include the "street fund" (comprised of property taxes and the motor vehicle fuel tax), real estate excise tax, Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act funds, aquatic lands enhancement funds, public works trust fund, transportation improvement account, Transportation Enhancement Program, Pedestrian Facility Program, and bridge replacement federal funds. The City's annual revenue sources from 1991 to 1995 have ranged from $129,000 to $1,1 81,000. Funding for transportation-related projects come from a complex mix of federal, state, and local sources. Some potential sources are: the local option fuel tax, motor vehicle excise tax, local option vehicle license fee, impact mitigation fee, and the urban arterial trust account. Chapter 6 provides a detailed discussion of these and other sources. Impact Fee Program An impact fee may be justified if new development results in a need for additional transportation capacity, but generates insufficient transportation taxes for the City to pay for that capacity. It must be shown that the additional capacity for which a development is charged is no more than is necessary to mitigate the development's impacts. The recommended method to calculate a new site's use of the capacity added by planned growth-related improvements is to measure direct and indirect use on a case-by-case basis. A site may use an improvement either directly by adding new trips to the network, or indirectly by using capacity vacated when existing trips are diverted to the improvement. A prototype of the impact fee was tested on the City's selected transportation scenario in which the Heart of the Hills Parkway was not included. This prototype example, recommended in Chapter 5, generated an impact fee of $150 per peak hour trip. 95005 / Reports / Ma~ter / ExecSumrn (7/17/96) / jc ES-9 Executive Summary Concurrency Management System The concurrency requirements of the GMA state that local jurisdictions must adopt and enforce ordinances which prohibit development approval if the development causes the LOS on a transportation facility to decline below the standards adopted in the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, unless transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the development's impacts are made concurrently with the development. The law may be interpreted to mean that a development which will violate an adopted LOS standard could win approval if, at the time of approval, the jurisdiction has made financial commitments to improvements or management strategies that will restore the LOS standard no more than six years following approval. The basic elements of a concurrency management system are: [] develop LOS standards for both arterials and transit routes [] develop a policy upon which the developer has the option of contributing toward the cost of a remedy should the system fall below standard [] adopt transportation demand management measures which would reduce the trip generation associated with a proposed development A transportation impact fee program could be a policy in which the developer can contribute towards the cost of a remedy should the system fall below the standard. If the City chooses not to use an impact fee program, they should calculate the applicant's contribution towards the concurrency improvement as though it were impact fee-based. That is the cost paid by the developer for the improvement should be equivalent to the development's use of the improvement. However, because it would not be an impact fee, as authorized in RCW 82.02, the City would have to treat the fee either as a voluntary contribution or use another statutory authority such as the State Environmental Policy Act. Funding Transportation Needs The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires an "analysis of funding capability to judge needs against probable funding resources". Of the $73.4 million of improvements identified in this TSFP, $14.5 million are capacity-related improvements to be E S- 10 g~5 / R~ / M..t~r / E~ecSumm (7/17/~)/jc Executive Summary completed over the next 20 years, while $6.3 million of those improvements are to be completed within the next six years. The City's current six-year TIP identifies an additional $29.7 million worth of projects to be completed over the next six years. Many of these projects are not capacity-related improvements. Others identified in this plan are lower priority projects and could be completed beyond the six-year time frame. The 41 projects identified in both the six-year TIP and this TSFP constitute $36 million. Based on historic levels of transportation funding, the City projects revenues over the next six years totaling $3.2 million, which is $32.8 million short of the amount needed to complete the 41 projects. Three distinct options are available to provide the region with an opportunity to develop a policy for closing the gap between available revenue and the funds needed for the improvements in this TSFP. The options are to reduce costs, postpone improvements, or identify new revenue sources. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP) is organized into six chapters: · Introduction: contains a brief overview of the City's existing policies that guide its future transportation needs. This chapter also briefly describes the City's existing transportation environment and challenges. · PortAngeles Transportation Standards: presents the current standards used by the City and other agencies to measure the adequacy of their facilities. The chapter includes a recommendation for minimum arterial level of service (LOS) via intersection analysis, as well as standards and guidelines the City currently uses in the planning and design of arterial streets. · Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies: includes a detailed inventory of existing arterial street services, including pedestrian facilities, shoulders, curb and gutter, and on-street parking, as well as the number of lanes serving each direction of travel. An inventory of other transportation modes is included, such as marine, air, transit, and non-motorized transportation. Existing deficiencies, as measured by failure to meet or exceed City standards, and an improvement implementation plan to correct current deficiencies are included when applicable. · Traffic Forecasting: details the development of a computer transportation model used to forecast future transportation growth based on existing traffic trends and facilities, as well as future land use development and new transportation facilities. · Future Transportation System Needs: presents the transportation alternatives that were analyzed using the computer model. Each alternative reflects different transportation strategies for the future, and the future transportation needs for each alternative are given. A planning-level cost estimate is provided for each needed improvement, as well as a project prioritization scheme for the most likely alternatives to be implemented. 95005 / Reports / Master / Chapter1 (7/17/96) / jc 1 - 1 Introduction · Funding, Revenue and Impact Fees: describes sources of funding for proposed transportation improvements and potential sources of revenue and an impact fee to assist in financing these projects. CITY OF PORT ANGELES BACKGROUND The City of Port Angeles is located on the northeastern coastline of the Olympic Peninsula. It is the largest of the peninsula cities and is located in Clallam County, with its closest neighboring city, Sequim, located approximately 17 miles east. The popula- tion of the City of Port Angeles in 1993 was 18,270 which slightly exceeded the projected growth for 1994. The City of Port Angeles is characterized by a downtown grid system of roadways, with State Route (SR) 101 supplying the only major east/west corridor through the City. Physical challenges of the roadway system include a series of creeks and ravines that interrupt roadways and limit through movements. In addition, the City is bordered to the south by the Olympic National Park and to the north by the Strait of Juan De Fuca, which forces growth to the east and west and limits the ability to locate another major east/west corridor around the City. The City's other transportation amenities include an international airport; a ferry service to Victoria, Canada; a coastal pedestrian/bicycle trail; and an intercity and intracity transit system. As a result, the City attracts a substantial amount of tourists, adding to its existing traffic challenges. Figure 1.1 shows the City and its urban growth area (UGA). With SR 101 currently being the only major east/west corridor traversing the City of Port Angeles and its UGA, the corridor experiences average daily traffic (ADT) volumes between 12,200 and 23,200 vehicles per day (vpd) in the growth area outside the City limits, and as high as 40,200 vpd within City limits. As a result, congestion related problems are experienced frequently along the SR 101 corridor through Port Angeles. 1-2 9~05 / Re~orls i Master I Chapter1 (7117/96) / jc ~ ~ pu lu~e~u ~uno~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ p~ eOJUO~ ~ ~ ..... I ~ I ~ I Introduction THE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND FACILITIES PLAN Purpose The purpose of this TSFP is to supplement and expand upon the goals and policies of the transportation element in the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles adopted June 28, 1994. This TSFP consists of recommendations and implemen- tation plans to guide the development of the City's transportation system in support of the City's vision for the future. The TSFP is intended to ensure that the City's transportation infrastructure and its management meet the needs of the City's population for safe, efficient, and economical local transportation and access to regional transportation facilities and services. It is intended that the plan: · Support, coordinate, and integrate with other elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including the land use and capital facilities elements · Inventory all the transportation facilities and services of each transportation mode in the City and its UGA · Establish a minimum LOS standard for all arterials and transit routes consistent with the Growth Management Act · Analyze system deficiencies and present an action strategy to address the identified deficiencies · Promote efficient use of the existing transportation system components through Transportation Systems Management (TSM), and reduce the growth of single-occupant vehicle travel via Transportation Demand Management (TDM) OTHER DOCUMENTS The Growth Management Act requires that the comprehensive plans of cities and counties are consistent both internally and externally. That is, the individual plans must contain goals and policies that are consistent within their own jurisdiction as well as with neighboring or overlapping jurisdictions. The plans that were pertinent to developing the Port Angeles TSFP, with particular attention to the transportation elements, were reviewed. As a result of this review, inconsistencies were found regarding the functional class designations of roadways common to the City's comprehensive plan, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 95005 1 Re~3o~ls I Master / Cha~3terl (7117196) Ije 1-5 Introduction (DEIS), and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). This situation is addressed later in Chapter 3 of the TSFP. No other apparent inconsistencies between plans were discovered, although some plans were more specific with regard to their intent of certain goals and policies. This section presents a brief overview of the documents. The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Port Angeles was adopted in June 1994. Its purpose is to document the City's goals and policies and visualize the direction the City will take in the next 20 years. Specific elements contained within the Comprehensive Plan include growth management, land use, transportation, utilities and public ser vices, housing, conservation, capital facilities, and economic development. The transportation element has only two goals: · to develop a coordinated multimodal transportation system which serves all areas of the city and all types of users in a safe, economical, and efficient manner; and · to improve circulation patterns across and within the community. These two goals are supported by twenty-five policies, ranging from the addition of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, to consideration of TSM measures before adding capacity. Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan A DEIS for the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan was issued on March 8, 1993, while the FEIS was issued on August 6, 1993. Both the DEIS and FEIS address environmental impacts associated with implementing the goals and policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. More specifically, the DEIS and FEIS address environmental hazards associated with air quality, water quality, and land resources. 1-6 95o05 / Reports / Master / Chapter1 (7117/96) I ~c Introduction Clallam County Comprehensive Plan The Clallam County Comprehensive Plan, like the City's Comprehensive Plan, is intended to establish a framework for coordinated and comprehensive planning which will help the county and its cities to manage growth in a manner which best represents the desires of its residents. The plan also establishes goals and policies that are of a county-wide nature, including forest and mineral lands; urban growth and sprawl; transportation; economic development; affordable housing; natural, historical and cultural resources; and utilities and capital facilities. The County's Comprehensive Plan contains goals and policies that pertain directly to the City of Port Angeles. The County's Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 4, 1995. Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan The intent of the Regional Comprehensive Plan, as stated in the plan itself, is to refine and further the objectives of the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan. The regional plan provides a guide for coordinated and orderly growth and development of the land and physical improvements in the unincorporated areas of the Port Angeles Regional planning area. This area generally consists of the area west of Siebert Creek and east of Lake Sutherland, excluding the Crescent School District. The plan contains policies pertaining to transportation systems and issues including SR 1 01, rural and urban roads, roadway standards, non-motorized facilities, and airport and marine terminals. The plan was adopted on January 30, 1995. 95005 / Reports / Master I Chapter1 (7117/96) / jc 1 - 7 CHAPTER 2 PORT ANGELES TRANSPORTATION STANDARDS This chapter describes the use of two types of standards for transportation facilities which were used to measure deficiencies in the City of Port Angeles system. The first, desi§n standards for roads and hi§hways, are quantitative, and typically establish minimum lane widths, minimum and maximum grades, minimum turning radii, design speed, etc. Design standards for roadways and non-motorized facilities in the City of Port Angeles are defined by the functional classification of the road. The second, operational standards, which are more qualitative, establish a minimum standard for measuring how well the roadway should function based on the roadway's traffic volumes and geometric design. Operational standards typically measure the degree to which a roadway or other transportation facility has reached capacity by using a rating system known as level of service (LOS). DESIGN STANDARDS FOR ROADS AND HIGHWAYS Functional Classification System The City of Port Angeles has established road and highway design standards based on functional classification as given in its Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, City of Port Angeles Department of Public Works, March 1995. The functional classification of a roadway defines its purpose and design constraints. In both urban and rural areas, four functional classifications exist: · principal arterial · minor arterial · collector arterial · access streets (local) An urban principal arterial, however, can perform a different function and have different design standards than a rural principal arterial, as is also the case with the other three functional classes. Because the scope of this project involves the City of Port Angeles and its urban growth area (UGA), the urban functional classification system applies. This system is defined in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO 1990, and is summarized in table 2.1. Table 2.1 also presents a typical distribution by volume and mileage for each classification. 95005 1 Reports / Master I Chapter2 {7/17/96) / jc 2-1 Port Angeles Transportation Standards Table 2.1 Urban Functional Classification Description and Typical Distribution Range Functional Travel Mileage Class Description Volume (%) (%) Principal Serves major centers of activity; highest traffic volume 40 to 65 5 to 10 corridors; serves most trips entering and leaving urban area and through trips; serves significant intra-urban travel between major suburban or business districts; fully and/or partially controlled access. Minor Interconnects and augments principal arterials; serves trips 5 to 40 5 to 20 of shorter distance and lower level of mobility than principal arterials; more emphasis on land access; does not usually penetrate identifiable neighborhoods. Collector Provides land access and traffic circulation within 5 to 10 5 to 10 residential, commercial, and industrial areas; distributes trips from arterial system to ultimate destination and vice versa. Access Comprises all facilities not classified as a higher class; 10to 30 65 to 80 (Local) permits direct access to abutting land uses; connects to higher class systems; Iow level of mobility; discourages through traffic movement. Source: A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington O.C., ?990. Shown in table 2.2 are some of the design standards as defined in the City's Urban Services Standards, and Guidelines (1995). Although the City specifies minimum standards for right-of-way, pavement width, parking lanes, grades, curb, etc., the current City policy does not include standards for the provision or design of shoulders. Non-Motorized Transportation Standards The Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines (1995) also provides standards for sidewalks by functional classification of the roadway. According to the guidelines, sidewalks are required on both sides of all principal, minor, and collector arterials. The City's Comprehensive Plan (1994) is consistent with these standards and recommends that "pedestrian and bicycle paths ... be an integral part of the circulation system." In addition to the 2-2 9=5 / Refx)~ls I Master / Chapter2 [7/17/96) / jc Port Angeles Transportation Standards functional classification design standards, the City and school system have developed a school walkway program, which specifies priority roadways which are slated for pedestrian sidewalks within the City's 1994 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Table 2.2 Minimum Street Design Standards by Functional Classification Principal Minor Collector Access Design Standard Arterial Arterial Arterial Streets Right-of-Way (ft) 70 ft. min. 60 ft. min. 60 ft. min. 60 ft. min. Pavement Width (ft) 48 ft. 44 ft. 40 ft. 34 ft. Parking Lane 10 ft. 10 ft. 8 ft. both sides Minimum Grade 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% Maximum Grade 5.0% 7.0% 7.0% 10.0% Curb required required required required Design Speed (mph) 45 35 30 25 Source: Information reproduced from Table A--Minimum Street Design Standards, Urban Services Stan- dards and Guidelines, Department of Public Works, City of Port Angeles, September 27, 1995, pg. 3-3. Bicycle ways and trails are also addressed in the City's Standards and Guidelines. Specifically, the guidelines require the construction of bicycle ways and trails with "any new development or redevelopment...when the need for such a bicycle way or trail is indicated in the Port Angeles Trail Plan...or where traffic analysis or traffic planning indicates that substantial bicycle usage would benefit from a designated bicycle facility." As of the date of this TSFP, the City has not yet developed a formal bicycle plan. Bicycle ways are further categorized in the standards, as shown in table 2.3. 9,5005 / Re,ports / Master / Chapter2 (7/17/96) / jc 2-3 Port Angeles Transportation Standards Table 2.3 Bicycle Way Functional Classification Classification Description Class I Bicycle Path: A separate trail for use principally by bicyclists, but may be shared with pedestrians. These facilities are separated from motor vehicle roadways. Class II Bicycle Lane: A portion of a road that is designated by signs and/or pavement markings for bicycle use. These facilities are usually adjacent to the motor vehicle roadway. Class Ill Bicycle Route: A road that is designated with signs as a bicycle route, where bicycle usage is shared with motor vehicles on the street or, less desirably, with pedestrians on a sidewalk or walkway. Class IV Shared Roadway: A facility within commercial and high- density urban centers where sidewalk bicycling is not permitted. No special designations or design criteria are directed toward bicycle use. A 1 4-foot (minimum) outside travel lane is required when a roadway is designated a shared bicycle way. Source: Information reproduced from Table A--Minimum Street Design Standards, Urban Services Stan- dards and Guidelines, Department of Public Works, City of Port Angeles, March 1995, pg. 3-10. OPERATIONAL STANDARDS Intersection Level of Service (LOS) The measure of how well an arterial roadway operates is generally based on intersection operations as opposed to corridor operations because the corridor capacity is constrained by the capacity at intersections located along the roadway, especially as intersection spacing decreases. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), Transportation Research Board Special Report 209 Washington, D.C. (1994) provides procedures for measuring the quality of operations at signalized and unsignalized intersections, known as LOS. The HCM gives two procedures for calculating LOS, one for design purposes and one for planning purposes. For the design procedure, the LOS is ranked from ^ to F, based on the amount of time vehicles are calculated to be stopped at the intersection during the peak traffic periods. For a planning-level estimate of LOS, the ranking system of A to F is associated with calculating threshold volume-to-capacity (v/c) ratios during peak 2-4 9~. / Reports ! Master / Chapter2 (7/17/96) / jc Port Angeles Transportation Standards traffic periods. The volume used in the calculation is not the total volume traveling through the intersection in a given amount of time, but rather a "critical" review of conflicting movements traveling through the intersection in different directions at the same time. Table 2.4 lists brief descriptions of each LOS as given in the HCM, as well as threshold values for a detailed operational (stopped delay) and planning-level (v/c ratio) LOS analysis. Table 2.4 Level of Service Description and Threshold Values for Signalized Intersections Stopped Delay1 LOS Description (sec/veh) v/c Ratio2 A Progression is extremely favorable; most vehicles D < $ v/c < 0.6 arrive during green phase and do not stop at all. B Good progression, short cycle lengths, or both; more 5 < D _< 15 0.6 < v/c _< 0.7 vehicles stop than with/OS A. C Fair progression, longer cycle lengths, or both; some 15 < D < 25 0.7 < v/c < 0.8 cycle failures witnessed; frequency of stopped vehicles is significant, though many still pass through without stopping. D Unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths, or high 25 < D < 40 0.8 < v/c < 0.9 v/c ratios; many vehicles stop; individual cycle failures3 are noticeable. E Poor progression, long cycle lengths, high v/c ratios; 40 < D < 60 0.9 < v/c < 1.0 individual cycle failures are frequent occurrences. F Oversaturation - arrival flow rates exceed capacity; D > 60 v/c > 1.0 high v/c ratios; many individual cycle failures. 1. Detailed operational analysis 2. Planning level analysis 3. Individual cycle failure means that a car waits through more than one red light. v/c = volume to capacity Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 1985; and Interim Materials on Highway Capacity, Circular 212, Transportation Research Board, 1980. Stopped delay should be used as a measure of LOS only when existing conditions are well-defined. For instance, to perform the calculation, signal timing and existing traffic turning movements must be known. Because these items are usually just estimates in the future, the planning LOS analysis is typically used to measure operations at intersections for a document such as the TSFP. For this reason, intersection LOS in this document always refers to a planning-level analysis. 95005 / R~o~s / Master / Chapter2 (7/17/96) / jo 2-5 Port Angeles Transportation Standards The City's Comprehensive Plan (1994) recommends LOS D as the standard for all arterials, while the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan (1995) recommends LOS D for both urban streets and tourist state highways and LOS C for rural highways. The Port Angeles Regional Comprehensive Plan (1995) recommends LOS C for county roads. It is recommended that the City of Port Angeles continue to enforce a LOS D standard for all intersections and streets, including streets or intersections involving a state highway. This standard is consistent with recommendations made in other applicable comprehensive plans and maintains a tolerable LOS for motorists driving through or in the City of Port Angeles and its UGA. Transit Level of Service With a transit LOS ranking system from A to F, the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan (1995) recommends a supply and demand LOS D standard for transit. The plan also details the methodology for determining both the supply and demand LOS. However, it should be noted that Clallam Transit does not use this methodology. Clallam Transit uses service performance standards instead which evaluate the following criteria: passengers per run, passengers per mile, passengers per hour, cost recovery ratio, and cost per passenger. The service performance standards as used by Clallam Transit are calculated for three separate service categories defined by the route. The three categories are Intercity, urban, and rural routes. Each category has its own standard for each performance indicator. Table 2.5 presents the minimum standards for each performance indicator and each service category as used by Clallam Transit for the period June 1995 to May 1996. Table 2.5 Clallam Transit Service Performance Standards Service Passengers Passengers Passengers Cost Recovery Cost per Category per Run per Mile per Hour Ratio Passenger Intercity 8.19 0.28 9.64 2.59% $8.37 Urban 3.09 0.73 1 6.33 4.97% $4.53 Rural 3.23 0.11 5.20 1.35% $16.70 2-6 950051 Reports / Master / Chapted2 (7/17/96) / jc Port Angeles Transportation Standards The other transit standard methodology, as outlined in the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan (1995), defines supply LOS based on a travel time comparison between traveling a specific route by vehicle and by transit, and on headway (time) between successive buses. The supply LOS included in the Clallam County Plan requires that a passenger should experience a travel time no greater than 1.5 times that of a car if headways are greater than 75 minutes, or a travel time no greater than 2.5 times that of a car if headways are less than 60 minutes. Demand LOS is based on the number of passengers using the bus versus the number of available seats on the bus. A demand LOS D indicates that all seats on the bus are taken and between 10 and 25 percent of the people on the bus must stand. 95005 ! Re~oor~s / Master / Chaplet2 (7/17/96} / ~c 2-7 CHAPTER 3 EXISTING TRANSPORTATION INVENTORY AND DEFICIENCIES ROADS AND HIGHWAYS Inventory Data Source This chapter documents the status of the existing City of Port Angeles infrastructure. To compile this information, an inventory of existing facilities was conducted and the standards described in Chapter 2 were applied. Each mode of transportation is described in more detail in the sections that follow. Existing facilities were inventoried by either acquiring data from the responsible agency or collecting data in the field. A field data collection effort was initiated over a two-day period from April 17-1 8, 1994 to obtain inventory data that could not be acquired from public agencies. The inventory of roadways was made on designated arterial streets. A list of designated arterial street~ was compiled based on the City's Comprehensive Plan, Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) which all differed slightly. The list included arterial streets in both the City and urban growth area (UGA). Arterial street inventory data collected in the field specifically consisted of street widths, number of lanes, type of edge and pedestrian facilities, and intersection configurations at signalized intersections. Signalized intersection phasing schemes also were documented in the field in order to conduct a level of service (LOS) analysis at these intersections. The p.m. peak-hour turning movement counts were made by the City during the months of June and July 1995. Arterial Streets A database of arterial streets was created based on the completed inventory. This database combines existing data maintained by the City and supplements it with data collected in the field. The database contains the following: · arterial street name and segment endpoints 95005 / Report-, I Master I Chapt®¢3 (7117/96) / jc 3-1 ~ r - ~ ~e~ /.' '] .............. ) '....~ , ~ . IS SOl~9 N  '. . ~._, I .............. ................. ~ , - ~/ ,, - ~,,,~,, ..... ~, ,-~ ~ '. ,, L ........  ............. P~ ~ PlO %~ , ~ '~ ~: ' . .~ ~ .. ~ ~ ~ /2,,D ~ '- . ~,' ~ ¢, ,-.' I ~ /'~/ I .......... I ~ ~ , ........ ~ ~ ~ ,'~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ , . , ...... ~: ~ , ,/ ~ .~--~..-~ ~ -- ~ ....... ,," ~. __zz_ ............. :.~_ _i_~_~' Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies · pavement width · number of lanes, edge and pedestrian facilities, curb and gutter, and parallel parking for each direction of travel · direction of roadway · arterial class as given by the DEIS, FEIS, and Comprehensive Plan · segment length · median facilities · speed limit Although pavement condition is not currently included in the database, the City is interested in including and maintaining the pavement condition of each street in the City after a formal Pavement Management System has been implemented. The entire database and its code sheet are provided in ^ppendix ^. The database was used to summarize the information presented in the remainder of this section. Location and Functional Classification As was previously indicated, a functional classification system for roadways in and around Port Angeles is provided in the City's Comprehensive Plan, DEIS, and FEIS. Minor inconsistencies exist between the various documents concerning the functional classification of some streets. Therefore, the functional classifica- tion of all roadways in the City of Port Angeles and its UGA were re-evaluated based primarily on the criteria listed in table 2.1. Other factors considered in determining the revised functional classification were average weekday daily traffic (AWDT) volumes, previous functional classifications, City official's recommendations, and connectivity. Figure 3.1 illustrates the recommended functional classification system, based on this re-evaluation. Figure 3.2 illustrates the changes that were made to the functional classification system compared to that presented in the City's Comprehensive Plan, DEIS, and FEIS. A comparison of the approximate mileage distribution of the new functional classification system with the ranges provided previously in table 2.1 are shown in table 3.1. 3-2 950051 Reports / Master I Chapter3 {7/17/96} / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.1 Recommended Functional Classification Distribution Estimated Functional Class Linear Miles Distribution Typical Distributiona Principal Arterial 1 0.2 7% 5 to 1 0% Minor Arterial 6.5 4% 5 to 20% Collector Arterial 37.7 26% 5 to 1 0% Access Street = 92b 63% 65 to 80% a. See table 2.1 for source of information. b. Total mileage of access streets (local) is unknown. Mileage was based on proportion of principal, minor, and collector street mileage to an estimate of total street mileage. As shown in figure 3.1, the two principal arterials in the Port Angeles area are SR 101 and Race Street. State Route 101 serves through traffic entering and leaving the City and provides service to the surrounding rural areas, while Race Street serves a major activity center in the City, the Olympic National Park entrance. Within the City limits, the SR 1 01 corridor is made up of portions of First Street and Front Street (one-way couplet), Lincoln Street, and Lauridsen Boulevard. The minor arterial system is comprised of the remaining portions of First Street and Front Street west of Lincoln Street; portions of C Street, Eighth Street, Marine Drive, Golf Course Road, and Lauridsen Boulevard; and the entire length of the Tumwater Truck Route. These streets supplement the principal arterial system and, in most cases, interconnect the principal arterials. More than 50 streets, or portions of them, make up the collector arterial system. These arterials provide property access and traffic circulation within residential, commercial, and industrial areas and supplement the minor arterial system. Existing Geometric Conditions As shown in table 3.2, approximately 40 miles of arterial streets are located within the City limits and an additional 15 miles in the UGA. Approximately 86 percent of the City's arterial streets do not have painted/marked shoulders. More than half of these streets are wide enough to allow parallel parking, and/or maintain 950051 Rel3orts / Master / Chapter3 (7/17/96] / jc 3-5 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies a shoulder although they are not currently striped for these uses. (For the purpose of consistency, if a street was wide enough to allow parallel parking, but the additional width was not specifically striped for a shoulder, the additional paved area was coded in the database as parallel parking.) In the UGA, 49percent of the arterial streets do not have a painted/ marked shoulder. Overall (City and UGA), about half the arterials have either a painted/marked shoulder or parallel parking. Table 3.2 Arterial Street Characteristics All Arterials City UGA1 City & UGA Miles of ... 40 15 55 Percent of gravel/dirt shoulder < 6 feet 2 0 2 Percent of gravel/dirt shoulder > 6 feet 2 3 2 Percent of paved shoulder < 6 feet 2 20 7 Percent of paved shoulder > 6 feet 8 28 14 Percent of no shoulder 86 49 75 Percent of para~JeJ parking 48 6 36 Percent of shoulder and/or parallel parking 56 34 50 UGA refers to that part of the growth area outside the City limits. ~lote: For the purpose of consistency, if a street was wide enough to allow parallel parking, but th( extra width was not specifically striped for a shoulder, the additional paved area was coded in the database as parallel parking. [UGA = urban growth area Table 3.3 lists the percentage of two-, three-, four-, and five-lane arterials within the City limits, UGA, and both the City and UGA. In addition, the table lists the percentage of roads by overall width, including shoulders and parking. A detailed breakdown by arterial classification can be found in Appendix B. As can be seen in table 3.3, 89 percent of the arterials in the City and UGA are two-lane roads, with the majority of those being between 31 to 40 feet wide. 3-6 9=51 Reports / Maste~ t Chapter3 (7/17/96) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.3 Percentage of Arterial Streets by Width and Number of Lanes Number Width Percent of Arterials Located In... of Lanes (feet) City UGA1 City & UGA 2 All 92 80 89 2 11 to20 6 6 6 2 21 to 30 27 41 30 2 31 to 40 46 41 45 2 41 to 50 21 11 1 8 2 51 to60 1 0 1 3 All 7 0 5 3 31 to 40 47 0 47 3 41 to 50 53 0 53 4 All 1 7 2 4 41 to 50 100 0 16 4 51 to 60 0 1 00 84 5 All I 13 4 5 61 tO 70 100 88 89 5 71 tO 80 0 12 11 1. UGA refers to that part of the growth area outside the City limits. Note: Total mileage of arterial streets located within the City limits is 39.76 miles, and 15.14 miles within the UGA. Italicized and bold entries represent all the facilities for the number of lanes shown. UGA = urban growth area Existing geometric conditions for each designated collector, minor, and principal arterial segment within the City and UGA are shown in tables 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, respectively. Average Weekday Daily Traffic The 1994 ^WDT volumes on many of the arterial streets in Port Angeles are shown in fi§ure3.3. The SR 101 corridor experiences the highest traffic volumes of all arterials in the City, although portions of the Marine Drive/First Street/Front Street corridor west of SR 1 01, Race Street, and Eighth Street experience ^WDTs upwards of 10,000 vehicles per day (vpd). 95005 / Reports / Maste~/Chapter3 (7/17/96) /jc 3-7 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.4 Collector Arterial Street Existing Conditions Segment Existing Conditions Width No. Parking Arterial Street From... To... (ft) Lanes Curb Ped. Fac. Shoulders Fac. Ahlvers St. Laurel St. Peabody St. 21-39 2 discont, none none discont. Airport Rd. Lauridsen Blvd. SR 101 22 2 none none none none Baker St. Third Ave. SR 101 22 2 none none none none Bay St. Larch Ave. Lees Creek Rd. 22 2 none none none none Black Diamond Rd. Lauridse~ Blvd. Fors Rd. 25 2 none none discont, discont. Brooks Ave. Lees Cree~ Rd. SR 101 25 2 none none none none Campbell Ave. Mt. Angeles Rd. Porter St. 20 2 none none none none Cedar St. Second St. Eighth St. 22-42 2 cont. none none discont. Chambers St. Front St. Eighth St. 38 2 cont. discont, none cont. Cherry St. Second St. Fifteenth St. 23-38 2 discont, nrlycont, none discont. Dry Creek Rd. SR 101 Edgewood Dr. 16-26 2 none none none none Edgewood Dr. Lower Elwha Dr. Airport Rd. 27 2 none none paved < 6' none Ediz Hook Coast Guard Hill St. 19-34 2 discont, min. discont, none Eighteenth St. L St. end 22-29 2 none min. none none Eighth St. I St. C St. 37 2 cont. discont, none cont. Eighth St. Race St. Chambers St. 40 2 cont. none none cont. Ennis St. entrance to Rayonier Lauridsen 30-39 2 cont. discont, none discont. Fairmont Ave. Lauridsen Blvd. SR 101 19-20 2 none none discont, discont. Fifth St. Ennis St. Cherry St. 24-39 2 discont, discont, min. cont. Fifth St. Tumwater St. L St. 39 2 cont. disc'ont, min. cont. Fourth St. Hill St. Evans St. 38, 2 cont. none none cont. Gales St. SR 101 Third Ave. 23 2 none none discont, none Golf Course Rd. Sixth St. Maddock Rd. 18-39 2 discont, m;n. none discont. -till St. Marine Dr. Fourth St. 29 2 none none discont, none St. Sixteenth St. Fifth St. 39 2 discont, none none cont. L St. Eighteenth St. Lauridsen Blvd. 22 2 none none none none Larch Ave. SR 101 Bay St. 22 2 none none none none Laurel St. Lauridsen Blvd. Ahlvers Rd. 29-39 2 discont, none none discont. Lauridsen Blvd. Tumwater Truck Rt. Airport Rd. 22 2 none none discont, none Lees Creek Rd. Bay St. Brook Ave. 16 2 none none none none Liberty St. Park Ave. Lauridsen Blvd. 24 2 none discont, discont, none Lower Elwha Rd. Milwaukee Dr. Ext. Edgewood Dr. 20-22 2 none none discont, none M St. Fourth St. Tenth St. 38 2 cont. mm. none cont. Marine Dr. Tumwater Truck Rt. Hill St. 33 2 cont. nrlycont, none discont. Milwaukee Dr. N St. Tenth St. 18-35 2 discont, none min. none Monroe Rd. SR 101 Mariah Wind Wy. 24-36 2 discont, d;scont, discont, discont. Mount Angeles Rd. Race St. Scrivner 21 2 none none none none Mount Pleasant Rd. SR 101 Garling Rd. 24-37 2 discont, none none none N St. Milwaukee Dr. Eighteenth St. 19-45 2 discont, min. none discont. Old Mill Rd. Ahlvers City Limits 20-38 2 discont, none none discont. Park Ave. Laurel St. Liberty 21-39 2 discont, discont, none discont. Peabody St. Front St. Lauridsen Blvd. 39 3 cont. nrlycont, none discont. Peabody St. Lauridsen Blvd. Ahlvers Rd. 40 2 cont. discont, none cont. Pine St. Lauridsen Eighth St. 24-38 2 d'~scont, discont, none discont. Porter St. Campbell Ave. Park Ave. 23 2 none none none none Second St. Cherry St. Marine Dr. 23-50 2 cont. discont, none discont. Sixteenth St. L St. C St. 22-38 2 discont, none gone discont. Tenth St. Milwaukee St. I St. 18-37 2 discont, none none none Third Ave. Gales St. Baker St. 18 2 none none none none Tumwater St. Fifth St. Marine Dr. 20 2 cont. discont, none none Valley St. First St. 6th St. (theoret.) 35-48 2 discont, disc'ont, none discont. Notes: Italicized entries indicate where existing conditions fall short of design standards. discontinuous = discont.; continuous = cont.; nearly continuous = nrtycont.; minimal = min.; pedestrian facilities = ped. fac.; parking facilities = parking fac. 3- 8 9=5 / Reports / Master / Chapted3 (7/17/96) Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.5 Minor Arterial Street Existing Conditions Segment Existing Conditions Wklth No. Parking Arterial Street From... To... (ft) Lanes Curb Ped. Fac. Shoulders Fac. C St. Lauridsen Eighth St. 39 2 cont. discont, none cont. Eighth St. C St. Race St. 26-47 2 discont, nrlycont, none none First St. Marine Dr. Lincoln St. 50 2 cont. cont. none cont. Front St. Lincoln St. end 41-48 2 cont. cont. none cont. Golf Course Rd. First St. Sixth St. 39 2 cont. discont, none discont. Lauridsen Blvd. Ennis St. Lincoln St. 24-49 2 cont. min. discont, none Marine Dr. First St. Tumwater Truck Rt. 48 2 cont. cont. none none Tumwater Truck Rt. Marine Dr. SR 101 24-36 2-3 none none discont, none (SR 117) Notes: Italicized entries indicate where existing conditions fall short of design standards. discontinuous = discont.; continuous = cont.; nearly continuous = nrlycont.; minimal: min. Table 3.6 Principal Arterial Street Existing Conditions Segment Existing Conditions W'~lth No. Ped. Parking Arterial Street From... To... (ft) Lanes Curb Fac. Shoulders Fac. First St. Lincoln St. Golf Course Rd. 50 2 cont. nrlycont, none cont. Front St. Golf Course Rd. Lincoln St. 38-41 2-3 cont. discont, min. discont. Lauridsen Blvd. Lincoln St. Fifteenth St. 50 2 cont. none none cont. Lincoln St. Lauridsen Blvd. Front St. 41-49 2-4 cont. cont. none cont. Race St. Front St. Mt. Angeles Rd. 21-43 2-4 discont, discont, min. discont. SR 101 Golf Course Rd. Deerpark Rd. 60-72 4-5 discont, discont, paved >&< 6' none SR 101 Lauridsen Blvd. Dry Creek Rd. 36-48 2-3 none none paved > 6' none Notes: Italicized entries indicate where existing conditions fall short of design standards. discontinuous = discont.; continuous = cont.; nearly continuous = nrlycont.; minimal = min. Because SR 101 is currently the only major east/west corridor tra- versing Port Angeles and its UGA, the corridor experiences an AWDT between 12,200 and 23,200 vpd in the growth area outside the City limits, and as high as 40,200 vpd within City limits. As a result, congestion related problems are experienced frequently along the SR 101 corridor through Port Angeles. Arterial Street Existing Deficiencies Functional Classification The functional classification standards presented in table 2.2 were used to identify arterial street segments falling short of design standards. Existing conditions shown in tables :3.4, 3.