HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07 e RESOLUTION NO. 4-07 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to execute an easement with the United States of America, acting by and through the National Park Service, for the Elwha Surface Water Intake and related facilities. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington, currently owns land nearby and adjacent to the Elwha River and within the boundaries of the proposed Elwha Surface Water Intake project; and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington, entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Park Service and Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, executed on August 6, 2004, agreeing to provide for the use of said land at no monetary compensation; and WHEREAS, the City Council, City Manager, and City Staff have reviewed the attached easement and related documents for the Elwha Surface Water Intake and related facilities, and concur with the terms and conditions therein; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: 1. The City Manager, as representative of the City of Port Angeles, is hereby authorized and directed to execute the easement deed for Elwha Surface Water Intake to the United State of America and related documents attached to this resolution, and to therefore grant an easement over and across land nearby and adjacent to the Elwha River. e -1- e 2. The value for the easement to be granted by the City of Port Angeles to the United States of America is the construction of the Elwha Surface Water Intake and related facilities, and operations and maintenance of the same during the dam removal impact period. PASSED by the CIty Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of February ,2007. d2{~~~ ATTEST: AO~~A Becky J. U , y Clerk APP OVED AS TO F9R"M: ,...";' /<. .::" //. 'L V" 'i?/__/~"",-----'-'" William E. Bloor, City Attorney G:\Legal_Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2007.02.NPS Easement 4 Elwha.013107.wpd e -2- CLALLAM TITLE COMPANY fDJ~@rn~\Yl~rnI' tJl] APR - 6 2007 ~ P.O. Box 248. 204 South Lincoln, Port Angeles, W A 98362 Phone: (360) 457-2000 Fax: (360) 452-8480 CITY OF PORT ANGELES CITY CLERK April 6, 2007 City Of Port Angeles Attn: Becky Upton Please Deliver RE: Escrow No.: Property Address: 96389-8SC Near The Elwha River ESWI Easement Dear Becky, We are pleased to inform you that the above referenced escrow was closed on April 6, 2007 and we enclose the following for your records: X Final HUD-l / Closing Statement. X Copy of the recorded Easement We hope this transaction has been handled to your satisfaction, and that we may serve you again in the future. Sincerely, Clallam Title Company ~~tYl- Shellie Baskins Port Angeles Escrow Department ",/ ~'~'~I I CLALLAM TITLE COMPANY P.o. Box 248, 204 S. Lincoln St, Port Angeles, W A 98362 Phone: (360) 457-2000 Fax (360) 457-9330 1-800-822-5758 ESCROW SETTLEMENT STATEMENT Final Escrow Number: 96389-8SC Escrow Officer: Sara Cole Title Order Number: 96389-8 Date: 04/06/2007 -12:34:46PM Closing Date: 04/06/2007 Buyer/Borrower: National Park Service Seller: Property: City Of Port Angeles Near The Elwha River TOTAL CONSIDERATION ESCROW CHARGES TO: Clallam Title Com an Escrow Fee POC $500.00 Recordin Fee POC $54.00 Title Insurance POC $520.00 I TOTALS THIS IS A FINAL CLOSING STATEMENT fiLED fO;j HEC,J, ,:, I TilE RiOUEST CLALLAM TITLE CO. ylf) AFTER RECORDING, MAIL TO: Natj<mal Park Service, CCLRPC 168 S Jacksoll 81 Seattle, Wi\. 98104.2853 lOU7 APR -6 PM ,: 45 @ EXHIBIT H: ESWI EASEMENT Grantor: Grantee: Tax Nos.: CITY OF PORT ANGELES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 073010110000,073010110100,073010140100 2007 1199161 Clallam County C1v3eP1-Jq- THIS GRANT OF EASEMENT ("Easement") is made by and between tbe City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation ("City"), and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting by and tbrough tbe National Park Service ("UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"). GRANT OF EASEMENT DEED RECITALS A. -rbe Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act, Public Law 102-495, provides au.thority for this Easement and for construction of facilities as referenced hereafter. B. