HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-00 RESOLUTION NO. 4-00 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating a portion of the General Fund balance for certain capital projects. WHEREAS, the City Council has set certain goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, those goals include certain major capital projects; and WHEREAS, it is in the community's interest to improve and enhance the City's infrastructure; and WHEREAS, it is the City's policy, as set forth in the Capital Facilities Plan, to fund certain capital projects from general fund reserves; and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 8-98 to set aside $1 million of the General Fund balance for the purpose of funding general purpose capital projects; and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 3040, adopting the budget for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2000, and setting the Governmental Capital Projects appropriations at $1,650,000; and '. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles hereby designates the $1,650,000 of the General Fund balance for the specific purpose of funding general purpose capital projects as identified in the attached list of capital projects attached hereto as Exhibit A. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a re ular meeting of said Council held on the 2"' day of May, 2000. J? ~, ATTEST: t:);:~~ Larry D &~~ ~^- Becky J. U n, . y Clerk A:\R20!liJ.03.wpd 1 ~ ~ N :0::; J: => -g oJ >0 0 t- Q)~ m ~ _ o::W - N (.) Cllll 1Il(.) J: Q) ~~. ~Q) ~ ~Q)~~~ ~~ u..-J!llll--O 'Q)01llu.. I::: Q) coco=C_=~1::: S; ~ ~ ~ .f: .f: .g 8 ~ .g ffi s; ai a. t- C/J a. a. a. a. W 'C a. a. a. .-: ....................................................................0................................... u..u..u..u..u..u..u..u..u..u..u..u..u.. C)C)C)(!)C)C)C)C)C)C)C)(!)(!) 0000000000000 C> C> ci LO C/J t- o W ...., o 0:: a. Cl z => U. ...J ~ Z W := z 0:: W > o (!) o o o N Ow ZO -0:: c::) Zo ~CI) ~C) CZI- wi=W c~o ::) C ..Jw=> OD.aJ ~o N 0 ~ 0 l- N U) . 0 (3 0 C) 0 0 N t- ..J01- <cwu) I-~o 000 t-~ D. I- 0 W ~ 0 ~ D. D. U. ~ 0 c ~ w U) ii2 :; 0 w a: ~ D. ~ iX 0 a: D. ... Q) :5 o - 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 ciciciciciciciciciciLCiciLCi O)O)OLOoq-O)oq-oq-OONOCO N N N~N~~ 0000000000000 0000000000000 0000000000000 ciocicicicicicicicicicici OLOOOOOOLOOOOOLO OCONMOOO M~OLOCO C'i~ N"N"-.i ~ ~ ~ - C Q) E C .2> (ij Q) 0:: lii "0 C:C: CO 0) 0) 5 ~ EO 15 t 'ffi ~ 5 ::J 0 0..0:0::; ~e-Q)"'C III .- 0:: a. Q) 5:::!;O)E~ 0"0>"0-0 Q) - .- 0) 0 o::m-O) C/J.l:lc Q)5i...;CI)~ ~ ~ ~ .~ .9 U5 .;:: ~ g ;: .c: ::J ::J CO e; iX5~~.tCl ~~ ~'E ,Q ~ ...Jo Cl .~.~ E C (!)~.9 :g (iiffiC/J ~t3ClO~ +:i Cl Q) ('0 ~ oo..!; "to a. ;: ->c 2lii~g;: CO ..c CO Q) e C)U:~o::() Cl C '2 Q) C"O .~ ~ Cl 0) J!lE~ C ... .;:: O).9m EC/J"O 8 Q) > c~iii CO - r:: ..l:CJ)Q) illr::~ (5 .;:: og::J ~:::i~ 0)0)0)00)0000)0)0)0)0) ~6~~~~~~~~:b~~ <ooq-~O)~<O<O<OOLO~Ooq- o::o::(!)~C)C)C)C)C)O::~O::O:: t-t-(!)a.C)(!)C)C)(!)Cla.Clt- ~NMoq-LO<O"COo)O~NM ~ ~,....,.... 'tS C :;:, u. i! CD c CD (!) II LL o .. ~ E-< H co ~ 11f