$, and 3.6 were italicized if they did not meet those standards. Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies With the exception of portions of Chambers Street, First Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street, Eighth Street, "M" Street, Peabody Street, and Marine Drive, all designated collector, minor, and principal arterials are narrower than the recommended width, and/or do not have curb and gutter. The remaining 53 street segments listed in tables 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 would, at a minimum, require widening to meet design standards. Design standards pertaining to pedestrian facilities were not addressed in this section, but will be addressed later in this document. It is also important to note that right-of-way, grade, and design speeds could not be field verified. Verification of these criteria may or may not identify additional design standard shortfalls. It is recommended that criteria pertaining to shoulders be added to the City's design standards. Furthermore, it is recommended that paved shoulders should be required on all minor and principal arterials, and recommended on collector arterials. Accident Summary An accident analysis was conducted at midblock segments using accident data from January 1992 to December 1994, and 1994 traffic counts. Because the number of accidents occurring at a midblock section is dependent on the traffic volume and section length being analyzed, accidents are usually reported as a rate. For this analysis, midblock accidents were reported as accidents per million vehicle miles (apmvm). Expressing accident occurrences as rates enables a relative comparison between midblock segments. For this reason, a segment with the most accident occurrences does not necessarily mean the same segment will have the highest accident rate. Accidents occurring at midblock segments were defined as those occurring more than 150 feet from an intersection. A total of 192 midblock accidents occurred over the three-year period in Port Angeles, with an average of 64 midblock accidents per year. Of the 28 segments at which midblock accidents occurred, count data and segment lengths were available for 24 locations, which represents approximately 97 percent of the accidents. Accident rates were calculated at these 24 segments on a block-by-block basis. Segment values were obtained by averaging the individual block accident rates. Rates for each segment ranged from 0.2 to 6.8 accidents per million vehicle miles. The segment with the highest accident rate was Tenth Street from Milwaukee Drive to I 3-12 9~5 / Ref~orts / Master / Chapt®K3 (7/17/96) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Street (6.8 apmvm), while the segment with the most accidents was First Street between Lincoln Street and Delguzzi Drive (33 accidents). A list of locations, number of accidents, and segment midblock accident rates are given in ^ppendix C. The 1994 Washington State average accident rate for urban principal arterials, minor arterials, and collector arterials was 2.83, 3.21, and 4.23 accidents per million vehicle miles, respectively (Washington State Department of Transportation, Planning & Programming Service Center, Olympia 1994). Accident rates were mostly below the State's 1994 average accident rates. The random nature of accidents can result in significant deviations from the average, especially when the number of accidents is Iow. These deviations, therefore, do not necessarily indicate a specific safety hazard. Of the six locations with accident rates higher than the State's average, only one location on Front Street (from Lincoln Street to Valley Street) has a significant number of accidents. Nine of the 1 9 accidents at this location involved a fixed object or parked vehicle, which may indicate a parking design deficiency is partly responsible for the higher than average accident rate. A more detailed accident study may reveal a deficiency. Based on WSDOT's 1994 average accident rates for the state and accident rates calculated for the remaining Port Angeles streets, there does not appear to be any significant roadway deficiencies related to safety. Citizen Comments Resident comments or questions at public open house meetings, and/or letters to officials in the Public Works Department often identify locations with limited sight distance where movements are difficult to execute, unsafe situations, and other traffic-related challenges. The City received one citizen request which identified two areas of interest. The first is the need for another east/west corridor through the City. This deficiency is addressed later in this document as a result of an analysis using the Port Angeles traffic model. The second issue was an intersection related deficiency which also is addressed in the Signalized and Unsignalized section of this chapter. In the past, however, the City has received other comments on areas that are having traffic problems/deficiencies. Some of the citizen comments have addressed: using the C Street Extension as a through street at high speeds is unsafe, upgrading Rose Street and Thistle Street from gravel roads to meet City Standards for an access street (local), and reconstructing 0 Street (from 12th Street 95005 / Reports ! Master / Chac~lsr3 (7/17/96) / jc 3-1 3 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies to 14th Street) and 1 4th Street (from O Street to Milwaukee Drive) to meet City Standards for an access street (local). Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program The City's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) also identifies existing traffic-related deficiencies. Many of the projects involve realignment or reconstruction of existing corridors or intersections to improve operations. New facilities planned for the next six years are the extension of Milwaukee Drive to Lower Elwha Road and a crossing over White Creek that would provide a second east/west corridor through the City. Table 3.7 lists roadway improvements that are in the Port Angeles TIP (1 995). Table 3.7 Port Angeles Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program New Facility Reconstruction Construction Other Improvements Lauridsen White Creek Eighth St. Bridge Inspections Blvd./Airport Rd. Crossing Lauridsen Blvd. ("L" Milwaukee Dr. Commercial Alley Reconstruction to Tumwater Truck extension to Lower Rte.) Elwha Rd. Pine St. Lauridsen Blvd. Bridge Widening Eighth St. (Race to Eighth St. Bridge Replacement Cherry) Fifth St. (Lincoln to Ennis) Peabody St. Laurel St./ Ahlvers Rd. Tenth St. ("1" to Flores) Park Ave. Eighteenth St. (Landfill to "M") Source: City of Port Angeles Six-Year Transportation Program (1995) 3-14 9~51 Reports / Ma~ter / Chapter3 (7/17/9~) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Commercial Vehicle Routes The only designated commercial vehicle route in the City of Port Angeles is the Tumwater Truck Route (SR 117), from SR 101 to Marine Drive. This route primarily serves eastbound SR 101 traffic entering Port Angeles, and also provides a westbound exit from the port area. Trucks are not prohibited from using Lincoln Street or any other arterial street in the City. There has been increasing concern over using First Street and Front Street, especially in the downtown area, as a truck corridor because of existing congestion in this area. The City is currently considering using Lauridsen Boulevard as an alternative truck route. Use of this proposed access to/from SR 101 on the east side of the City would require trucks to use Race Street because of grade restrictions. Using Race Street, however, would only partially alleviate truck use on First and Front Streets. A long-range alternative would be to construct a roadway across White Creek connecting Lauridsen Boulevard and Golf Course Road. Steep grades on Golf Course Road (7.5 to 14 percent), however, would have to be reduced to make the truck reroute effective. This alternative would effectively reroute most through trucks around the downtown/waterfront area of Port Angeles. Signalized and Unsignalized Intersections Intersections are the portion of the transportation network most often perceived as being deficient. This is especially true of signalized intersections, because they cause delay for through traffic and they are a point of conflict and interaction with other vehicles. For the most part, however, traffic signals serve their purpose by creating gaps in traffic for all movements (e.g. left- turns), making everyone share the burden of delay. To determine how well Port Angeles intersections operate, a LOS analysis for all signalized and some unsignalized intersections was conducted based on the existing configuration, signal phasing and traffic volumes. The results are presented here. Intersection Locations There are currently 22 signalized intersections within the Port Angeles City limits and three signalized intersections within the UGA outside of the City. Most of these intersections are located along the SR 101 corridor, including First Street, Front Street, and 95005 / Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7/17/96) / jc 3-15 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Lincoln Street. Other locations include intersections along Race Street, Fifth Street, Eighth Street, and Tumwater Truck Route. In addition, there are five unsignalized intersections within City limits that are either planned for signalization in the City's Six- Year TIP (1994), or City officials perceive the need for future signalization. Existing Intersection Volumes The p.m. peak-hour turning movement counts were conducted during the months of June and July 1 995 between 3:45 p.m. and 5:15 p.m. However, daily counts indicate that in some areas of Port Angeles (generally downtown) the peak travel volumes occur during midday. Level of service calculations and p.m. peak-hour turning movement counts are provided in Appendix D. Deficiencies Intersection Level of Service A planning-level LOS analysis was conducted on the 25 signalized intersections and five unsignalized intersections in the study area. Table :3.8 lists the critical volumes, v/c ratios, and LOS (where applicable) for each intersection. Figure 3.4 illus- trates each intersection's location and its corresponding LOS. Based on the results of the intersection planning-level LOS analysis, there is one signalized intersection currently operating below the recommended LOS D standard--the Eighth Street and Lincoln Street intersection. This intersection currently operates at LOS E in the p.m. peak hour. One reason for the Iow LOS is that the southbound right-turn volume is substantial (1 87 vehicles per hour), but there is not an exclusive right-turn lane. By adding an exclusive right-turn lane, a planning-level LOS analysis revealed the intersection would operate at LOS C. This LOS calculation can be found in Appendix E. -The intersection of First Street and Coif Course Road has a unique geometry that allows the westbound SR 101 through traffic to remain in motion through all phases of the cycle length. This is possible by providing the eastbound left-turn movement and the northbound through/left movement with an exclusive acceleration lane on westbound SR 101 (Front Street), and because two of the four legs of the intersection are composed of one-way traffic only. 3-16 9=51 Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7/17196) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.8 1994 P.M. Peak Intersection Planning Level of Service Analysis Intersection Critical of... and... LOS v/c ratio Volume Signalized Intersections Eighth Street Cherry Street B 0.64 960 Eighth Street Lincoln Street E 0.92 1,261 Eighth Street Peabody Street A 0.59 837 Eighth Street Race Street B 0.66 908 Fifth Street Lincoln Street A 0.53 795 Fifth Street Peabody Street A 0.53 735 First Street Ennis Street C 0.76 1,1 43 First Street Golf Course Road B 0.68 966 First Street Laurel Street A 0.50 745 First Street Lincoln Street A 0.40 601 First Street Oak Street A 0.34 514 First Street Peabody Street A 0.59 881 First Street Race Street B 0.61 910 Front Street Ennis Street B 0.63 941 Front Street Laurel Street A 0.46 693 Front Street Lincoln Street C 0.70 1,051 Front Street Oak Street A 0.48 726 Front Street Race Street B 0.66 997 SR 101 Delguzzi Drive B 0.60 901 SR 101 Kolonels Way A 0.54 749 SR 101 Monroe Road B 0.61 872 SR 101 Mt. Pleasant Road B 0.66 936 Lauridsen Boulevard Race Street A 0.53 791 Lauridsen Boulevard Lincoln Street A 0.39 560 Marine Drive Tumwater Truck Road B 0.60 906 Unsign~lized Intersections Eighth Street C Street D n/a n/a Fifth Street Race Street D n/a n/a Hill Street Marine Drive A n/a n/a Lauridsen Boulevard Laurel Street D n/a n/a N Street Eighteenth Street A n/a n/a 95005 / Re~s / Master / Chapter3 (7/17/96) / j~ 3-19 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Therefore, the westbound through volume was not included in the analysis, and the intersection was treated as a T-intersection. Although the LOS analysis indicates this intersection currently operates at LOS B in the p.m. peak hour, extreme delays have been witnessed. The delay is such that eastbound through traffic does not clear the intersection in one cycle length and some vehicles often wait through two or more cycles before clearing the intersection. This condition indicates that either the traffic volumes measured in the field are incorrect, or the existing signal timing has not been optimized. If the volumes used in the analysis are too Iow, then one solution would be to add a third through lane on the eastbound leg (First Street) and continue it through the intersection on eastbound SR 101 to Delguzzi Road, where it would become a right-turn. (This analysis is shown in Appendix E.) Otherwise, a revised signal timing scheme based on the available volumes should be considered for this intersection. Intersection Accident Summary An accident analysis for intersections in the Port Angeles area was conducted using accident data from January 1992 to December 1994, and 1994 traffic counts. Because the number of accidents occurring at an intersection is dependent on the traffic volume entering the intersection, accidents are usually reported as a rate. For this analysis, intersection accidents were reported as accidents per million entering vehicles (apmv). Expressing accident occurrences as rates enables a relative comparison between intersections. For this reason, an intersection with the most accident occurrences does not necessarily mean the same intersection will have the highest accident rate. There were a total of 607 accidents at 142 intersections in Port Angeles over the three-year period, producing an average of 202 accidents per year. Accident rates were calculated for the 48 intersections which had available traffic count data (representing approximately 56 percent of the accidents over the three-year period). At these 48 intersections, between zero and three accidents per million entering vehicles occurred each year, with the intersection of First Street and Golf Course Road experiencing the highest accident rate. A list of the 48 intersections and corresponding number of accidents and accident rate is given in Appendix F. 3-20 95005 / Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7117/96) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Citizen Comments As identified by one resident of Port Angeles, a traffic challenge exists at the intersection of First Street/Front Street/Golf Course Road. The resident believes that the acceleration lane on westbound Front Street for eastbound U-turn movements and northbound left/through movements is a difficult maneuver and often is complicated by congestion problems due to the high westbound through volume. In addition, the unique geometry of the intersection causes additional maneuvering challenges for patrons of surrounding retail and restaurant businesses. The citizen also noted sight distance problems related to vegetation along Front Street. This intersection has been noted by others in the past as well. Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program The City's TIP also identified projects that involve the coordina- tion or addition of traffic signals. Table 3.9 lists these projects. Table 3.9 Port Angeles Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Intersection Reconstruction Signalization Lauridsen Blvd./Washington St. Eighth St./Cherry St. Golf Course Rd./SR 1 01 Preemption revision on all signals Hill St./Marine Dr. Eighth St./"C" St. Tumwater Truck Rte./SR 1 01 City-wide signal interconnect Source: City of Port Angeles Six-Year Transportation Program (1995) AIR TRANSPORTATION The William R. Fairchild International Airport is within the City limits of Port Angeles, but was originally owned by Clallam County. Initial construction began in 1934, and over the years, the airport has had several different owners and purposes. Today, the airport is owned by the Port of Port Angeles, with its primary purpose to develop flow of passengers and cargo through the airport and create economic benefits for the county. The majority 95005 / Repe~t, / Marie,' / Cha/pter3 (7/17/96) / ~ 3-21 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies of funds used in operating the airport come from airlines, tenants, and users of the airport. The airport is served by one carrier, Horizon Airlines, with 10 daily flights to Seattle. The airline also provides service to Victoria, British Columbia. With a full-time U.S. Customs and Immigration Service at the airport, Horizon Airlines has found it increasingly more convenient to stop in Port Angeles for customs before continuing onto Seattle and thus avoiding the international arrivals congestion at SeaTac Airport. This convenience is witnessed in the total enplanements trend over the last 10 years, which has shown a net increase of approximately 159 percent since 1985, to 77,840 in 1994. Four carriers provide air freight services at the airport, including Horizon Airlines, Federal Express, United Parcel Se~ice, and Pony Express. Air freight has increased almost every year since 1982, with a net increase of approximately 58 percent to 335 tons in 1992. Access to the airport is currently via Eighteenth Street and "L" Street. The AWDT volumes for these two roadways is 2,500 vpd and 3,000 vpd, respectively, or between 250 and 300 vehicles per hour (vph) during the peak hour (figure 3.3). These volumes are well below capacity (20,000 vph) for the two-lane suburban roads servicing the airport. MARINE TRANSPORTATION Port Angeles has two ferry services located off of Railroad Avenue in downtown, with marine access into the Port Angeles Harbor. The vehicle/pedestrian ferry service is owned by Black Ball Transport, Inc. which has been operating between Port Angeles and Victoria, British Columbia since December 1959. The M.V. Coho is a roll-on, roll-off vehicle and passenger vessel. Vehicle capacity varies from 50 to 110 vehicles, depending on vehicle lengths and types. Maximum passenger capacity is 1,000. The company is a privately owned company receiving no government or other operating funds. Total foot passengers and vehicle transport has decreased by approximately 16 and 12 percent, respectively, since 1989, with a total of 197,304 foot passengers and 290,250 vehicles using the service in 1994. Peak service on the ferry occurs during the summer months, with approximately 60 percent of its yearly boardings during the four months from June to September. 3-22 g~oo~ / Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7/17/96) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies The Victoria Rapid Transit service is a pedestrian only ferry serving Victoria and Port Angeles from May to October. The privately owned company has been operating since 1990 and owns one high-speed vessel. The ship's maximum occupancy is 150 passengers, and it makes three round trips per day. Crossing time is approximately one hour. The ferry company transports between 30,000 and 60,000 passengers annually, with the summer months being the peak season. PUBLIC TRANSIT The City of Port Angeles is served by Clallam Transit, which provides intracity routes to Port Angeles, and also provides intercity routes for Port Angeles, Sequim, Forks, Sappho, La Push, Clallam Bay, Sekiu, and Neah Bay. The system consists of five intracity routes in the Port Angeles area and three intercity routes with direct service from Port Angeles. Table 3.10 presents a brief description of each route, while figure 3.$ illustrates the intracity bus routes. Deficiencies Level of Service The service performance standards used by Clallam Transit were presented previously in table 2.5. The service performance indicators were calculated by Clallam Transit for each route for the period from June 1995 to May 1996. The results are presented in table 3.11. Entries shown in bold did not satisfy the performance standard for that route's service category. Routes 14 and 26 both failed to meet performance standards for passengers per mile. Route 14 also exceeded the standard cost per passenger threshold. Clallam Transit uses this data to determine if a route modification, schedule modification, route termination, service cut, fare increase, and/or target marketing needs to occur. 95005 / Report. / M..t®r / Che/pter3 (7/17196) / jc 3-23 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.10 Clallam Transit Route Summary Weekday Headway Route AM PM Off Service Number Route Destinations Peak Peak Peak Day Intracity Routes 20 Transfer Station, Peninsula 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. 6:25 a.m.- College, Plaza Shopping Center, 7:00 p.m. Olympic Memorial Hospital, Transfer Station 21 Plaza Shopping Center, 30 min. n/a n/a 7:40 a.m.- Peninsula College, Port Angeles 9:55 a.m. High School, Court House 22 Transfer Station, Lincoln St., 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. 6:55 a.m.- Laurel St., Ahlvers Rd., Port 7:00 p.m. Angeles High School, Peabody St., Court House, Transfer Station 24 Transfer Station, Lincoln St., 30 min. 30 min. 30-60 6:25 a.m.- Eighth St., Cedar St., Pine St., C min. 7:30 p.m. St., Fairgrounds, I St., Transfer Station 26 Transfer Station, Marine Dr., 30 min. 30-60 30-120 6:30 a.m.- Fifth St., M St., N St., 18th St., min. min. 9:45 p.m. Fairgrounds, Airport, Elwha Tribal Center, Edgewood Rd., Lauridsen Blvd., Tumwater Truck Rte., Transfer Station Intercity Routes 10 Transfer Station, Lincoln St., n/a 2-3 hours 5 hours 6:30 a.m.- SR 101, SR 112, Joyce, Lyre 11:15 p.m. River Park 14a Transfer Station, SR 101, 2 hours 2 hours 2-3 hours 4:15 a.m.- Sappho and Forks $:30 p.m. 30b Transfer Station, Plaza Shopping 30 min. 30 min. 30-140 6:15 a.m.- Center, SR 101, Sequim min. 11:15 p.m. Source: Clallam Transit Summer Schedules June 1995. a. This route provides transfer to Route 15 to La Push and Route 16 to Clallam Bay, Sekiu, and Neah Bay. b. This route provides transfer to Route 31, Old Olympic Highway to Sequim. 3-24 95005 / Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7/17/96) Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.11 Clallam Transit Service Performance Indicators June 1995-May 1996 Cost Passengers Passengers Passengers Recovery Cost per Route No. per Run per Mile per Hour Ratio Passenger Intercity Routes 14 15.27 0.25 10.32 2.76% $10.87 30 16.81 0.98 28.18 8.20% $3.66 Urban Routes 20 7.91 2.78 50.07 15.76% $1.90 21 7.04 1.41 35.21 10.52% $2.85 22 6.31 2.20 40.69 12.76% $2.35 24 5.92 1.63 34.40 10.58% $2.84 26 5.33 0.69 24.66 6.84% $4.39 Rural Routes 10 8.86 0.36 13.08 3.62% $8.29 Source: Clallam Transit System The Clallam County Comprehensive Plan (1995) provided existing supply and demand LOS for each transit route providing direct service to Port Angeles. These routes and their corresponding LOS are shown in table 3.12. For both supply and demand, the lowest LOS was C, indicating there is no current deficiency with transit operations. 95005 / Re~po~ts / Master / Chapter3 (7/17/96) / jc 3-2 7 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Table 3.12 Transit Level of Service Level of Service Route Number Demand Supply Intracity Routes 2O C C 21 B B 22 B B 24 B B 26 A B Intercity Routes 10 C C 14 B B 30 C B Source: Clallam County Comprehensive Plan (1995) January 1995. Route Coverage As shown in fi§ute 3.5, Clallam Transit currently serves Port ^ngeles mostly within the City limits. ^lthough coverage within City limits appears to be more than adequate, the UGA to the east of the City only has access to the intracity service by using an intercity bus from SR 101. However, it is unknown whether the demand for transit service exists in the eastern UGA. NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION Non-motorized transportation facilities consist of pedestrian, equestrian, and/or bicycle paths. The City has many pedestrian facilities, including a waterfront trail and limited exclusive bicycle designated facilities. There are no designated equestrian trails in the City. Pedestrian Facilities As shown in tables 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6, eight of the 66 designated collector, minor, and principal arterial segments have continuous, uninterrupted sidewalks on both sides of the road. These arterials are comprised of First Street (two segments), Front Street, Lincoln Street, Marine Drive, Cherry Street, Peabody Street, and Eighth 3-2 8 9=51 Retorts / Master I Chapter3 (7/17/96) / jc Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Street which are likely the roadways most traveled by pedestrians in the City, especially during summer tourist season. As shown in table 3.13, approximately 42 percent of the City's arterials have continuous paved sidewalks, while two percent of the UGA arterial streets have continuous paved sidewalks. Table 3.13 Arterial Street Pedestrian Facilities All Arterials City UGA City & UGA Miles of ... 40 15 55 Percent of paved sidewalks 42 2 31 Percent of dirt/gravel sidewalks 1 11 4 Percent of discontinuous sidewalks 7 0 5 Percent of no sidewalks 50 87 60 An additional 17 road segments provide sidewalk with either periodic interruptions in continuity, unpaved segments, or sidewalk on only one side of the road. In most cases, these road segments have sidewalks on more than 50 percent of their length, and therefore would probably require minimal effort and funding to complete. Figure 3.6 (page 3-31) illustrates sidewalk locations at designated collector, minor, and principal arterials. Roadways not highlighted in figure 3.6 were not field verified and may or may not have pedestrian facilities. A waterfront trail currently extends from the coast guard station on Ediz Hook along Marine Drive and the waterfront to approximately the Rayonier Mill. This trail is expected to be extended eastward. Bicycle Facilities Port Angeles has two designated bicycle facilities, consisting of the Waterfront Trail, shared with pedestrians, and a bicycle only lane located along Race Street from the Visitors' Center and the Olympic National Park entrance to Lauridsen Boulevard. There are also paved shoulders along SR 101 that are used frequently by bicyclists. 95005 / Re~orts / Master / Ch~oter3 (7/17/96) / jc 3-29 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies In November 1995, a questionnaire was prepared and distributed to a regional bicycle association in the Port Angeles area to solicit some input regarding bicycle traffic and use in and around Port Angeles. Approximately 24 completed surveys were returned to the City. The survey indicated that most bicycle travel was either recreational (38 percent) or equal proportions of recreational and commuter travel (46 percent). In addition, the survey indicated approximately one-third of the respondents (known bicyclists) use a bicycle instead of other modes of transportation up to 25 percent of the time when traveling around the City, while two-thirds of the respondents typically use a bicycle for up to 50 percent of their travel needs. More than half (58 percent) of the respondents indicated they made between 21 and 30 one-way trips using all modes of transportation in a typical week. Approximately 70 percent of the respondents predicted that they would increase their bicycle usage and decrease their demand on other modes of transportation if designated bicycle lanes were made available on all principal and minor arterial streets in Port Angeles. The survey also requested that the respondents indicate which corridors, in their opinion, are priority corridors for bicycle facilities. Among the suggestions were Lauridsen Boulevard, the SR 101 corridor, Race Street, Peabody Street, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and Tumwater Truck Route. Figure 3.7 illustrates the survey results and indicates whether the bicycle facility's intended use would be commuter or recreational. School Walkway Program The City maintains a school walkway program which is included in its six-year TIP. The program funds the construction of new pedestrian facilities on roadways located near schools that do not currently have sidewalks. Designated roadways anticipated to have sidewalks added within the next six years are shown in figure 3.6. The program includes many non-arterial streets, or access streets (local), which are not required by the City's design standards to have sidewalks on both sides of the street. 3-30 g~051 Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7117/g6} / je Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies Non-Motorized System Deficiencies Standards for Non-Motorized Modes The City of Port Angeles' design standards for roadways (functional classification) was the primary basis for determining existing deficiencies of non-motorized facilities. There are currently no standards for bicycle facilities, although the City's Comprehensive Plan (1994) acknowledges the need for them. Most of the designated collector, minor, and principal arterials do not have continuous, uninterrupted sidewalks on both sides of the road. The City's design standards require sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, for all arterial classifications. Locations with continuous sidewalks on both sides of the roadway are First Street (two segments), Front Street, Lincoln Street, Cherry Street, Marine Drive, Peabody Street, and Eighth Street which are likely the most pedestrian traveled roadways in the City, especially during tourist season. Completion of the School Sidewalk Program would add about 20 more arterial roadway segments to the list of roadways meeting City design standards, plus many access streets (local) would also benefit from the addition of sidewalks. The City intends to maintain funding for the School Walkway Program and ensure its completion. Many of the remaining road segments provide sidewalks which are not continuous, are not paved, or only have sidewalk on one side of the road. In most cases, these segments are within more than fifty percent of meeting the design standard for its functional class. Public Involvement Comments The survey distributed to a local bicycle association indicated a need for bicycle facilities in and around the Port Angeles UGA; however, because of the distribution group, the results of the survey should be considered biased. The primary purpose for distributing the survey to known bicycle users was to obtain information from a reliable source as to where existing deficiencies exist and what corridors should receive priority consideration for bicycle facilities. In this respect, the survey was successful in identifying several corridors, including Lauridsen Boulevard, the SR 101 corridor, Race Street, Peabody Street, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and Tumwater Truck Route. 95005 / Re~3orts / Master / Chal3t®r3 {7/17/96) / j¢ 3-33 Existing Transportation Inventory and Deficiencies It is difficult to determine the level of deficiency that exists for bicycle facilities because the true demand is unknown. A transportation demand management policy would be supported if the City chose to offer the public other modes of transportation by supplying more bicycle facilities. Depending on the level of deficiency that exists for bicycle facilities, those corridors shown in figure ::].7 would be locations the City would consider first for bicycle facilities. Pedestrian Accident Summary There have been several pedestrian accidents in Port ^n§eles recently, and the Eib/police have be§un an educational pro§ram to raise drivers' awareness of crosswalks. ^lthough pedestrians have the right-of-way when in marked crosswalks in many jurisdictions, realistically it is up to pedestrians to maximize their own safety. Studies show that up to 85, percent of pedestrian accidents were the pedestrian's fault'. One of the most popular pedestrian misconceptions is that they are safe if they cross the street in a marked crosswalk. However, studies show that pedestrian accidents actually increase at locations where an unmarked crossing was converted to a marked crossing'. Even when flashing lights are installed, most studies conclude that there is little to no significant reduction in pedestrian accidents2. One possible conclusion from these studies could be that marked crosswalks and electronic devices give pedestrians a false sense of security, causing them to be less cautious. To improve safety, the City will continue educational programs targeted at pedestrians. The City also may consider having marked crosswalks only at signalized intersections. 1. Heraty, Margaret I. Review of Pedestrian Safety Research. Contractor Report 20. Crowthorn, Berkshire: Transport and Road Research Laboratory. 1986. 2. Robertson, H.D. Signalized Intersection Controls for Pedestrians. Ph.D Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland. College Park, Maryland. 1983. 3-34 9~00~ / Reports / Master / Chapter3 (7117/96) / jc CHAPTER 4 TRAFFIC FORECASTING MODEL CALIBRATION Background The Port ^n§eles travel model was developed to: · translate the City's recently adopted comprehensive land use plan into Ion§-ran§e travel demand estimates · test planned and proposed transportation system improve- ments · assist the City in completing the transportation portion of its comprehensive plan as required by the state's Growth Management Act (GMA) The model could provide a technical basis for calculating impact fees authorized by the GMA, and may also be used to determine whether planned new developments meet the GMA's concurrency requirements. The model was developed using a commercial package known as TMODEL2', vended by the TModel Corporation. Study Area and Zone Structure The study area extends beyond the boundaries of the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA), as described in the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan DEIS.2 It extends from the Elwha River on the west to Morse Creek on the east, and from Ediz Hook on the north to a line roughly paralleling Little River Road on the south. Within this area, 150 traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were established to serve as the locations of trip origins and destinations in the travel model. At points where major streets entered or exited the study area, a particular type of TAZ known as an external station was defined to account for trips leaving or entering the study area. External stations were used in the model 1. TMODEL is a registered trademark of the TModel Corporation. 2. Draft Environmental Impact .Statement for the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Nancy ARyan & Company, March 8, 1993, p. I-2. 95005 / Reports / Me, ster / Chapter4 (7118/96) / je 4-1 Traffic Forecasting to represent State Route (SR) 101, SRl12, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and the Black Ball Ferry Terminal along the study area boundary. Figure 4.1 shows the travel model zone structure and the location of external stations. The TAZs were designed to contain areas of homogeneous land use and common points of access to the street system. Network The model network included all arterials in the study area, and many facilities below the arterial level. The TAZs were connected to the network by special links known as centroid connectors, so named because they join the center of development (or centroid) of a zone to the rest of the network. Links connected to external stations were given lengths intended to approximate the portion of a typical trip extending outside the study area. The model network is shown in figure 4.2. The TMODEL2 permits each street segment, or link, to be given characteristics such as class, directional characteristic (one-way or two-way), number of lanes, length, nominal (or posted) speed, and capacity, which collectively aid in determining each link's operational status such as operating speed, congestion, and attrac- tiveness. Land Use and Trip Assignment Based on the 1990 Census and the data from the Washington State Employment Security Department, Labor Market and Employment Analysis (LMEA) section, the number of employees by place of work were determined. Using estimated land use in each TAZ, vehicular trip generation rates for the afternoon peak hour, and the travel time separation between TAZs, the demand for travel in the afternoon peak can be forecast as a set of hourly vehicle volumes from every TAZ to every other TAZ. This representation of travel demand, known as a trip table, is then assigned to the existing street system, or network as shown in figure 4.2, using the shortest time paths (taking into account the effects of congestion) between TAZs. The model is considered calibrated when its predicted hourly volumes match observed traffic counts with a sufficient level of accuracy. A detailed description of the model development is provided in ^ppendix G. 95005 / Ref3orts / Master/Chal3ter4 (7/18/~6) I jo 4-2 Traffic Forecasting Model Accuracy The primary measures of accuracy for the Port Angeles travel model were the correlation, slope, and intercept between model volumes and directional afternoon peak hour traffic counts at 220 locations. Secondary measures included average error per link and actual versus predicted vehicle miles of travel. The final correlation factor, or R2, of the Port Angeles model was 0.939, with slope 0.941 and intercept -32. The R~ may be interpreted to mean that about 94 percent of variation in observed traffic was accounted for by the model--a high degree of accuracy, approaching the practical limits of the data from which models are constructed. The slope and intercept indicate little overall bias in the model. 2014 FORECASTS Land Use Household and Employment Growth Assumptions The Port Angeles travel model was used to estimate 2014 traffic, based on 20-year growth projections in the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The DEIS indicates that the number of households will increase by 2,177 in the City and UGA.' Of this amount, 1,742 would be single-family, and 435 multi-family, as shown in table 4.1. Table 4.1 Twenty-Year Household Growth Single-Family Multi-Family Total City 1,391 413 1,804 UGA 351 22 373 Total 1,742 435 2,177 This household growth (amounting to about 22 percent of existing households) was allocated to the Port Angeles model TAZs in 1. Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan DEI5, p. 11-77. 95005 / Reports / Master / Chapt®r4 (7/18/96) / jc 4-5 Traffic Forecasting proportion to the total vacant developable land in each TAZ weighted by the current fraction of developed land in residential use. Vacant developable land was est~ T~ated as total area reduced by the sum of developed and pu~ ~c (open space) land. In this way, vacant developable land was used as the basic indicator of supply, while the fraction of land in residential use was used as an index of the attractiveness of each TAZ for residential development. The resulting household growth estimates for each TAZ were added to 1994 household estimates. The Comprehensive Plan derives its employment projections from the current ratio of employees per household.~ For this reason, it was assumed that the 1994-2014 growth in total employment would equal the estimated household growth of 22 percent. The Comprehensive Plan is very general, however, as to the probable location of this employment within the UGA. For the sake of this transportation plan, it was assumed that future employment (by sector) would be located in proportion to existing employment in each TAZ. Growth at External Stations It was assumed that trips originating/ending inside the study area but ending/originating outside the study area would increase at the same rate as households and employment. However, growth of traffic traveling through the study area was estimated by a different method. Based on a ten-year history of traffic volumes available from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), on SR 101 between Port Angeles and Sequim, a linear extrapolation indicated that 1994 average weekday traffic volumes would increase from 19,892 to 36,072 by the year 2014, a growth of 81 percent. Therefore, the Port Angeles through trip table was increased by 81 percent as an estimate of 2014 through traffic. Future Network Scenarios To evaluate planned and proposed street improvements, the 2014 trip table was loaded on six future network scenarios containing different subsets of improvements. 1. Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan DEI$, p. IV-11. 4-6 9=5 / Re~otts / Master / Chapter4 (7/18/96) I jc Traffic Forecasting A "base" package consisted of projects taken from the City of Port Angeles Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), together with one additional capacity improvement required to mitigate existing deficiencies. These projects were common to all future network scenarios and are shown in table 4.2. Table 4.2 Base Package Improvements Location Type of Improvement First Street/Peabody Street Signalization Fifth Street/Race Street Signalization Eighth Street/Cherry Street Signalization Eighth Street/'C' Street Signalization Lauridsen Blvd./Airport Road Realignment of intersection Tumwater Truck Route/Hwy 101 Construct second half of diamond interchange Milwaukee Drive, 'N' to 1 8th Construct new 2-lane arterial Milwaukee Drive, 1 8th to Lower Construct new 2-lane arterial Elwha Road First Avenue, Ennis to Delguzzi1 Widen from two to three lanes 1. Source: Entranco (all others from Port Angeles Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program) Three other major improvements also were tested in various combinations. They were: · White Creek Crossing- Extend Lauridsen Boulevard across White Creek to Golf Course Road. · Heart of the Hills Parkway - Construct a new two-lane arterial from the junction of Heart of the Hills Parkway and Mount Angeles Road across White, Ennis, and Morse Creeks to SR 1 01 east of Deer Park Road. · Lincoln Street/Peabody Street One-Way Couplet - Convert Lincoln and Peabody Streets to operate as one-way southbound and northbound, respectively. 95005 / Retorts / Master / Chapter4 (7/18/96) / jc 4-7 CHAPTER 5 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM NEEDS ROADWAY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS State Route (SR) 101 is currently the only major east/west corridor traversing the City of Port Angeles and its urban growth area (UGA). The average daily traffic (ADT) volumes in the corridor are between 12,200 and 23,200 vehicles per day (vpd) in the UGA outside the City limits, and as high as 40,200 vpd within City limits. As a result, congestion related problems are common along the SR 101 corridor through Port Angeles. Two new corridors have been proposed in the City's Comprehensive Plan (June 1994) to alleviate traffic on SR 101. In addition, transportation systems management (TSM) strategies have also been proposed for the corridor. As was briefly addressed in Chapter 4, the future year model network was evaluated using several network scenarios. Each scenario consists of different combinations of the projects in the City's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), including the two new corridors and TSM strategies. This section describes the projects, model scenarios, and the model analysis results. New Facilities The two new facilities proposed in the Comprehensive Plan include the White Creek Crossing and the Heart of the Hills Parkway. White Creek Crossing is a two- to three-lane extension of Lauridsen Boulevard eastward from Ennis Street to Golf Course Road, which would require a bridge structure over White Creek. The new facility is intended to attract westbound vehicles from SR 101 at Golf Course Road and eastbound vehicles from SR 101 at Lincoln Street. Heart of the Hills Parkway will consist of both a new facility and an upgrade of existing facilities. The new corridor would be a two-lane facility beginning outside the eastern Port Angeles UGA, and would extend southwesterly from SR 101 to Deer Park Road. From Deer Park Road, the new facility would generally continue in a westerly direction to Race Street, in the vicinity of the Mount Angeles Road/Heart of the Hills Parkway intersection. At this point, the corridor would be upgraded on Race Street to City 95005 / Ret3orts / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / jc 5-1 Future Transportation System Needs design standards north to Lauridsen Boulevard. Figure5.1 illustrates the approximate location of both new facilities. Transportation Systems Management Another alternative for meeting transportation needs is to implement TSM strategies, in which the existing network is used more efficiently with the intent of alleviating traffic problems. A TSM strategy that has been suggested for the SR 101 corridor through the City is to convert Lincoln Street (which already serves as a portion of SR 1 01 ) and Peabody Street to a one-way couplet, which would operate exactly like the Front Street and First Street couplet. In this alternative, Lincoln Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility southbound, while Peabody Street would operate as a three-lane one-way facility northbound. The couplet would join the existing one-way couplet of Front Street and First Street on the north, with the two-way Lauridsen Boulevard on the south. Figure 5.2 illustrates the Lincoln/ Peabody Couplet. Model Network Scenarios Five different networks were analyzed for the 2014 planning year, in which the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet, White Creek Crossing, and Heart of the Hills Parkway also were modeled. For comparison, the current (1 994) base network and future (2014) base network without these improvements were modeled in various combinations. The only improvements modeled in the 2014 base network were those planned in the current Port Angeles six-year TIPs (see table 4.2). None of the TIP improvements should significantly affect SR 1 01 traffic. Each network with its set of transportation improvements was labeled Scenario I, II, etc. Table 5.1 lists each scenario and its corresponding network. Networks were created on the assumption that White Creek Crossing would be the first new facility constructed to alleviate traffic congestion. The Heart of the Hills Parkway will only be constructed if the White Creek Crossing does not meet demand and congestion continues. Therefore, a scenario with only the Heart of the Hills Parkway facility was not tested. The Lincoln Street/Peabody Street one- way couplet was incorporated into three scenarios, including the 201 4 base network and the couplet as the only improvement; the couplet and White Creek Crossing; and the couplet, White Creek Crossing, and Heart of the Hills Parkway. 5-2 9=5 / Re,ports / Master Chapter5 {7/18/96) / jc Couplet Existing One-Way / / ~~ / Couplet / Legend ~ Proposed corridor ~ ~, Approx. urban growth boundary ......... Ci~ limits line ~ ~ Crai~Ave Rivers/s~eam Cam ~ Olympic National ~rest Figure 5.2 · N T R A N ~ O Li ~ /~ b a-'nco'n--ea-o-y~ ~t-oup'e- Legend ~'- I = ~ 994 ~se ne~ork II = 2014 Base ne~ork with 6-year T.I.R ~,, ~; ~' .... III = Scenario II wi~ White Creek Cm~ing ~ ~ / IV = Scenado III wi~ Head-of-the-Hills Par~ay V = Scenario II with Lincoln SVPeabody St One-Way ~uplet VI = Scenario V with ~ite Creek Crossing ' '"'~, VII = Scenado VI with Head-of-the-Hills Parkway ~ ~ ~ Proposed new facili~es -- -- -- Approx. u~an gro~h ~unda~ - ........ Ci~ limi~ line Rive~stream ~ Olympic National Forest Figure 5.3 E N T R A N ~ O Average Daily Traffic Forecasts By Network Scenarios Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.1 Network Scenarios Scenario II III IV V VI VII 1994 Existing Network 2014 Network with Base Improvements White Creek Crossing Heart of the Hills Parkway Lincoln/Peabody Couplet Shifts in traffic patterns and/or additional vehicle traffic occurred as a result of implementing the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet, White Creek Crossing, or Heart of the Hills Parkway, either individually or any combination of the three improvements. Changes in traffic patterns will alleviate congestion problems in some areas, but may cause congestion problems in new areas not currently designed to accommodate the shift in traffic. Each network scenario modeled has a unique set of capital improvement projects associated with it as a result of the associated shifts in traffic patterns. Projected Travel Patterns and Average Daily Traffic Volumes The purpose of the model analysis is to determine if implementing a TSM strategy or constructing a new facility will cause a shift in travel patterns, decrease or increase traffic, or both. A useful tool to measure traffic fluctuations is ADT. The ADT for each scenario at select locations is shown in figure $.3. An 11 to 68 percent increase in ^DT was witnessed over the 20-year planning period between the 1994 and 2014 base networks (Scenarios I and II), with an average 34 percent increase. The following sections present the projected effect each scenario (111 to VII) would have on travel patterns and ADT. 5-6 9~5 / Reports / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / jc Future Transportation System Needs White Creek Crossing (Scenario III) With the addition of the White Creek Crossing to the 2014 base network (Scenario III), the ADT at the eastern portion of First Street and Front Street drops from 51,700 vpd in Scenario II to 36,300 vpd, a decrease of 15,400 vpd or about 30 percent. However, both Golf Course Road and the new White Creek Crossing show an increase in ADT to approximately 1 7,500 vpd. Lauridsen Boulevard traffic between Ennis Street and Lincoln Street increases slightly from 13,000 vpd to 17,100 vpd (32 percent), while SR 101 traffic west of the City remains virtually unchanged. Lincoln Street shows a decrease (13 to 20 percent) in traffic between Front Street and Lauridsen Boulevard. Another noticeable shift in traffic is on Race Street near Lauridsen Boulevard, where the ADT decreases from 15,500 vpd to 9,300 vpd (40 percent) when the White Creek Crossing is constructed. White Creek Crossing and Heart of the Hills Parkway (Scenario IV) When both the White Creek Crossing and the Heart of the Hills Parkway (Scenario IV) are constructed, traffic on the eastern end of First and Front Streets decreases from 51,700 vpd in Scenario II to 29,700 vpd, or a 43 percent decrease. The Heart of the Hills Parkway also shifts traffic from Golf Course Road (57 percent decrease) and White Creek Crossing (37 percent decrease). The Heart of the Hills Parkway carries between 13,400 and 17,100 vpd over its length. Lauridsen Boulevard traffic increases to 20,400 vpd when the Heart of the Hills Parkway is constructed (Scenario IV), which is about 19 percent higher than in Scenario III and 57 percent higher than in Scenario II. Lincoln Street experiences up to an additional 14 percent decrease in ADT over Scenario III. Lincoln/Peabody Couplet (Scenario V) Implementing the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet, in addition to the 2014 network (Scenario V) significantly affects traffic on Lincoln Street, but has little to no affect on the remaining network. The ADT on Lincoln Street decreases from 21,600 vpd in Scenario II to 14,000 vpd near First and Front Streets and from 14,800 vpd to 9,600 vpd near Lauridsen Boulevard, a decrease of approximately 35 percent. It would be expected that the decrease in traffic on Lincoln Street would be transferred to Peabody where a similar magnitude increase would be witnessed. Traffic on Peabody 95005/Ref3o~ts/Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) /jc 5-9 Future Transportation System Needs Street did increase; however, the increase was not as high as expected. Near First and Front Streets, volumes on Peabody Street increased from 10,400 to 13,100 vpd while traffic near Lauridsen Boulevard increased from 4,700 to 5,400 vpd. These smaller increases in traffic on Peabody Street indicate that drivers are using alternate routes northbound to First Street. Afl Improvements (Scenarios VI and VII) The addition of White Creel< Crossing (Scenario VI) and Heart of the Hills Parkway (Scenario VII) to the 2014 network with the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet shifted traffic in much the same way as was modeled without the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet (Scenarios III and IV). In fact, ADTs on the new facilities are nearly the same with or without the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet, while similar traffic decreases were forecast on First Street, Front Street, Lincoln Street, Peabody Street, and Race Street. Traffic increases were projected on Race Street, Lauridsen Boulevard, and Coif Course Road. Future Intersection Level of Service Forty intersections, both signalized and unsignalized, were analyzed in each scenario using the critical lane methodology described in Chapter 2 (planning-level analysis) documented in Transportation Research Board Circular 212 (1980). The NCAP software program was used for these calculations. In Scenarios III, iV, VI, and VII, an additional one to six intersections, created by construction of the new facilities, were analyzed. Figure 5.4 illustrates the location of each intersection analyzed and its corresponding level of service (LOS) based on projected traffic patterns for each scenario. The intersection number in figure $.4 corresponds to the LOS matrix and not to the number of intersections analyzed. A detailed list of intersections and corresponding LOS, critical volume, and volume-to-capacity ratio for each scenario is given in Appendix H. 5-10 9~o~J Reports / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) I jc Future Transportation System Needs A summary of the number of intersections at each LOS for each network scenario is shown in table 5.2. The table also indicates the number of intersections below the LOS D standard given existing geometry for each network scenario. Because of shifts in traffic, some previously unsignalized intersections met signal warrants and were therefore modeled as signalized intersections. Therefore, in some scenarios, a particular intersection may be signalized, while in another scenario it is not signalized. Intersections which change signalization status from scenario to scenario include Front Street and Peabody Street, Peabody Street and Lauridsen Boulevard, Park Avenue and Race Street, Race Street and Fifth Street, and Race Street and Heart of the Hills Parkway. Table 5.2 Number of Intersections at Each Level of Service Scenario LOS I II III IV V VI VII A 23 13 19 25 17 21 28 B 8 8 6 11 7 7 9 C 3 7 6 0 4 5 2 D 2 5 5 4 7 5 4 Total 40 40 41 46 40 41 46 Based on model volumes, there are currently four intersections below the LOS D standard in Port Angeles, with three additional intersections expected to be added to the list by 2014. With proposed improvements in place, the number of substandard intersections ranges from three to six in 2014. Table $.3 summarizes the number of intersections with an improved, unchanged, or worse LOS than was experienced in the base network. For instance, the 2014 base network (Scenario II) was compared to the 1994 base network (Scenario I), while the 2014 networks with improvements (Scenarios III, IV, V, VI, and 95005 / Re~o~ts / Master Chal~e~5 (7/18/96) / jc 5-1 3 Future Transportation System Needs VII) were all compared to the 2014 base network without improvements (Scenario II). The forty intersections common to all seven scenarios were compared. Table 5.3 Number of Intersections Experiencing a Change in LOS Scenario Comparison II to I III to II IV to II V to II VI to II VII to II Improved LOS 2 11 18 12 14 20 Unchanged LOS 13 24 17 26 22 1 8 Worse LOS 25 5 5 2 4 2 The network with the Lincoln/Peabody couplet (Scenario V) and the network with all the transportation improvements (Scenario VII) had the fewest intersections experiencing a worse LOS, while the networks with both the White Creek Crossing and Heart of the Hills Parkway (Scenarios IV and VII) experienced the highest number of intersections with an improved LOS. Multimodal Facility A multimodal center has been proposed for the downtown Port Angeles area and would help promote use of alternative forms of transportation in and around the Port Angeles UGA. Although an exact location and services available for the facility are currently unknown, the center is expected to serve both as an information center and as a major transfer point for the existing transit service. It is also expected to have access to the ferry system, to provide shuttle service to and from the airport and/or Hurricane Ridge in the Olympic National Park as well as existing and proposed Hotel Convention Center facilities. It will be essential to supply the facility with safe and adequate non-motorized access for pedestrian and bicyclist needs. Currently, a study is underway which is analyzing the need for a multimodal facility, as well as potential locations for its placement and the services to be supplied by the center. Depending on the exact services offered by the proposed multimodal center, its size, and its location, the facility may require some additional transportation mitigation such as adding new or improving existing pedestrian facilities, bicycle lanes, larger turning radii to 5-1 4' 95005 1 Reports / Master Chapter5 (7118/96) / jc Future Transportation System Needs accommodate buses, parking facilities, and adding capacity at various intersections and roadways. However, these transporta- tion improvements cannot be specifically determined until the multimodal center's services, location, and size are determined. Because of the many unknowns, the multimodal center was not used in the model forecasting; however, it can always be represented at a later date when specifics are known. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT An Open House for the Port Angeles Transportation Services and Facilities Plan was held on October 12, 1995 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center in Port Angeles. The meeting was publicized through public service announcements sent to KONP Radio, KAPY Radio, and Northland Cable. The objective of the public meeting was to inform the community about the work completed to date on the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan and gather their input. A total of 11 people attended the meeting. A series of informational display boards and maps were used to describe the proposed system of arterials and access streets (local) in Port Angeles, potential pedestrian and bicycle needs, and proposed alternate routes across and around town. Project team members from the City, and the consulting firms were on-hand to explain the project and answer questions. People were invited to review the displays and ask questions of the project team. They also were asked to record their comments and concerns on flip chart pads and on comment forms distributed to all attendees. A total of eight comment forms (or additional comments) were returned by November 1, 1995. Copies of the comments are provided in Appendix I. The list of flip chart comments received is provided in Appendix I. Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities The majority of participants at the open house were very concerned about improving pedestrian and bicycle routes throughout the City. One stated concern was the need to think of bicycles as a vehicle on the road--a mode of transportation not just a means of recreation. One respondent was very supportive of the City exploring Transportation Demand Management (TDM) solutions to traffic, rather than building new roads. 95005 / Reports / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / jo 5-1 5 Future Transportation System Needs Lincoln-Peabody Couplet The majority of the comments received by the City stated a preference for Lincoln Street to be the southbound leg and Peabody Street to be the northbound leg should a one-way couplet become necessary. Several respondents did not feel the one-way couplet was a good solution to traffic congestion. Their criticisms centered on the impact to the residential community along Peabody Street and the commercial community along Lincoln Street. Lauridsen-Race Alternative A corridor including Lauridsen Boulevard (from Lincoln Street to Race Street) and Race Street has long been considered as a possible alternative crosstown route, especially for commercial vehicles. This option was presented at the open house. One respondent felt creating another east-west route was advisable, however, felt it would be necessary to limit growth along such a street to avoid additional congestion in the future. Another was concerned about the increase of traffic on Race Street, while a third disliked the idea because of the presence of the school and a narrow bridge. Several respondents were not supportive of moving truck traffic into residential areas and felt trucks were least disruptive traveling through the downtown. White Creek Crossing Alternative Several respondents were supportive of this alternative to create an easier access to east SR 101 businesses; however, one respondent cautioned that TDM should always be the first action prior to road improvements. Heart of the Hills Parkway Of the two people who commented on this route, one thought it would be a good idea to create a secondary eastern access route, and the other thought it was a bad idea as a new route would make it easier for people to drive and lessen the incentive to use alternative modes of transportation. 5-16 9~5 / Reports I Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / jc Future Transportation System Needs NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION Pedestrian Facilities The City has committed to providing sidewalks over a period of time on approximately 20 existing arterial segments and many access streets (local) through the School Walkway Program, which is included in the City's TIP. Location of these sidewalks are shown in figure 3.6. Other arterial segments not included in the School Walkway Program that are currently deficient by City standards and that should be considered for sidewalks are the remaining portions of First Street, Front Street, Fifth Street, "C" Street, and Ennis Street. These facilities would provide connectivity among existing facilities and a safer environment for pedestrians. New roadway facilities will be subject to City approval and design standards, which require construction of pedestrian facili- ties for new roads. All new development and new roadway facilities will provide sidewalk as per City design standards. Bicycle Facilities Based on preliminary results of the bicycle survey described previously and engineering judgment, an interim bicycle facilities plan for future facilities was developed for this study. Figure 5.5 illustrates the interim bicycle facilities plan, while table 5.4 provides a list with facility bounds. The City intends to finalize a bicycle facilities plan in the future based on additional studies and research. The City will also consider the construction of bicycle facilities with any new development or redevelopment when the need for such a bicycle way or trail is apparent or where traffic analysis or traffic planning indicates that substantial bicycle usage would benefit from a designated bicycle facility. 95005 / Re~orl~ / Ma,ter Chapt®~5 (7/18/96) / ~c 5-1 7 Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.4 Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan Location Facility Bounds Marine Drive From existing Ediz Hook Facilities to Second Street Second Street From Marine Drive to First Street/Front Street junction Fi rst Street Entire length Front Street Entire length SR 1 01 From UGA Boundary to Lauridsen Boulevard and Golf Course Road Eighth Street From Race Street to C Street Lauridsen Boulevard From SR 101 to Golf Course Road Park Avenue From Lauridsen Boulevard to Laurel Street Heart of the Hills Parkway Entire length Golf Course Road From SR 1 01 to White Creek Crossing Race Street From Waterfront Trail to Mount Angeles Road Lincoln Street From Front Street to Lauridsen Boulevard Laurel Street From Lauridsen Boulevard to Park Avenue Peabody Street From Lauridsen Boulevard to Park Avenue Tumwater Truck Road From Waterfront Trail to Second Street to SR 1 01 C Street From Fifth Street to Lauridsen Boulevard Milwaukee Drive From Lower Elwha Road to Fourth Street Discovery Trail From existing easterly waterfront endpoint to Deer Park Road Fourth Street From Milwaukee Drive to Hill Street Hill Street From M~rine Drive to Fourth Street 5-18 9~51Re,po~ts / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / jc Future Transportation System Needs PROJECT COST ESTIMATES Existing Deficiency Improvements Roadway Widening Strict adherence to the City's design standards requires widening many designated arterials. Tables 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 summarized arterials that fell short of City design standards. A planning-level cost estimate was made for increasing existing street widths to current design standards. Although many of these streets do not necessarily require the additional width for capacity reasons either now or by the year 2014, the additional street widths could be used for bicycle facilities, shoulders, on-street parking, bus priority lanes, or HOV lanes. The planning-level cost estimate associated with widening existing streets to City standards is approximately $33.5 million. Project cost worksheets for each project can be found in a separate document provided to the City, entitled Improvement Project Notebook. Projects associated with minor street widening are represented by RO- project numbers followed by "b" (e.g. RO-42b) in the project notebook. Project locations, project numbers, and associated planning-level cost estimates have been briefly summarized in table 5.5. Pedestrian Facilities A planning-level cost estimate was made for each pedestrian facility (projects RO-1 through RO-66) required by either the City's design standards or because the facility is part of the School Walkway Program. A summary of projects, project numbers, and associated planning-level cost estimates is provided in table $.6. For a more detailed description of each project, refer to the Improvement Project Notebook provided to the City. The total cost associated with these projects is $22.1 million, which includes the cost of widening or replacing bridges in some cases. 95005 / Reports / Master Chapt®r5 (7/18/96) / jc 5-21 Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.5 Arterial Roadway Widening Project Cost Estimates Planning Planning Project Level Cost Project Level Cost Number Project Name Estimate Number Project Name Estimate RO-1 b Milwaukee Drive $461,000 RO-35b Fifth Street $62,000 RO-2b N Street $402,000 RO-36b Lauridsen Boulevard $926,000 RO-4b Hill Street $290,000 RO-37b Race Street $470,000 RO-6b Tenth Street $981,000 RO-39b Park Avenue $1,41 4,000 RO-9b Sixteenth Street $940,000 RO-41b Ahlvers Road $436,000 RO-10b Eighteenth Street $2,784,000 RO-42b Old Mill Road $783,000 RO-12b L Street $489,000 RO-43b Mount Angeles Road $1,446,000 RO-14b Tumwater Street $1,900~000 RO-44b Campbell Road $282,000 RO-15b Marine Drive $378,000 RO-45b Porter Street $495,000 RO-16b Tumwater Truck Road $1,693,000 RO-51 b Golf Course Road $495,000 RO-17b Lauridsen Boulevard $1,796,000 RO-52b Baker Street $721,000 RO-19b Airport Road $999,000 RO-53b Gates Street $724,000 RO-20b Dry Creek Road $1,009,000 RO-54b Lees Creek Road $1,093,000 RO-21b SR 101 $2,189,000 RO-55b Larch Avenue $721,000 RO-27b Cedar Street $397,000 RO-56b Bay Street $910,000 RO-28b Pine Street $169,000 RO-57b Third Avenue $330,000 RO-29b Cherry Street $719,000 RO-59b Monroe Road $782,000 RO-30b Second Street $148,000 RO-61 b Mount Pleasant Road $1,233,000 RO-33b Ennis Street $197,000 RO-62b Edgewood Drive $1,878,000 RO-34b Fifth Street $316,000 Subtotal $15,201,000 Subtotal $18,257,000 Total $33,458,000 §-22 ~=5/Re~orts ! Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) /jc Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.6 Pedestrian Facility Project Cost Estimates Planning Planning Project Level Cost Project Level Cost Number Project Name Estimate Number Project Name Estimate RO-1 Milwaukee Drive $119,000 RO-33 Ennis Street $210,000 RO-2 N Street $202,000 RO-34 Fifth Street $66,000 RO-3 Fourth Street $82,000 ROo35 Fifth Street $59,000 RO-4 Hill Street $88,000 RO-36 Lauridsen Boulevard $1,126,000 RO-5 M Street $85,000 RO-37 Race Street $83,000 RO-6 Tenth Street $431,000 RO-38 Laurel Street $329,000 RO-7 Fifth Street $249,000 RO-39 Park Avenue $388,000 RO-8 Eighth Street $100,000 RO-40 Park Avenue $119,000 RO-9 Sixteenth Street $231,000 RO-41 Ahlvers Road $134,000 RO-10 Eighteenth Street $483,000 RO-42 Old Mill Road $196,000 RO°I 1 I Street $208,000 RO-43 Mount Angeles Road $237,000 RO-12 L Street $91,000 RO-44 Campbell Avenue $47,000 RO-13 C Street $108,000 RO-45 Porter Street $97,000 RO°I 4 Tumwater Street $28,000 RO-46 Liberty Street $134,000 RO-15 Marine Drive $90,000 RO-47 Washington Street $45,000 RO-16 Tumwater Truck Road $293,000 RO48 Chase Street $93,000 RO-17 Lauridsen Boulevard $333,000 RO-49 Georgiana Street $186,000 RO-18 Fairmont Avenue $100,000 RO-50 Penn Street $93,000 RO-1 9 Airport Road $185,000 RO-51 Golf Course Road $134,000 RO-2 0 Dry Creek Road $177,000 RO-52 Baker Street $134,000 RO-21 SR 101 $804,000 RO°53 Gates Street $142,000 RO-22 Sixth Street $271,000 RO-54 Lees Creek Road $152,000 RO-23 Seventh Street $80,000 RO-55 Larch Avenue $134,000 RO-24 Twelfth Street $169,000 RO-56 Bay Street $169,000 RO-25 E Street $81,000 RO-57 Third Avenue $50,000 RO-26 D Street $138,000 RO-58 Pioneer Road $99,000 RO-27 Cedar Street $262,000 RO-59 Monroe Road $358,000 RO-28 Pine Street $160,000 RO-60 SR 1 01 $2,120,000 RO-29 Cherry Street $65,000 RO-61 Mount Pleasant Road $298,000 RO-30 Second Street $29,000 RO-62 Edgewood Drive $482,000 RO-31 Peabody Street $223,000 RO-66 Eighth Street $8,129,000 RO-32 Chambers Street $65,000 Subtotal $16,043,000 Subtotal $6,030,000 Total $22,073,000 95005 / Reports / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / jc 5-23 Future Transportation System Needs Other Network Improvements New Roadway Facilities and TSM Improvements Table 5.7 lists all major capital improvement projects required for each modeled network scenario. In addition, table 5.7 lists an associated p~anning-level cost estimate for each capita~ improvement project, with a total capital improvement cost projection provided in the last row. Planning level cost estimates were summarized on individual project sheets for each project and include construction, engineering design, and right-of-way costs where applicable. An improvement project notebook containing all project cost estimates was provided to the City and can be used as a reference if a detailed description of the project is desired. Total capital improvement costs range between approximately $10.3 and $15.0 million for Scenario II, Scenario V, Scenario III, and Scenario VI (in order of increasing cost). However, the large capital investment associated with the Heart of the Hills Parkway makes Scenario VII peak at approximately $32 million in capital improvements. As was presented in table $.3 previously, between 18 and 20 intersections witnessed a better level of service (LOS) when the Heart of the Hills Parkway was implemented, whereas between 3 and 14 intersections witnessed a better LOS when the Heart of the Hills Parkway was not implemented. Bicycle Facilities A planning-level cost estimate was made for each bicycle facility included in the Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan. A list of specific projects and associated planning-level cost estimates are provided in table 5.8. The total cost associated with these projects is $6.3 million. 5-24 ~00~ / Reflo~ts / Ma~er Chapter5 (7/18/96) / j~ Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.7 Major Capital Improvements by Network Scenario and Associated Planning Level Cost Estimate (in $000) Network Scenario Project Project No.a II III IV V VI VII Lincoln Peabody Couplet S-9 $220 $220 $220 Heart of the Hills Parkway RL-1 $17,563 $17,563 White Creek Crossing RL-2 $4,610 $4,610 $4,610 $4,610 Milwaukee Drive RL-3 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 Aiq~ort Road RL-4 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 Tumwater Truck Road RL-5 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 Signalize Peabody/Front I-1 $120 $120 $120 Signalize Peabody/Lauridsen I-2 $120 $120 $120 $120 Signalize Race/Fifth I-3 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 Signalize Lauridsen/Lau rel I-4 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 Signalize C/Eighth ~-6 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 SB Right-turn Lane @ Lincoln/Eighth S-1 $40 $40 EB Thru Lane on First from Golf S-2 $726 $726 Course to Delguzzi and WB Left-turn Lane @ First/Golf Course Median Acceleration Lane @ S-3 $226 $226 $226 $226 $226 $226 Airport/SR 101 EB Right-turn Lane @ Lauridsen/Laurel S-4 $23 NB Right-turn Lane @ Lauridsen/Laurel S-5 $28 $28 EB Left- and Right-turn Lanes and WB S-6 $312 Right-turn and Thru Lanes @ Lauridsen/Race EB Right-turn Lane and WB Thru Lane S-7 $249 @ Lauridsen/Race EB Thru Lane @ Lauridsen/Lincoln S-8 $333 EB Thru Lane on First from Ennis to RM-1 $1,116 $1,116 Delguzzi Total Cost by Network Scenario $10,365 $14,550 $31,739 $11,096 $14,982 $32,068 a. See improvement Project Notebook for detailed planning-level cost estimates by project number. Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.8 Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan Planning Level Cost Estimates Location Project No.a Planning ~ vel Cost Estimate Marine Drive --- Second Street RO-30 $86,000 First Street RO-63 $105,000 Front Street RO-64 $1,303,000 SR 101 RO-21 $1,1 90,000 Eighth Street RO-66 $576,000 Lauridsen Boulevard RO-36, RL-2 $646,000 Park Avenue RO-40 $176,000 Heart of the Hills Parkway RL-1 n/a Golf Course Road RO-51 $207,000 Race Street RO-37 $125,000 Lincoln Street RO-65 $52,000 Laurel Street RO-38 $359,000 Peabody Street RO-31 $126,000 Tumwater Truck Road RO-16 $434,000 C Street RO-13 $67,000 Milwaukee Drive RO-1, RL-3 $176,000 Discovery Trail RO-67 $453,000 Fourth Street RO-3 $120,000 Hill Street RO-4 $130,000 Total $6,331,000 a. See Improvement Project Notebook for detailed planning-level cost estimates by proiect number. 5-26 9=5 / Reports I Master Chai3ter5 (7/18/96) I jc Future Transportation System Needs PROJECT PRIORITIZATION Scenario Prioritization The six future year scenarios were analyzed to determine the most economical and efficient scenario which the City should pursue over the next two decades. Three measures of effectiveness were used in the decision-makin§ process: intersection LOS, vehicle hours of travel (VHT), and vehicle miles of travel (VMT). Intersection level of service for each scenario was presented earlier in this chapter (see tables 5.2 and $.3). Table 5.9 lists the model predictions for VMT and VHT for each scenario. A decrease in either VMT or VHT as compared to the base scenario (Scenario II) indicates a positive impact on traffic flow. Table 5.9 Scenario Performance Measures Vehicle Vehicle Scenario Hours of Travel Miles of Travel I 1,903 58,928 II 2,744 79,292 III 2,666 79,147 IV 2,466 78,398 V 2,762 79,383 VI 2,680 79,273 VII 2,486 78,605 Similar to the procedure performed in table 5.3 for the LOS analysis, the VHT and VMT for Scenarios III through VII were compared to the base scenario (Scenario II) to determine the net increase or decrease in VHT and VMT as a result of transportation improvements. A cost/benefit ratio for each effectiveness measure and each scenario is shown in table 5.10. The cost/benefit ratios were also ranked from the most cost effective (1) to the least cost effective (5), and the ranks were totaled for each scenario, as shown in table 5.10. Theoretically, this procedure concludes that the scenario with the least total rank score is the most cost effective scenario. 95005 / Rw/)o~ts / Master Chapter5 (7/18/96) / j¢ 5-27 Futura Transportation System Needs Table 5.10 Cost Benefit Analysis LOS VHT VMT C/B C/B C/B Rank Scenario Ratioa Rank Ratiob Rank Ratioc Rank Total III $262 3.5 $54 3.0 $29 0.2 6.7 IV $668 10 $77 8.4 $24 0.0 1 8.4 V $46 0 $41 0 -$9d 10 10 VI $185 2.2 $72 7.2 $243 9.6 19 VII $556 8.2 $84 10 $32 0.4 18.6 a. Thousands of dollars per each improved LOS. b. Thousands of dollars per vehicle hour traveled. c. Thousands of dollars per vehicle mile traveled. d. An increase in VMT occurred in this scenario, which is not a benefit. Therefore, this scenario was assigned the highest (worst) rank. The analysis shown in table 5.10 ranks the scenarios based on traffic operational measures of effectiveness only. Based on these traffic measures only, the most cost effective network for the future is Scenario III, in which all six-year TiP projects are implemented and the White Creek Crossing is constructed. However, other issues, such as fundability, environmental impacts, and public acceptance were also considered before a particular scenario was chosen on which to proceed. With regard to fundability, both the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet ($220,000) and White Creek Crossing ($4,610,000) appear to be realistically fundable projects based on the City's approved 1996 TiP budget ($4,012,473). The Heart of the Hills Parkway ($17,563,000) could be fundable, but sources of funding may be less predictable and dependable for the future. Environmental concerns regarding the Lincoln/Peabody couplet are minimal because the roadways are existing facilities, in which improvements would be more "cosmetic" rather than capacity related. The White Creek Crossing alternative has environmental impacts regarding White Creek, and affected nearby neighborhoods. The Heart of the Hills Parkway alternative impacts the environment substantially more than the other two 5-28 gms/Reports I Master Chapted5 (7/18/96) /jc Future Transportation System Needs alternatives. The parkway would cross five creeks, displace several homes, and affect wildlife substantially, just to name a few environmental impacts. Public acceptance of each of the alternatives based on the open house meeting held in October, 1995, seems to indicate that the most popular alternative is the White Creek Crossing. Both the Lincoln/Peabody Couplet and Heart of the Hills Parkway received mostly negative comments from the public. Considering the traffic effectiveness as presented in table 5.10, and the fundability, environmental impacts, and public acceptance of each scenario, Scenario III (White Creek Crossing) was selected as the City's future transportation network plan. Project Prioritization Criteria With Scenario III as the City's future year network, prioritization of improvement projects specific to Scenario III was made. The priority of projects is a function of many criteria that are not necessarily applicable to all projects. A list of prioritization criteria used for the Port Angeles improvement projects is provided below: · Safety need or benefit · Capacity need or benefit · Circulation/access need or benefit · Transit route · Major/key bicycle route · Existing School Walkway Program facility · Preservation of existing facilities · Cost · Cost-effectiveness · Environmental impact · Funding opportunities · Enhance City's economic viability Prioritization of Improvement Projects Tables 5.11, 5.12, 5.13, and 5.14 reorder all improvement projects specific to Scenario III by priority, and by capital improvement projects, pedestrian facility projects, bicycle facility projects, and road widening projects, respectively. The tables also total the project costs by priority. 95005/Report~ / Master Chapt®r5 (7/18/96) / jc 5-2 9 Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.11 Prioritization of Major Capital Improvement Projects for Scenario III Project Planning Level Project Name Number Cost Estimate High Priority Projects White Creek Crossing RL~2 4,610,000 Tumwater Truck Road RL-5 1,007,000 EB Thru Lane on First from Golf Course to Delguzzi S-2 726,000 and WB Left-turn Lane at First/Golf Course Subtotal Cost $6,343,000 Medium Priority Projects Signalize Race/Fifth I-3 $ 120,000 Signalize C/Eighth I-6 120,000 Airport Road RL-4 1,671,000 Subtotal Cost $1,911,000 Low Priority Projects Signalize Lauridsen/Laurel I-4 $ 120,000 Milwaukee Drive RL-3 5,922,000 Median Acceleration Lane at Airport/SR 101 S-3 226,000 NB Right-turn Lane at Lauridsen/Laurel S-5 28,000 Subtotal Cost $6,296,000 TOTAL COST ALI PROJECTS $14,550,000 5-30 950051Repods I Master Chapter5 (7118/96) I jc ~ z ~6 ' 6~ 666666 ' ' ' 6 ' ' 666 o.~ · ~ > ._ ~ <~~ ~ ~ .e z oooo 6 666666 666666666~ = - 6666~6666666~0 ~ .~ = ~ ~ ~ Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.13 Prioritization of Interim Bicycle Facilities Plan Improvement Projects Project Planning Level Project Name Number Cost Estimate High Priority Projects Lauridsen Boulevard RO-36 $ 926,000 Race Street RO-37 470,000 Golf Course Road RO-51 495,000 First Street RO-63 105,000 Front Street RO-64 1,303,000 Lincoln Street RO-65 52,000 Subtotal Cost $3,351,000 Medium Priority Projects Eighth Street RO-66 $ 576,000 Discovery Trail RO-67 453,000 Subtotal Cost $1,029,000 Low Priority Projects Milwaukee Drive RO-1 $ 461,000 C Street RO-13 67,000 Tumwater Truck Road RO-16 1,693,000 SR 101 ROo21 2,1 89,000 Fourth Street RO-3 120,000 Second Street RO-30 148,000 Peabody Street RO-31 126,000 Laurel Street RO-38 359,000 Hill Street RO-4 290,000 Park Avenue RO-40 176,000 Subtotal Cost $5,629,000 TOTAL COST $10,009,000 95005 ! Reports / Uaster Chapter5 (7/18~96) / jc Future Transportation System Needs It is important to reiterate that most road widening projects are a result of bringing existing arterials up to City design standards, and are not necessarily required for capacity reasons. As a result, these projects were given a lower priority than most of the other projects. In some cases, a bicycle facility project and a road widening project may be proposed for the same segment of roadway. If the road widening project does not relate to capacity, but to meeting City design standards, the two projects could serve the same purpose, i.e. the road could be widened to meet City design standards, and the extra width could be used for a bicycle facility. In these special cases, the higher cost estimate for the two projects was associated with the higher priority project and the lower priority project was not assigned a cost estimate. This eliminates the possibility of "double costing" the same project. Among the high priorities for all project types were the following: · White Creek Crossing. Connect Golf Course Road and Lauridsen Boulevard over White Creek. · Tumwater Truck Road. Complete the interchange at SR 1 01 by adding the east on and off ramps. · First Street and Golf Course Road Intersection Improvements. Add a third eastbound through lane through the intersection and drop the lane at Delguzzi Drive. Add a second westbound left-turn lane. · Pedestrian Facilities. Add or complete sidewalks along Peabody Street, Lauridsen Boulevard, Race Street, Park Avenue, Fifth Street and others. Most locations coincide with the School Walkway Program. · Bicycle Facilities. Add or complete bicycle facilities along Lauridsen Boulevard, Race Street, Golf Course Road, First Street, Front Street, and Lincoln Street. Generally, 50 percent of the total cost for high priority projects will be spent on roadways, while approximately 25 percent each will be spent on pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Cost estimates by priority for improvement project types are summarized in table 5.15. If all projects were to be completed within the next two decades, the City would spend approximately $73.4 million, or about $3.7 million per year (disregarding inflation). High priority projects, or projects the City should complete within the next 5 to 1 0 years, total $13.1 million. 