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA intends to design, contract and sub-contract, construct, operate, maintain, implement, repair, and inspect the Elwha Surface Water Intake ("ESWI") and related tllcilities (altogether also referred to as "the ESWI project"), which will generally serve as a new intake system, as agreed to in the Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"), executed on Augt.tst 6th, 2004. C. The City is the owner in fee simple of certain parcels incorporating the boundaries of the proposed ESWI project. D. The City grants an Easement over and across portions of said parcels for the purpose of implementing the ESWI project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the constmction of ESWI and related facilities, and operations and maintenance of the same during the dam renlOval impact period, the City voluntarily (jRANTS and CONVEYS to the UNITED ST AIES OF AMRRICAa n()n~assignable, non-exclusive EaseIllcnt in, on, over, and across certain land that is described on attached Exhibit ..Ii ("Easement Property"), and by this reference incorporated herein, to design, contract and sub-contract, construct, operate, maintain, repair, implement, use and inspect ESWI and related facilities,which generally serve as a l1e\v intake system. The above estate is taken subject to existing easements of record, existing easements for public roads and highways, public utilities, railroads, and pipelines not shown of record, if any, and to the right of the State of Washington in the bed of the river, if it is navigable, as may be acceptable to the United States Department of Justice. This Basement is being acquired by the U.S. Department ofthe Interior, National Park Service. The City and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA further agree as follows: I. Document Incorporated .By Reference. The MOU, executed by the National Park Service, the City, and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe on August 6th, 2004, is hereby incorporated by reference to this Easement. 2. Consideration. The City hereby acknowledges and voluntarily accepts the following promises as full and sufficient consideration for this Easement: a. To construct ESWr and related facilities, which wiII mitigate the potential adverse impacts of darn removal; and b. Upon completion of construction, during the dam rellloval impact period and until the facilities are transferred to the City, to provide for the operations and maintenance of ESWI and related facilities. 3. Cost Reimbursements. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will provide reimbursement for an amount deemed fair and reasonable by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and consistent with the above-referenced MOU, for the following expenses associated with completing this grant of Easement: a. Recording fees, transfer taxes and similar expenses incidental to conveying this Easement b. Penalty costs for prepayment OJ' subordination of any preexisting recorded mortgage entered into in good faith encumbering said real property when such mortgage release or subordination is required by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. c. Compensation of employees .for the time devoted and identified specifically to reviewing and working on this Easement and a modification to the City's Lease Agreement with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) (see Section 19 of this Easement). This time shan be documented as to employee, number of hours, and hourly rate. The total reimbursement for this review time shaH not exceed $7,000.00. The following certitIcation or comparable language shall be provided and submitted with all invoices: "I, , hereby certify that the invoice attached includes only costs reasonablyincun-ed in studying, preparing, or reviewing water supply mitigation measures associated with removing the Elwha River dams, and not for other pUll)OSes." (Include signature line, line for typed name of signing official, and line for the date of certification.) 4. State of Title and Authority to Grant Easement. The City covenants and wan-ants as to being lawfully seized and possessed of sufficient interest in the Easement Propel1y, and therefore, as to having the full right, power, and authority to execute this conveyance without limitation or other precedent conditions not explicitly described herein. 5. Easement is NOll-Exclusive. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and City expressly agree that this Easement is non~exclusive. Notwithstanding the non- exclusivity of this Easement, the City agrees the UNITED STATES will be free of interference. a. Interferenceis l. Physically placing or allowing physical placement of an object or objects on or near tlle Easement Property so that the UNITED STA TES OF AMERICA, its contractors, subcontractors, agents, and employees cannot conveniently access, construct, operate, maintain, repair, implement, and inspect ESWI and related facilities; 11. Not taking reasonably practicable actions to remove obstructions not placed or authorized by the City. b. The City will not assign, grant, or license rights in the Easement Property that prevent or will prevent the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from conveniently accessing, contracting, subcontracting, constructing, operating, maintaining, repairing, implementing, and inspecting ESWI and related facilities. 