5-34 95005 / Reports / Master Chai:)tsr5 (7/18/96) / jc Future Transportation System Needs Table 5.15 Improvement Project Cost Estimates By Priority Cost Estimates1 High Medium Low Projects Priority Priority Priority Total Capital Improvement $6,343 $1,911 $6,296 $14,550 Pedestrian Facility $3,391 $11,571 $7,111 $22,073 Improvement Bicycle Facility Improvement $3,351 $1,029 $5,629 $10,009 Arterial Roadway Widening --- $2,610 $24,176 $26,786 Improvement Total Cost: $13,085 $17,121 $43,212 $73,418 1.In thousands of dollars 95005 / Repo.s / Master / Chal3ter5 (7/24/96) / jc 5-35 CHAPTER 6 FUNDING, REVENUE, AND IMPACT FEES In recent years, a combination of rapid growth, aging capital facilities, inflation, and competing needs for limited public dollars has contributed to an increasing gap between the needs of transportation systems and the abilities of most jurisdictions to pay for them. This scenario is no different for the City of Port Angeles. As has been outlined in the previous chapters, the City is faced with a substantial list of improvement projects totaling approximately $73.4 million, that are needed to satisfy the City's own design standards, and to address capacity or circulation deficiencies. In addition to these improvement projects, the City is also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the transportation system. The City of Port Angeles is responsible for the planning, construction and maintenance of transportation facilities within the incorporated City limits, while Clallam County is responsible in the unincorporated areas, even within the urban growth area. This chapter identifies current and potential revenue sources, including an impact fee, for transportation related planning, construction, and maintenance. It also satisfies the Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements by recommending a balance between transportation system needs and stable revenues expected to be available during the next 20 years. INVENTORY OF CURRENT REVENUE SOURCES Sources of existing revenue for the City of Port Angeles are shown in table 6.1. Revenues for many of the sources are unpredictable and vary from year to year, while revenues from the street fund have been more or less decreasing. This reflects the fact that funds have been diverted from the street fund to other non-road improvement projects. The following sections describe the revenue sources listed in table 6.1. Street Fund The street fund is comprised of several revenue sources, with property taxes and state-levied gasoline taxes constituting approximately 98 percent of the fund. In 1994, the property tax 95005 / Reports / Master Chapter6 (7/18/96) / jc 6-1 T' 1 ......... I Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees generated approximately $600,000 for the street fund, while the gas tax generated approximately $41 5,000. Of this money, the majority pays for City personnel and supplies. The remaining portion is used for street mair'~tenance or improvement projects and represents approximately the amount shown in table 6.1. Table 6.1 Revenue Sources and Amounts for the City of Port Angeles (in Thousands of Dollars) Revenues Actual Projected Revenue Source 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 Street Fund $125 $170 $152 $149 $95 $ 121 Property Taxes Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 257 79 148 27 ISTEA Funds 0 0 0 412 80 0 Aquatic Lands Enhancement Funds 0 75 0 0 41 0 Public Works Trust Fund 0 0 702 0 0 0 Transportation Improvement Account 0 0 0 0 118 128 Bridge Replacement Federal Funds 0 0 70 0 0 0 Other 4 0 0 0 0 185 Total $129 $245 $1,181 $640 $482 $461 Real Estate Excise Tax The City has also imposed a Real Estate Excise Tax which taxes the sale of real property up to a maximum of 0.25 percent. This money may be used to fund capital improvements for transportation related projects. The City has collected as much as $257,000 per year from this funding source and has used the revenues to fund reconstruction of Marine Drive, construction of sidewalks downtown, and installation of pedestrian lighting both downtown and on the Waterfront Trail. 6-2 9=5 / Repmls i Master Ch~ot®r6 (7118/96) / jc Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees Federal Funds Due to the topography and many creeks running through Port Angeles, the City has had to construct and maintain many bridges. Funding for maintenance and rehabilitation of the bridges in Port Angeles has been through federal bridge replacement funds in the past. Other federal revenues for the City were acquired through the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). These funds were used for the construction and right-of-way acquisition of the Waterfront Trail, and to fund this Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP). With ISTEA expiring in 1997, these funds cannot be relied upon as a future source of revenue. Public Works Trust Fund The Public Works Trust Fund is a Iow cost loan for public works improvements or emergencies, or it can be a zero interest loan with a 25 percent local match for upgrading planning efforts. The City of Port Angeles has used the fund in the past to fund projects totaling just over $700,000, including the Marine Drive reconstruction. Transportation Improvement Account The Transportation Improvement Account (TIA) is administered through the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) and provides funding which uses revenues from the state gas tax and local matching funds. The TIA provides funding for transportation projects aimed at relieving traffic congestion created by economic development or growth. Selection criteria under the urban program considers multi-agency, multimodal, congestion/safety, economic development, and local match issues. The City is currently using TIA funds for the design and construction of the Lauridsen Boulevard/Airport Road realignment, the Pedestrian Facility program, and a feasibility study for the multimodal facility, which would provide a central location to access all modes of transportation. Local Improvement District One source of revenue the City of Port Angeles has not used recently but has implemented in 1996 is the Local Improvement District (LID). Property owners within an LID are assessed the costs of road improvements primarily benefiting them. The City 95005 / Reports / Master Chapter6 (7/18/96) / jc 6-3 Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees typically issues an improvement bond to finance the improvements, and then assesses benefiting property owners to pay off the bonded debt. An LID has no continuous source of funding after the bonded debt has been paid off. The City of Port Angeles is currently developing an LID to fund street improvements in the upper Golf Course Road/Melody Lane area. Other Sources Other revenue sources such as the sale of City property, Clallam County funds, or interest from investments also are used to fund transportation improvements. Currently, no revenues are generated from or used for public transit in the study area. Transit service is provided by Clallam Transit, which has its own operating budget and revenue sources. POTENTIAL REVENUE SOURCES Revenues generated for transportation-related projects originate from a complex mix of federal, state, and local sources. This section presents funding sources that may be available to the City of Port Angeles and/or Clallam County for transportation-related expenditures. Taxation Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax (MVFT) (RCW 82.36). The MVFT is a tax on motor vehicle fuel applied at the state level. The MVFT is currently 27 cents per gallon. Approximately 30 percent of the revenues generated from the MVFT are distributed to cities and counties. The WSDOT receives up to 50 percent directly, and administers the distribution of the rest through various programs. Local Option Fuel Tax (LOFT) (RCW 82.80). The purpose of the LOFT is for the operation, preservation, and construction of streets, county roads, and state highways; development and implementation of public transportation and high-capacity transit improvements; and purchase of right-of-way. The LOFT generates funds for highway purposes at the County and City level, by adding up to ten percent (2.3 cents per gallon) of the statewide MVFT to the local fuel tax. This option would be subject to county-wide voter approval and certain planning provisions. Revenues would be distributed back to the County and City on a weighted per capita basis. 6-4 9~, / Retorts / Maste~ Chapte~ (7/18/96) / jc Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees Motor Vehicle Excise Tax (MVET) (RCW 82.44). The MVET is collected at the state level at two percent of the fair market value of motor vehicles. The proceeds are distributed to the state ferry system, the state general fund, the state motor vehicle fund, Puget Sound Capital Construction, and transportation fund. Property Tax. Real and personal property taxes are a major revenue source for road improvements. Property taxes are collected at the county level. Statutory and constitutional state laws set limits on this taxing authority. The maximum tax levy for road mileage is set at $2.25 per $1,000 assessed value (RCW 84- 52). Property taxes collected in one year cannot exceed 106 percent of the amount levied in the highest of the three most recent years, with the exception of additional amounts attributable to new construction (RCW 84.55). Voter approval is needed to exceed this amount. Real Estate Excise Tax (RCW 82.46). Taxing districts may impose a tax on the sale of real property up to a maximum of one-quarter of one percent (0.25%). This tax may be used to fund capital improvements for transportation-related projects. General 5ales Tax. The general sales tax is imposed on the purchase of certain goods and services. A percentage of the proceeds may fund transportation-related projects. Bicycle Facilities. Funding for bicycle facilities is available from the state through the motor vehicle fund. This fund is comprised of gas tax and motor vehicle registration fees. Revenue is distributed to local agencies for bicycle improvements, to WSDOT for highway and ferry facility improvements, to the State Patrol for safety and enforcement, and to the Department of Licensing for costs of collecting gas taxes and registration fees. Fees Local Option Vehicle License Fee (RCW 82.80.020). Used for several transportation-related activities, this fee would be imposed at the county level but would apply to both incorporated and unincorporated areas. Up to $15.00 could be charged per vehicle registered in the County. Revenues are distributed in the same manner described for the LOFT. Impact Mitigation Fee (Local Transportation Act and RCW 39.92). The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, RCW 43.21C) allows local governments to impose conditions on an action to Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees mitigate significant adverse environmental impacts. Transportation impact fees can be negotiated on a project-specific basis. The Local Transportation Act (LTA) authorizes the collection of impact fees through the establishment of impact fee programs. Key program elements include establishing a comprehensive transportation plan with a six-year capital improvement program, developing a capacity percentage formulated fee collection, and identifying geographic areas that would benefit from transportation improvements. Debt General Obligation Bonds (RCW 39.36.020). Under Washington State law, a County may issue general obligation bonds for general county purposes (not to exceed 2.5 percent of the actual value of all taxable property). The two categories of general obligation debt are: "limited" and "unlimited"; no combination of the two may exceed the 2.5 percent restriction. The County Council may, by ordinance, authorize the issuance of limited tax general obligation debt in an amount up to 3.4 percent of actual value without a vote of the electorate. Issuance of unlimited tax debt requires voter approval. The debt service on unlimited tax debt is secured by excess tax levies, whereas the debt service on limited tax bonds is secured by the general mileage with a ceiling of $1.80 per $1,000 of assessed value. Special/Assessment Debt. Local improvement bonds are repaid from a specified source of revenues, e.g. special assessments, rather than from general fund tax revenues. Local Assistance Programs Federal Aid Secondary System (FAS). The FAS provides funding for improvements on County federal aid secondary routes in rural areas. Rural Arterial Trust Account (RATA). The RATA was established to finalize the construction and improvement of county major and minor collectors in rural areas. The RATA is administered under the Rural Arterial Program (RAP) which is administered by the County Road Administration Board (CRAB). Urban Arterial Trust Account (UATA). The general purpose of the UATA is to create highway revenues to alleviate and prevent 6-6 ,~, / Re~orts / Maste~ Cha~pte~6 (7/18/96) I jc Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees intolerable traffic congestion in urban areas. The UATA is administered by the TIB. Transportation Improvement Account (TIA). The TIA is administered by the TIB and provides funding which uses revenues from the state gas tax and local matching funds. The TIA provides funding for transportation projects aimed at relieving traffic congestion created by economic development or growth. Selection criteria under the urban program considers multi- agency, multimodal, congestion/safety, economic development, and local match issues. County Arterial Preservation Program (CAPP). Administered by CRAB, CAPP provides funding to preserve rural and county arterials. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). The purpose of the CDBG program is to fund projects which would benefit Iow- and moderate-income households. Projects include local housing, public facilities, economic development, and comprehensive projects. The program is administered by the Washington State Department of Community Development. Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF). Three funding programs are available to cities, counties, and special districts. The PWTF construction program provides Iow cost loans for public works improvements; the PVVTF emergency program provides Iow cost loans for remedying public works emergencies; and the PVVTF capital improvement planning program provides zero interest loans with a 25 percent local match for upgrading planning efforts. Special Districts Transportation Benefit Districts (TBD) (RCW 36.73). One or more TBDs can be established in Clallam County for funding road improvements. Such improvements must be consistent with state, regional, and local transportation plans; reduce congestion attributable to economic growth; and be partially funded by local government and/or private developers. New taxes can be authorized for TBDs. A TBD is also a method of packaging existing financing techniques, such as revenue and general obligation bonds, excess property tax levies, and benefit and development assessments. The TBDs have no dependable source of income, however, so a revenue bond is unlikely to get a bond rating. 95005 / Repod. s / Maste~ Cha~te~6 (W18/96) / jc 6-7 Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees Local Improvement Districts (LIDs). Local improvement districts can be created within TBD boundaries and may cross jurisdictional boundaries, although they are administered by City government. Property owners within an LID are assessed the costs of road improvements primarily benefiting them. The City typically would issue an improvement bond to finance the improvement(s), and then assess benefiting property owners to pay off the bonded debt. An LID has no continuing source of funding after the bonded debt has been paid off. Road Service Districts (RCW 36.83). Similar to TBDs, Clallam County may form road service districts to fund capital costs for bridge and road improvements. Unlike TBDs, their purpose is not limited to economic development. Road Improvement Districts (RCW 36.88). Road improvement districts (RIDs) are county funding mechanisms, which are funded and managed in the same manner as LIDs. IMPACT FEE PROGRAM PROTOTYPE An impact fee may be justified if an increment of new development results in a need for additional transportation capacity, but generates insufficient transportation taxes to pay for that capacity, it must be shown that the additional capacity for which a development is charged is no more than is necessary to remedy the development's impacts. A prototype for calculating transportation impact fees in the City of Port Angeles was developed and is presented in detail in Appendix J. The following section summarizes this impact fee prototype. The recommended method meets a strict standard of evidence relating a site of new development to its impacts, while at the same time, a system approach is recommended to measure both the direct and indirect usage of planned improvements by a given site of new development. The recommended method to calculate a new site's use of the capacity added by planned growth-related improvements is to measure use on a case-by-case basis. A site may use an improvement either directly (i.e., adding all new trips to the network) or indirectly, by using capacity vacated by existing trips diverted to the improvement. The recommended method measures both kinds of use. 6-8 95005 / Ret:x~rts / Maste¢ Ch~pte~ (7/18/96) Ijc Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees The authority for transportation impact fees is contained in RCW 82.02. Under RCW 82.02, a site of new development may not be charged taxes and impact fees for the same set of improvements, and should benefit to the same extent as existing development from funding sources external to the jurisdiction. The recommended method adjusts an impact fee for external funds and for transportation taxes expected to be paid by the site. A prototype of the impact fee concept was tested on a network containing the proposed Milwaukee Drive, SR101frumwater interchange improvements, White Creek crossing, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and First Street widening. A hypothetical site of new development adding 200 peak-hour trips to the downtown area was used. Without adjusting for external funding or growth- related local taxes paid by the site, a fee of $900 per peak hour trip was obtained. This amount is specific to the capital program tested and would be different for other sets of proposed improvements. For example, a second prototype was tested in which the Heart of the Hills Parkway was not included. This prototype example represents the selected transportation improvement scenario for the City of Port Angeles as presented in Chapter 5. Under this scenario, an impact fee of $150 per peak hour trip was obtained (without adjusting for external funding or growth-related local taxes paid by the site). CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM This section briefly describes concepts of the concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act, and suggests a set of procedures that could be used by the City of Port Angeles to meet those requirements. A more detailed description of the process is provided in Appendix K. Concepts of Concurrency Management The concurrency requirements of the GMA, contained in RCW 36.70A, are as follows: After adoption of the comprehensive plan by jurisdictions required to plan or who choose to plan under section 4 of this act, local jurisdictions must adopt and enforce ordinances which prohibit development approval if the development causes the level of service on a transportation facility to decline below the standards adopted in the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, unless 95005 / Re~orts / Master ChapterS (7/18/96) / jc 6-9 Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of development are made concurrent with the development. These strategies may include increased public transportation service, ride sharing programs, demand management, and other transportation systems management strategies. For the purposes of this subsection "concurrent with the development" shall mean that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six years. The law may be interpreted to mean that a development which will violate adopted level of service standards could win approval if, at the time of approval, the jurisdiction has made financial commitments to improvements or management strategies that will restore the level of service (LOS) standard no more than six years following approval. Elements of a Concurrency Management System The basic problem of a concurrency management system (CMS) is to grant the right of new development, in order of application, to use existing and expected excess street or transit capacity. Excess capacity refers to the amount of vehicles or persons that can be added to existing traffic before the facility exceeds LOS standards. In such a system, the capacity available to a given applicant will depend on previously filed applications. In addition, it is inevitable that developments that have been approved, and upon which subsequent applications depend, may not actually ever be constructed, because circumstances may intervene to force an applicant to revise or abandon development plans even after a building permit has been issued. In this case, other subsequent applicants may have been denied approval that would now be eligible. In the following sections, the basic elements of a possible CMS are described, and an approach to the administrative challenges of such a system is offered. Level of Service Standards The definition of excess capacity available for new development depends on LOS standards. The GMA defines LOS standards as one aspect of the transportation element of comprehensive plans, 6-1 o ,~05 / Reports / Ma~t®r Chal~te~6 (7/18/96) Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees for jurisdictions planning under the GMA. The LOS standards must include both arterials and transit routes. As has been presented in Chapter 2, the LOS standard for a street segment in Port ^ngeles is dependent on the capacity at intersections, and is LOS D. For transit, a supply and demand LOS concept was adopted in the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan, which is adequate for the City of Port Angeles' needs. The transit standard in this plan is LOS D. in the simplest terms, a proposed development which causes traffic volumes to exceed the defined LOS D standard on a facility, or causes transit vehicle loading to be above the transit standard, would not meet the concurrency test--unless committed improvements could be expected to increase street or transit service capacity within six years of the development's approval. Options for Meeting the Concurrency Requirement The City has attempted to anticipate growth and plan appropriate capital improvements through this TSFP; but the science of land use forecasting is inexact enough that unanticipated growth will inevitably occur. Even when growth is anticipated, there may be budget constraints that limit the jurisdiction's ability to respond. In such cases, the City should consider whether transportation improvements are justified and physically feasible given the new development. The developer should then be given the option of contributing toward the cost of the remedy, provided his contribution is consistent with a predefined policy. If the City chooses to use a transportation impact fee program, the capital improvement needed to attain concurrency may be added to the impact fee capital program, and the fee calculated in the usual way. Contribution by the City toward the improvement (assuming it could be completed within six years) would then satisfy the concurrency requirement. The main advantage of an impact fee approach is that the cost of improving a facility will not fall on the single developer whose project caused violation of LOS standards; rather, the cost of the improvement will be spread over his project and future projects using the improvement. However, a developer should have the option of contributing more than his/her share of the cost of an improvement needed for concurrency. The excess contribution should be credited against the balance of his/her total impact fee. Contributions beyond the Funding, Revenue, and Impact Fees level of his/her calculated impact fee may be accepted as voluntary, or repaid from future impact fees collected for the concurrency improvement. If the City chooses not to use an impact fee program, they should calculate the applicant's contribution toward the concurrency improvement as though it were an impact fee. That is, the cost paid by a developer for an improvement should be equivalent to the development's improvement. However, because the "fee" would not be an impact fee, as authorized in RCW 82.02, the jurisdiction would either have to treat it as a voluntary contribution or use another statutory authority, such as SEPA. As an alternative, a developer may elect to adopt transportation demand management (TDM) measures to reduce the trip generation associated with his proposed development. Examples of such measures would include transit or carpool subsidies, staggered or flexible work hours, and telecommuting options or incentives. By ordinance, such strategies could be assumed to produce standard percentage reductions in trip generation, with the jurisdiction reserving the right to require evidence that the programs are in place and functioning as projected. FUNDING TRANSPORTATION NEEDS The Growth Management Act (GMA) requires an "analysis of funding capability to judge needs against probable funding resources". Of the $73.4 million of improvements identified in this TSFP, $14.5 million are capacity-related improvements to be completed over the next 20 years. All other improvements identified in this plan satisfy City design standards, or are bicycle facility improvements (which are neither considered capacity improvements nor are they a City standard). Of the $14.5 million worth of capacity-related improvements, $6.3 million were given a high priority and therefore, should be completed within the next six years (see table 5.11). In addition to the $6.3 million of capacity-related improvements identified in this study to be completed in the next six years, the City's current six-year TIP identifies other projects totaling $29.7 million. These projects include maintenance, overlay, bridge inspection and replacement, bicycle facility, street lighting, street scaping, multimodal terminal construction, and sidewalk related projects. Many of these projects are not capacity-related improvements, while others were identified in this plan as lower priority projects and could be completed beyond the six-year time 6-12 9~5 / Ref3o~ls / Master Chapt®r6 (7/18/96) / je GLOSSARY OF TERMS Access Street Streets or roadways that are not classified as a principal, minor, or collector arterial. An access street typically permits direct access to abutting land uses, connects higher class systems, represents a Iow level of mobility, and discourages through traffic movement. Base Network The network representing all streets and transportation facilities that currently (1994) exist in Port Angeles and the surrounding Urban Growth Area. The base network does not include any planned or proposed facilities. Bicycle Facility Any path, lane, route, or shared roadway specifically designated in some manner as being open to bicycle travel, either for the exclusive use of bicycles or shared use with other modes of travel. Capital Long-term physical street improvements, traditionally identified Improvements with public transportation investments. Carpool An arrangement in which two or more people share the use and/or cost of traveling in privately owned automobiles between fixed points on a regular basis. Collector Arterial A street or roadway that typically provides land access and traffic circulation within residential, commercial, and industrial areas. It distributes trips from the arterial system to the ultimate destination and vice versa. Comprehensive A document that defines a jurisdiction's goals and policies and Plan visualizes the direction the jurisdiction will take over the next twenty years. Specific elements usually contained in a comprehensive plan include growth management, land use, transportation, utilities, housing, conservation, capital facilities, economic development, parks and recreation, and the environment. Concurrency A management system which prohibits development if the Management development causes the level of service to decline below System standards adopted in the Comprehensive Plan, unless transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the development impacts are made concurrently with the development. 95005 / Re,port~ / Master GIc~sa~ (7/18/g~) ! jc G- 1 Glossary Of Terms Congestion Heavy traffic volumes make movement on the street or roadway at optimal legal speeds difficult. Corridor In planning, a broad geographical band that follows a general directional flow or connects major sources of trips. It may contain a number of streets, highways, and transit lines or routes. Critical Volume The sum of all conflicting movements, or movements that cannot occur at the same time, at an intersection. The critical volume is used in a volume-to-capacity calculation. Cycle Failure ^ cycle failure is when a vehicle must wait through more than one cycle length at a signalized intersection before clearing the intersection. Cycle Length The time in seconds allotted to a traffic signal to permit all movements to proceed through the intersection at least once. Deficiency Specific to this plan, a deficiency exists when a transportation facility does not operate at or is not designed to meet a pre- determined standard. Delay Time lost by a traveler due to congestion. Delay is measured by the time needed to reach destinations at the posted speed limits versus a slower congested speed. A specific delay, known as stopped delay, refers to the time spent by a traveler when the vehicle is not moving. Employment Center Locations having a concentration of jobs or employment. Environmental A document that addresses environmental impacts associated Impact Statement with implementing one or more proposed actions. Facility A physical structure allowing a transportation mode to operate (i.e., arterial streets, sidewalks, bicycle trails, etc.). Functional A roadway designation system that categorizes roadways by Classification purpose, intent and design constraints. Grade Crossing A crossing of highways, railroad tracks, other guideways, and/or pedestrian walkways at the same level (grade). Grade Separated The use of tunnels, bridges, and other structures to separate conflicting movements by levels. Conflicting movements can be the same or different modes of travel. G-2 95005/Reports / Master/Glossary (7/18/96) I jc Glossary Of Terms Growth State legislation passed in 1990 and subsequently amended Management Act which requires long-range comprehensive plans prepared by cities and counties to be balanced with supporting transportation infrastructure. Heart of the Hills One of three major transportation improvement alternatives Parkway proposed in this plan intended to alleviate traffic congestion in the future. Specifically, this project involves construction of a new two- to three-lane facility from SR 101 (east of Deer Park Road) to Race Street (near or at the intersection of Race Street, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and Mount Angeles Road). Impact Fee A charge imposed on growth which is proportionate to the cost of transportation improvements made necessary by growth (i.e., new development). Intercity Transit Transit service that is provided between two or more cities. Intersection An intersection accident, as defined in this plan, is a vehicle- Accident related accident that occurred within 150 feet of two or more intersecting streets. Intracity Transit Transit service that is provided within one city. Land Use A specific type of development, which is generally associated with a particular property. Level of Service A gauge for evaluating system performance for roadways, transit, and non-motorized and other transportation modes. Lincoln Street/ One of three major transportation improvement alternatives Peabody Street proposed in this plan to alleviate traffic congestion in the future. One-Way Couplet Specifically, this project involves converting Lincoln Street and Peabody Street into one-way streets in opposing directions. Measure of A quantitative representation used to measure how well an Effectiveness activity, task, function, or implemented project has performed. Midblock Accident A midblock accident, as defined in this plan, is a vehicle-related accident that occurred more than 15,0 feet away from two or more intersecting streets. 95005 / Reports / Master Glossary {7/18/96) / jo G-3 Glossary Of Terms Minor Arterial A street or roadway that typically interconnects, augments, and serves trips of shorter distance and lower level of mobility than principal arterials. A minor arterial generally does not usually penetrate identifiable neighborhoods and places more emphasis on land access than a principal arterial. Mitigation Measures required to improve a transportation facility to a specific standard. Mobility The ability of any individual to move about the region. Mode A particular form of travel distinguished by the means of transportation used, such as foot, bicycle, vehicle, bus, train, boat, plane, etc. Model A computerized mathematical representation of traffic movement through a network based on existing and future traffic volumes, employment centers, land uses, population, and capacity. Multimodal Concerned with or involving more than one transportation mode. Network In planning, a computerized system of links and nodes that describes a transportation system. In highway engineering, the configuration of highways that constitutes the total system, and in transit operations, a system of transit lines or routes usually designed for coordinated operation. Network Scenario As pertaining to this plan, a network scenario refers to a unique set of transportation improvements coded into the model network. There were seven network scenarios modeled in this plan. Non-Motorized Generally referring to bicycle, pedestrian, equestrian, or other modes of transportation not involving a motor vehicle. Origin-Destination A study of where person or vehicle trips begin and end. It may Study also include trip purposes and frequencies. Paratransit Transit service that is publicly or privately operated, scheduled or dispatched on demand, and providing point to point transit service. Normally used in specialized applications with user eligibility limitations (e.g. elderly, handicapped, etc.) or where demand is not sufficient to support fixed route service. G-4 9~051Re~ts / Master / Glossary (~118/96) I jc Glossary Of Terms Park-and-Ride An access mode to transit and other HOV modes in which patrons drive private automobiles or ride bicycles to a transit station, stop, or carpool/vanpool waiting area and park the vehicle in the area provided for that purpose. Peak Period The period of the day during which the maximum amount of travel occurs. It may be specified as the morning (a.m.) or afternoon or evening (p.m.) peak. Principal Arterial A street, roadway, or highway that serves major centers of activity and usually has the highest traffic volumes in the region. A principal arterial serves most trips entering and leaving urban areas and through trips, thus serving significant interurban travel between major suburban or business districts. It is usually fully or partial ly controlled access. Prioritization The act of categorizing Transportation Improvement Programs into three separate groups (high, medium, and Iow) giving projects in some groups precedence over projects in other groups. With respect to this plan, it was intended that high priority projects should be completed within the next six years. Public Regular transportation service by bus, rail, paratransit, van, Transportation airplane, or ship offered by a public operator. Right-of-Way Property purchased for and expected to contain transportation facilities. School Walkway A program funded by the City of Port Angeles that completes, Program repairs, or constructs sidewalks around schools to improve circulation and safety. Transportation Well-defined areas in the transportation model that were designed Analysis Zone to contain consistent land use and common points of access to the street system. Transportation The quantity of transportation desired by users. Demand Transportation The concept of managing or reducing travel demand rather than Demand increasing the supply of transportation facilities. It may include Management programs to shift demand from single-occupant vehicles to other (TDM) modes such as transit and ridesharing, to shift demand to off-peak periods, or to eliminate demand for some trips. 95005/Retorts/Master Glossa~/(7/18/96) /jc G-5 Glossary Of Terms Transportation The six-year, specific multimodal program of regional Improvement transportation improvements for highways, transit, and other Program (TIP) modes. The TIP consists of projects drawn from the TSFP as well as local plans and programs. The projects are directed at improving the overall efficiency and people-moving capabilities of the existing transportation system. Transportation A document intended to support and expand upon the goals and Services and policies of the transportation element in the Comprehensive Plan. Facilities Plan The TSFP is intended to ensure that the City's transportation (TSFP) infrastructure and its management meet the needs of the City's population for safe, efficient, and economical local transportation and access to regional transportation services and facilities. Transportation Increasing travel flow on existing facilities by implementing System improvements such as ramp metering, signal synchronization, and Management (TSM) removal of on-street parking. Improvements typically have a Iow capital cost, require little major construction, and can be implemented in a relatively short time frame. Urban Growth Area The urban growth area, as defined in this document, is the area outside the Port Angeles City limits where urban growth is expected within the next twenty years. The urban growth area boundary is shown in figure 1.1 in Chapter 1. Vehicle Hours of On highways, the aggregate amount of time spent by all travelers Travel in the region on all facilities for a specified time period. Vehicle Miles of On highways, a measurement of the total miles traveled by all Travel vehicles in the region for a specified time period. Volume-to- A measure of potential roadway capacity. The ratio of the Capacity Ratio existing amount of critical vehicular volume for a roadway or intersection to the amount of designed capacity on the roadway or intersection. White Creek One of three major transportation improvement alternatives Crossing proposed in this plan intended to alleviate traffic congestion in the future. Specifically, this project involves the extension of Lauridsen Boulevard to Golf Course Road, which involves the crossing of White Creek. G-6 9=5 / Reports / Master I Glossary (7/18/96} / jc APPENDIX A Arterial Street Inventory Database Arterial Street Database Coding -- Port Angeles Number of Lanes -- Median 1 e thor back-to-back LTL, or TWLTL Pedestrian Facilities 0 no sidewalks 1 gravel/dirt sidewalk 2 paved sidewalk 3 d scont nuous s dewa k Edge Facilities 0 Jno shoulder 1 Jgravel dirt shoulder < 6 feet 2 Jgravel dirt shoulder > 6 feet 3 Jpaved shoulder < 6 feet 4 Jpaved shoulder > 6 feet unless paved areas were striped as a shoulder, it was not coded as a shoulder. Parallel parking indicates the road is wide enough for the additional pavement to act as a shoulder if needed. Curb and Gutter I O1 no curb and gutter curb and ~utter I Parallel Parkinc~ J 0 Jno parallel parking I 1 Jparallel parkin~ ! Direction of Roadway I 1 Inorth/south 2 Jeast/west J Arterial Class p principal arterial m minor arterial c collector arterial tkl 4/11/96 ARTCODE.XLS ooo EEEEEEEEEEEEEooooooo ooooooooooEEEEEEEooooooooooo ooEoooooEEEEEEEEEEEEEoOo oooEEEEoouooouuoEEEEEEEooooooooooo E EEEE EEE EEE E E E Eooo oooooooooE EEEE E E ooooooooooo ~0000000 00~0~0000000000000~0~0 0~0~ ~0000000 00~0~0000000000000~0~0 ~0000000 0 000000~00~0~0 0000000~00000000000000000000000~00~000000000000000000000 0000000~00000000000000000000000~~0000000000000000000000 000000000~0~0~~0000~0~000000000~000~~0~0~0~000~0~0 ~ o mm ~ m ~ ~ o 0 000 O~ fi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (3 L) Q_ (]_ 0 0 0._ t"') El 0 0 0 0 El. O. 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ',3 0 0 0.. ~,~ 0 ',3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1 fl F 0_ Q_ Q_ 0 (3 0.. 