6. Facilities to Be COllstructed. ESWI and related facilities arc primarily anew overall \vater intake system to deliver water to the industrial pipeline. They are detailed in the ESWI design drawings shown on attached Exhibit C, and by this reference incorporated herein. This list is not exhaustive, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, consistent with the MOU, which requires consultation with the City on key construction management and modification decisions, may decide to exercise one or both actions: (i) not constmct one or more facilities on the attached Exhibit C; (ii) construct one or more facilities not currently on attached ExhihiL.C.. The completed ESWI and related facilities will be subject to change consistent with the intent and provisions of the MOU, and without additional modifications or amendment to this Easement or Exhibit C. Any new facilities are automatically incorporated inta and pratected by this Easement. 7. Easement ShaH Run with the Land. The City expressly intends that this Easement will run with the land, and that the c.ovenants, terms, canditions, and restrictions of this Easement shan be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the parties to this Easement and to the City's successors and assigns, and shaH cantinue as a servitude running with the Easement Property. 8. Rights and Permissions Given to Contractors. Notwithstanding the prohibition against an assignment .of interests, the City acknawledges and agrees that the rights and permissians cantained herein are expressly applicable and given ta contractors, subcontractors, agents, and employees .of the UNITF..D STATES OF AMERICA. 9. Notice of Divestiture. The City agrees ta: a. Incarporate the terms of this Easement in any deed .or other legal instrument by which it divests itself of any interest in aU or a portion of the Easenlent Property, inch.lding, but not limited to, a leasehold or easement interest; b. Describe this Easement in and append it to, any ex.ecutary contract for the transfer of any interest in the Easement Prapel1y; and c. Give written notice ta the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of the transfer .of any interest in all or a portian of the Easement Praperty no Jater than forty-five (45) days prior to the date of such transfer. Such natke ta theUNI1'ED STATES OF AMERICA shaH include the name, address, and telephone number of the praspective transferee or the prospective transferee's representative. d. Notice shall be deemed given by notifying the Project Manager of the Elwha Restoration Project Office and the Superintendent of Olympic National Park. e. The failure .of the City to perform parabrraphs a-d above will not impair the validity of this Easement .or limit its enforc.eability in any way. 10. Subsequent Liens. The City will not use the Easement Praperty as collateral for subsequent borrowings and bonds. I L ESWI and Related Facilities Are Not Fixtures. ESWI and related facilities are not fixtures, and will nat be leveraged by the City to a third party in any way, including, but not limited to, mortgaging, using as collateral, and obtaiiling promises or benefits. 12. Insurance. The City will maintain comprehensive general liability caverage. 13. Warranty as to Current State of Easement Property. The City represents, covenants, and warrants the following: a. The Easement Property is free and clear of liens, claims, and encumbrances, except for those liens, claims, and encumbrances disclosed in the public records of Clallam County, existing easements for public roads and highways, public utilities, railroads, and pipelines not shown of record, and any right of the State to the bed of the Elwha River. b. The City will defend the title to this Easement and defend the quiet enjoyment against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. c. There is no pending or threatened litigation affecting any portion of the Easement Property. d. No civil or criminal proceedings have been instigated or are pending against the City or its predecessors by government agencies or third parties arising out of alleged violations of environmental laws or other City responsibilities relating to the lawful and proper management of the Easement Propel1y. ]4. Unlawful Access and Activities. The City and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will take all economically reasonable actions to prevent trespass, casualty loss, waste, and nuisances upon the Easement Pfoperty. 