0.. (]. ID.. r] []. (1 f~ 0 0 0 0 O. (]. f1 0 0 0 0 0 0 (D. 0._ (]_ (]_ 0 0 >, Z o oo oooooo oooo oo ooooo o Z ~,~ ~ o o o o o o4 o o o o o o o o o o o'~ o o o o4 o o o o ~' ~~' *~' ~o ¢') ~t ~' ~t 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~]' ~' ~t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z Z 0 E~ "~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~ ~ ~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~ o o ~ o o o o o ~ 0 z ~ _d_ o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o E E E E o o o o o o o o o o o o E E o o ~o 4::~ o o o o E E E E E E o u E E o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o o o o aaaao o o o o o o o o o o o E E o ~ oooo ouooo ooE EE ooooooooooo o EE Z Z ~ ~ ~ 0 0 Z o ~ oooooomooooooooooooooo~o~ooo~oo~o~mo~oooooooooom ooo~oo Z ~ '~ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ooooo z o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E-- ~ a ~ ~ 9 ~ + ~888ggg8888~~n: ~~.~E EE~3B~ APPENDIX B Arterial Street Inventory Summary Statistics APPENDIX C Midblock Accident Summary Accident Summary at Midblocks Street Segment Number of I Accident Between,.. AccidentsI Rate * Cherry St. Marine Dr. & 15th St. 1 0.2 8th St. ~ I St. & C St. 1 0.4 Tumwater Truck Rd. Marine Dr. & Lauridsen Blvd. 4 0.4 Golf Course Rd. 1st St. & Lindberg Rd. 1 0.4 Ennis St. Water St. & 5th St. 1 0.5 Marine Dr. Tumwater St. & Pine St. 8 0.5 Lauridsen Blvd. Lincoln St. & Ennis St. 5 0.5 Front St. Lincoln St,. & Golf Course Rd. 26 0.6 ~th St. C St. & Race St. 20 0.8 1st St. Lincoln St. & Delguzzi Dr. 33 0.9 Lincoln St. Front St. & Lauridsen Blvd. 14 1.0 Race St. Front St. & Park Ave. 11 1.1 18th St. McDonald St. & O St. 3 1.1 Park Ave. Peabody St. & Race St. 2 1.1 Yumwater St. Marine Dr. & 5th St. 1 1.1 5th St. Cherry St. & Ennis St. 6 1.3 C St. 5th St. & Lauridsen Blvd. 4 2..5 1st St. Valley St. & Lincoln St. 17 2.6 Peabody St. Front St. & 3rd St. 2 3.4 Peabody St. Park Ave. & Viewcrest Ave. 3 3.9 Front St. Valley St. & Lincoln St. 19 3.9 16th St. C St. & D St. 1 4.6 Park Ave. Lincoln St. & Peabody St. 2 4.6 10th St. Milwaukee Dr. & I St. 1 6.8 5th Street L St. & Tumwater St. 1 n/a Ediz Hook Coast Guard Gate & Diashowa Mill 2 n/a Old Mill Rd. Rhodes Rd. & Scrivner Rd. 2 n/a Porter St. Olympus Ave. & Craig Ave. 1 n/a Accidents per million vehicle miles per year cfc 4/11/96 ACCTOTAL.XLS APPENDIX D 1995 Existing Intersection Level of Service Calculations Critical #ovemenl: AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 intersection: CHERRY STREET/gTH STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING Problem Statement: CHD CS0893EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEOHETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECX Step 6b. VOLU~E ADJUST#ENT FOR I Approach 3:CHERRY ST ....... Approach ..... ! ~ HULT]PNASE SIGNAL OVERLAP J 1 I ^ : -1- '2- -3- -4- PossibLe VoL~ne Adju~ted ~ R L I N a.No. of change : 60 60 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical 8TH STREET I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoLume to next ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 120 120 120 Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ ¥ ¥ v <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : .5 .5 .5 .$ A2B1 691(A2+B2) OR 642(Al+B1) 691 LTH-^> <--TH al.Opposing voic~e : 585 598 105 20i' A3B~ 269(A3+B3) OR 165(A4+B4) 269! TH--· <v-LTH in vph : 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 15 2 49? 393 RT-'¥ < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 135 122 617 513 I T T H T T 18TH STREET vph (l~e) : I H H I Ig. Left turn voLu~e : 10~ ~ 60 62 I Approach 4:CHERRY ST h.is volume · cap. : NO NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUHES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUHES, in vph Step 7. SUN OF CRITICAL VOLLIHES I I I 1 I 691(A2B2)+269(A~B3)+O()+O() I Approach 31 ....... 2 8 6 ....... 3: LT= 60 I I I 2:RT= 5/+ /, 3 0 ^+ 5& = 960 vph TH= 83 I I I TH=S3~ +l* <+S31 ....................................... R?= 1Z/* I v I LT= &/+ < v · v- ~/+ Step 8. INTERSECT]ON LEVEL OF .......................... SERV I CE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 uith table Is I Approach 1--· ....... I:LT= 106 I ^ I 4: RT= ~ 554 +> + I + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH=~4 I ~ I TH= ~9 ~+v RT= 4/+ I I I LT= 62 .............. Geometric Chsnge: I Approach 4~ I 6 5 4 I Signal Chsnge: I 2 9 & I VoLume Chsnge: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUMES, in vph COI~ENTS (t~o phase signaL) --^ AHD <-- A1B2 AND I Approach 3~ --> Oe v-- /OR A2~1 I I I I ANo < ^ AZa/+ A~O I ~·OR I I /ORA4eZ I 207 I Approach 1 v < .... 585 106 .... ^ < I Approach 2 I 62 I ....................................... I I Al--> A~I ~1~-- a3 <1 I I v^ I I I Approach 41 A2 <-- A4 I 82 --^ 84 I> V/C Ratio = .6~ Critical NoveM~t AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: LINCOLN STREET/STH. STREET Design Hour: 1~ EXISTING ProbLem Statement: LSO895EX S~ 1. [DEHT[FY ~E GENTRY St~ ~. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. ~L~ ~JUST~NT F~ ] A~r~ch ]:L%N~LN ST ....... A~r~ch ..... ~LT%PHASE S%GNAL O~RLAP ~ 1 1 { * :-1- -2- -3- -~- PossibLe Vol~ Adj~t~ I R L I N a.No. of cha~e : 0 0 0 0 Prob- Crit;cat Car~over Cr~t~cat 8TH STREET I R T T T L { inte~a~s/h~r : abie Vol~ to ~xt ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT ca.city ~ : 0 0 0 0 Phase in ~ ~ase ~n A~r~ch 1 < < I > > ~--RT cha~e (~) : ....................................... 1 LT--A v v v <*-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : 0 0 0 0 B2B1 ~(B1) 181- ~= 106(82) LTH-*> <--TH d.~s~ vot~ : 0 0 0 0 A1B2 106(82) ~16- 10~ 310(A1) TH--> <v-LTH ~n ~ : A1A2 ~07(~) ~ 310(A1) 407 1 RTH-~ ~ ~ ~ v--LT 1 e. LT ca.city ~ : 0 0 0 0 ~B3 59(~) 69- 59= 10(B4) RT--v < < I > > A~r~ch 2 gr~ (~) : ~ 10(~) 61~- 10= 6~(~) 10 ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT ca~ci~ ~n : 0 0 0 0 ~A~ 6~(~) ~ ~6(A~) I T T H T T 18TH STREET ~ (~e) : I H H I g. LefZ Zurn vo~ : 0 0 0 0 I~ ~ I ~"~ : J A~romch ~:L~NCOLN ST h.ls yoL~ > Cap. : (g>f) ? Step Z. IDEIT1FY VOLUHES, in ~ Step 5. ASSIGN LANE ~L~ES, in ~ Step 7. ~ OF CRiTI~L ~L~E$ I I ~ 1 ~ ~ 181(B182)+407(AZ)~9(B3B4)~(~) ~ A~roach 3J ....... 8 2 6 S: LT= 6911 I 2:RT= 71 7 ? 9 ~+ 71 = 1~61 ~ ;.= ~;; I I I TH= 336 + + I ,* 336 ======= .............. ========= .... === RT= 187 ~ ~ ~ LT= ~ < V > v' ~ Step 8. [HTERSECTZ~ LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--A~roach 2 (c~re step 7 ~ith table 6) lEI A~roach 1--> ....... I:LT= 181 I ~ I ~: RT= 51 381 +> I + + Step 9. RECAL~LATE T,= ~8~ I I I TH= 29~ ~5 +v RT= 35 I II LT= 59 ....... 2 ....... Ge~tric Change: I A~roach ~1 I ~ 9 ~ I sight Change: I 9 5 I I VoL~ Change: Step ~. ~OENTIFY PHASING St~ 6a. CRZT]CAL VOL~ES, in ~ C~HENTS (t~o ~ase signaL) --* v-- aZB1 I A~roach ]1 I I --~ AND <-- A1B2 ANO I --> OR v-- /OR AZB1 I '-> <-- A1A2 .......................... A~roach 1 > I See Step 6b. v > ~ I I /OR A~B] Amroach 2 I ~ ASA~ ......................... ~ I I I ....................................... I I A2 (-- Aa I B2 --* B4 I> V/C Ratio = .92 CaLcuLation Form 1 lnzers~tim: P~Y STREET/STH STREET O~Jgn H~r: I~5 ~ISTING St~ 1. IDENTIFY ~NE GENTRY St~ ~. LEFT T~N CHECK St~,~. ~E ~T~NT F~ I ~r~ch 3:PEA~Y ST ....... A~rHch ..... KLTiP~SE SIGNAL ~R~P J 1 1 ] * :-1- -2- -3- -~- P~slbLe VoL~ Adjat~ I R L J N ~.HO. Of ch~e : 0 O ~ ~ Pr~- Crtt~csL C~r~r Crlticmi 8TH STREET I R T T T L J JntervaLs/h~r : able ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT ca,city on : 0 0 120 120 Phase A~roach 1 < < I > > ~--RT cboe (~) : 1 LT--~ v v v <~-RTH 1 c.G/C rar~o : 0 0 .5 .5 ~B~ LTH-~> <--T~ d.~sing voL~ : 0 0 1&3 2~2 B2B~ 105(BZ) ~ 18(B1) 105 1 RTH-Y> ~ ~ ~ v--LT 1 e. LT ca~cJw ~ : 0 0 ~57 RT--v < < I > > A~roec~ 2 gre~ (~) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT ca~ci~y Jn : 0 0 5~ ~ I H H J g. Left turn voL~ : 0 0 56 I A~r~ch ~:PEAB~Y ST h.ls voL~ > cap. : NO NO: (g~f) ? : J s~ep ~. IDENTIFY VOLU~ES, in v~ S~ep 5. ASSIGN LANE VOL~ES, Jn ~ Step ~. ~ OF CRITICAL VOLU~ES I I ~ 1 1 I I A~roach 3[ ....... 2 1 5 ....... 3: LT= 56 I J j 2:RT= 80 ~ 8 6 *+ 80 ;,=~8 I I I ~,=~ +~ I <+368 ............ RT= 12~ J v J LT= 18 < v > v- 18 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEaL OF .......................... $ERV I CE <--A~rooch 2 (c~re step 7 with table 6) IAI A~roach 1--> ....... I:LT= 105 I ~ J ~: ET= 17 ~10 +> I + + Step 9. REaL.LATE T.= ~10 I I I T.= 12~ 3~ *v RT= 3Z I ~ [ LT= ~2 ....... 1 ....... G~tric Cboe: I A~roach ~ I ~ 2 1 I Sight Chame: I 2 6 7 ) Vot~ ~a~e: S~ep 3. ]DENTIFY PHASING St~ 68. CR[TZCAL ~L~ES, In ~ C~ENTS (two ~nse si~t) I I AND < ' ~a~ AND I A~roach 31 "> <-' A1A2 .......................... A~roach 1 S~ Step 6b. A~roach 2 ......................... I ....................................... I A2 <-- A~ ~ B2 --* B~ ~> V/C Ratio = .5~ Critical Noveeent AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcutstio~ Form 1 Intersection: RACE STREET/STH STREET Design Hour: 1995 EX[STING Prc~DLem StltWf~t: ~ RSO~EX Step 1. %DENTIFY LANE GEOt4ETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step%Sb. VOLUME ADJUSTMENT FOR I Approach ]:RACE STREET ....... Approach ..... HULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I I 1 I ^ : '1° -2- -3- -&- PossibLe Votu.e AdjustedI I R L I H a.No. of change : 0 0 0 O'Prob- Crttloai Carryover Critical 8TH STREET J R T T T L J intervaLs/hour : ~ab{e VoLume to f~ext VoL~ne J ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 0 Phase in Vl~ phase in Vl~ J Approach 1 < < I > > ^-oRT change (vl:)h) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ v ¥ v <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : 0 0 0 0 g~S3 22(B4) 53- 22= 31(83) 22 LTH-^> <--TH d. Opposing ¥otu~e : 0 0 0 0 A4B3 31(93) 431- 31= 400iA&) 31 TH--> <¥-LTH in vph : A3A& 508(A3) OR 400(A4) 508 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 0 B261 21(B1) 2(~- 21= 243¢GZ) 21 RT--¥ < < I > · Approach 2 green (vph) : AlS2 2&3(62) 1~0- 243- O(A1) 243 ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 0 0 0 0 A1A2 83(A2) OR O(A1) I T T H T T JST, STREET vph Cboe) : I H H } g.Left turn ¥oicme : 0 0 0 0 I Approach &:RACE STREET h.is votive · cap. : (g·f) ? : Step 2. IDEHTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUfqES, in vph Stap 7. SUM OF CRitiCAL VOLUIdES I 1 3 I 53(B&B3)+508(A3)+2~(B1B2)+83(A2) I Approach 3] ....... 2 8 2 ....... 3: LT-- 22 I I J 2:RT: 2~ 8 0 2 ^+ 23 = 908 vph T.:3~O Ii I T.: 60 *+ I ,* 6O RT= 128 I v I LT= 21 < v > v- 21 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... $ERVI CE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with tsbte 6) I e I Approach 1-o> I:LT= 26~ J ^ J 4: RT= 19 90 +> J + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH-- eO I I I TH--4~Z ~O0+v RT-- 100 J I I LT- 53 ....... ~ ....... Geometric Change: I Approach 41 J 5 I 1 I Signal Change: I 3 Z 9 J Voiuae Change: Step 3. IOENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CR]TICAL VOLUMES, in vph COIdl4ENTS (t~o phase signaL) I < e~s3 I Approach 3I · I I I I I ANO < ^ A3e~ ANO I I I ^ A3A4 .......................... v I Approach q --^ v-- BZB1 See Step 6b. --^ ANO ~-- A1BZ AND --; OR v-- /OR AZS~ Approach 2 ....................................... I v~ I i I Approe~h 41 AZ ~-- A/, I 6Z --^ S~ I> ¥/C Ratio = .66 Critical #ovement AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: LI#COLN STREET/STH STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statement: L$OSgSEX Step 1. IDEHTIFY LANE GEONETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step 6b. VOLLIHE ADJUST#ENT FOR I Approach 3:LINCOLN ST ....... Approach ..... ~ HULTIPNASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ : -1- -2- -3- -4- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted ] R L I N a. No. of change : 60 60 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical 5TH STREET I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoLume to next ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 120 120 120 Phase in v~ phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · · ^--ET change Cvph) = ....................................... 1 LT--^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 .5 .5 .5 A2B1 229(A2+B2) OR 163(Al+B1) 229 LTH-^> <--TH 1 d. Ol~osing votLme : 188 105 475 534 J[3S4 5~6CA3+B3) OR 511CA&+B&) 566 TH--> <Y-LTH in vph : 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT e. LT capacity on : 412 495 17_5 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 532 615 245 186 J T T g T T JSTfl STREET v~ Cb+e) : I H H I g. Left turn votuae : 41 58 36 I1 1 I in Vlah : I Approach 4:LINCOL# ST h.ls volume · cap. : NO NO HO NO: (g>f) ? : I Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUHES, in vph StepS. ASSIGN LANE VOLUHES, in vph Step 7. $U~ OF CRITICAL VOLUNE$ I I I 5 I 229(A2B2)+566(A~B3)+O()+O() I Approach 31 ....... 3 0 3 ....... 3: LT= 36 J J J 2:RT= 58 & 0 6 ^+ 58 = 79S vph TH= SOO II I T.= 13o * * I < 130 .... - = = - ..... RT= 34 I v I LT= 58 < v · v+ 58 Step 8. [#TERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 uith table 6) IAI Approach 1--· I:LT= &l I ^ I 4: RT= 50 8~+> I + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 86 I I I TH= &25 19 +v RT= 19 I I I LT= 32 ....... 4 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach 41 I 3 2 5 I sig~,t Chsnge: I Z 5 0 I VoLume Change: Step 3. IDEHTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUHE$, in vph COI~IENTS (two phase signaL) --^ AND <-- AIB2 AND I Approach 31 --> OR v-- /OR A2B1 I I IAao < ^ A3B4 AND I I v > OR I I /OR A4B3 I s~ I ............. I ............. I Approach 1 v < .... 188 41 ..... < I Approach 2 A1 "> A3 I a~ v" B3 41 I I v ^ I I I Approach 41 A2 <-- A4 I B2 --^ B4 I> V/C Ratio = .53 Critical Ho~t AnaLysis: PLJ~NN%NG CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: PEABODY STREET/5TH STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Staten~.nt: (:HO PSO595EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEOMETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. VOLUME ADJUST#ENT FOR I Approach 3:PEABODY ST ....... Approach ..... HULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ :-1- -Z- -3- -&- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted I R L I N a.No. of change : 0 0 0 0 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical 5TH STREET I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : iabLe Volume to next Volume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 0 'Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I > > ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ v v v <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : 0 0 0 0 B2B1 35(B1) 135- 35= 100(B2) 35 LTH-^> <--TH al.Opposing voL~xne : 0 0 0 0 A1B2 100¢B2) 11&- 100= 14(A1) 100 TH--) <Y-LTH in vph : A1A2 158(A2) OR 1&(Al) 158 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 0 B4B3 IS(B4) 36- 25= 11(B3) 25 RT--Y < < I > · Approach 2 green Cvph) : A4IG 11CB3) 306- 11= :~95(A&) 11 ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT capacity in : 0 0 0 0 A3A4 &O6(A3) OR 295(A4) 406 I T T H T T 15TH STREET vph (l~e) : I H H I g.Left turn ¥otune : 0 0 0 0 I1 1 I invph : I Approach 4:PEABODY ST h.ls volume · cap. : (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vl~ Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I I 1 2 I 135(B1B2)+158CA2)+36CB~B3)+406(A3) I Approach 31 ....... 1 8 :) ....... TH= 287 I I I TH= 130 + + I <+ 130 ................ = ...................... RT= 119 I v I LT= ;35 < V · v' 35 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERV l CE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with table 6) IAI Approach 1--· ....... .......... ' ..... ---------- 135 -^ < ^ · ======================================= I:LT= 135 I ^ I 4: ET= 26 97 +> I + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 97 I I I TH= 280 17 +v RT= 17 I I I LT= 36 ....... 2 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach 41 I 3 8 2 I signal Change: I 6 0 6 I VoLume Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUMES, in vph CONMEHTS (t~o phase signaL) --^ v-- BIB1 I I --^ AND <-- A1B2 AND --· OR v-- /OR AgB1 I --> <-- A1AZ .......................... Approach 1 I < 6483 · I See Step 6b. I I AHD < AA3B4 v · OR I I /OR A483 Approach 2 I ^ ~A4 ......................... v I I I Al--> ~1 81,,- 63 <1 I I v^ I I I Approach 41 A2 <-- A4 I 82 --^ 84 I> V/C Ratio = .53 Critical Idovefflent AnaLysis: P~NNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: ENNIS STREET/lST STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Stategltent: ~ ESO195EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEOMETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step 6b. VOLURE ADJUSTI4ENT FOR I Approach 3:ENNIS STREET ....... Approach ..... * 14ULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP J 1 1 I ^ :-1- -2- -:3- -&- PossibLe VoLlzne Adjusted I R L I N a.No. of change : 0 60 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover . Critical 1ST STREET J R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoLume to next VoL~ae ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 120 120 120 Phase in Approach 1 < < J · · ^--RT change (~h) : ....................................... I LT.-^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : 0 .5 .5 .5 A&B3 L. TH-^· ~--TH d.~siH voL~ : 0 1~ 19:3 119 AIB2 902(A1) ~ 61(B:)) 902 2 TH--> <v-LTH in vph : RTH-V> ^ ^ ^ ¥--LT e. LT capacity on : 0 0 &O? ~81 1 RT--¥ < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 0 120 527 601 I m T H T m I1ST STREET ~ph (b.e) : I H H I IN.Left turn vot~Bne : 0 0 1:30 0 I 1 I I invph : I Approach 4:ENNIS STREET h. Is volume · cap. : NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLIJHES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUHES, in vph Step ?. SUN OF CRITICAL VOLUHES I I 1 1 I 241(A~gJ~)+902(A1)+OC)+O() I Approach 3J ....... 1 ~ ....... 3: LT= 130 I I I 2:RT= 0 9 0 = 1143 vph TH= 1~9 II ITH= 0 II .................................... RT= 0 I v I LT= 0 v · Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with table 6) Icl Approach 1--> 61 -^ - ...... I:LT= 61 I ^ I 4: RT= 159 902 -> I I Step 9. RECALCULATE T,=~804I II T,= 34 3~-v RT= 31 I I I LT= 0 ....... 1 ....... Geometric Change: IApproach41 I 3 s I sig.,L Change: I 4 9 I VoLume Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUHES, in vph COIdl4ENTS (two phase signaL) I I AND < ^ A384 AND I Approach v · oR I I /oR A4B:3 I -'^ A1BZ I -'> I ~30 Approach 1 902 .... > ^ I Approach 2 ....................................... I I A~--> A~I e~ v-- B3 <1 I I v ^ I I I Approach 4 A2 <-- A4 I 62 --^ B4 I> V/C Ratio = .76 Critical #ov~t ~J~aLysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 Intersection: GOLF COURSE ROAD/FZRST/FRONT STREET Design Ho~r: 1~ EXISTZNG Problem Statement: OND GNFSgSEX Step 1. ZDENTIFY LANE GEUMETRY Step 4. LEFT TURN CHECK Step 6b. VOLUME ADJUST#ENT FOR I Approach 3:NONE ....... Approach ..... HULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I I ^ : -1- -2- -3- -4- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted I R L I N a. No. of change : ~) 0 60 0 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical FIRST/FRONT SI R T T T L I intervals/hour : able Votu~e to next Votune ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 0 120 0 Phase in v~h phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · · ^--RT change (vTdl) : ....................................... LT..^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 O .5 0 AZB1 53(B1) ~/,3- 53= 590(AZ) 53 LTH-^> <--TH 2 d. Opposing voLune :1286 0 67 0 A1A2 692(A1) OR 590(A2) 692 2 TH--> <v-LTH in Vl~ : A483 221(B3) OR 47'CA4) 221 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT CApacity on : 0 0 533 0 I RT--v · < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 120 0 653 0 I T T H T T IHIGHNAY 101 vph Cb+e) : I H H I !g. Left turn volume : 0 0 0 0 Iq ~1 invph : I Approach &:GOLF COURSE R h.ls votmm · cap. : NO NO Cg>f) ? : Step :). IDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I I I 745(B1A1 )+?.~1(B3)+0()+0() J Approach 31 .............. :3: LT= 0 I I I Z:RT= 0 <- 64:3 = 966 vph TH= 0 I I I TH=la86 <- 6~3 ..................................... RT= 0 I v I LT= 53 v- 53 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with tabLe 6) I R I Approach 1--· ....... .......................... 692 -> < · =============================== I:LT= 0 I ^ I 4: RT= 67 692 -> I I Step 9. RECALCULATE TH=1383 I II TH= 0 254 'v RT= 25&, I I I LT= 221 ....... 2 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach 41 I 2 6 ] Signal Change: I 1 7 I VoLmm Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASZNG Step 6a. CRITZCAL VOLUMES, in vph COMMENTS (t~o phase signet) <- - A2B1 ] Approach :3 I v-- I I -'> <" A1A2 I I I < ^ A4B$ .......................... Approach 1 See Step 6b. Approach 2 I I Al--> ~1 B~v-- "~ <1 I I v ^ I J I Approach 41 ExcLusive right turns reduced :30 ~ A2 <-- A4 I B2 --^ B~ I> V/C Ratio = .68 Critical Novenent AnaLysis: PLANN%NG CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: LAUREL STREET/1ST STREET Design Hour: 199~ EXISTING ProbLem Stetement: C~D LAO195EX Step 1. iDENTiFY LANE GEONETRY Step &. LEFT TURN C#ECI( Step~6b. VOLUNE ADJUSTHENT FOR I Approach 3:LAUREL ST ....... Approach ..... I~ULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 I ^ :-1- -2- -3- -&- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted I R L I N a. No. of change : 0 ~0 0 60 Prob- Critical Carryover critical 1ST STREET I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoLume to next VoL~ae ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 120 0 120 Phese in v~ phase Approach 1 < < I · · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ ¥ ¥ ¥ <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : 0 .5 0 .5 AIB2 548(A1) OR 8~¢B2) 1 LTH-^> <--TH d. Opposing voL~e : 0 996 0 0 B~ 197(84) 197 1 TH--· <v-LTH in vph : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT e. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 600 RT--v · · I > > Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. If.LT cap.city in : 0 120 0 720 I T T H T T IIST STREET I vph Cb+e) : I N H I lo. Left turn voLu~e: 0 0 0 0 I I I in~ph -- I Approach &:LAUREL ST Ih.ls volume · cap. : NO NO: I Co>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTXFY VOLUHES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUNES, in vph Step 7. SUH OF CRITICAL VOLUHES I I I 1 I 5/+8(A1)+197(B&)+O()+0() ] Approach $I ....... 9 ....... 3: LT= 197 I I I 2=.= 0 7 = 745 v~ T,= 0 11 I T,= 0 I = .......... = ............... == RT= 0 I v I LT= 0 · Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with table 6) IAI Approach 1--> ....... I:LT= 8~ I ^ ] 4: RT= 0 448 +> Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= ~96 I I I TH= 0 548 -· RT= 0 I I I LT= 0 .............. Geometric Change: I Approach 41 I I Signal Chenge: I I VoLume Change: Step 3. iDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUHES, in Vl~ COI4HENT$ (two phase signaL) --^ A1B2 ] Approach --> I I · I ~97 I Approach 1 54,~ ....· I I ....................................... I I A~--> ~1 a~v-- Bi <1 I I v^ I I I Approach 41 A2 <-- A4 I 82 --^ B4 I> V/C Ratio = CriticeL #oveaent Analysis: Calculation Form 1 intersection: LINCOLN STREET/lST STREET De;iOn Hour: 1~ EXISTING Problem Statement: ~ LSO195EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEUMETRY Step &, LEFT TURN CHECK Step%Sb. VOLUNE ADJUSTNE#T FOR I Approach 3:LINCOLN ST ....... Approach ..... HULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ :-1- -2- -3- -&- Possible Volume Adjusted I R L I N a.No. of change : 60 60 60 60 Prob- Critical . Carryover Critical 1ST STREET I R T T T L I intervals/hour : able Volume to next Volume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 120 120 120 Phase in vph phase ir1 vph Approach I < < I · · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 .5 .5 .5 A1B2 301(Al+B1) OR /.8(A2+82) 301 LTH-^> <--TH d. Opposing volume : 0 788 /,00 300 A]B~ 300(A~+IL~) OR 296(A&+B&) 300 2 TH--> <v-LTH in vph : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT e. LT capacity o~ : 600 0 200 300 1 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vid1) : ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT capacity in : 720 120 320 /.201 I T T. r T I1ST STREET Vl~ (b+e) : I H H I g. Left turn votme : ~8 0 118 0 I 1 11 inv~ I Approach /,:LINCOLN ST h.ls voLt~e · cap. : NO NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. iDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. SUM OF CRiTiCAL VOLUMES I I I 3 1 I 301 (A1B1)+300(A3B3)+O()+0() I Approach 31 ....... 0 1 ....... 3: LT= 118I I I2:RT= 0 0 8 -- 601 vph T,=300 II I T.= 0 II =' .................. = ............. RT= 0 I v I LT= 0 v > Step 8. ]NTERSECTiOR LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with table 6) IAI Approach 1--· /,8 -^ .......................... 301 '> A > ===================================== I:LT= /,8 I ^ I /,: RT= 22~ 301 -> I I Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 602 I I I TH-- 178 186 -v ET= 186 i I I LT= 0 ....... 1 2 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach /,1 I 7 2 I Signal Change: I 8 2 I Volume Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITiCAL VOLUMES, iff vph COMMENTS (two phase signal) --^ AND <-- A1B2 AND J Approach ]] --> OR v-- /OR AZB1 I I I AND< ^ ALS/* AaO I I v>oe I I /ORA/,. I 300 I Approach 1 V V .... 0 301 .... · < J Approach 2 Ol A1">A3I ely'- "3 <1 I I I v ^ I J [ Approach /,1 I Exclusive right turns reduced 30 A2 <-- A/, I B2 --^ B~ I> I V/C Ratio · Critical HoveI~t AneLyIJS: PLANNING CaicuLatJon ForI 1 Intersection: OAK STREET/1ST STREET Design Hour: 199~ EXISTING ProbLem State,eric: CIO 0S0195EX Step 1. %DENTIFY LANE GEOHETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. VOLUNE ADJUSTMENT FOR I Approach 3:OAK STREET ....... Approach ..... ; HULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ : -1- -Z- -3- -&- Poastbie Voiu~e Adjusted ~ R L I N a.No. of change : 0 60 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover Criticst 1ST STREET ] R T T T L I interYats/hour : able Voi~me to next VoLume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 120 Approach 1 < < I · · ^--PT change Cvph) : ....................................... LT--^ v ¥ v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : 0 .5 .5 .5'A4B.~ 169(A&+B&) OR 3Z(/G+B3) 169 1 LTH-^> <--TH al. Opposing volume : 0 650 ~8 32 A1B2 345¢A1) OR ~/,(B2) ~5 TH--> <v-LTN in vph : 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ ¥--LT e. LT capacity on : 0 0 552 568 RT--¥ · · I · · Approach 2 grea~ Cvph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT capacity in : 0 120 672 688 IT T H T T IlST STREET vph Cb+e) : I H H I g. Left turn volume : 0 0 I 1 I i.~ : I Approach &:OAK STREET h. Is roi. uae · cap. : NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUHES, in ~ Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUHES, in vph Step 7. SUN OF CRITICAL VOLUNES I I 1 I 169(A~I~)+34SCA1 )+0( ),4.0( ) I Approach 31 ....... 3 8 2 ....... 3: LT= 209I I I 2:RT= 0 2 9 1 = 51& v~ TN= s~ I I I ~"= 0 + + I ===================================== PT= 0 I v I LT= 0 ¥ · · Step 8. INTERSECT]ON LEVEL OF .......................... ' SERVICE <--Approach Z (compare step 7 with table IAI Approach 1--· 3/, +^ - ...... .......................... 305 +) A · I:LT= 34 I ^ I /+: RT= /~+ 338 +> + + Step 9. RECALCULATE T,=6~3 I I I T.= ~ 7+v PT= 7 I I I LT= 0 .............. Geometric Change: I Approach ~I I ~I SignaL Change: I ~ ~ I voL.~ Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLU~E$, in vph CONHENTS (t.o p~ase signaL) I I AND < ^ A]B& AND I Approach 3I ~ · OR I I /OR A~.~ I I --^ A~.2 I I --· I~Z~ I Approach 1 I Approach ~ I A~--> A~I 81 ~-- ES <1 I I v^ I I I Approach /*l AZ <-- A4 Iaz-.^ ~I> v/c Ratio = .3/~ Critical I~ovement AnaLysis: PI. AliNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: PEABOOY STREET/1ST STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statement: CND PSO195EX Step 1. [DENT]FY LANE GEONETRY Step /,. LEFT TURN CHECK Step 6b. VOLLNE ADJUSTNENT FOR ~ Approach 3:PEABODY ST ....... Approach ..... ~ HULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ :-1- -2- -3- -&- PossibLe VoLl~te Adjusted I R L I N s.No. of change : 0 60 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical 1ST STREET I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoLmm to next VoLume ............. T H H H T - ............ b. LT capacity on : O 120 120 120 Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I :' > ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ ¥ ¥ ¥ <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : 0 .5 .5 .5 A&S3 ]05(AA+SA) OR 22D(A3+B3) 305 LTH-^> <--TH d. Oppasing volume : 0 1233 380 220 A182 576(A1) OR 31(82) 576 2 TN--> <v-LTN in vph : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ ¥--LT e. LT capacity on : 0 0 220 1 RT--v · · } > > Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. ~f.LT capacity in : 0 120 ~0 500 J T m H T T JlST STREET ~ (b~e) : J H H J g.Left turn volume : 0 O 72 0 I ~ ~1 in~ : { Approach &:PEABODY ST h.ls volume > cap. : NO NO (g>f} ? : Stap 2. IDENTIFY VOLUISES, fn vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUHES, in vph Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUHES I I I 2 I $05¢A&gS)+576¢A1)+O()+O() ~ Approach 31 ....... 2 7 ....... 3: LT= 72 I I I 2:RT--- 0 0 2 ut 881 vph TH= 2;0 II I TH= 0 II ........... RT= 0 J v I LT= 0 ¥ > Step 8. iNTERSECTiON LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (campare step 7 with table IAI Approach 1--> 31 -^ - ...... I:LT= 31 J "I 4: RT= 333 5?6 -> I I Step 9. RECALCULATE TH--lIS:> I I ] TH-- &? 81-v RT= 81 I I I LT= 0 ....... 3 ....... : Geometric Change: J Approach &l I & 3 I Signal Change: J 7 3 I VoLume Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUHES, in vph COHHENTS (two phase signaL) I I AND < ^ A~B~ AND I Approach 3I v·O. I I /oeA&B3 I I --~ A~SZ I I '" I 72 I Approach 1 576 .... > ^ I Approach 2 ....................................... I Al--, ~1 B~¥-- B3 <1 I I v ^ [ I [ Approach &[ ExcLusive right turns reduced 30 A2 <-- A& [ 82 --^ 84 I> V/C Ratio = Critical #ovemont Ans[ysta: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: RACE STREET/lST STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statement: CHI) RSO19SEX Step 1. IDE#TZFY LANE GEOMETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. VOLUME ADJUSTHENT FON I Approach 3:RACE STREET ....... Approach ..... MULT[PHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 I I ^ : -1- -2- -3- -&- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted I R L I N a. No. of change : ~0 ~0 ~0 60 Prob- Critical Carryover CriticalI 1ST STREET I R T T T L I intervals/hour : able Voi~ne to next Vo[~ne ............. T N # H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 120 120 120 !Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · > ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ v v v <^-RTN c.G/C ratio : .5 .5 .5 .5 AIB2 5/,9(Al+B1) OR 114(A2+B:~) 5/*9 LTH-^> <--TH d.Opposing voLmm : 0 11/.0 604 378 A&R3 :~1(A&+84) OR 301(/G+B]) 361 2 TH--· <v-LTH in vph RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT e. LT capacity on : ~)0 0 0 222 1 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. ~f.LT capacity in : 720 120 120 342 I T T, T T IlST STREET v~ (b+e) : I H H I g. Left turn volume : 13/* 0 56 0 I 1 1 I tn~ : I Approach &:RACE STREET h.ls voLtzne · cap. : NO NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : I Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. StJH OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I I ] I 5/*g(A1B1 )+361(A4B/*)+OC )+0() I Approach 31 ....... 0 7 5 ....... ~: LT= 56 ] I I ;:ET= 0 1 76 =910 vph T.= 37S I I I T.= 0 I + + ...................... ===== ........... RT= 0 I v I LT= 0 v v · Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERV! CE <--Approach :~ (compare step 7 with table 6) lB I Approach 1--· 13/* -^ ....... .......................... 5/,9 - · ^ · ==================================== I I:LT= 134 I ^ I 4: RT= 436 5/.9 -> I I Step 9. RECALCULATE T.=1098 I ET= 42 I I I LT= 0 ....... 1 4 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach 4l I 6 ] I Signal Change: I 8 6 I VoLume Change: Step 3. [DENT]FY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUl4ES, in vph COflNENTS (two phase signaL) "^ AND <-- A1B2 AND --> OR v-- /OR A2B1 I I I I AND < ^ A~a4 AND I I v·OR I I /ORA/*83 I ~6 I ............. I ............. I Approach 1 I · v .... 0 549 .... · ^ I Approach 2 I 3o51 ^1--> A~I Sl~-- e3 <1 I I I v A2 <-- A4 I B2 --^ B4 I> I V/C Ratio = .61 Critical #ove~-nt Ar~LYOia: PLANNING CaLcuLation For, 1 Intersection: ENNIS STREET/FRONT STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statement: OND ESFS9~EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEORETRY ~ Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. VOLUME ADJUST#EHT FOR I Approach 3:ENNIS STREET I ....... Approach ..... HULT%PHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 I ^ I : -1- -2- -3- -&- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted I R L I N la.No, of change : 60 0 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover CriticaL FRONT STREET I R T T T L I I intervaLs/hour : able VoL~lne to next VoL~lne ............. T H H H T ............. Ib. LT capacity on : 120 0 120 120 Phase in Approach 1 < < I > > ^--RT 1 change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 0 .5 .5 A38~ 181(A3+B3) OR 34(A&+B~) 181 LTH-^> <--TH 2 d. OpposJng votme :1561 0 34 1/~0 A2B1 760(A2) OR 134(B1) 760 TN--> <v-LTN in vph : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 0 0 566 460I RT--~ · · I · · Approach 2 green Cvph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT capacity in : 120 0 686 580I I T T H T T I FRONT STREET vph Cb+e) : I H H I g. Left turn vot~ne : 0 0 0 ¢1I I 1 1 I invph -.- I I Approach &:ENNIS STREET h. Is volume · cap. : NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUHE$, in ~ Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUHES, in vph Step 7. SUN OF CRITICAL VOLUNE$ I I [ I 181(A383)+?60(A2)+O()+O() I Approach 31 ....... ? 6 ....... 3: LT= 0 I I I 2:RT= 41 5 5 ^- 41 = 9/+1 vph TH= &5 I I I TH=15:)O + + ·- 760 .................................. RT= 75 I v I LT= 134 · v <- 760 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... v- 134 SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 ~Jth table I ~ I Approach 1--> ....... I:LT= O J ^ J ~: RT= 0 J I Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 0 I '1 I TH= 34 ET= 0 I I I LT= ~)1 .............. IGea.etric Change: I Approach &l I /, 3 I IsigneL Change: I 1 ~ ] Ivot~.~ Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRIT[CAL VOLUMES, in vph CONMENTS Ct~o phase signal) I ] AND < ^ A~B4 ANO v·Oe I I /ORA~eZ I I <-' A2B1 ~" I 1~0 I Approach 1 v · .... Approach 2 A~--· ~l ely-- e:~ <1 I I v ^ I I I Approach A2 <-- A/, I B2 --^ B/+ I> V/C Ratio = .63 Critical Nove~It AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: LAUREL STREET/FRONT STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statefaent: add LAFSgSEX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEONETRY I Step /*. LEFT TURN CHECK Step 6b. VOLUNE ADJUST#ENT FOR I Approach 3:LAUREL STREETI ....... Approach ..... ' NULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I I I ^ J : -1- -Z- -$- -/*- PossibLe VoLtine AdJt~tedJ I R L I U Ia. No. of change : 60 0 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover critical FRONT STREET J R T T T L I I intervaLs/hour : able VaiLing to next VoLume ............. T H H H T ............. Ih. CT capacity on : lZ0 0 120 120 Phase in Approach 1 < < I · · ^*-RT change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ ¥ ¥ ¥ <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : .5 0 .5 .5 A3B~ 1/*2(A~3+B3) OR ~6(A/*+g/*) 1/,2 LTH-^> <--TH d. Opposing volume : 888 0 46 72 A2B1 551(A2) OR 178(B1) 551 TH--> <¥-LTH 1 in vph : RTH-Y> ^ ^ ^ ¥--LT e. LT capacity on : 0 0 55/* 528 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 gree~t (Vial) : ............. L L T R R ............. if. LT capacity in : 120 0 67& 648 I T T H T T I FRORT STREET ~ (b+e) : I H H I g. Left turn voL~ne : 0 0 0 70 I Approach /,:LAUREL STREET h.ls votune · cap. : NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step :). IDENTIFY VOLtJHES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUNES, in ~)h Step 7. SUN OF CRITICAL VOLUNES I I I I 1/*2(JL3B3)+551(AZ)+O()+O() I Approach 31 ....... 2/* ....... 3: LT= 0 I I J :)aRT= 58 6 6 ^+ 58 = 69~ vph RT= :)6 J v I LTu 178 · v ·+ :337 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... v+ 1713 SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with table 6) IAI Approach 1--> 1aLT= 0 I ^ I /*: RT= 0 I + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 0 I II TH-- /*6 I RT; 0 I I I LT= 70 I .............. Geometric Change: I Approach 41 I I ? 4 I Signal Cha~e: I I 0 6 I Votune Change: Step :3. [DE~ITIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLU~qES, Jn vph COIdlqENTS (tm) phase signaL) I I AND < ^ A~8~ AND I Approach 3I v > oR I I /oR A/*B~ I I <-- A2B1 I I ~" I 72 Approach 1 I v · .... 551 Approach :) ....................................... I I A~--> A~I S~ ~-- BI <1 I I ~^ I I I Approach /*1 A:) <-- A/* I B2 --^ g/* I> V/C Ratio = ./*6 Critical Noveneflt AnaLysts: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersect[afl: LINCOLN STREET/FRONT STREET Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statement: CHD LSFS95EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEONETRY Step /~. LEFT TURN CHECK Step [ Al:~roach 3:LINCOLN ST ....... Approach ..... 14ULTIPNASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 I ^ : '1' -2' '3- -&- Possible Voit~e Adjusted I R L · I N a. No. of change : 60 0 ~0 ~0 Prob- Critical Carryover critical FRONT STREET I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able Vot~ne to next VoLume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity en : 120 0 120 120 Phase in vph phase in Approach 1 < < I > · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ v v v <^-RTH 1 c.6/C ratio : .5 0 .5 .5 LTH-^> <--TH d. Opposing volume :10:5~ 0 11/+ 21/+ AZB1 715(A2) ON :5]0(B1) 715 TH--· <v-LTH 1 in vph : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT e. LT capacity on : 0 0 /~ RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT capacity in : 120 0 ~0~ 50~ I T T. T T IFRONT STREET vph (b+e) : I H H I g. Left turn voL~aM : 0 0 0 110 I Approach /+:LINCOLN ST h.is volume · cap. : NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. [DENT]FY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I I 1 I I Approach ]] ....... 2 8 ....... ]: LT= 0 I I I 2:RT= 15~, 8 6 ^+ 15/+ = 1051 vph TH= 1~ I ] I TH= 880 + + <+ 561 RT= 28 I v I LT= ]]0 < v <+ ]19 Step 8. iNTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... v+ ]]0 SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 uith table Icl Approach 1--· ....... I:LT= 0 I ^ I /+: RT= 0 I + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 0 I II RT= 0 I I [ LT= 110 ....... 1 1 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach /+l I 2 1 [ Signal Change: I 2 a, I Vol~, Change: step :~. [OENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUMES, in vph CO~94ENTS (two phase signaL) I I AND < ^ A]B, ANO I Approach ]1 ~·OR I I /ORA~S] I I <-- A2S~ I I ~" I 2~ I Approach 1 ] v < .... 715 Approach 2 I 122 I ....................................... I I A1--> A~I Sl ~-- ~ <1 I I v^ I I I Approach /+1 A2 <-- A/, I B2 --^ B~ I· V/C Ratio = .7 critical Hovement AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: ON( STREET/FRONT STREET Design Hour: 19~5 EXISTING Probim Statement: C~ OSFS95EX St~ 1. [DENTIFY L~E ~ETRY $t~ ~. LEFT ~N CHECK ~ St~. ~L~E ~JUST~NT F~ ~ ~r~ch 3:~ STREET ....... ~r~ch ..... ~ ~LTIP~SE SISAL ~R~P ~ I I ~ : -1- -2- -3- -~-~ PossibLe Vot~ Adj~t~ I R L I H 'a.~o. of cha~e : ~ 0 ~ ~Pr~- Critical Car~r Critical FReT STREET ] R T T T L ] ~nte~ats/h~r : labte Vot~ to ~xt Vot~ ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT ca,city ~ : 120 0 120 1ZOIPhase in A~roach 1 < < I > > *--RT 1 cha~e (~) : I ....................................... LT--* v v v <&-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 0 .5 .5 ~ I~(~B]) ~ ~9(A4+B4) 162 LTH-~> <--TH I d.~si~ voL~ : ~ 0 ~9 125 A2B1 5~(A2) TH--> <v-LTH 1 ~ ~ : RTH-~ ~ ~ ~ v--LT e. LT cm~city ~ : 0 0 551 RT--v < < ~ > > A~roach 2 gr~ (~) ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT c~city in : 120 0 671 I T T. T T I FR~T STREET ~ (~e) : ~ H H I g. Left turn vot~ : 0 0 0 37 A~roach ~:~ STREET h.[s ~t~ > cap. : NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : St~ 2. ]DENT]FY VOL~E$~ in ~ Step 5. ASSIGN LANE ~L~ES~ in ~ St~ 7. ~ OF CR[T]~L ~L~ES I I I I 162(~83)+5~(A2)+0()+0() I A~roach 31 ....... 8 3 ....... 3: LT= 0 I I I Z:RT= ;1 9 6 ~- Z1 = TH= 36 I [ I TH= ~3 + + <- 5~ ......... ~ .......................... RT= 89 I v I LT= ZZ1 < v <+ 2~ .......................... ~ ZZO SERVICE <--A~roach Z (c~re IAI A~roach 1--> ....... I:LT= 0 I ~ I ~: RT= 0 + + I St~ 9. RE~LCULATE T,= 0 I II ~,= ~; I RT= 0 I I I LT= ]7 .............. IG~tric Change: I 7 9 I IVoL~ Change: Step ~. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRZTI~L VOLUHE~, in ~ C~ENTS (two ~ase I I ~o < ~ ~B~ AND I A~roach ]1 <-- AZB~ I I ~" I~' I A~roach 1 I v < .... I A~roach Z I ~7 I ....................................... I I A~--> ~1 ~;v-- si <1 I I v ~ I I I A~roach ~1 Exct~ive right tur~ r~ AZ <-- A~ I BZ --~ B~ I> V/C Ratio = .~8 Critical #ore.mt AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 ]ntersecti~: RACE STREET/FReT STREET O~i~ H~r: 1~5 EXISTZNG Pr~[~ Star--t: ~ RSF$95~ $t~ 1. IDENTIFY L~E GE~ETRY $t~ ~. LEFT ~N CHEC~ ~ St~. ~L~E ~JUSTHENT F~ ~ A~r~ch 3:~CE STREET ....... A~roach ..... ~ ~LTiPHASE $[G~L ~RLAP I 1 1 I * : -1- -2- -3- '~'1 PossibLe Vot~ Adj~t~ I R L I N a. No. of cha~e : ~ 0 ~ ~l.Pr~- Critical Car~ver Critical FReT STREET I R T T T L I ~nte~a~s/h~r : able VoL~ to ~t VoL~ ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT ca~c~ty ~ : 120 0 120 120 Phase in ~ ~ase ~n ~ A~roach 1 < < I > > ~--RT cha~e (~) : ....................................... LT--~ v v v <~-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : .5 0 .5 .5 ~ l~(~+B]) ~ 102(A~+8~) LTH-~> <--TH 1 d.O~si~ vo[~ :1622 0 102 76 A2B1 811(~) ~ ~(B1) 81' TH--> <v-LTH ~n ~ : RTH-~ ~ ~ ~ v--LT 1 e. LT ca,city ~ : 0 0 498 RT--v < < I > > A;roach 2 gre~ (~) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT ca~c~ty in : 120 0 618 ~1 I T T. T ; IFe~T STeE;; ~ (~e) = I I H H I g. Left turn vol~ : 0 0 0 162I I~1 I ~"~ : I I A~oach ~:RACE STREET h.Z~ ~t~ > cap. : NO NO (g>f) ? : Step 2. ]DEHTZFY ~L~ES, in ~ St~ 5. A$$ZGN ~NE ~L~$, in ~ St~ 7. ~ OF ~ITZ~L ~L~ES I I I I 1~(~B3)+811(A2)~()+OC) ~ A~roach ~1 ....... ~ 5 ....... ~,= s~ II I T,=~S~ II <+~S ......................... = ........... RT= ~Z I v I LT= ~ < v <- 811 St~ 8. [HTERSECTZON LEaL OF .......................... v- ~ ~ERVICE <--A~roach 2 (c~re step 7 ~ith table ~) Is I A~roach 1--> ....... .......................... I < < * = ................................. I:LT= 0 I * I ~: RT= 0 I I + + Step 9. RECAL~TE ~,= 0 I I I T,=~oz I ET= 0 I I I LT= 162 I ....... 1 1 ....... 6mtrfc Change: I A~roach ~1 I I ] 3 0 I Sig~ Cha~e: I I 2 0 2 I Vot~ Cha~e: Step 3. IDE~T]FY PHAS[HG St~ 6a. CRIT[~L ~L~ES, in ~ C~ENTS I I AND < ~ ~B~ AND I A~r~ch 3I <-- A2B1 I '" I ~ I A~roach 1 v < .... 811 A~roach 2 ....................................... I I I · ~--> ~1 a~-- a3 <1 I I I v * I I I I A~o,=h ~1 ExcLusive righttur~ r~c~ 30 ~ A~ <-- A~ I a2 --~ a~ I> I V/C ~aZ~o = .~ Critical #ov~Rent AnaL~ts: PL~#NZNG CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: DEL ~ZZ% DRI~/HIGH~AY 101 Design Hmr: 1~5 EXISTZNG Pr~Lm StltKt: ~ DDHI~EX St~ 1. IDEKIFY ~E ~ETRY St~ ~. LEFT T~N CHECK St~,~. ~L~E ~JUSTKNT F~ I A~r~ch 3:. - ...... A~r~ch ..... ~LTZP~SE SZ~AL J I * : -1- -2- -3- -~- PossJbie VoL~ ............. T H H H T ............. Jb.bT ca~c~ty ~ : 120 120 120 0 Phase A~r~ch 1 < < I > > ~--RT change (~) : ....................................... LT--~ v v v (~-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 .5 .5 0 A483 ~(B3) ~ 13(A4) 38 LTH-~> <--TH 2 d.~si~ vot~ :1385 1702 18 0 A1B2 ~(A1+81) 1 TH--> <v-LTH iff ~ : 1 RTH-~ ~ ~ ~ v--LT 1 e. LT ca.city ~ : 0 0 582 RT"v < < J > > A~roach 2 gr~ (~) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT ca~ci~ Jn : 120 1~ ~2 OJ I TTHTT I~101 ~(~e) : J J H H I ~g. Left turn voi~ : 0 12 0 OJ I~ ~l ~n~ : I St~p Z. IDEnTiFY ~L~ES, ~n ~ St~p ~. AS~ ~HE ~L~ES, ~n ~ St~ ~. S~ OF CRIT[~L ~LUHES ~ I 3~ ~T~ 0 I I I Z~T~ 0 ~-~ iH= 0 I I I TH=3385 <' 693 ................... ===== ........... ET= 0 ] v ~ LT= 12 v- 12 Step 8. iNTERSECT[~ L~L OF .......................... SERVICE <--A~roach 2 (c~re st~ 7 .ith table 6) I.1 A~roach 1--> ....... .......................... 8~1 ') ~ ) I:LT= 0 I ~ I ~: RT= 18 82~ +> } I Step 9. REaL,LATE TH=16~ I I I TH= 0 27 +v RT= 27 I [ I LT= 38 .............. Ge~tric Cha~e: Step 3. iDEnTIFY PHASING Step Ea. CRiTiCAL ~L~ES, in ~ ~EHTS (t~o ~ase < ~ A~83 ~ A~roach 3~ --> OR v-- /~ A2B1 I I I .............I ............. A~r~ch 1 I 851 .... > < A~-*~ ~1 B~-- B3 ~1 I I v ~ J ~ ~ A~roach ~ ExcL~ve r~ght turns r~ 30 A2 <-- A~ I B2 --~ ~ I> V/C Ratio = Critical #ovement Anatysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 ]nl:ersection: KOLONELS UAY/HIGHT/AY 101 Design Hour: 1995 EX]$T~HG ProbLem Statement: I~D k'~Hlg5EX Step 1. IDE14TIFY LA14E GEOHETRY Step &. LEFT TUR14 CHECK Step 6b. VOLUHE AD4USTI4E14T FOR I Approach 3:KOLONELS ~Y ....... Approach ..... HULT[PHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ : -1- -2- -3- -4- PossibLe VoL~e Adjusted[ I R L I 14 a.14o, of change : 0 60 0 0 Prob- Critical Carryover HI/Y 101 I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoLume to next VoLume ............. T H H 14 T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 120 0 O!Phase in ~ phase in vph Approach 1 < < I > · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... I 1 LT.-^ V V V <^-RT. 1 c.G/C r, tio : 0 .5 0 0 Ate6 13SCAt) OR zg(e~) 13SI LTH-^> <--TH 1 d. OpposJng voL~ne : 0 110:] 0 0 A663 /~(A~) OR 32¢B3) 1 T.--> <v-LTH in vph : A1B2 112(B2) 552- 112= ~O(A1) 1121 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e.LT capacity on : 0 0 0 0 A1A2 /~O(A1) OR 639¢A2) ............. L L T R R ............. f.L? capacity in : 0 120 0 0 I H g I g. Left turn votuae : 0 18 0 0 I ~ I in v~ : I Approach 6:KOLONELS UY h. Zs voL~ame · cap. : NO Cg>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUHES, in vph S~ep 5. ASSZGN LANE VOLUldES, in v~ Step 7. SUI4 OF CRITICAL VOLLIHES I 1 I 135(AS)+44(A4)+S~(B2A1)+O( ) ....... ....... 3: LT= 39 I I I 2:;~= 27 5 009 ^+ 27 = ;H= 0 I I I TH= 850 ++++ <+ 412 ==== .............................. RT= 135 I v [ LT= 18 < v v · <- 439 Step 8. [#TERSECT[014 LEVEL OF .......................... v- 18 SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 gith table 6) I^ I Approach 1--> 112 -^ ....... ............. ............. 55~) - · < A · ==============================- I:LT= 11:~ I ^ I 4: RT= 12 532 +> + I + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH=IO~3 I I I ~,= 0 20 +v RT= 20 I I I LT= :32 .............. Ge~letric Change: ] Approach 41 I :~ 1 I Signal Change: I 2 0 2 I VoL~e Change: Step 3. [DE14TIFY PHAS[14G Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLUI4E$, in v~h COHHE14TS (t~o phase signaL) I I A~ I Approach ~1 · I I < ^ ^4a~ I I --^ A1B2 .......................... --> Approach 1 --> <-- A1A2 See Step 6b. Approach 2 I ....................................... I I v^ I I I Approach 41 ^2<-- Ab I .2--^ 61· Critical Novement Analysis: PLANNING Calculation Form 1 Intersection: HONROE STREET/HIGH,lAY 101 Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLem Statement: #SHlgSEX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEOIdETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step&6b. VOLUHE ADJUSTNENT FOR I Approach :3:HORROE ST ....... Approach ..... HULTIPHASE S%GNAL OVERLAP I 1 } ^ : -1- -2- -3- -&- Possible Volume Adjusted I R L I N a. No. of ch~ge : 0 0 60 60 iProb- Critical Carryover Critical HTdY 101 I R T T T L I intervals/hour : able VoLu~e to next Volume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT cepmcity on : 0 0 120 120 'Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I > · ^--RT change (vph) : ........................................ 1 LT--^ v v v <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : 0 0 .5 .5lA&B3 125(A4+B4) OR 90(A3+B3) 125 LTH-^> <--TH 1 d.Ol~oos~ng volume : 0 0 &l 19 IB2B1 16(B1) OR 7(B2) 16 1 TH--· <v-LTH in vph : A1A2 731(A1) OR 613(A2) 731 1 RT#-v> ^ ^ ^ vo-LT 1 e.LT c81~city on : 0 0 559 581 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vloh) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT caplctty fn : 0 0 679 701 I T T H T T IHWY 101 vph Cb+e) : I H H I ig. Left turn voLm~ : 0 0 84 71 I ~ I ~n vph I Approach 4:I*3~ROE ST h.ls voL~ne · cap. : NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. iDENTiFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in v~N Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUHE$ I I I I 125(A484)+1&(B1 )+731 (Al)+0( ) I Approach 31 ....... 1 8 ....... 3: LT= 8~11 I 2:RT= 33 8 1 4 ^+ 33 -872 v13h TH= 11 I I I TH'1192 +I * <* 58o RT= 8 I v I LT= 16 < v > <- 613 Step 8. iNTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... v- 16 SERVICE <--Approach 2 (coaQare step 7 with table Approach 1--> 7 -^ ....... .......................... 731 -> < ^ · ===================================== I:LT= 7 I ^ I /*: RT= ]& 670 +> + I + Step 9. RECALCULATE TI4=lZ,01 I [ I TM= 7 61 +v RT= 61 I [ [ LT= 71 .............. Geometric Change: I Approach /*l I 7 3 I Signal Change: I 1 7 4 I ~VoLume Change: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRITICAL VOLU~ES, in vph COIqNENTS (t~o phase s~gnat) I [ AND < ^ A384 AND I Approach 3I v>oR I I /ORA~a3 I I ..A v-- a2a~ I I I I --> <-- A1A2 .......................... Approach 1 See Step 6b. Approach Z I I ....................................... I I Al--> A~ I a~v-- a3 <1 I I VA I I I APProach ~1 AZ <-- A~ I aZ --^ a& I> v/c Ratio = .61 CriticaL Movement AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Fora 1 lntersectim: HT. PLEASANT ROAD/HIGHUAY 101 Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLe~ States.at: ~D #PH195EX Step 1. iDENTIFY LANE GEOHETRY Step &. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. VOLUHE N)JUST#ENT FOE I Approach 3:#T PLEASANT R ....... Approach ..... I~JLTIPHASE SlGHAL OVERLAP I I ^ : '1- -2- -3- -&- PossibLe Vot~zae Adjusted I R L J N s.No. of change : 60 0 ~0 0 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical H~ 101 I R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoL~e to next Vo[u~e ............. T H N H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 0 120 0 Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I > > ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : .5 0 .5 0 A4B3 1~8(A4) OR 168(83) 168 LTH-^> <--TH 2 d.Opposing vot~e :1119 0 ZO 0 AZB1 17(B1) 560- 17= 543(AZ) 17 1 TH--> <v-LTH in vph : IA1A2 751(A1) OR 543(A2) 751 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 0 0 580 0I RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : I ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 120 0 700 0I I T T H T T IHVY 101 vph (b+e) : I I " " I Ig. Lefttur. voLu~: 0 0 0 OI I 1 I i. ~ph : I I Approach 4:lqT PLEASANT R h.[s votL~e > cap. : NO NO (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step ?. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I J ] 168(A4)*?68(BIA1 )+0()+0() I Approach 31 .............. ]: LT= 0 I I I 2:HT= 0 <- S60 = 936 v~ T,= 0 I I I T,=1119 <- S60 ---- ........... === ................ === .... RT= 0 I v I LT= 17 v- 17 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (c~mpare step 7 with table 6) I ~ I Approach 1--> ....... I:LT= 0 I ^ I 4: RT= 20 KG2 +> + I + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH=1383 I I I TH= 0 119 +v RT= 119 [ I I LT= 168 ....... 1 ....... Geometric Change: I Approach &l I 4 2 I SignaL Change: I 8 0 0 I VoLume Change: Step :3. [DEHTIFY PHAS[HG Step 6a. CRXTXCAL VOLUMES, in vph COMMENTS (two phase signaL) < ^ A4B3 I Approach 3 I I I I I <-- A2B1 I I --> <-- A1A;~ .......................... Approach I See Step 6b. Approach 2 I I A~--> A~I si v-- s3 <1 I I v^ I I I Approach 41 A2 <-- A4 I B2 --^ B~ I> V/C Ratio = .66 Critical #ovemont AnaLysis: PLAJINING CaLcuLation Form intersection: RACE STREET/LAURZDSEN BOULEVARD Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLm Statement: CIND RSLB95EX Step 1. iDENTiFY LANE GEORETRY Step /*. LEFT TURN CHECK Step,gb. VOLLIIE ADJUSTNENT FOR I Approach 3:RACE STREET ....... Approach ..... NULT]PHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 I ^ :-1- -2- -3- -&- PossibLe Votune Adjusted ] R L I N a. No. of change : 60 60 60 60 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical LAURZDSEN BLVI R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : able VoL~e to next VOi~lne ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 120 120 120 Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ v v v <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : .5 .5 .5 .5 A2B1 263(A2+B2) O~ 130(Al+B1) 263 LTH-^> <--TH d. Oppoaing voLuae : 98 123 337 &55 A]B/* 528(A3+B]) OR 36~(A/*+B~) 528 1 TH--· <v- LTH in vph : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 502 /*77 263 1/,5 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (V~l) : ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT capacity in : 622 597 383 265 I T T. T T ILAUR]DSEN BLV vph CbOe) : I H H I g. Left turn voLune : 165 7 27 73 I Approach /*:RACE STREET h.is voL~ne · cap. : NO NO NO NO: (g>f) ? : Step 2. iDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. ~ OF CRITICAL VOLU~ES I I 1 3 I 263(A2B2)+528(A3B:3)+0C)+0() I Approach 31 ....... 3 2 2 ....... 3: LT= 27 I I I 2:RT= 22 5 0 7 ^+ 22 = 791 vph TH= ]20 I I I T,= 76 + + I <+ 76 ==== .......===================== RT= 1:35 I v I LT= 7 < v · v- 7 Step 8. iNTERSECTiON LEVEL OF .......................... $ERV! CE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 with table IAI Approach 1--> ....... I:LT= 165 I ^ I &: RT= 7 68 -> I + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 6~ I I I T.=:3:30 55+v RT= 55 I ]1 LT= 73 ....... :3 ....... IGeometric Change: J Approach 41 I 7 3 I IsJgnaL Change: I 3 0 7 I IvoLu.e Change: Step 3. iDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRiTiCAL VOLLAqES, in vph COMMENTS (tWo phase signaL) --^ AND <-- A1H2 AND [ Approach :3I --> OR ¥-- /OR A2B1 I I I I AND < ^ A3B~. AND v · OR I I /oR A/*B3 I /*55 I Approach 1 v < .... 98 165 ..... < I Approach I 731 ....................................... I ^~--> A31 a~v-- ~ <1 I I v^ I I I Approach /*1 A2 <-- A/, I g2 --^ B/~ I> V/C Ratio = .53 Critical Hovefluflt Anatysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: TUM~/ATER TRIJCK RC)AD/K~R]NE DRIVE Design Hour: 1995 EXISTING ProbLm Statement: ~ TRHI)95EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEUMETRY Step 4. LEFT TURN CHECK: Step 6b. VOLUME ADJUST#ENT FOR I AI~°ach 3:T~TER TRK ....... Approach ..... ~ HULTIPNASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I I ^ : -1- -2- -3- -4- PossibLe VoLume Adjusted [ R L I g e.go. of change : 60 60 60 0 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical HARINE DRIVE I R T T T L J intervaLs/hour : obte VoLume to next VoLume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 120 120 120 0 Phase in vph phase in Approach 1 < < [ · > ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... LT--^ ¥ ¥ ¥ <^-RTH c.G/C rstto : .5 .5 .5 0 A~IL3 18~(A&} OR 37(B3) 182 LTH-^> <--TH 1 d.Opposing volume : 47.3 &86 260 0 AlE? 72&(Al+81} OR &Z3(AR+B2) 724 1 TH--> <V-LTH in ~ : RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 177 11& 3~,0 0 1 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f.LT ear.city Jn : ~97 Z34 4~) 0 I T T H T T I.AR1NE DRIVE vph ¢~e) : I H H I g. Left turn volume : 0 283 0 0 I Approach 4:T~TER TRIC h.ls volume · cap. : NO YES NO (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vl~ Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. SUI4 OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I [ I 182 (A4)+F2&(A1B 1 )+0( )+0( ) I ~mroach 31 I .............. 3: LT= 0 I I I 2:RT= 0 <- 423 = 906 TH= 0 I I I T.=4~ v-283 ..................................... RT= 0 I v I LT= 283 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 Nith table 181 Approach 1--> ....... I:LT= 0 I ^ I 4: RT= 260 ~1 -· I I Step 9. RECALCULATE TH;4~ I I I TH= 0 45-v RT= 45 I I I LT= 37 ....... 2 ....... 'Geometric Chsnge: I Approach 41 I 3 6 I Sis~.L Chloe: I ? 0 I volune Ch.nge: Step 3. IDENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CRZTICAL VOLUMES, in Yph CONMENTS (t~o phase signaL) < ^ A4B3 I I I I Approach 1 ¥ .... 283 Approach ....................................... I I v ^ I I AZ <-- A4 I a~ --^ ~ I> V/C Ratio = LOCATZON:C STREET/EIGHTH STREET NAHE:TKL C08~EX HOURLY VOLUHES Grade OZ N=I V12 " I &6 N I Vll I I ..... ' .... "'-'=='= I I v~o N= 2 <1 V l> ........... VA" 8 Grade 0~. < .......... VS-- 248 N= 4 --Vl ............. v .......... V&-- 273 191 --V2 ............ · major read Grade 19 --V3 ............ v <l ^ J> EIGHTH STREET v8 I Y~ELO N= 2 25 I Date of Counts:1995 EXTSTZN V9 Time Period:PM PEAK minor road 285 PreveiJJng Speed:3S C STREET PHF:O,9 Grade 0 Z PopuLation:lB VOLLME ADJLIST#EHTS .o,,..,-,,tno. I'~1 21 :~1 41 si ~1 ?1 ;I ;1'o1'~11'~:~1 vot.,..~ ¢~) I ~.1 '~9'11 191 2~1 2~.81 81 61 2sl 2851 '1/.I 46 VoLC~m),Tab. lO.1l 41XXXXlXXxxl ~O01xxxxlxxxxl ?1 281 ~"1 151 ~L~E$ IN PCPH J 2 I V12 J I s~ I I v~ I I I ~5 I ............. "======= I I v~o ....... - ............ = <l v I> ........... v6 .... < .......... rS" == 4 --Vl ............. v .......... V4-- 300 .................. w.=v? I I ...................... I v~ I I I w I LOCAT[O#:C STREET/EIGHTH STREET NAHE:TKL C0895EX STEP 1 : RT From Minor Street J /-> V9 J <-/ V12 ConfLicting FLows, Vc 1/2 V]+V2=Vc9 1/2 V~+VS=Vc12 10+ 191= 201 vph &+ 2&8= P':;2 ~ Critical Gap, Tc (Tab.lO.2) &.5 (secs.) 5 (sets.) ~ Potential Capacity,Cp(FiglO.3) Cp9 = 1000 pcph Cp12 = 931 pcph [ of Cp utilized (Vg/Cpg)xlO0= 31.4~ (V12/Cp12)x100= .2% ]mpadance Factor, P (Fig.lO.S) P9= .76 P12= 1 Actual Capacity, Cm Cmg=Cp9= 1000 pcph Cm12=Cp12= 931 pcph STEP 2 : LT From Hajor Street J v-- V~ J --^ Vl Conflicting FLows, Vc V3+V2=Vc& V6+VS=Vcl 19+ 191= 210 vph 8+ 248= 256 vph Critical Gap~ Tc (Tab. 10.2) 5 (sets.) 5 (sets.) Potential Capacity,Cp(FiglO.~) Cp4 = 971 pcph Cpl= 927 pcph ~ of Cp utilized (V4/Cp4)xlO0= 30.9'~ (V1/Cpl)xlO0= .G~ Impedance Factor, P (Fig.lO.S) P~= .76 PI= 1 Actual Capacity, Cm C~=Cp~= 971 pcph Cml=Cpl= 927 pcph STEP ~ : TH From Ninor Street J ^ V8 J v Vll Conflicting FLo~s, Vc .SV'5+V2+VI+V6+VS+V&=Vc8 .SV6+VS+V¢+VS+V2+V1=Vc11 10+ 191+ ~+ 8+ ~+ 2~8+ 273+ 19+ 248+ 273= ~4 vph 191+ 4= 739 ~ Critical Gap, Tc (Tab.lO.2) 6 (sets.) 6 (secs.) Potentia[ Capacity, Cp(FiglO.~) Cp8 = ~96 pcph Cp11 = 394 pcph ~ of Cp utilized (VS/CpS)xlO0= 7.1~ (V11/Cp11)x100= 1~.9~ [mpedance Factor, P (Fig.lO.5) P8= .96 Pl1= .92 Actual Capacity, Cm CmS=CpSxPlxP& Cm11=CpllxPlxP~ ]01= ]96x lx.T&pcph 299= ]9~x 1x.75pcph STEP 4 : LT From Minor Street I <-\VT I \-> VlO Conflicting FLows, Vc VcS(step~)+V11+V12=Vc? VcllCstep~)+V8+V9=Vc10 734+ 46+ 2= 782vph 739+ 25+ 285= 104~vph Critical Gap, Tc (Tab. lO.Z) 6.5 (secs.) 6.5 (sets.) Potential Capacity,Cp(FiglO.3) Cp? = ~20 pcph CplO = 215 pcph Actual Capacity, Cm CmT=Cp?xPlxP4xPllxP12 CmlO=CplOxP4xPlxP8xP9 = 320x lx.76x.92x 1 = 215x. T&x 1x.96x.76 = 224 pcph = 119 pcph LOCAT%ON:C STREET/EIGHTH STREET MANE:TEL C0895EX SHARED LANE CAPACITY APPROACH HOVEHE#TS 7,8,9 CR CR LOS LOS NOVEHENT V(PCPH) CHCPCPH) CSH(PCPH) (CH-V) (CSHoV) 04 CSH 7 7 22& 282 217 2&7 C C 8 28 ~01 282 273 2&? C C 9 31& 1000 ~ A APPROACH HOVENENT$ 10~11,12 CR CR LOS LOS MOVEMENT VCPCPH) CHCPCPH) CSHCPCPH) CCH'V) (CSH-V) CH CSN 10 15 119 228 lO& 160 D D 11 51 299 228 2&8 160 C D 12 2 931 228 929 160 A D HAJOR STREET LEFT TURNS HOVEHENT V(PCPH) CH(PCPH) CR(CH-V) LOS 1 ~ 927 9?.3 A ~ 300 971 671 A CONNENTS: LOCATZON:RACE STREET/FIFTH STREET NAHE:TKL RSO595EX HOURLY VOLU~ES Grade OX 26 V12 I 49 N> I v~ ='=='"== .......====== I I VlO =====-=========-====== N= 1 <1 v I> ........... V6-- ~ Grm:Je 0~. < .......... V~-- 458 N= 1 22--V1 ............. v .......... V4-- 11 549 --~ ............ · me jot road Grade 18 --V~ ............ v <l ^ l> RACE STREET 6 I I I STD, ~ v8 I I VIELD N= I 36 I I Date of Count$:l~5 EXISTIN V~ I Time Period:Pfl PEAK mino~' road 7 I Prevailing Speed:35 FIFTH STREET I PIIF:.9 Grade 0 [ I PopuLation:lBO00 VOLUHE ADJUST#ENTS .ov~nt.o. I ~1 21 31 ~1 si 61 71 si 911011~I~21 vo~ ¢~ I 221 S~I lal ~1 4SSI 331 ~1 361 71 171 4~1 261 VotC~,Ta~.~O.~l 241XXXXlX~Xl ~ZlXX~I~XXl 71 401SI ~1 541 2¢1 VOLUHES IN PCPH V12 I v~ I I I ~9 I ...................... I I v~o <1 v I' ........... v6 < .......... VS" == 2/* "Vl ............. v .......... V4" 12 == "V2 ............ > I ~ I I I I v8 I I I ~o I I I v9 I I ~ I LOCATION:RACE STREET/FIFTH STREET NAHE:TKL RSO595EX STEP 1 : RT From NJnor Street J /-> W J <-/ V12 Conflicting Flows, Vc 1/Z V~+V2~Vc9 J 1/2 V~=Vc12 Critical Gap, Tc (Tab.lO.2) 5 (s~s.) I 5 Pot~tia[ Ca~city,Cp(FiglO.3) C~ = ~ ~ { CplZ ~ of Cp uti[iz~ (~/C~)xlO0= 1.~ .~ (V12/CplZ)xlO0= [~nce Factor, P (Fig.lO.5) Pg= .~ ~ P12= .98 Act~[ Ca.city, ~ ~C~ ~ ~ ~ ~12=Cp12= STEP 2 : LT Fr~Najor Street ~ v-- V4 ~ --~ Vl Conflicting F[o~s, Vc ~*~=Vc~ V~VS=Vcl 18+ 549= 567 v~ 33+ 45~ ~91 Critical Gap, Tc (Tab.lO.2) 5 (sacs.) 5 (sacs.) Potential Ca~city, Cp(FiglO.3) C~ = 656 ~ Cpl= 718 ~ of Cp uti[iz~ (V~/C~)xlO0- 1.~ (V1/Cpl)xlO0- 3.3~ l~ance Factor, P (Fig.lO.5) P~= .~ PI= .98 Actual Ca.city, ~ ~=C~= 655 ~ ~l=Cpl= 718 STEP 3 : TH Fr~ Ninor Street ~ ~ ~ J v Vll Conflicting Flows, Vc ~.5~+~+VI+V~eV~=Vc8 .SV~+V~+~+~+Vl~cll ~ 5~ 22+ 33+ 17+ ~5~ 11+ 18+ ~58+ 11= 1082 ~ 54~ 22= 10~ Critical Gap, Tc (Tab. lO.2) 6 (s~s.) 6 (sacs.) Potentia~ Ca~city,Cp(FiglO.3) C~ = 2~2 ~ Cp11 ~ of Cp uCi[iz~ (VS/C~)xl~= 16.5~ (V11/Cp11)x100= I~ance Factor, P (Fig.lO.5) P~ .89 Pl1= Actual Ca.city, ~ C~=C~xPlxP~ ~11=CpllxPlxP~ 2~5= 2~2x.98x.~ ~8= 2~Sx.~x.~ STEP ~ : LT Fr~ Ninor Street ~ <-~ V7 ~ %-> VlO Conflicting F[ous, Vc VcS(st~)+Vll+V12=Vc7 Vc11(ste~)+~+~=Vc10 1082+ &~ 2~ 1157~ 10~+ ~+ 7= 1118~ Critical Gap, Tc (Tab. lO.2) 6.5 (s~s.) 6.5 Potential Ca~city,Cp(FiglO.~) Cp7 = 1~ ~ CplO = 195 Actual Ca.city, C; ~7=CpTxP1xP~xP11xP12 ~lO=CplOxP~xPlxPSxP9 = 18~x.~x.~x.~x.98 = 195x.~x.98x.89x.~ = 1~ ~ = 167 LOCATION:RACE STREET/FIFTH STREET #M4E:TKL RSO59SEX SHARED LANE CAPACZTY APPROACH HOVEHE#TS 7,8,9 CR CR LOS LOS 140VENEHT V(PCPH) CN(PCPH) CSHCPCPH) CCH-V) (CSN-¥) CH CSH 7 7 1~6 239 139 186 D D 8 40 235 239 195 184, D D 9 8 ~ 239 656 18~ A D APPROACH HOVE#ENT$ 10,11,12 CR CR LOS LOS HOVEHENT V(PCPH) CH(PCPH) CSH(PCPH) (CH-V) (CSH'V) CH CSH 10 19 167 268 1~8 166 D D 11 5~ 238 268 18~, 166 D D 12 29 ~ 268 70& 166 A D HAJOR STREET LEFT TURNS NOVEHEHT V(PCPH) CH(PCPH) CR(CN-V) LOS 1 26 718 696 A 6 12 656 6~ A COHHE#TS: LOCATZON:HILL STREET/NAR[gE DRIVE INAHE:TKL HSHD95EX HOURLY VOLUHE$ ^ VOLUHES IN PCPH # #a jot street:NARZNE DR;VE N= 1 (---VS--- 58 (---VS--- Grade 166---V2---> v---V&--- 115 ---V2---> v---V4--- 127 0~. 3&---V3---v N= 1 ---V3---v oat° of co. ts: I I I i I I I I ~'~EX~ST~.G I V7 W IXSTO~ I V? W I Time Period:I I I I YXE,. I I I I Approach Speed: #fnor Street: Grade 25 C STREET 0~( PHF: .9 #z 2 Po~JLatio~: 18 VOLUHE ADJUSTHENTS VoLt.me (vph) I ~561 ~ I ~5 I 581 ~01 vot(~),a~ Tabto ~O.~IXXXXXXXXlXXXXXXXXl ~27IXXXXXXXXl STEP 1 : RT From Hinor Street I /-> V9 ConfLicting FLo,s, Vc I 1/2 V3+V2= 17 + 166 = 183 v~CVc9) Criticat Gap, Tc ITc= 5.5 secs (Tab.lO.2) Potential Capacity, Cp I cpg= 908 I:)cph (Fig.lO.3) Actual Capacity, Cm I Cmg=Cpg= 908 pcph STEP 2 : LT Fro~ #ajor Street I v-- V4 Confticting FLous, Vc I V3+Y2= ~34 + 156 = ?00 v~¢Vc4) Criticat Gap, Tc ITc= 5 sets (Tab.lO.Z) Potential Capacity, Cp I Cp~= 980 pcph (Fig.lO.3) ~, of Cp utilized and Xmpadance Factor I (V4/CI~)xlO0= 13~( P4= .92 Actual Capacity, Cm (Fig.lO.5) I C~=CI~= 980 pcph STEP 3 : LT Frcxn Nfnor Street I <-\ V7 ============================================================================== ConfLicting FLo~s~ ¥c I 1/:) I 17+ 156 + 58 + 115 = Critical Gap, Tc ITc= 6.5 sets CTab. lO.2) Potential Capacity, Cp J CpT= 591 pcph (Fig.lO.3) Actual. Capacity, Cm I CmT=Cp?xP4= 591 x .92 = 54~ pcph SHAREO LANE CAPACXTY SH = (V?tVg)/((VT/Cm?)+(V9/CaJg)) jf ~ane Js shared CR CR LOS LOS MOVEMENT VCPCPH) CMCPCPH) CSHCPCPH) CCM-V) CCSH-V) 04 CSH 7 11 5~4 533 A 9 79 908 829 A 4 127 980 853 A LOCATION:LAIJRiDSEN BLVO/LAUREL ST. JNAME:TKL LSLB9SEX HOURLY VOLUNES ^ VOLUHGS IN PCPN Najor ,treet:LAUR~DSE# BLVD. Grade ]~Z---92-- o~ ¥--oV6°-- 5Z ---V2- 1995 EX,STiNG I V7 V9 I X STOP Approach Speed: #Jnor Street: Grade ]5 C STREET PHF: .9 N= 1 Poputm;ion: 18000 VOLUHE ADJUSTMENTS .ov~. I ~ I z I ~ I ; I ? I ; voL-.,.: c~) I 392 I z3s I 52 I :)28 I ~08 I 8:3 VoL¢~),see TabLe lo.llxxxxxxxxlxxxxxxxxl 5? Ixxxxxxxxl STEP 1 : RT From #inor Street I /-> V9 ConfLicting FLo~, Vc I 1/2 V]+V2= 118 + 392 z 510 vph(Vc9) Critical Gap, Tc ITc= 5.5 secs Potential Capacity, Cp I Cp9= 618 pcph (Fig.lO.3) Actual Capacity, Cm I Cm9uCp9= 618 pcph STEP 2 : LT From Ha jot Street I v-- ConfLicting Fio,s, Vc J ~J+V2= ~5 + ~92 = 62? vph(Vc~) Critical Gap, Tc ITc= 5 secs (Tab.lO.2) PoCenCia~ Capacity, Cp } Cp~= ~12 pcph (Fig.lO.I) ~ of Cp utilized and Impedance Factor } (V&/Cl~)xlO0= 9.~ P&= .94 Actual Capacity, Cm (Fig.lO.~) [ Cm~-Cp4= 612 pcph STEP 3 : LT From Minor Street I <-\ V7 ConfLicting FLo~sv Vc I 1/2 I 118 + ]92 + ZZ8 + SZ = 790 vph(VcT) Critical Gap, Tc ITc= 6.5 secs (Tab. lO.2) Potential Capacity, Cp I CpT= :]16 pcph Actual Capacity, Ca, I CmT=Cp7xP6= :]16 x .9& = 297 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY SH = (VT+V9)/((V7/CmT)+(W/Cmg)) if Lane is shared CR CR LOS LOS HOVEHENT V(PCPH) CH(PCPH) CSH(PCPH) (C~-V) (CSH-V) CN CSH 7 119 ~97 383 178 173 D D 9 91 618 383 527 173 A D 6 57 612 555 A LOCATiON:N STREET/EIGHTEENTH STREET ImU~E:TKL NS1895EX HOURLY VOLUMES VOLU~ES IN PCPH Major street:E[GTHEENTH STREET v N= 1 *---V~--- 67 *---V$--- Grade 46---V2---) v---V4--- 10 ---VZ---~ v---V4--- 11 0~. Z?---V]---v #= 1 ---V~--ov ~,~eo~c~-~a: I I I I I I I 1995 EXXSTZNG J V? V9 I X STOP Time Period: I I I I YXEI. D I I I I ~PEAK I 28 141 I 31 Approach Speed: Ninor Street: Grade 25 C STREET PHF: .9 Nm 1 Poputat ion: 18 VOLUI4E AD JUSTI4ENTS Mow*,,~ntno. I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I ? I 9 I VoLu,e CYp~) I 46 I 27 I 10 I 6? I VoLC~ph),$eeTabLelO.1IXXXXXXXXlXXXXXXXXI 11 IXXXXXXXXl 31 I 151 STEP 1 ; RT From Hinor Street I /-> V9 ConfLicting FLoua. Vc ] 1/2 V3+V2= 14 + 46 = ~0 vph(Vcg) Critical Gap. Tc ~Tc= 5 seca Potential Capacity, Cp I Cpg= 1000 pcph (Fig,lO.3) Actual Capacity, CB I cmg=cpg= 1000 pcph STEP 2 : LT From Ha jot Street I v-- V4 ConfLicting Frogs, Vc I V3+V2= 27 + 46 = 73 vphCVc4) Criticat Gap, Tc ITc= 5 seca (Tab.lO.2) Potential Capacity, Cp I Cp4= 1000 pcph % of Cp utilized and impedance Factor I (V&/Cp4)xlO0= 1.1% P~= .99 Actual Capacity, Cm (Fig.lO.5) I Cn~=Cp~= 1000 pcph ============================================================================= STEP 3 : LT From Minor Street I <o\ V7 ConfLicting FLora, Vc I 1/2 V3+V2+VS+V4- I 1/~ + ~6 * ~7 + 10 = 137 vphCVcT) Critical Gap, Tc I To= 6.5 seca rTab.lO.2) Potential Capacity, Cp I CpT= 783 pcph (Fi9.10.3) Actual Capacity, Cm ~ CmT=CpTxP4= ?83 x .99 = 775 pcph SHARED LANE CAPACITY S# = (V7,,.Vg)/((VT/CmT)+(Vg/Cmg)) tf Lane is shared CR CR LOS LOS HOVENENT V(PCPR) CNCPCPg) CSHCPCP~) (CH-V) (CSH-V) CM CSH 7 31 77~ 836 744 790 A A 9 15 1000 836 985 790 A A 4 11 1000 989 A APPENDIX E 1995 Intersection Level of Service Calculations Critical Movement AnaLysis: PLANNING CalcuLation Form 1 Intersection: LINCOLH STREET/STH STREET Oesign Hour: 1995 EXISTING Problem Statement: LSO895EX Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEOMETRY Step ~. LEFT TURN CHECK Step~6b. VOLUME ADdUSTMENT FOR I AI~°r°ach ~:L~NCOLN ST ....... Approach ..... MULT~PHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I 1 1 1 I ^ : -1- -2- -~- -~- Possible Volume Adjusted I R L I N a. No. of change : 0 0 0 0 Prob- Critical Carryover Critical 8TH STREET [ R T T T L I interva[s/hour : able Vo[~ane to next Volume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 0 Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... 1 LT--^ v v v <^-RTH 1 c.G/C ratio : 0 0 0 0 82B1 75(S1) 181- 75= 106(B2) 75 LTH-^> <--TH d.Opposing voL~ne : 0 0 0 0 AlS2 106(82) 416- 106= ]10(A1) 106 TH--> <v-LTH in vph : A1A2 407(A2) OR ~10(A1) 407 1 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 0 0 0 01~.3 59(B3) 69- 59= 10(B4) 59 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : IA3B4 10(B4) 427- 10= &17(A~) 10 ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 0 0 0 01A3A4 417(A3) OR 346(A4) 417 I T T H T T laTH STREET vph (b+e) : I H H I g. Left turn volume : 0 0 0 0I I1 1 I ~n~ = I I Approach ~:LINCOLN ST h.ls volume> cap. : : (g>f) ? : Step 2. IDENTIFY VOLUMES, in vph Step S. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I I 1 4 I 181(B1B2)+407(A2)+69(B3B~)+417(A3) I Approach 31 ....... 8 2 6 ....... ]: LT= 69 { { iZ:RT= 71 7 7 9 ^+ 71 = 1074 vph TH= 427 II I TH= 336 Ill <* 336 ....................................... RT= 187 I v [ LT= 75 < v · v- 75 Step 8. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step ? gith table 6) Icl Approach 1--· ....... .......................... 181 -^ < ^ · ======================================= I:LT= 181 I ^ I 4: RT= 51 381 +> I + + Step 9. RECALCULATE TH= 381 I I I TH= 295 35 +v eT= ~S I II LT= 59 [ ....... 2 ....... iGeometric Change: I Approach 41 I I s 9 s I Signal Change: I I 9 s 1 I vot~ Change: Step ]. ~DENTIFY PHASING Step 6a. CR[TICAL VOLUMES, in vph COHMEHTS (t~o phase signal) --^ v-- a2gl I Approach 3I I I --^ AND <-- A1B2 AND --> OR v-- /OR A2B1 Approach 1 I < s483 · I see step 6b. IIAND < ^ A~B~ ANO v · oR II /Oe A~a~ Approach I ^ A~A4 ......................... v ^ I J A2 <-- A4 I aZ --^ 84 [> V/C Ratio = .78 Critical Movement AnaLysis: PLANNING CaLcuLation Form 1 Intersection: GOLF COURSE ROAD/FIRST/FRONT STREET Design Hour: 1995 MOOIFIEO ProbLem Statement: CMO GRFS Step 1. IDENTIFY LANE GEOMETRY Step 4. LEFT TURN CHECK I Step 6b. VOLUME ADJUSTMENT FOR I Approach 3:NONE ....... Approach ..... I ~ MULTIPHASE SIGNAL OVERLAP I I ^ : -1- -2' -3- -4'I PossibLe VoLuile Adjusted I R L I N a. No. of change : 0 0 60 OlProb- Critical Carryover Critical FIRST/FRONT SI R T T T L I intervaLs/hour : labte VoLLm~e to next VoLume ............. T H H H T ............. b. LT capacity on : 0 0 120 0 Phase in vph phase in vph Approach 1 < < I · · ^--RT change (vph) : ....................................... I LT--^ v v v <^-RTH c.G/C ratio : 0 0 .5 OB1 106(B1) 106 LTH-^> <--TH d. Opposing volume : 0 0 134 0 A1B2 667(A1) OR 186(B2) 667 3 TH--> <v-LTH in vph : A4B3 442(B3) OR 94(A4) 442 RTH-v> ^ ^ ^ v--LT 1 e. LT capacity on : 0 0 466 0 1 RT--v < < I · · Approach 2 green (vph) : ............. L L T R R ............. f. LT capacity in : 0 0 586 0 [ T T N T T INIGNgAY 101 vph (b+e) : I g H I g. Left turn volume : 0 0 0 0 I1 1 I invph I App¢oach 4:GOLF COURSE R h.ls vottxne · cap. ~ NO (g>f) ? : Step 2. IOENTIFY VOLUMES, ~n vph Step 5. ASSIGN LANE VOLUMES, in vph Step 7. SUM OF CRITICAL VOLUMES I I I I 106(B1)+667(A1)+442(B3)+O() I Approach 31 .............. 3: LT= 0II I 2=RT=o v- 106 = 12~S vph TH= 0 II I TH= 0 ....................................... RT= 0Iv I LT= 106 Step 8. %NTERSECT]ON LEVEL OF .......................... SERVICE <--Approach 2 (compare step 7 ~ith table 6) 1~6-^ I o I Approach I--> 667 -> ....... I:LT= 186 I ^ I 4: RT= 134 667 -> I I I Step 9. RECALCULATE T,=2000 I II T,= 0 SOS-v RT= 508 I I I LT= 442 ....... 4 1 ....... IGeometric Change: I Approach 41 [ 4 3 I [Signal Change: I 2 4 I Ivotume Change: Step 3. IOENTIFY PHASING Step 62. CRITICAL VOLUMES, in vph COMMENTS (two phase signaL) v-- al I I --^ A1B2 I I --> I I < ^ A483 .......................... I I Approach 1 See Step 6b. Approach I I A1 '-> A3 I gl v-- B3 <1 I I v ^ I I A2 <-- A4 I 82 --^ 84 I> V/C Ratio = .8S APPENDIX F Intersection Accident Summary Accident Summary at Intersections Intersection I Number of Accident of"- Iand... 1st St. Delguzzi Dr, 1 0 Front St. Washington St. 3 0 Marine Dr. Tumwater St. 2 0 Cedar St. Marine Dr. 3 0 Marine Dr, Tumwater Truck Rd. 4 0 5th St. Cherry St. 1 0 Lauridsen Blvd. Peabody St. 2 0 Front St. Oak St, 3 loth St. St. 1 0 5th St. Race St. 4 0 1st St Oak St 3 0 16th St. St. 1 0 Front St. Penn St. 7 Hill St. Marine 2 Front St. Peabody St. 6 C] 18th St. N St. 1 0 8th St. !Cherry St. 6 0 1st St. Ennis St. 9 0 Lauridsen Blvd. Lincoln St. 6 0 5th St. Peabody St. 4 0 Front St. Race St. 11 0 Front St, Laurel St. 7 0 5th St, Lincoln St. 8 0 Lauridsen Blvd. Tumwater Truck Rd. 3 0 Ennis St. Lauridsen Blvd. 1 0 Bth St. Pine St. 8 0 Bth St. Peabody St. 8 1 1st St. Laurel St. 9 1 1st St. Peabody St. 11 1 E~th St. I St. 3 1 Ennis St, Front St. 16 1 8th St. Race St. 12 1 18th St, L St. 3 1 8th St. Lincoln St. 19 1 C St. Lauridsen Blvd. 5 1 Front St. Lincoln St. 21 1 1st St. Lincoln St. 26 1 Lauridsen Blvd. Race St. 11 1 1st St. Race St. 23 1 Park Ave. Peabody St. 4 1 5th St. C St. 3 1 8th St. C St. 14 1 Campbell Ave. Mt. Angeles Rd. 2 1 Park Ave. Race St. 10 1 cfc 4/11/96 ACCTOTAL.XLS Accident Summary at Intersections Intersection I Number of Accident of'-' land"'I Accidents Rate * 2nd St. Valley St. 6 1 Park Ave. Laurel St. 7 2 5th St. Chambers St, 8 2 1st St. Golf Course Rd. 11 3 cfc 4/11/96 ACCTOTAL.XLS APPENDIX G Development of Port Angeles Traffic Model Pal¢ch 10,doc DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF THE PORT ANGELES TRAVEL MODEL HT Associates March 1996 MODEL CALIBRATION Background The Port Angeles travel model was developed in order to: translate the city's recently adopted comprehensive land use plan into long-range travel demand estimates; test planned and proposed transportation system improvements; and assist the city in completing the transportation portion of its comprehensive plan as required by the state's Growth Management Act (GMA). The model could provide a technical basis for calculating impact fees authorized by the GMA, and may also be used to determine whether planned new developments meet the GMA's concurrency requirements. The model was developed using a commercial package known as TMODEL2,~ vended by the TModel Corporation. Study Area and Zone Structure The study area extends beyond the boundaries of the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area (UGA), as described in the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan DEIS.2 It extends from the Elwha River on the west to Morse Creek on the east, and from Ediz Hook on the north to a line roughly paralleling Little River Road on the south. Within this area, 150 traffic analysis zones (TAZs) were established to serve as the locations of trip origins and destinations in the travel model. At points where major streets entered or exited the study area, a particular type of TAZ known as an external stations was defined in order to account for trips leaving or entering the study area. External stations were used in the model to represent Highway 101, Highway 112, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and the Black Ball Ferry Terminal along the study area boundary. Figure 1 shows the travel model zone structure and the location of external stations. The TAZs were designed to contain areas of homogeneous land use and common points of access to the street system. Their boundaries are generally consistent with Census tract boundaries, since Census tracts were the basic geographic unit of both household and employment data. The TAZ boundaries also reflect, to the extent possible, the city's planning area boundaries as shown in the Comprehensive Plan,-~ since these areas were the basis for many of the plan's land use projections. t TMODEL is a registered trademark of the TModel Corporation. 2 Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Nancy ARyan & Company, March 8, 1993, p. I-2. ~ Ibid., p. 11-38. 950415\t cp~rCq'~t ra~ls plalfiappend- g [7/1'9/961 Page (;-3 Network Thc model network included all arterials in the study area, and many facililies below the arterial level. TAZs were connected to the network by special links known as centroid connectors, so named becat, sc they join the center of develop~nent, or centroid, of a zone to the rest of the network. Links connected to external stations were given lengths intended to approximate the portion of a typical trip lying outside the study area. The model network is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Existing Network TMODEL2 permits each street segment, or link, to be given characteristics such as class, directional characteristic (one-way or two-way), number of lanes, length, nominal (or posted) speed, and capacity. For the Port Angeles model, these variables were used as follows: Table 1: Link Characteristics Variable DefinitiOn Value Range Class Functional class / delay class I (principal), 2 (minor), 3 (collector), 4 (non- arterial), 99 (centroid connector) Area Open Varies Typc hnprovement flag I (new),.2 (i~np"roved) Direction One-way or two-way i or 2 Lanes Direclional through lanes 1-3 Capacity Max. directional vehicles per hour 1000-1400 per lane (9000 fi)r centroid connectors) Lcn~jth Segment length in miles Varies Speed Posted speed in rnph 15-55 rnph 951~l%cpmts~.ansplan\alq~cml g 17/19.t96) ~p For a given link, the variable class was used to designate the congestion delay function to be applied in determining Ihe link's operating speed, based on a comparison of the link's traffic volume and coded capacity. The majority of two-lane streets (one lane each way) were given capacities of 1,000 vehicles per hour (vph) each way. Capacity per through lane was adjusted according to the guidelines shown in Table 2. Table 2: Capacity Guidelines Cross Section Coded Thru Lanes Capacity/Thru Lane 2 lanes (2-way) I each way 1,000 - 1,200a 3 lanes (2-way) I each way 1,400 4 lanes (2-way) 2 each way 1,400 5 lanes (2-way) 2 each way 1,400 2+ lanes (I-way) 2+ each way 1,400 al,200 used for Hwy 101 west of Tumwater Truck Route Each intersection, or node, was also assigned various characteristics as shown in Table 3. Table 3: Node Characteristics Variable Definition Value Range Class Control type ! (centroid), 2 (signal), 3 (other), 4 (zone loading point), 99 (shape point) Area Open Open Type Open Open Capacity Max. entering vehicles per hour 50% of sum of capacities of enterin~ links SDL 1,2,3 Special delay links (3 allowed) ID of approaches controlled by stop si~n Base Delay Fixed time penalty at node (Not used) As with links, the value coded for node class was used to designate the congestion function to be applied in calculating intersection delay for trips entering a given node. Zone centroids and network shaping points (used to define road curves or turns) were given high capacities to prevent distortion of travel times, since such nodes were not used to represent actual intersections. 1994 Land Use Census Tract Data for Households and Employment The primary source of household data in the model study area was the 1990 Census. Employment data were requested from the state Employment Security Department, Labor Market and Employment Analysis (LMEA) section. By matching employer zip codes to Census tract boundaries, LMEA was able to provide second quarter, 1994 covered employment, broken down by category and Census tract of employer. The matching success rate was approximately 90%. All employment estimates represent the number of employees by place of work, and thus are distinct from the Census concept of employed persons by place of residence. 95(~lS~'eporls\t~anSl*last\apFCnd~g (7/19/'96) ~.p Pagc (; 5 Land use variables were defined as follows: SF Single-family households and mobile homes MF Multi-family households RET Retail F1RES Finance, insurance, real estate, and services GOV Government, excluding school but including college staff MFG Manufacturing and industrial WTCU Wholesale, transportation, communication, and utilities ED Education (school) employment, public and private FI'E Full-time-equivalent college students OTHER Other covered employment The study area comprises all of Census tracts 9807-9813 and portions of 9814 and 9815. For these tracts, the estimates of households and employment shown below were used as controls in estimating TAZ households and employment. Table 4:1994 Census Tract Household and Employment Estimates Tract SF MF RET FIRES GOV MFG WTCU ED OTHER FTE 9807 1326 921 35 66 31 440 140 60 0 0 9808 i 202 422~ 76 131 0 15 82 30 0 0 9809 814 3121 587 635 399 166 78 10 130 0 9810 501 3421 117 487 1061 46 54 21 37 0 9811 1340 167: 471 566 315 557 124 10( 61 1306 9812 695 299! 911 943 153 641 154 {3 119 0 9813 1107 481 282 79 0 77 154 60 74 0 9814a 451 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9815a 507 19~ 0 56 0 113 67 0 0 0 Totals 7943 17091 2478 2963 1959 2054 854 281 420 1306 a Part of tract lies outside study area; values are estimates for study area portion Allocation from Census Tracts to TAZs The city's zoning and street maps were obtained as AutoCAD (.DWG) files and imported to Visual CADD 1.2, a Windows computer-aided design and drafting package. TAZ boundaries were defined as polygons in a separate layer; aerial photos (obtained from a series recently completed for the city) were then used to estimate the developed areas within each TAZ, and these areas were defined as another layer. Developed acres by type of zoning were then calculated for each TAZ. A program was written in QuickBASIC to allocate Census tract household and employment totals to TAZs in proportion to developed acreages categorized by zoning designation. Different 95005~reports\tmnsplan~append-g {7/19196) ~kp Page combinations and wcighls of developed acres were tested until the resulting allocations appeared reasonable when compared to known values. The purpose of this procedure was to produce, for each tract, a probable distribution of land use consistent with the tract's pattern of zoning. In some cases, locations of unique or easily identifiable types of development were given separate designations to ensure correct allocation; examples include schools, government offices, college, and hospital, all zoned 'PBP' and thus difficult to distinguish from parks and open space. The allocation variables were as follows: Table 5: Land Use Allocation Variables Land Use Acreage Used to Allocate Zoning Designations SF Low + med. density residential RS-9, RS-7, RMD, RTP, PRD MF High density residential RHD RET Com~nercial CN, CSD, CA, CBD FIRES Commercial/2 + office + hospital CN, CSD, CA, CBD, CO, PBP ~ GOV Commercial/2 + ;~ovt. + college CN, CSD, CA, CBD, PBP b MFG Commercial/4 + industrial CN, CSD, CA, CBD, IL, IH (M2) WTCU Commercial/4 + industrial CN, CSD, CA, CBD, IL, IH (M2) ED Schools (public and private) School sites OTHER Commercial + office + industrial CN, CSD, CA, CBD, CO, IL, IH (M2) FTE (Allocated manually) Peninsula College Olympic Memorial Hospital Government offices, Peninsula College As the table indicates, some categories of employment were assumed to occur in more than one zoning category--for example, FIRES in CN, CSD, CA, CBD, CO, and PBP. Similarly, some zoning categories (such as CBD) were assumed to contain a range of commercial uses with varying likelihoods.4 The resulting estimates of 1994 land use are shown in Appendix A. Trip Generation Trip Purposes Trip generation is the process of estimating trip ends for each TAZ as a function of the types and magnitudes of land use located in the TAZ. Trip ends are usually estimated separately for each of several trip purposes. Trip purposes are generally thought to have distinct characteristics: typical generators, trip lengths, time-of-day characteristics, and so on. In the Port Angeles model, five trip purposes were used: 4 The designations CO, CN, CSD, CA, and CBD allow single-family residential develop~nent as well--but this use was considered more likely to occur in residential areas than in commercial areas, particularly as the commercial uses intensify over time. 950(15krel~)rts\trans plan~append- g (7/I 9/96) ~kp i;a~c (i 7 · HBW Home-based work · HBC Home-based college · HBO Home-based other · HBS Home-based school · NHBCV Non-home-based and commercial vehicle The term "home-based" means that the trip begins at home and is matched by return trip ending at home; non-home-based and commercial vehicle trips describe trips that occur, generally, between commercial locations. Trip Generation Rates The Port Angeles model was designed to predict afternoon peak hour conditions. As such, its trip generation rates were in the form of P.M. peak vehicle origins and destinations. As a first approximation, the model's trip generation rates were derived from a set of daily person trip rates developed by the Puget Sound Regional Council; these rates were converted to afternoon peak vehicles using average vehicle occupancies, peaking factors by trip purpose, and directional factors by trip purpose that have been developed for travel models in King County. Initial trials of the model indicated that total traffic was being underestimated. For the sake of simplicity, all of the afternoon peak-hour rates were increased by 25%, but the explanation could lie either with the land use estimates or trip generation rates. The LMEA employment estimates, for example, are underestimates by definition (since non-covered employment is excluded); on the other hand, traffic peak percentages for Port Angeles could be expected to be higher than in King County, where peak-hour travel is to a great extent governed by capacity constraints. The final trip generation rates are shown in Table 6. Table 6: P.M. Peak Trip Generation Rates Note: Values are shown times 100 HBW HBC HBO HBS NHBCV O D O D O D O D O D SF 9,5 37.8 0.6 3.5 22.6 27.9 0.9 0.9 6.1 6. I MF 7,5 30.3 0.5 2.8 18.1 22.3 0.6 0.6 4.9 4.9 RET 30,1 5.4 0.0 0.0 39.3 28.4 0.0 0.0 46.9 46.9 FIRES 25.9 4.6 0.0 0.0 14.4 10.4 0.0 0.0 14.8 14.8 GOV 25.9 4.6 0.0 0.0 i 4.4 10.4 0.0 0.0 14.8 14.8 MFG 28.