15. Rights Conveyed to the United States of America and Contractors. The following fights arc hereby expressly conveyed and given to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, its agents, contractors, s~lbcontractors, and employees: a. Construction, Krection, and Storage of Equipment. The right to erect and store equipment and materials, including, but not limited to, modular structures, trailers, tractors, trucks, cars, and other vehicles, or equipment and materials necessary fiJr aI1d associated with the rights herein conveyed. The right to stage, assemble, and/or mobilize equipment and materials. b. Utilities. The right to handle and relocate utilities and related appurtenances, subject to initial consultation with the City, and any other necessary initial consultation with utility companies or utility entities. c. Alteration orLand. The right to remove or alter vegetation, land, topography, and/or landscape. Such actions may include, but are not limited to, excavating, filling, or removing soil, sand, gravel, rock, and natural vegetative litter. It may also include removing sod, bushes, shrubbery, plants, and trees. d. Use and Improvement of Roads. The right to locate, relocate, construct, operate, maintain, replace, repair, remove, and/or use roads and highways and appurtenances thereto. Actions may include trimming, cutting, and removing trees, underbrush, obstructions, and other vegetation, structures, or obstacles in, upon, over and across said roadways. 16. Rights Reserved to City, The City reserves to itself all rights except those expressly granted to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in this writing. None of the rights granted to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA shall imply or result in any limitation ofthc City's right to access its property and facilities. 17. Restoration of Temporary Diversion Channel. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will partially refill the temporary diversion channel with native sediment. The partially refilled channel will act as a river overflow channel duringtlood events. 'I'he diversion channel area may appear significantly different after its restoration. 18. Trees. ]'he City is solely responsible for cutting and removing any trees the City considers to be merchantable timber or valuable for the City's purposes, and will complete the work in a timely fashion that wiil not cause any delay in any part of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA pre-awarding of the contracts or construction process for ESWI and related facilities. 19. wn..'w Lease. The City agrees to manage its existing lease with WDFW, so that there will be no residential occupancy on the Easement Propelty during a time to be mutually agreed upon by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and WDFW. The costs to the City to modify the existing lease agreement between the City and the WDFW to address this issue may be compensated for as per Section 3 ofthis Easen1ent. Replacement housing will be off-site. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA will provide replacement housing fiJr WDFW personnel operating thc rearing channel, and acknowledges that the City win have 110 financial obligation for costs associated with this replacemcl1t housing. The UNITED ST A IES OF AMERICA acknowledges that daily operations of the existing rearing channel will continue, including use and maintenance of existing buildings owned by WDl'W located on the Easement Property. 20. Appropriation of Funds. Nothing in this Easement will be construed as binding the UNITED STATES OF AMEI'UCA to expend in anyone fiscal year any sum in excess of the appropriations made by Congress for this purpose in that fiscal year. No liability shall accrue to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in case such funds are not appropriated. 21. Federal Tort Claims Act. By acceptance of this grant of Easement, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA agrees to cooperate, to the extent allowed by law, in the submission of claims pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act against the United States for personal injuries or property damage resulting ti'om the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the United States while acting within the scope of his or her employment, arising out of this Easement. 