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 3.5 3.5 WTCU 28.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 3.5 3.5 ED 25.9 4.6 0.0 0.0 14.4 10.4 26.1 26.1 14.8 14.8 OTHER 28.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 3.5 3.5 FTE 0.0 0.0 36.5 6.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 95005~-eports\tran splan~appc nd - g (7/19/96 ) ~kp Page (;-8 External Station Trips In a calibrated model, trips al external stations, by definilion, must equal actual traffic counts. Trips leaving the area are treated as having destimttion trip ends, and trips entering are treated as having origin trip ends. Within this constraint, however, the modeler must distinguish between two types of trips: through trips, also referred to as external-external (X-X) trips; and trips having just one end within the study area, sometimes referred to as internal-external (I-X) trips. I-X trips at external stations must be stratified among the trip purposes being modeled so that, for each purpose, every trip entering the study area will have an internal destination, and every trip leaving the study area will have an internal origin. By examining the pattern of traffic on likely through routes, it is often possible to make an educated guess as to the volume of through traffic without resorting to the expense of an origin- destination survey. In the case of Port Angeles, the external stations west of town carry much lower P.M. peak volumes than those east of town, and as such set a very low upper limit on the volume of through traffic. Even at these locations, however, it would be unlikely for all trips to be through trips, so the approximate volume of through trips was further reduced to about one- half of the observed volumes entering and leaving the study area at the western external stations, representing Highways 112 and 101. The remaining external station trip ends were divided among HBW, HBO, and NHBCV trip purposes approximately in the same proportions generated within the study area. Trip Distribution Trip distribution is the procedure by which trip origins are linked to trip destinations, resulting in a trip table whose rows are zones of trip origin and whose columns are zones of trip destination. Each cell of row i and column j contains the number of P.M. peak trips from zone i to zonej. The standard procedure offered in the TMODEL2 software, known as distribution and assignment, was used to build the 1994 trip table in the Port Angeles model. A set of trip origins for a given trip purpose and from a particular zone could theoretically find an equal number of matching destinations at many different sets of destination zones..As an example, all of the origins could find matching destinations within either a short distance or a long distance. From surveys of travel behavior, however, a great deal is known about the frequency of trips occurring at different distances (or at different travel times) for each trip purpose. By specifying, for a given trip purpose, a probability of trip interchange for every increment in travel time, it is possible to match the trip length frequency distribution known to characterize that trip purpose. One set of procedures that transforms zone-to-zone travel times into trip-making probabilities for each trip purpose, and links trip origins with destinations according to those probabilities, is referred to as the gravity model.~ s If the magnitudes of development in two zones arc thought of as the masses of two objects in space, and if their separation in travel time is thought of as separation in space, then the w~lume of travel between the two zones would be analogous to gravitational attraction between the two objects. 95005~reporLs\tran:~plan~append-g (7/19/96} ~kp Pa~¢ TMODEL2 offers the following functional form of the gravity model: probability index = i / ( time beta + constant * time alpha). where probabili~, index represents the likelihood of a trip based on travel time alone, and the parameters beta, alpha, and constant are user-defined. For the Port Angeles model, these parameters were taken from a gravity model calibrated by the Puget Sound Regional Conference (PSRC). They have been used with success in developing other travel models in the Puget Sound region. Table 7 contains the gravity model parameters used in the Port Angeles travel model.6 Table 7: Gravity Model Parameters Parameter: Beta Constant Alpha Purpose: HBW 2.40 240 -0.10 HBC 2.40 70 -0. I 0 ItBO 3.00 60 0 HBS 3.00 30 0 NItBCV 4.00 200 0 Trip Assignment Assignment Method Trip assignment is the procedure used to load a trip table onto a computerized representation of the street network, using paths that minimize travel time for every zone pair. Most packages, including TMODEL2, offer capacity restrained assignment procedures designed to simulate the effects of congestion, based on delay functions which compare assigned volumes to link and intersection capacities. A method known as incremental assignment was used in the Port Angeles model. With this method, the trip table is divided into several increments and loaded one increment at a time. Prior to each loading increment, the link and intersection delay functions are used to re-calculate network operating speeds, based on link and intersection volumes accumulated to that point. In this manner, the incremental assignment technique is able to approximate the effects of traffic congestion and delay on travelers' behavior. If enough increments are used the resulting assignment should approach equilibrium conditions, meaning that for any zone-to-zone interchange, the travel time cannot be improved by choice of a different path. In TMODEL2, however, because of the use of integers in trip table calculations, the benefits of additional 6 For a more complete description and discussion ol' the functional form used by the TMODEL2 gravity model, the reader is referred to Appendix A of the TMODEL2 Users Manual. 95(N)5\rel~las\lran~ plan~append-g (?/19/96) ~kp increments may be offset by thc prolil~ralion of rounding errors. In thc Port Angeles model, four increments were employed in the pattern: 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%. During incremental assignment, thc TMODEL2 user may choose to have the current trip table increment re-distributed based on network operating speeds from the previous increment, representing the idea Ihat travelers may modify their choice of destination as congestion intensifies. This method was used to build the Port Angeles model trip tables. Delay Functions TMODEL2 is unusual among travel modeling packages in providing separate delay functions for network links and intersections. In principle, this approach is more realistic than calculating delay as a function of link characteristics only; in an urban area (with the exception of limited access facilities), it is usually the case that congestion at intersections is at least as significant as congestion due to link "side friction." In most travel models, a link's capacity is intended to represent its maximum theoretical flow, intersection constraints aside. The concept is analogous to the maximum flow rate of a water pipe. Intersections, on the other hand, are restrained by the fact that two links share a single point and must alternate in using it. In practice, only certain traffic movements conflict, and it is the sum of these conflicting movements on a per-lane basis that defines the intensity of use of the intersection. TMODEL2 does not perform an analysis of conflicting movements in the traffic assignment procedure, but the user may specify for each intersection a "capacity" which is compared to the total entering volume in calculating intersection delay. A widely-accepted function known as the BPR formula was used to estimate delay due to link congestion. This function has the form: speedc = speeder / ( 1 + a * ( volume / capacity )b) where speedt~ is loaded link speed, speeder is nominal (uncongested) speed, and a and b are specified by the user. For intersections, TMODEL2 provides a function of the form: delay = a * (volume ~capacity)b + base delay where delay is expressed in minutes per entering vehicle, volume and capacity are expressed in number of vehicles entering the intersection, a and b are user-specified parameters, and base delay is the average delay under ideal conditions. To simulate the effects of one-, two-, or three- way stop controlled intersections, TMODEL2 permits assignment of the delay to specific legs; otherwise delay is divided among to all entering legs to represent intersections that are either signalized, uncontrolled, or all-way stopped. TMODEL2 allows the user to specify a different delay function for every value of class coded to links and intersections. In the Port Angeles model, the TMODEL2 default delay function parameters were used for all link and intersection class values. qS0(}5~'ep~rls\transphm~appcnd-ff 17/19/961 qcl~ Page (;-I I Model Accuracy The primary measures of accuracy of the Port Angeles travel model were the correlation, slope, and intercept between model volumes and directional afternoon peak hour traffic counts at 220 locations. Secondary measures included average error per link and actual vs. predicted vehicle miles of travel. The final R2 of the Port Angeles model was 0.939, with slope 0.941 and intercept -32. The R2 may be interpreted to mean that about 94% of variation in observed traffic was accounted for by the model--a high degree of accuracy, approaching the practical limits of the data from which models are constructed. The slope and intercept indicate little overall bias in the model. 2014 FORECASTS Land Use Forecast Household and Employment Growth Assumptions The Port Angeles travel model was used to make estimates of 2014 traffic, based on 20-year growth projections contained in the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan. The plan DEIS indicates that the number of households will increase by 2,177 in the city and UGA.7 Of this amount, 1,742 would be single-family, and 435 multi-family, as shown in Table 8. Table 8: UGA 20- Year Household Growth Single-Family Multi-Family Total Within City 1,391 413 1,804 Outside City 351 22 373 Total !,742 435 2,177 Separately for each of the above four categories, this household growth (amounting to about 22% of existing households) was allocated to the Port Angeles model TAZs in proportion to the total vacant developable land in each TAZ weighted by the current fraction of developed land in residential use. Vacant developable land was estimated as total area reduced by the sum of developed and public (open space) land. In this way, vacant developable land was used as the basic indicator of supply, while the fraction of land in residential use was used as an index of the attractiveness of each TAZ for residential development. The resulting household growth estimates for each TAZ were added to 1994 household estimates. The Comprehensive Plan derives its employment projections from the current ratio of employees per household.8 For this reason, it was assumed that the 1994-2014 growth in total employment would equal the estimated household growth of 22%. The Comprehensive Plan is very general, however, as to the probable location of this employment within the UGA. For the sake of this Port Angeles Cotnprehensive Plan DEIS, p. II-77. Ibid., p. IV-I 1. 95005~eports~rallsplan~apF, end-g (7/19/96) \kp transportation plan, it was assumed that fntur¢ cmploymenl (by sector) would locale in proporlion m cxisling employment m each TAZ. Appendix B contains the 2014 land use projections used in the model traffic forecasts. Growth at External Stations It was assumed that trips having one end inside and the other outside would increase at the same rate as internal households and employment. However, through traffic growth was estimated by a different method. A ten-year history of traffic volumes was available for the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) permanent traffic recorder (PTR) number 69, located on Highway 101 between Port Angeles and Sequim. A linear extrapolation of this history indicated that 1994 average weekday traffic of 19,892 would increase to 36,072 by the year 2014, a growth of 8 ! %. Therefore, the Port Angeles through trip table was increased by 81% as an estimate of 2014 through traffic. Future Network Scenarios In order to evaluate planned and proposed street improvements, the 2014 trip table described above was loaded on six future network scenarios containing different subsets of improvements. A "base" package consisted of projects taken from the six-year transportation improvement plans of Port Angeles, together with one additional improvement proposed by Entranco. These projects are shown below in Table 9. Table 9: Base Package Improvements Location Type of Improvement First Street/Peabody Street Signalization Fifth Street/Race Street Signalization Eighth Street/Cherry Street Signalization Eighth Streel]'C' Street Signalization Lauridsen Blvd./Airport Road Realignment of intersection Tumwater Truck Route/Hw¥ I01 Construct second half of diamond interch. Milwaukee Drive, 'N' to 18th Construct new 2-lane arterial Milwaukee Drive, 18th to Lower Elwha Rd Construct new 2-lane arterial First Avenue, Ennis to del Guzzi ~ Widen from two to three lanes Source: Entranco (all others from Port Angeles Six-Year TIP) Three other major improvements were also tested in various combinations. They were: · White Creek Crossing - extend Lauridsen across White Creek to Golf Course Road; · Heart of the Hills Parkway - construct a new two-lane arterial from the junction Heart of the Hills Parkway and Mount Angeles Road across White, Ennis, and Morse Creeks to Highway 101 west of Bagley Creek Road; · Highway 101 one-way couplet - convert Lincoln and Peabody to operate as one-way southbound and northbound, respectively. 95(~}5~cports\lransplan~ppcnd-g (7/19./96) ~p I'agc G- 13 The locations of link capacity improvements are shown in Figure 3. The base package and three additional improvements were arranged in six scenarios lettered A-F, as shown in Table 10. Table I0: Future Network Scenarios Scenario: A B C D E F Base Package ...... White Creek Crossing Heart of the Hills Parkway · · Lincoln/Peabody Couplet · · · Figure 3: Proposed Capacity Improvements Findings The 2014 trip table was loaded on each scenario, and link volumes together with turning movements at 51 locations were transmitted to Entranco for detailed analysis. However, general conclusions can be drawn about the scenarios based on aggregate measures such as vehicle-hours and vehicle-miles of travel. These measures are shown in Table I 1. 95{g)5~¢pott~\uansplan~ppcnd-g (7/19/96) 'tkp Page G- I 4 Tabh, I I: Eristing ami Future Network Pe~formam'c Meaxures Scenario VHT VMT 1994 1,903 58,928 2014 No Action 2,779 79,545 2014 A 2,744 79,292 2014 B 2,666 79,147 2014 C 2,466 78,398 2014 D 2,762 79,383 2014 E 2,680 79,273 2014 F 2,486 78,605 In terms of vehicle hours and vehicle miles of travel, all of the scenarios offer some improvement over the No Action case. The greatest savings in both measures appear to be produced by Scenarios C and F, which differ from B and E, respectively, by the addition of the proposed Heart of the Hills Parkway. 95005~epon.q\transplan~a ppe nd - g (7/19/96 APPENDIX A: ESTIMATED 1994 LAND USE 95(g)5~ep, t~lrat~splanXappcnd g (7/19/96) ~kp 1994 Port Angeles Land Use lu294-6.xls TAZ SF MF RET FIRES GOV MFG WTCU ED OTHER FTE 1 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 203 64 0 0 0 3 0 0 23 43 7 49 16 0 0 0 4 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 6 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 84 27 0 0 0 13 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 15 114 0 8 15 2 17 5 0 0 0 16 126 0 0 1 0 34 11 0 0 0 17 94 0 1 3 0 46 15 0 0 0 18 79 92 2 3 1 4 1 0 0 0 19 22 0 1 1 0 2 1 31 0 0 20 115 0 7 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 21 73 0 7 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 22 124 0 15 26 0 0 2 0 0 0 23 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 107 0 12 21 0 0 1 30 0 0 25 115 95 4 7 0 1 7 0 0 0 26 217 125 10 17 0 1 7 0 0 0 27 9 0 4 8 0 3 17 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 5 26 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 201 90 9 16 0 0 1 0 0 0 32 100 0 7 12 0 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 112 0 0 0 2 12 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 9 80 72 55 23 11 0 16 0 37 0 0 157 141 107 44 21 0 32 0 38 0 100 17 16 12 5 2 0 3 0 39 0 58 91 95 62 26 12 0 20 0 40 4 103 45 107 214 18 21 0 10 0 41 0 36 5 31 534 2 2 0 2 0 42 6 0 39 212 182 15 18 0 15 0 43 0 188 5 47 24 2 2 0 3 0 44 0 96 17 15 12 5 2 0 3 0 45 0 48 94 85 64 27 13 0 19 0 46 83 0 30 27 20 8 4 0 6 0 47 78 0 36 33 25 10 5 10 7 0 48 76 0 16 37 74 6 7 0 4 0 49 55 0 7 16 32 3 3 0 2 0 50 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 51 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9~(~5~ns~t~n~plan~p~nd g (7/19~6 ) ~p 105 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 9 17 0 2 0 109 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 38 11 0 9 19 0 10 0 112 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 115 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 0 0 14 4 0 4 7 0 4 0 117 0 0 35 10 0 9 17 0 9 0 118 0 0 30 8 0 7 14 0 8 0 119 165 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 120 0 0 44 12 0 11 21 0 11 0 121 0 0 61 17 0 15 30 0 16 0 122 185 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 107 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 84 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 0 3 0 0 0 24 14 0 0 0 129 0 3 0 0 0 25 15 0 0 0 130 48 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 6 0 0 0 60 36 0 0 0 133 4 1 0 56 0 3 2 0 0 0 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 134 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 70 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 258 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 193 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 dummy 143 dummy 144 0 0 65 76 13 77 17 0 8 0 145 dummy 146 e~emal 147 e~emal 148 e~emal 149 e~emal 150 e~ernal TOTALS 7944 1708 2532 2965 1958 2039 823 281 407 1306 52 243 0 26 23 18 7 3 0 5 0 53 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 227 0 38 128 26 11 5 0 18 0 56 265 15 0 38 0 0 0 0 2 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 302 73 0 20 0 58 0 0 143 90 22 44 11 0 12 0 59 67 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 2 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 58 14 0 4 0 61 0 0 0 307 0 0 0 0 16 0 62 114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 58 37 9 18 4 0 5 0 64 0 46 145 105 36 45 11 0 13 0 65 0 0 152 102 23 47 11 0 13 0 66 0 0 140 88 21 43 10 0 11 0 67 0 50 0 17 0 0 0 0 1 0 68 130 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 64 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 139 88 21 43 10 0 11 0 72 0 0 134 85 20 41 10 0 11 0 73 107 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 50 27 31 5 31 7 0 3 0 77 62 0 16 28 3 19 4 0 3 0 78 20 0 18 21 3 21 5 0 2 0 79 83 0 19 22 4 22 5 0 2 0 80 8 0 3 11 1 4 1 0 1 0 81 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 79 0 12 14 2 14 3 5 2 0 83 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 54 62 10 63 14 0 7 0 86 0 0 78 93 15 94 21 0 10 0 87 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 156 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 60 70 11 71 16 0 8 0 90 0 0 119 139 23 141 31 0 15 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 94 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 185 0 0 0 0 1306 96 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 7 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 101 169 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 APPENDIX B: PROJECTED 2014 LAND USE ~15 ~( 5\[~'f)t,rlsttlanspian~appcl~d g ~7/19/96) %kp 2014 Port Angeles Land Use fylu2-3.xls TAZ SF MF RET FIRES GOV MFG WTCU ED OTHER FTE 1 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 246 77 0 0 0 3 0 0 28 52 8 59 19 0 0 0 4 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 6 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 102 33 0 0 0 13 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 177 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 15 136 0 10 18 2 21 6 0 0 0 16 131 0 0 1 0 41 13 0 0 0 17 101 0 I 4 0 56 18 0 0 0 18 83 92 2 4 1 5 I 0 0 0 19 22 0 1 1 0 2 1 38 0 0 20 115 0 8 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 21 73 0 8 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 22 124 0 18 31 0 0 2 0 0 0 23 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 145 0 15 25 0 0 1 36 0 0 25 115 95 5 8 0 I 8 0 0 0 26 261 132 12 21 0 I 8 0 0 0 27 9 0 5 10 0 4 21 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 6 31 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 I 6 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 217 92 11 19 0 0 1 0 0 0 32 100 0 8 15 0 0 1 0 0 0 33 0 113 0 0 0 2 15 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 9 97 87 67 28 13 0 19 0 37 0 0 190 171 129 53 25 0 39 0 38 0 100 21 19 15 6 2 0 4 0 39 0 58 110 115 75 31 15 0 24 0 40 4 103 54 129 259 22 25 0 12 0 41 0 38 6 38 646 2 2 0 2 0 42 6 0 47 257 220 18 22 0 18 0 43 0 188 6 57 29 2 2 0 4 0 44 0 96 21 18 15 6 2 0 4 0 45 0 48 114 103 77 33 16 0 23 0 46 83 0 36 33 24 10 5 0 7 0 47 78 0 44 40 30 12 6 12 8 0 48 76 0 19 45 90 7 8 0 5 0 49 55 0 8 19 39 4 4 0 2 0 50 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 51 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 266 0 31 28 22 8 4 0 6 0 53 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 '239 0 46 155 31 13 6 0 22 0 56 282 15 0 46 0 0 0 0 2 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 365 88 0 24 0 58 0 0 173 109 27 53 13 0 15 0 59 87 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 2 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 70 17 0 5 0 61 0 0 0 371 0 0 0 0 19 0 62 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 70 45 11 22 5 0 6 0 64 0 46 175 127 44 54 13 0 16 0 65 0 0 184 123 28 57 13 0 16 0 66 0 0 169 106 25 52 12 0 13 0 67 0 50 0 21 0 0 0 0 1 0 68 130 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 64 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 168 106 25 52 12 0 13 0 72 0 0 162 103 24 50 12 0 13 0 73 107 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 50 33 38 6 38 8 0 4 0 77 62 0 19 34 4 23 5 0 4 0 78 20 0 22 25 4 25 6 0 2 0 79 83 0 23 27 5 27 6 0 2 0 80 8 0 4 13 1 5 1 0 1 0 81 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 79 0 15 17 2 17 4 6 2 0 83 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 65 75 12 76 17 0 8 0 86 0 0 97 113 18 114 25 0 12 0 87 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 196 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 73 85 13 86 19 0 10 0 90 0 0 144 168 28 171 38 0 18 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 0 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 94 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 224 0 0 0 0 1580 96 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 33 277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 98 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 101 243 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 103 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 105 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95[XIS\rel~rL~lr~s plan~appcnd-g ('7/l 9196) \kp 107 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 11 21 0 2 0 109 0 53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 482 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lll 0 0 46 13 0 11 23 0 12 0 112 89 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 114 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 0 0 139 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 116 0 0 17 5 0 5 8 0 5 0 117 0 0 42 12 0 11 21 0 11 0 118 0 0 36 10 0 8 17 0 10 0 119 196 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 0 0 120 0 0 53 15 0 13 25 0 13 0 121 0 0 74 21 0 18 36 0 19 0 122 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123 110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 107 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 84 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 0 3 0 0 0 29 17 0 0 0 129 0 3 0 0 0 30 18 0 0 0 130 134 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 6 0 0 0 73 44 0 0 0 133 6 1 0 68 0 4 2 0 0 0 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 134 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138 70 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 139 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140 258 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 193 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 dummy 143 dummy 144 0 0 79 92 16 93 21 0 10 0 145 dummy 146 external 147 e~ernal 148 external 149 external 150 external TOTALS 9685 2122 2987 3496 2353 2374 975 340 483 1580 t)ti(X)SMcpun~'~l~anspla~l~pp~nd-g (7/19/96) \kp APPENDIX C: LISTING OF MODEL FILES Port Angeles Travel Model Files Excepl as noted, all l'iles are in TMODEL2 tk,rmat File Description Nctwork 94-36.1nx, .nde 1994 calibrated links, nodes 94-36.1vx 1994 pm peak counts (in volume field) 14a-4.lnx, .nde 2014 scenario A links, nodes 14b-4.1nx, .nde 2014 scenario B links, nodes 14c-4.1nx, .nde 2014 scenario C links, nodes 14d-4.1nx, .nde 2014 scenario D links, nodes 14e-4.1nx, .nde 2014 scenario E links, nodes 14f-4.1nx, .nde 2014 scenario F links, nodes 94-25.neq Functions for node capacity calculation Turn Movement Input 94-34.tri 1994 turn movement in )ut 14a-2.tri 2014 turn movement in >ut for scenario A 14b-2.tri 2014 turn movement in >ut for scenario B 14c-2.tri 2014 turn movement in >ut for scenario C 14d-2.tri 2014 turn movement in >ut for scenario D 14e-2.tri 2014 turn movement in ~ut for scenario E 14f-2.tri 2014 turn movement in >ut for scenario F Turn Penalties all.tnp Turn penalty locations, all networks all.tpt Turn penalty types, all networks Delay Parameters defauit.ldc Congestion function for links default.hdc Congestion function for nodes Land Use/Trip Generation 94-5.1u2 1994 land use fy-2.1u2 2014 land use 94-7.tgf PM peak trip generation rates 94-23.ond 1994 origin/destination 14-6.ond 2014 origin/destination 94-48.ttb Final 1994 trip table 14na-6.ttb Final 2014 trip table (l¥om No Aclion network) 94-3.tti 1994 through trip table 14-3.tti 2014 through trip table saz-8.dwg Model zone boundaries (AutoCAD file) (Port Angeles Travel Model Files, conlinued) 9500S\repmls\lransplan~al~l~cnd-g ~7/19/96) \kp File Description Assignment Procedure 94-48.dna Final calibration run; generates 1994 trip table 14na-6.dna Final 2014 No Action run; generates trip table for all 2014 runs 14a-5.dna Assignment for 2014 scenario A 14b-5.dna Assignment for 2014 scenario B 14c-5.dna Assignment for 2014 scenario C 14d-5.dna Assignment for 2014 scenario D 14e-5.dna Assignment for 2014 scenario E 14f-5.dna Assignment for 2014 scenario F Loaded Network/Turn Files 94-48.11x, .tm Final calibration run 14na-6.11x, .trn 2014 No Action run ! 4a-5.11x, .tm 2014 scenario A run 14b-5.11x, .tm 2014 scenario B run 14c-5.11x, .tm 2014 scenario C run 14d-5.11x, .trn 2014 scenario D run 14e-5.11x, .trn 2014 scenario E run 14f-5.11x, .trn 20 ! 4 scenario F run Miscellaneous road3.1yr 1991 TIGER file converted to TModel layer 94-36.dic, .nam Street name files for graphic editor 9~}5~reports\translllan\apl~.'nd g {7/19/961 ~kp APPENDIX H 2014 Level of Service Summary by Scenario A ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ccc c ~ ~ c~ c ~o ~o ooo ~o ooo ooo ooo Oc~ ~c c c~ c '~ ' ' c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ ~ ~ ~0 ~ ' c~ ccc c = = c~ c~ c o '~ ooo ~0 ~oo ~oo ~0 o--~ ~ c~ ccc c ~ ~ c~ = ~ ~ 0 0 000 o ~ ~ ~ 0o ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~0 ~ 0~ ~do ~ ' 0~ ~ ~c c ccc ~ ~ ~n ~ ~o o~e ~o~ o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o ~ ' 0~ ~ 0~ Oc~ ccc cc= c c ~ c '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c~ ~c: cc: c :: c ~ > ooo o~o ooo ~ ~0o ooo ooo ~ c c~ c c c c c ~ c c ~ c ~ ~ c , ~ = ~ >> > - ~ ~ 0 APPENDIX ! Open House Comments FLIP CHART NOTES · The problem is too many SOV's. The solution is NOT build more roads, it's decrease the number of SOV's, Put $$ into transit and safe bicycling facilities, zone for confined development. Let it be slow to travel in private autos - give the advantage to alternative transportation. · Improve signing for SR 101 - people miss left turn to Lincoln, coming from the east. · Improve signing for bike routes on principal/minor arterials. Not just bikepaths. · Truck route through downtown - speed/volume/dust/etc. · Material used for crosswalks throughout downtown - I thought we removed this material a year ago? Now at seems to have reappeared?? · Diagonal parking along one side of downtown one-ways (1st and Front) · Bike width on bridges · More shoulder - west of M Street on 10th (bike lane) - east and west of Lauridsen - Edgewood · Sidewalk west of E Street on 8th, sidewalks extending entire block, not just lot to lot. · Designate and improve the truck route (SR 117) as a bicycle route from the waterfront to 101 going west. · Bike facilities are NOT pedestrian facilities - they are ON-road transportation facilities. Should be included in design standards for principal and minor arterials. · If there is a one-way couplet with Lincoln-Peabody, I like Lincoln northbound and Peabody southbound to preserve the travel view down Lincoln to the water and the spit and the historical buildings. · Better accessibility to Fairchild Airport? Route from 101 west poorly directed. Access from 8th - very confusing to tourist/outsider. :' leo - elesl:ffansportauonbe ces'anfl'eacllltles ' ' ~'.*."',~,'~ ' ~ .... :~ U .~ '~."~'.'~'t.'~"~','~'~- ~ ..... ' ........ -~-..'-~'x. - -:~.'~'.-, · ~*:~.',~.~ ;,~v~,'~'~ ~:~**~, . ~ur ~np~ ~s ~m~Mant to us. .. Please Iake a few m~nuI~ to wnte down some ~mments r~ard~ng the PoM Anoel~ TranspoMa~on ' ,'{Roadway Func~,onal ~lasslf,cabons:~~;:}~O~i~¢~q :~2.~¢~:~'~[[~.'¢ .. , , ~;~ '~4~,~;~ .~ ;~;{:~ ,~;:;;~-~.:~,7~,,~: :*.'.~2:~:;'>;.:: .:'~. ?::?* "~(-~,~* ~:."¢ :;"~'~'~"~' o~%~"+~ '~'~":~7~'~'"'~'¢r~'~"~'~'>,';~ .... ¢:~' "'~ '~'~':~ ~-' -~ .... ~'' '*'-:* ' :'-"~;~;~-' '. '/ U': ~"'z'*'-'~-~'~ . ~' '~' '~*¢-. " ..... , ' Port Angeles :~ansportation Services and Facilities Plan Comments,. Your input is important to us.' Please take a few minutes to write down some comments regarding ~he Port Angeles Transportation- Services and Facilities Plan.' ¢l'asSiflcations: .... ' ": 1. Roadway Functional ': .... 2 '"._~.. .... . -, :,."A t..,~-k-,;-; ,.. " - ', " ' ' ' "' '" ' ' ' 3. RoadAItematives: ''~' ,-' "'.-, '"~-,'" ' ' .... Alternative east, i~est.-Y;~'Sstown arterial (Lauriclsen-GOlf Gourse) - ~""" -' Port Angeles:T~ansportation Services.and Facilities Plan Comment~-~':?-:.. , our input is im~dant to us~, Pl~e"~ke'a few min~ to ~e do~ ~me ~mments r~arding ~eP~ ~gel~ Trans~on' ' ' ' * ~,._ '~' .... '-:-~:- - · ~ e. ~ --- . ....... ..... ._... , __ Leanne Jenklns 335 Eas't'TWelfth'St~i/e! p'ort Angeles,:WA 98362 (360)452-107I October 23, 1995 321 E~t Fi~ S~t P.O. Box 1150 Pofl Angeles, WA 98362 _ Dear Mr. Pittis: I read with n great deal of consternation the recent article in the Peninsula Daily News (10/I 3/95) regarding traffic revisions to Peabody Street. First and foremost, I was disturbed by the very idea of turning Peabody into a one-way street, re-routing a good portion of commercial traffic from Lincoln Street through a se~:ies of residential neighborhoods. But I was also surprised that you were proposing this scheme ['or public discussion be{bre talking to residents in that corridor. Whatever the driving public thinks about this proposal, it is the individual homeowners and collective neighborhoods that will absorb the negative impacts of trnffic, noise, and property devaluation. These arc the people you should be listening to first. Additionally, you might want to consider the needs and concerns of commercial operations along Lincoln Street. ! suspect that Safeway, the gas stations, and the restaurants depend to a great extent on drive-by traffic (especially incoming, or southbound, traffic), particularly during thc summer tourist season. I can't believe they would support the removal of half of their potential customers I would suggest that before you proceed any Further with this proposal, you make contact with neighborhood residents in a setting which allows them to seek information and voice concerns. As a property owner directly affected by this proposal, I expect to be very involved in these discussions and will be looking for you to propose alternatives that retain quality neighborhoods in the City of Pon Angeles. SincerelY,L~ -' ~ lOTIql F~.{B1 August 26, 1995 _ RECE[V. Director of Public Works City of Port Angeles Dear Jack, , I told Penny I think Ben ought to sell you two a house in Four Seasons Ranch. Then you could experience the PA 5:00pm rush-hour firsthand. Seriously, though, I know you are aware of what a bottleneck traffic gets into on First Street going east in the late afternoon. I feel certain this situation can be eased. Please consider the following suggestions. 1. Lengthen the light at Ennis_ Even when traffic is light, you can hardly ever move through the Ennis intersections without having to stop or at least slow for a light or traffic already waiting at the light. You need to keep traffic moving through those intersections. A longer light would help. 2. Lengthen the light between trips at Golf Course Road. It should stay green long enough to clear the intersection. 3. Get rid of that light at Del Guzzi!!L It is and always was a mistake to have it there. Traffic on 101 stops in both directions at the whim of every single car that meanders out of that drive. Drivers can make turns out of Del Guzzi just as they do from the plaza parking lot or from Baker St. The light at Golf Course Rd. is enough for the break in traffic. Please 9et rid of that light. well there it is. Sounds easy enough to me. I hope you'll look at this situation and work to alleviate that frustrating traffic situation. Very truly yours, ~lson October 13, 1995 r~o~. Pon ~;-WA ~8362 I r~ in the 1~ pap~ ofplms to rcroute tr~c t~ough co--ems on the plus w~ch were outlined in ~e paper. Linco~ea~d7 on,wa7 couplet - I have nev~ ~ p~cul~ly ~ hvor of ~s con,pt. I feel ~ for the people who live dong P~body Street - to sudde~y have a m~n hghway in fiont of ~ek hour. ~m, the gradient of Peabody is not ad~uate for a ~ate ~way in places ~d it wo~d ~uire aubst~tlal improvem~ts. If the problem Mth L~cotn Stre~ is the lack ora le~ mm l~e at 8th'Str~ it would be f~ cheaper to buy the e~ra dght o[way needed to add a mm l~e ~h~ it would be to move ~If the ~ghway ov~ to Peabody. M~ng Lincoln no~hbound and Pmbody south~und would be a bad idea ~s would require ~1 ~e h~way tr~c to cross each other's path tMce, once at ~udd~n ~d once ~ Fir~ Street. ~ tr~c on the h~way would ne~lessly have to ~el t~ough moplights at ~ch lo~tion u~s ~ ove~s was in,led at each location. ~ted, there would be stoplights at ~ese locations ~ay - but th~ would have hr more tr~c th~ lhey would iftr~c w~ routed diff~enfly. It would be b~er ffLincoln were made the southbound route ~d P~dy the " no~und route. Ihus crossing oftr~c would not be necess~ ~d tr~c would flow much ~er. The view of the water is nice as one travels down Lincoln, but we should not route traffic down Lincoln just for that reason. Drivers eyes are better to be on the road, not on the view. Instead we should have more areas like Haynes (sp?) Park where people can pull off and enjoy the view. Lauridsen Bypass -' Relieving some of the pressure off of Front and First by extending Lauridsen (or some other east-west street) tl~ough to Golf Course Road might help if the City were to restrict development along the selected route. It will do little good to identify a new cross-town route intended to pass traffic quickly and then allow high traffic generators to build up along it. Every stop light and every left turn movement will hinder the flow of traffic. We'd end up with two congested roadways. Truck Traffic - We've got to keep in mind that the destiny of much of our truck traffic are the mills and the log yards in the downtown vicinity. Forcing these trucks uptfill and around town only to come back down the truck roule is inefficient. We should accep! the fact that truck traffic is integral to our economy and not try to drive it out of town. Page 1 APPENDIX J Impact Fee Prototype IMPACT FEE PROTOTYPE City of Port Angeles HT Associates March 1996 INTRODUCTION This paper presents concepts and a prototype for calculating transportation impact fees in the City of Port Angeles. The method presented meets a strict standard of evidence relating a site of new development to its impacts; at the same time, a system approach is recommended in order to measure both the direct and indirect usage of planned improvements by a given site of new development. SUMMARY If an increment of new development results in a need for additional transportation capacity, but generates insufficient transportation taxes to pay for that capacity, then an impact fee may be justified. It must be shown that the additional capacity for which a site is charged is no more than is necessary to remedy the site's impacts. The recommended method of calculating the usage of improvements by new development is to measure, on a case-by-case basis, a site's use of the capacity added by planned growth-related improvements. A site may make use of an improvement either directly (i.e., literally) or indirectly, by using capacity vacated by existing trips diverted to the improvement. A method that measures both kinds of use is recommended. The authority for transportation impact fees is contained in RCW 82.02. Under RCW 82.02, a site of new development may not be charged taxes and impact fees for the same set of improvements, and should benefit to the same extent as existing development from funding sources external to the jurisdiction. A method is presented for adjusting an impact fee for external funds and for transportation taxes expected to be paid by the site being charged. A prototype of the impact fee concept was tested on a network containing the proposed Milwaukee Drive, Hwy 101/Tumwater interchange improvements, White Creek crossing, Heart of the Hills Parkway, and First Street widening. A hypothetical site of new development adding 200 peak-hour trips to the downtown area was used. Without adjusting for external funding or growth-related local taxes paid by the site, a fee of $900 per peak hour trip was obtained. This amount is specific to the capital program tested and would be different for other sets of proposed improvements. IMPACT FEE CONCEPTS Rationale for Transportation Impact Fees A transportation impact fee may be defined as a charge imposed on growth, proportionate to the cost of transportation improvements made necessary by growth. The rationale for transportation impact fees rests on the idea that a specific instance of growth may create or impac! Fee Prototype Page J-3 It is often assumed that the jurisdiction making a land use decision and the jurisdiction making road improvements are one and the same, but in Washington State this will rarely be the case. Clearly, a development located in one jurisdiction may impact roads managed by another jurisdiction. The most obvious example of this is the Washington State Department of Transportation, which manages most of the arterials in the region but has no land use authority; but the problem can exist whenever a trip crosses from one city to another or from a county road to a city road. The problem could be corrected through interlocal agreements, consistent impact fee concepts, and consistent level of service standards. Legal Requirements of an Impact Fee Program The 1990 Growth Management Act provided explicit authority for municipalities to enact impact fees. Under RCW 82.02, municipalities that are required or choose to plan under RCW 36.70A.040 are authorized to impose impact fees on development activity, providing that the financing for system improvements to serve new development must provide for a balance between impact fees and other sources of public funds and cannot rely solely on impact fees. Essentially, RCW 82.02.050 requires that fees be charged only for system improvements reasonably related to the new development; that the fee shall reflect the new development's proportionate share of responsibility for such improvements; and the improvements for which the fee is charged should reasonably benefit the new development. Impact fees may not be collected for, or used to correct, existing deficiencies, and may not be the sole source of funding for growth-related improvements. Under RCW 82.02.060, the local ordinances must include a schedule of fees based on a formula "or other method." This formula is required to incorporate several elements. It must include the cost of public facilities necessitated by growth, adjusted for the extent to which past or future fees or taxes paid by new development are "earmarked for or proratabte to the particular system improvement." It must include consideration of the availability of funding other than impact fees, "the cost of existing public facilities improvements," and "the methods by which public facilities improvements were financed." The formula must provide credit for dedication of land or construction of improvements in lieu of the impact fee, and it may be adjusted to reflect unusual circumstances, or to reflect studies and data submitted by the developer. RCW 82.02.060 requires that the formula establish "one or more reasonable service areas within which it shall calculate and impose impact fees for various land use categories per unit of development." The section allows impact fees to be charged for improvements constructed prior to the new development's application, to the extent such improvements serve growth. RCW 82.02.070 requires that impact fee receipts be deposited to separate interest-bearing accounts for each type of public facility. For each account, the jurisdiction must produce an annual report showing the source of all funds added and the public improvements for which the funds have been expended. An impact fee generally must be expended or encumbered Impact Fee I'rototypc I'a? .I 5 calculation requires only a forecast of the trips generated by the site in question. The method avoids the problem with volume shares that makes the fee per trip a function of the length of the time frame (or amount of total growth) over which the costs are allocated. For these reasons, the capacity share approach is recommended. Although theoretically it could be applied in either aggregate or disaggregate form, for reasons already cited the disaggregate method is preferred. Direct and Indirect Use When a trip generated by a site of new development literally traverses a capital improvement, this could be termed direct use. Travel models are able to trace the paths in a street network used by trips to and from a particular site; and this technique, known as selected zone assignment, has been used by many jurisdictions to determine the volume of · site trips using planned capital improvements. On each improvement, the selected zone volume, corresponding to the site of proposed development, is divided by the improvement's capacity added, and the result is a capacity share. The method does give a tangible result, but not always a correct one. This can best be explained in terms of an example. Imagine a corridor consisting of one road operating just at its capacity of 1,000, and assume that the jurisdiction containing the corridor plans to add a second parallel facility, equivalent in capacity (and other operating characteristics) to the first. Assume, finally, that the majority of trips in this corridor will be indifferent between the two facilities--they can as easily use one as the other. The jurisdiction uses a travel model to determine, for each site of growth generating trips in the corridor, the number of trips on the new road. Suppose, for the sake of argument, that there are no real alternatives to these facilities, and it is known with reasonable certainty that a particular site will add approximately 200 trips to the corridor. Without using a travel model, it is clear that the corridor capacity will increase by 1,000, and of that increase, 200 will be consumed by the site in question. The capacity share should be 20%. But the modeler finds only 100 site trips on the new facility, and erroneously concludes that the capacity share is 10%. How can this be? The travel model is sufficiently realistic that when the new facility was added, existing trips divided themselves between the two facilities. Conditions on both roads were much improved over the original single facility; in effect, the capacity added by the new road was divided between the two. When the site trips were added, they divided between the two roads in a similar fashion--lO0 trips on each. The 100 site trips on the new road may be said to make direct use of the added capacity; the 100 site trips on the existing road may be said to make indirect use, because they occupy capacity vacated by existing trips diverted to the improvement. Although it is possible to recognize the situation in this simplified example, volume shifts in a realistic network can be difficult to interpret. A more sophisticated method is needed to obtain the correct capacity share whenever there is a possibility that existing trips will divert to the improvement under consideration. Such a method has been suggested by the Impact Fee Prototype Page J 7 Unlike the capacity share based on selected zone trips, this formula takes into account the tendency of new capacity to be distributed throughout a corridor by diversion of existing trips onto the improvement. Because it relies on volume shifts rather than selected zone volumes, it provides the correct capacity share even when a site's use of an improvement is completely indirect. In the example given above of 200 site trips in a corridor whose capacity of 1,000 is doubled by a new link, assume that the new link is shown with a directional capacity of 50 vehicles per hour in the existing network and 1,000 in the improved network. Then the existing capacity (ec) of the improvement would be 50, and the existing volume (ev) would be 48 under equilibrium conditions. The base or improved capacity (bc) would be 1,000, and volume of existing demand on the new link (bv) would be 500. With the addition of 200 site trips to the corridor, the volume of existing plus site trips on the new link (sv) would be 600. The predicted corridor capacity share would then be: 400(600 - 500) = 0.21 (1,000)(48) - (500)(50) which is close to the desired value of 0.20 at the corridor level.4 It should be noted that the result is the same whether existing traffic is greater than or less than existing capacity--the calculation represents growth divided by capacity added.