22. Liability of City. The City shall be liable, to the extent allowed by law and subject to RCW 4.96.020 providing for the filing of tort claims. against the City, for personal injuries or property damage resulting from the negligent or wrongful act Or 0111is8ion of any City employee while acting within the scope of his or her employment, arising out of this Easement. 23. Third Parties. The City and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA shall cooperate, to the extent allowed by law, in the submission of claims against the City by third pmties for personal injuries or property damage resulting from the negligent act or omission of any City employee in the course of a project ~mdertaken pursuant to this Easement; and in the submission against the United States <>f claims pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act by thirdp~trtles for personal injuries or property danmge resulting from the negligent act or omissioll of any employee of the United States in the conrse of a project undertaken pursuant to this Easement. 24. Cooperation. To cooperate with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA in the investigation and defense of any claims that may be filed with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA arising out of the activities of the cooperator, its agents, and employees. 25. Alternative Dispute Resolutiou. Each party to this Easement is committed to cooperate \vith the other 111 accompl ishing the goals of the ESWI project, including allocation of adequate staff and budget to meet responsibilities identified by the MOU and this Easement. In the event either party to this Easement believes there is an issue regarding interpretation ot~ or compliance with, any provision ofthe MOU orth1s Easement, that party shall provi.de written notice ofthat issue to the other party. The parties will then meet within ten (10) days of the written notice in an effOlt to resolve theissue. If resolution is not achieved within thirty (30) days or the written notice, the parties will each choose a person who is not an employee, appointed official, or elected official of that party, and together those persons will choose a single third party who will act as rllediator. Each patty shall make its choice within five (5) days from the date of any determination that resolution has not been achieved, and the third party mediator shall be chosen by those parties no later than ten (10) days from such date of determination that resolution has not been achicved. These times may be extended either by mutual agreement of the piuiies or by one party documeruing that it needs additional time. The parties will each designate an official with delegated authority to approve a resolution of the issue, and that official will be present at, and participate in, the mediation. Mediated settlements will be reduced to writing, and each party to the dispute will share equally in the cost of the third party mediator. If resolution througll non-binding mediation is still not achieved, then the parties may use other legal remedies available to resolve the dispute. No notification of commencement of the alternative dispute resolution process shall shut down or suspend any project construction or maintenance activity. 26. Severability. If any provision of this Easement, or its application to any person, entity, or circumstances, is found to be invalid, the remainder of the provisions of this Easement, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is found to be invalid, as the case may be, shaH not be affected. 27. gntirc Agreement. This instrument sets forth the entire agreement ofthe parties with respect to the Easement Property and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, understandings, or agreements relating to the Easement Property, an of which are merged into this Easement. No alteration or variation of this instrument shall be valid or binding unless contained in a fully executed amendment. 28. Captions. The captions in this instrument have been insetted solely for convenience of reference and are not a pad of this instrument and shall have no effect upon constl1lctioll or inte11)retation. 29. Notice. Unless otherwise notified in writing by the other party, any notification, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication that a party is required or desires to gi ve to the other under the provisions of this Easement shall be in writing and either served personally or delivered by first class mail service, postage prepaid or by reputable ovcmight canier, to the following respective addresses: If to the City: City Manager City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street P.O, Box 1150 POlt Angeles,W A 98362-0217 If to the United States of America: Superintendent Olympic National Park 600 East Park A venue POlt Angeles, W A 98362 Elwha Project Manager Olympic National Park 600 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, W A 98362 By a written notice to the other party which is given in the aforesaid manner, any party may from time to time designate a replacement for any address which is specified above for the party giving the notice, and the replacement address will then be substituted for the one previously in cncct, Provided that in no case will any such replacement increase the total number of addresses for notices to such party. 30. Term of Easement. This Easement will become effective immediately upon signature and legal delivery by the Grantor and extend unfil December 31, 2046, or upon full execution of a separate Transfer Agreement, providing for the transfer of sole ownership and control of ESWI and related facilities to the City, whichever comes :first. At the end of the term of the Easement, the UNITED STArES OF AMERICA will no longer have an easement right. 31. Recordation. This Easement will be :filed with and recorded at the Clallam COWIty Auditor's Office. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said Easement unto the UNITED 5T A TES OF AMERICA. IN .WJJ'NESS WHEREOF, the City has hereunto set its hand this __._~day of April 2007. Mar?;2d~1c~ ~~'"" / STATE OF uJa1L1 rr:rflYl- COUNTY OF ~f1I\..... } SS: ~ca~rtify that I know or have satisfactory evidence Mo.Y1L E Mad Je/1... signed this instrument, on oath stated authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as that ~ t1/7/'\ VI the " II.N( lCLCl--f Y of City Of Port Angeles to be the fre d voluntary ag ~such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in this instrument. Dated: J\?vU to 1.2tiJt SHELLIE L. BASKINS ~W~ Notary Public ~an for the State of 0- Residing at . ~Oy+ f1n~u.s , My appointment expires: ~ /q / u) ",\llI\IIlffl/ ,,".-:.. \... BAS':",/ ~'V"'........'I/A. 'l " v.- .....~~ ~'{J:. 01 AR y ". ~ ~C/): ~ a. = :: : 8~09~01 :z = - . 0 0'0::: ~ ",'. f::> \..' :/-.':::: ..... v'" . U B : (') .:::: ~~";d.. ..-"" .::: '" t >. . . ~ "- "/ /~........~~ ", //111 OF WP; \\" 11111111\\1\\\ Exhibit A-ESWI Legal Description 1. All those certain parcels ofland situate in Section 10, Township 30 North, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, Clallam County, Washington, described as follows; All that portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said section lying west ofthe thread of the stream of the main channel of the Elwha River, And all that portion of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said section lying east of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the north line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, said point being North 88020'43" East 14.01 feet from the northwest comer thereof; thence South 26013'12" East 714.63 feet to a point on the south line of the Northwest quarter ofthe Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, said point being North 88038' 56" East 320.81 feet from the southwest comer thereof. 2. All that certain parcel of land described as follows: The Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 30 North, Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian, Clallam County, Washington. The Easement described per 1 and 2 above is being acquired by the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, and contains 51.53 acres, more or less. Olympic National Park Elwha River Restoration Project ESWI Easement Area See 10, T. 30 N., R. 7 w., WM, Clallam County, WA. Location 1 NI 100 0 100 200 JOO 400 I... ' , , 'FEET o=" 10 ~ Easement Area Sec. la, T. JO N., R. 1 W., WAI. L/Cod/Kelly/E1who/ESWleosemenl. dwg "" v :E 'g ~ "0 v ~ ,-, ~ .- 0 I ~ U Ol) ~ ::: VJ '~ W ~ ,. 9 I I U :t: .- ..c c..-. :E c x .- W;.:; '-' C> u .( ~~~fi], ~ ~ ~ ~,,~~I(~H~ 1 ~'v; ~,~ s ~.~ t.~:i:}h \ ~j f ~<i[ ~~~ '~sg iil'~JJI1,~ .$ *~I a'l ~ E~I ~lH~;~a~ d ~~. ~~i 1.; q. d~~ ~.\i\1P' ~~ ~g ~~~ ~,,~ IHdl~iit ~a n~ :~~ {~!hi .~.!~H,q~ tf'~l'~ 1151 '1;.~ ~ ~~ 1!"F,'l~h'i."i1 ~ tll .~ 'li<H fll ,a~c I~I~~J:~~' I. Jl 11._ ~i I1II ~'..~1i}H'~ U% g~~], 4.~'iI h .~.~ H..~~ ~ij.~~~~ ~.j ~la,~ ~~.~ ~.~ i~1: . .i~",,~ts. ll" ~~H ~' ~." H.i l'1 ~.~B,;,l~~ "" f~'3'. ~rh~' "Jl~' ~ dh~~~~i;l ;~ hH ~~t~ ~~ Hd ~ ~ ...! .. 1. ".::. ')1s ~~ ~~il~ fa i:;l:2 ~h H;~l "(~ [~n .1:~~ ~'li: h'~ ~lil~ ~.~ ~11'l!"'< t~~ ;..:~;(tt :]~ h~H ~l~ $I K i r'~ :!(s.~ H ~ ~t!'rl H~' .1:'11 t".~.!? t'; skt ~ ~ ~\;:! c U~ ~. R! ~ n;..a . ~h~", :iji U ~ ~"I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~\!1 E""Ci lJij ~ r6 .; 1 i ~ IJ H ~ "!'~ Ai ~ ~"",& ~ '~K 1". w ... it't !! ~ .~~ ;;:~~. ll! ,~~ 'l~ ,M ~ ~'l ~~ 'l: ~ ~ ! 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