-s In practice, when the sum of site capacity shares for a given improvement reached 100%, the capacity added by the improvement would be considered fully charged for. Direction and Time of Day of the Deficiency Ordinarily, an improvement will be symmetric--meaning equal capacity will be added in both directions--but the added capacity may be needed in one direction only in the afternoon, and in the other direction only in the morning. A site of new development may not add as much traffic in the direction of a given deficiency as it does in the reverse direction. That is, its character may be contrary to the prevailing peak direction. The relevant site traffic is the volume predicted to occur at the time, and in the direction, of peak demand on the improvement for which fees are to be charged. Credit for Road Taxes RCW 82.02 requires that for the sake of calculating impact fees, the cost of planned improvements must be reduced by the amount representing local road taxes (or other road charges, excluding impact fees) expected to be paid by new development. A similar adjustment must be made for grants or sources of funds external to the jurisdiction. These reductions are made so that new development will not pay twice for the same improvement, 4 A discrepancy hclwccn thc actual and calculalcd corrid()r capacity shares is inlroduccd hv [l~c nccd t() ascribe some capacity lo phmned new links in the exisling network. In this example, Ihe increase in c()rrid()r capacily was technically 950 rather than I.O00, and 200/950 = 0.2105. $ The formula does no! address the policy question of wl~ed~er capacity added ~o a deficienl facilil.~ is primarily to correcl Ibc deficiency, or provide for growlh (possibly perpetuating thc deficiency). Impact l:ee l'r~t~l.¥pe Pa~¢ ,~-9 variables ec, ev, bc, by, and sv, as previously defined, although it was necessary to obtain sv (the sum of existing and growth traffic on the improved network) in two steps in order to avoid the limitations on Tmodel2 assignment precision. The corridor share formula was then used to calculate capacity shares for a hypothetical site of 200 new P.M. peak trips located in the downtown area, and these shares were compared with the results that would be obtained using site trips only on proposed improvements. The existing trip table was the final 1994 trip table created for the calibrated model. Although this trip table was created in a distribution and assignment run of the model, it was reassigned as an input file using ten increments on the existing network. This approach-- using a fixed trip table rather than the dynamic trip table feature of Tmodel2--was found to be necessary because of precision limitations of Tmodel2 trip tables. Proposed new links, including Milwaukee Drive, new ramps associated with the Hwy 101/Tumwater interchange, the White Creek crossing, and Heart of the Hills Parkway, were included in the existing network with their planned design speeds, but capacities of only 100. Capacities and assigned volumes on these links were taken as the variables ec and ev, respectively; on links recommended for widening, such as First Street, the existing capacities and assigned volumes were interpreted in the same manner. The base network was then created by "activating" all planned improvements in the city's six-year TIP together with the above proposed new links and widening projects (the actual network used was Scenario C). The variables bv and bc were obtained by assigning the existing trip table to the base network in ten increments. The variable sv is defined as the sum of existing trips plus trips associated with a particular site of new development, loaded on the base network. Normally this would be obtained by creating a trip table consisting of existing trips plus the site of new development, and assigning this trip table to the base network; but this method was found to be too susceptible to rounding errors in the Tmodel2 assignment procedure. Other approaches were tried, including the addition of growth trips (i.e., the increment in trips represented by the site) to a base network pre-loaded with existing traffic; but this approach effectively suppressed the possibility for existing trips to be diverted by growth trips. The method that proved effective was to pre-load the base network with growth trips, and then add existing trips in ten increments. The resulting volumes were used as the variable sr. In practice, the existing and base networks, once developed and loaded, would not have to be re-created for each site; each site to be evaluated would simply require an assignment to the base network. Also, it may be feasible to pre-calculate fees for residential developments in all of the predominantly residential TAZs in the model, so that a proposed residential development in such locations would not require a new mod~l run. The existing and base networks would be relatively static but should be updated periodically to reflect either changes in existing conditions or revisions to the list of planned capital improvements. Preliminary project cost estimates were furnished by Entranco for the proposed Heart of the Hills Parkway, White Creek Crossing, Milwaukee Drive, Tumwater/Hwy 101 interchange, and First Street, and for each improvement the costs were expressed on a per-lane-mile basis. The results are shown in Table 2. Impact Credit for Local Taxes For the City of Port Angeles, a site of new development would be likely to pay only two local taxes for street purposes: the street levy of property value, and the first 0.25% of the real estate excise tax (REET). Fuel taxes are imposed and distributed by the state, and therefore fall in the category of external funding. Although some general obligation bonds issued by the city are outstanding, none was for the purpose of capacity improvements. Receipts from the street levy are entirely claimed by the city's street maintenance and operations programs, including administration. Therefore, no credit against impact fees would be required for this tax. Only the first 0.25% REET is currently imposed. All of the revenues from this source are reserved to pay debt service on outstanding bond issues for capital improvements. However, none of these improvements would be considered street capacity projects to support growth, so again no credit would be required. In order to meet the requirement of RCW 82.02.050 (2) that a jurisdiction may not rely solely on impact fees to fund capacity improvements, some local tax revenues or external funds must be applied to all capacity improvements for which impact fees will be imposed. Although local taxes may increase the city's total revenues for such improvements, they cannot increase the total (tax and fee) liability of new developments paying impact fees. The unadjusted impact fee given above can be thought of as defining the maximum that a new development would be obliged to pay for such improvements in the form of either taxes or impact fees. Adjustment for External Funding The adjustment for external funding is closely related to the requirement in the CMA that capital improvements be financially feasible. Adjustment of the cost basis of improvements to reflect external funding must be based on a specific program of impact fee projects together with forecasts of expected external funds, local tax revenues, and impact fee revenues. The time period for these projections should be sufficient that fees collected in the first year could begin to be encumbered on projects commencing in the sixth year; therefore, a planning horizon of at least twelve years seems appropriate. As with other funding sources, impact fee revenues may be programmed to capacity improvements on a case-by-case basis. In doing so, external funds and local tax revenues may be seen as paying for a portion of the capacity added by each improvement, and impact fees as funding the remaining capacity. The fee calculated for a trip on a specific improvement would be the same, regardless of the portion of the project paid for by external or local revenues; the level of funding other than impact fees would have only the effect of shortening or lengthening the period over which impact fees must be collected. If the time period required to recover a project's costs through impact fees is too long, the jurisdiction must consider either finding additional revenues, or scaling back the improvement. A project whose costs cannot be recovered in the time period covered by the capacity program may be too large or may have an inadequate benefit/cost ratio. APPENDIX A: "DIVIDING A PUBLIC GOOD" 1992 COMPENDIUM OF TECHNICAl. PAPERS ITE ANNUAL MEETINg:; inl'orlnalion to calculate thc fee from a aclual rates of growlh. There also exists, single model run roi' each sile. by definition, the possibility that users of two identical improvements will pay very Concepts of Usage different prices. The discussion that follows is intended A capacity share solves this problem by only to clarify the technical problem of defining a fixed unit of consumption of the calculating a site's usage of a set of improved facility, analogous to a reserved improvement links in a travel model "space." This approach presents an within the constraints described above, unambiguous set of choices to developers. King County considered many policy The unit price is independent of the issues--such as the question of credit for amount consumed; once the price is road taxes expected to be paid by a new determined, the only question is how development--that belong to the more rapidly thegoodwill be "purchased." This general topic of equity in an impact fee places the burden on the planning agency program. A full treatment of these issues to recommend improvements which are lies beyond the scope of this paper, actually needed, but it is hard to argue that it belongs anywhere else. An early question was whether to calculate a site's share of responsibility for an Capacity share was the concept chosen by improvement as a volume share or a King County for its fair-share formula. capacity share. In the first case, the share Like many jurisdictions, the county might be calculated as the ratio of site trips ultimately settled on a method of to expected total growth trips; in the calculating capacity share that might be second, as the ratio of site trips to capacity termed direct usage. The well known added by the improvement. The objective capability of travel models to track trips of in either case is to assign to each instance a particular zone throughout a network of growth the responsibility for additional was used to identify development-related capacity made necessary by that growth, traffic on each improvement link; and the but the technical implications are very fee for each improvement was calculated different, as the ratio of development-related trips to capacity added by the improvement.? The problem with a volume share is the obvious one of forecasting future This formula has a serious drawback. As development, particularly in light of the an example, imagine a corridor consisting fact that the rate and location of of one route with adirectional capacity of development may be sensitive to the !,000 and existing volume of 1,000, and impact fee so calculated. This is a assume that a second parallel route of the chicken-and-egg problem thai arises same type is to be constructed to support whenever the price of a shared good is growth of 600 trips. It should be clear that averaged among its users. Even neglecting the growth's capacity share for this new this sensitivity, the fee for any given link would be 600 / 1000 or 60%: bul this facility is a moving target, depending on the latest growth forecast and inevitable ? Thc county's Ibrmula also gave credil Ibr any unused m discrepancies between thc forecast and "exc,-ss" capacity present in the existing network, but for thc sake ol clarity Ibis aspecl o[ thc tbrmula has been omilted ec existing capacity of the link (directional) Derivation of the Corridor Capacity Share ev existing volume on the link (directional) bc base capacity: improved directional The comdor capacity share can be defined capacity of the link using corridor variables as: by base volume on the link, found by - G assigning existing demand to the base CS - SV BV _ __ BC - EC CA (!) (improved) network sv site volume on the link, found by assigningwhere G represents growth and CA the site demand set to the base network represents capacity added by any improvements in the corridor. In the The terms er, by, sv are assumed to be example shown in Figure 1, the corridor model values at equilibrium from a peak capacity share would be: hour, capacity restrained travel model. At the corridor level, define the following CS = 1600-1000 ___600 _ 0.6. analogous terms: 2000 - 1000 1000 EC existing capacity of the corridor The problem of identifying the corridor for a particular improvement link has already EV existing volume in the corridor been described. But if the characteristics of a corridor could be inferred from the BC base (improved) capacity of the corridor, characteristics of its individual links, it including all planned improvements would be possible to calculate a corridor BV base volume in the corridor; equal to EV capacity share from link information at the corridor level alone. Replacement of the above corridor variables by their link counterparts does SV site volume in the corridor, found by not produce the correct result, as can be assigning the site demand trip table to the shown from the example in Figure 1 base network above. Given the link values: For a given improvement link, the ec = 0 difference between existing and base bc= 1000 capacity is capacity added (ca). The by=500 difference between the site and base sv = 800, volumes on the base network represents growth (g) on a particular link resulting and substituting these into the corridor from the proposed development. These capacity share formula, we have: variables have corridor counterparts: CA is the sum of capacity added by all 800-500 improvements in the corridor, and G is the CS - 9__ - 0.3, 1000 - 0 sum o1' growth trips from a given site on all links in the corridor, which is incorrect. ('v .(,w'- hr) ev-(xt,-hv) CS (hc.ev)-(bv.ec)' (12) CS -- (bc.ev)_{bv.ec) (1000.10)-(500.10) This forlnula gives the corridor capacity share for a given improvement link and which is the true corridor capacity share, site, expressed purely in terms of variables obtained strictly from data on the observed on the improvement link itself, improvement link. Notice that the expression requires the link terms ev and ec. This is the reason for Multiple Improvements In a Corridor including all planned new links in the existing network as dummy links with low One question not directly addressed as yet capacities. The formula can only gather is the possibility that a corridor containing reformation regarding existing capacity in one improvement link ma), contain other the corridor from conditions on existing improvement links as well. If the capacity facilities. By treating every link share formula cannot give the correct improvement as, in effect, a widening result for all such improvements in a project, this information can be obtained, single pass, it will have limited practical (It should be noted that an assignment value. algorithm of high precision, such as the "equilibrium algorithm," may be needed This situation is illustrated in Figure 3. for reliable estimates of ev on the dummy The new link of capacity 1000, shown in links.) Figure 2, has been replaced by two new links of capacities 600 and 400 Does the formula work? Figure 2 respectively. In all other respects, illustrates the problem described in Figure conditions are unchanged from Figure 2. 1, but with the planned new link shown as a dummy link of capacity 10 in the Corridor Link existing network. Variables: Variables: E(':, = 1000 ev: 990 by: 500 sv: 800 Existing route E\ 1000 ec = 1000 bc = 1000 Corridor Link B( 2000 Variables: Variables: B~ 1000 ev = 6 bv = 300 sv = 480 ev = 990 bv = 500 sv = 800 S~ =1600 New link #1 ec=6 bc = 600 EC = 1000 Existing route. .-> EV = 1000 ec = 1000 bc = 1000 ev = 4 by = 200 sv = 320 BC = 200O New link #2 ec = 4 bc: 400 BV = 1000 ev = 10 bv = 500 sv=800 SV = 1600 New link Oc = 10 bc = ~O0O Fig, '.re 3: Multiple Improvement Corridor Figure 2: Existing, Base, and Site Volumes What result should be expected here'? The total capacity added at the corridor level is Using equation (12) for corridor capacity the same as before, as is the total increase share and thc improvement link data in demand due to growth. Analytically. shown above, we obtain: makes no difference whether thc capacity is added as one facility or two. Therefore, the capacity shares for new links I and 2 should be 0.6, and this is in fact thc case: APPENDIX K Concurrency Management System Procedural Prototype (no! Iransmlttedl C()NCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PROCEDURAl, PROTOTYPE City of Port Angeles HT Associates May 1996 INTRODUCTION This memorandum describes concepts of the concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act. and suggests a set of procedures that could be used by the City of Port Angeles to meet those requirements. CONCEPTS OF CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT The concurrency requirements of the Growth Management Act (GMA), contained in RCW 36.70A. are as follows: After adoption of the comprehensive plan by jurisdictions required to plan or who choose to plan under section 4 of this act, local jurisdictions must adopt and enforce ordinances which prohibit development approval if the development causes the level of service on a transportation facility to decline below the standards adopted in the transportation element of the comprehensive plan, unless transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of development are made concurrent with the development. These strategies may include increased public transportation service, ride sharing programs, demand management, and other transportation systems management strategies. For the purposes of this subsection "concurrent with the development" shall mean that improvements or strategies are in place at the time of development, or that a financial commitment is in place to complete the improvements or strategies within six years. The intent of the concurrency requirement, according to the Washington Administrative Code (WAC 365-195-210) is that "adequate public facilities are available when the impacts of development occur." The term "adequate" is based on the jurisdiction's adopted level of service (LOS) standards. Thc six-year time frame within which such level of service standards must be met may be assumed to start on the diitc of approval of a new development. On this basis, the law may be interpreted to mean that a development which will violate adopted level of service standards could win approval il'. ill the time of approval, the jurisdiction has made financial commitments to improvements or management strategies that will restore the LOS standard no more than six years tk)llowing approval. The intent of this provision seems to be that a (.'oncurreno' Management Nystem Procedural Prototype Page K- ~, LOS Averaging Many jurisdictions have lkmnd it helpful to use areawide averaging of facilities' performance levels to describe LOS, based on the theory that in most transportation systems, traffic on a deficient facility has Ihe option of diverting to nearby alternatives. Of course, the presence of the deficiency is, in itself, evidence that the alternatives are not as attractive, and that such diversion must not be cost-free. That is, if a single segment of the transportation system regularly fails, then it can be concluded that the rest of the system has no remedy to offer--at least not in the immediate range of conditions.l From this standpoint, the use of area-wide averaging is questionable. There is value, however, in averaging conditions, either geographically or by class of facility, with the pragmatic objective of reducing the sensitivity of LOS calculations to minor aspects of access or layout of a site of proposed development. That is, the impact of a proposed development should not be overly determined by details of site design that may change several times prior to actual construction. For this reason alone, some form of averaging is recommended. Flexible LOS Standards Some jurisdictions have argued that uniform LOS standards tend to promote sprawl, since conditions in urbanized or developed locations tend to be worse than in suburban or rural locations. For this reason, it is argued, downtown areas (for example) should not be expected to meet standards as high as in residential neighborhoods. There are two main problems with this reasoning. First, it is the purpose of the concurrency requirement to prohibit new development where public transportation facilities are inadequate; this implies that if the jurisdiction in question is unable or unwilling to remedy the deficiency, then the development either should not occur, or should occur elsewhere. This effect is clearly the intent of the law; and if it is also the result, then the law has succeeded. The assertion that this constitutes sprawl amounts to an assertion that the law is defective--a possibility that lies beyond the scope of this analysis. Second, development can occur outside of the built-up area of a given jurisdiction without contributing to "sprawl." It could do so by locating in another development center, perhaps even a new one. It could also do so by locating in a suburban employment center, in some cases: it could be argued that such centers merely make use of road capacity in the reverse direction from the traditional peak flow, without enlarging the urban form. For these reasons, a single LOS standard is recommended even though flexible standards appear to be allowed under WAC guidelines interpreting the GMA. ~ As condilmns worsen, ol course, cvcn very I'm qclched route ahcrnalivcs may begin to bc attractive. ('oncurrt, ncv Managemen! ,~¥stem Procedural l~rott~lyl~t' Page generation, with thc .iurisdiction reserving thc righl lo require evidence that the programs are place. I}ROCEDURES FOR Al)MINISTERING THE CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1'o set up a CMS, it is recommended Ihat the .jurisdiction use the following procedures. I. Define LOS standards as part of the comprehensive planning process, including districts or classes ol' [acilities to be used for LOS averaging, if desired. 2. Establish a travel model calibrated to existing conditions. 3. Identify "pipeline" growth--developments that have granted approval but are not yet in place--and add the traffic associated with such growth to the model trip table representing existing conditions, to produce a "pipeline" trip table. 4. Identify six-year street (or transit) capital improvements to which the city has made a financial commitment, and add them to the existing network to make a "CIP" network. Assign the pipeline (existing plus approved development) trip table to the CIP network, identify remaining deficiencies, and determine whether adjustments should be made to the six-year program. 5. Begin continuous processing of development applications, treating each application as independent of the others. Applications that meet concurrency requirements and obtain approval should be docketed until such time as the travel model is updated. Withdrawals or revisions of previously approved applications should be docketed as well. 6. Periodically--as the pace of development applications or CIP revisions may warrant--remove all approved developments or development amendments from the holding docket, and add the traffic associated with each development (or amendment) to the pipeline trip table. At the same time, make any required adjustments to the model street network to reflect either new construction or changes in the six-year CIP. 7. Following this update, resume processing development applications as before. 8. FollowinB each periodic update, publish model information identifying those arterials or ll'ilnsit t'acilities that are deficient or close to being deficient. This inl'ormation could be poslcd al Ibc building permil counter and made available by newslcltcr, electronic bulletin hoard, etc. ADDENDUM TO TSFP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This addendum to the Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP), prepared-by Entranco Consulting Engineers in October, 1996, addresses revisions and additions resulting from Public Hearing comments, Planning Commission suggestions, and items bevond the scope and time frame of the study. These are as follows: · White's Creek Crossing recommendation modification · Clarification of Non-motorized facilities · Modification of the Street Classifications · Modification of the Speed Limit Ordinance 1. White's Creek Crossing recommendation modification After discussion of the TSFP recommended Scenario III (White's Creek Crossing), the Planning Commission initially suggested a modified routing (Scenario IIIA) which would meet initial needs and reduce the overall costs. This revision eliminated the physical crossing of White's Creek by elimination of that portion east of Race Street. This modified route would have been from the Tumwater Truck Route to Race Street and then north on Race Street to First Street. Following City Council heatings and further discussion Public Works Engineering staff provided an additional alternate (Scenario IIIB) for consideration which included the Planing Commissions routing as an initial phase and added the routing for future crossing of Whites Creek. The routing for the Whites Creek crossing would leave the interim routing at Race and Lauridsen and proceed southerly to join with the proposed Heart of the Hills Parkway near Porter Street. The Heart of the Hills Parkway parallels the BPA power line eastward and ultimately will rejoin SR-101 easterly of Deer Park Road. This would result in a routing that could be extended easterly crossing Whites, Ennis, Lee's and Morse Creek in stages and fulfill the City Council goal for a future alternative east/west route. The Proposed Scenario IIIB extends this routing to the current City Limits east of Golf Course Road. The sequencing, description and costs of the Racea'Lauridsen Alternate Route are as follows: Interim Routing. A. Lincoln/Lauridsen Blvd Signal upgrade and intersection (Council Goal) S 453,000.00 B. Lauridsen Blvd/Race Street Bridge widening and intersection revisions $1,812,000.00 C. Tumwater Truck Route Interchange $1,007,000.00 Interim Subtotal $ 3,272,000.00 Heart of Hills Connection/Whites Creek Crossing $ 6,210,000.00 Total $ 9,482,000.00 2. Clarification of Non-motorized facilities Although the TSFP does discuss and suggest bicycle and pedestrian facilities, it was not intended to be a comprehensive plan for these facilities. The recommendation is to adopt the suggestions contained in the TSFP on an interim basis and direct the established non-motorized advisory committee to prepare a non-motorized addendum to the TSFP. The non-motorized addendum should have as a minimum included in it: · definition of bicycle and pedestrian facilities · proposed routes · design and construction standards to be used 3. Modification of the Street Classifications The TSFP recommends several changes to the City's arterial system. This will require revision of the Ordinance that designates arterial classifications, to be consistent with the TSFP. The Ordinance should be revised to reflect the following TSFP recommendations: · Streets to be eliminated from collector arterial designation are: Street Name Termini 10th Street Milwaukee Dr. to Flores Street 12th Street 'C' Street to 'O' Street 14th Street 'N' Street to Milwaukee Dr. 16th Street 'B' Street to 'C' Street 'A' Street 5th Street to Lauridsen Blvd Francis Street Front Street to 8th Street Penn Street Front Street to 6th Street · Streets to be changed from collector arterial designation to minor arterial designation are: Street Name Termini Lauridsen Blvd Lincoln Street to Race (Mod.for IIIB). Golf Course Road BPA Esm't. to First St. (Mod.for II1B). Marine Dr. Cedar Street to Valley Street First Street Valley Street to Lincoln Street Front Street Lincoln Street to Valley Street Streets to be added to the collector arterial designation are: Street Name Termini 8th Street Race Street to Chambers Street Fairmont Ave. SR 101 to Lauridsen Blvd. 4. Modification of the Speed Limit Ordinance The final item would be to upgrade the speed limit Ordinance to adjust the speed limits to be consistent with the revised street classifications and the 85 percentile speeds. N 2PROJECTSL93-24\TRANPLN2.GWK Table 5.7 [Revised] MajorCapital Improvements by Network Scenario and Associated Planning Level Cost Estimate [in $000] Network Scenario Proiect Proj. No. II II1 Ilia IIIb IV V VI VII IJncoln Peabody Couplet S-9 $220 $220 :$220 Heart of the Hills Parkway RL-1 $17,563 $17,563 White Creek Crossing RL-2 Lincoln/Lavrideen Bh~d. Signal & intersection $453 $453 $453 $453 _. Lauhdeen Blvd/Raco Stree~ Bndge Widen $1,612 $1,812 $1,812 c. White Creek Bridge and arterial extension $4,610 $0 $6,210 $4,610 $4,610 $4,610 Milwaukee Drive RL-3 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 $5,922 $5,622 $6,922 $5,922 Airport Road RL-4 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 $1,671 Tumwater Truck Road RL-5 $1,007 $1.007 $1.007 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 $1,007 Signalize Peabody/Front 1-1 $120 $120 $120 .......... PeabodylLauridsen I-2 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 Signalize Sig n__a_l',~...e Race/Fifth I-3 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 lSignalize Lauridsen/Laurel I..4 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 ....................... 1-6 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 $120 Signalize C/Eighth fSB Right-Turn lane ~ Lincoln/Eighth S-1 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 EB Thru Lane on F rst from Golf Course S-2 $726 $726 $726 $726 Lane ~.~ First/Golf Course Road Median Acceleration Lane ~. Airpo~SR 101 S-3 $226 $226 $226 $226 $226 $226 $226 $226 EB Right-Turn Lane (~ Lauddeen/Laurel S-4 $23 $23 $23 $23 ............................ Lauridsen/Laurel S-5 $28 $28 $28 $28 NB Right-Turn Lane ~ iEB Left and Right-Tum Lanes and WB S-6 $312 $312 Right-Turn and Thru Lanes ~ Lauridse~/Race [EB Right-Turn Lane and WB Thru Lane S-7 !EB Thru Lane ¢~ Lauddeen/Lincoln S-8 $333 EB Thru Lane on First from Ennis to DelGuzzi Dr. RM-1 $1,116 $1,116 Total Cost by Network Scenario $10,365 $16,998 $12,388 $18,910 $31,739 $11,548 $14,982 $32,068 n:~vks~ojects~93-24V~able5_7.wk4 The Non Motorized Advisory Committee recommends that the City of Port Angeles apply for and maintain a bicycle friendly community designation. The criteria is easy to meet and designation would be good for the economy, environment, and enjoyment of many of the citizens, adults as well as children. The criteria is as follows: PRIMARY CRITERIA - (Must do all of the following) 1. The City must establish a written policy designed to develop and maintain "bicycle safe streets and pathways." This has been done by the City's Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Services and Facilities Plan. 2. The City shall budget and spend $1.00 per capita per year on bicycle facilities and events. The City could asic the Chamber of Commerce and the North Olympic Visitors and Convention Bureau to use part of the monies given to them to put safe bicycle routes on maps and work with bicycle clubs to put on events. 3. The City shall pass an annual proclamation recomizing May as "National Bicycle Month" and designate one day in May as "Bike to Work Day." This is simple and costs nothing. There are groups out there who would plan events. 4. The City shall establish a bicycle advisory committee and designate a bicycle issues contact person on the City staff.. This has already been done. The Nonmotorized Advisosry Committee can act as the City's Bicycle Advisiory Committee, and Tom Riepe of the City's Police Department and Gary Kenworthy of the City's Public Works Department are the contact people on the City staff. SECONDARY CRITERIA - (Must do two of the following) 1. The City of Port Angeles Police Department shall establish a program to teach bicycle safety in schools stressing the wearing of helmets. The City of Port Angeles has a bike safety program in place and a police officer who coordinates the program. 2. The community shall sponsor at least one annual cycling event. This should not be a problem. 3. The community shall publish bicycling information identifying suggested routes and safety. The bicycle club is interested in doing this. 4. The community shall provide public bicycle parking facilities and encourage private bicycle parking facilities. Encourage multi-modal project to put in bicycle parking. Encourage all new construction or remodeling or remodeling to provide for some bicycle parking. Meeting the primary and secondary criteria for a bicycle friendly city should be very easy to attain. Therefore, to gain a bicycle friendly city designation would be quite easy to achieve at a very low cost to the City of Port Angeles. NONMOTOltlZED ROUTING SUBCOMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS for the Draft Comprehensive Transportation Services and Facilities Plan (TSFP) Page 2-2 -- add reference to ASHTO standards in Urban Services Standards & Guidelines (1995) Page 2-3/Table 2.2 - add bicycle and pedestrian standards per ASHTO and correct narrative to reflect the Committee's master bicycle routing plan Page 24Frable 2.3 -- add whole definition from WSDOT Class II regarding unidirectional requirement Page 3-28 - correct overstatement about continuous sidewalks to replace "uninterrupted" with "or nearly continuous" Page 3-29 -- correct overstatement about paved shoulders on Race Street Figures 3.6 & 3.7 - add new master bicycle routing plan as Figure 3.6B and replace Figure 3.7 with the Committee's master pedestrian routing plan Page 3-30 - delete last sentence of first section which starts with "Figure 3.7" Page 3-33 -- correct statement about continuous sidewalks to add "or nearly continuous" Page 3-34 -- correct first sentence in the last paragraph to read "To improve safety, the City will pursue educational programs targeted at pedestrians and motorized users." Page 5-17 -- add narrative about pedestrian facilities priorities and another about bicycle facilities priorities Page 5-17/Figure 5.5 and 5-18/'table 5.4 -- replace interim bicycle facilities plan with the Committee's master bicycle routing plan and update Figure 5.5 and Table 5.4 Pages 5-21 and 5-23/Table 5.6 -- correct cost figures to be accurate for pedestrian facilities only Pages 5-24 and 5-26/Table 5.8 -- correct cost figures to be accurate for bicycle facilities only Page 5-29 - replace interim bicycle plan and School Walkway Program with the Committee's master bicycle and pedestrian routing plans Tables 5.12 and 5.13 -- revise to be more like Table 5.11 Page 5-34 - revise priorities for pedestrian and bicycle facilities per the Committee's routing plans and priorities Page 5-35/Table 5.15 -- correct cost figures to be accurate for pedestrian and bicycle facilities only 07 Pedestrian Facility Projects (Keplaces Table 5.6) Location Project Cost in Location Project Cost in O00"s O00's #Milwaukee Drive KO-1 $119 *Peabody St. RO-31 $129^ #Fourth Street RO-3 $82 Ennis St RO-33 $103 ~rIill St. RO-4 $88 Race St. RO-37 $163 #Francis Street none Laurel St. RO-38 $575 gWaterfront Tr. none *Park Ave. RO-40 $295^ RO-39 $388 SR 101 E. to Monroe RO-60 $490 Ahlvers Road RO-41 $134 Front St. RO-64 ? *Mt. Angeles Rd. RO-43 $41 First St. N/A Campbell Ave. RO-44 $47 "N" St. RO-2 $202 *Porter St. RO-45 $97 *"M" St. RO-5 $85 Liberty St. RO-46 $134 *Tenth St. RO-6 $342 *Chase St. RO48 $93 FitCh St. RO-34 $13 Baker St. RO-52 $134 *Eighth St. RO-66 $100 Gates St. RO-53 $142 *Sixteenth St. RO-9 $231 Pioneer St. RO-58 $99 *"I" St. RO-11 $208 Edgewood Dr. RO-62 $482 *Lauridsen Blvd. RO-36^ $901 ^ Fairmont Ave. RO-18 $100 Pine St. RO-28 $160 SR 101 W. to city limit RO-36^ $151^ Cherry St. RO-30^ 179^ RO-29 *W. Sixth St. RO-22 $271 *W. Seventh St. RO-33 $80 *W. Twelfth lit. R0-24 $169 *"E" St. RO-25 $81 *"D" St. RO-26 $138 Cedar St. RO-27 $262 # = Olympic Discovery Trail component * = School Walkway Program ^ = includes bicycle lane costs Prioritization of Bicycle Projects (Replaces Table 5.13) High Priority project cost estimate number Olympic Discovery Trail Components First St. RO-63 $105,300 Front St. RO-64^ Not Available SR 101 east Medium Priority Eighth St. RO-66^ Not Available Race St. RO-37 $45,300 Lauridsen Blvd. RO-36^ Not Available ^ ~- project significantly exceeds nonmotorized Prioritization of Pedestrian Projects High Priority project cost estimate number Olympic Discovery Trail components First St. Front St. RO-64^ Not Available SR 101 east (to Monroe) RO-60 $490,000 Medium Priority per current funding program School Walkway Program RO- $2,869,000 5,6,66,9,11, 36,22,33,24, 25,31,39,40, 43?45748 ^ -- project significantly exceeds nonmotorized