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HESOLU'fIO,'j NO.._ /yt-::JJ 7_._
A RESOLUTIOl-J of t;1e Cii:y of Port ]>.ngc::lef" ~'J2shiwJtCil,
employing counsel for certain sorvices in connection
with a propos'2G Local Impj~ovc!':1cmt District o,t the
city for tha widening of First Street an~ the issuance
of securities t.herefor.
WI1EREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington, is
contemplatin<} the, cOl1struction and inSi:allaU,on of certain st)~eE:t
improvements \vithin t:i,8 city anJ. conteiU~)lates t.he creation of a
local improvement dist.rict to provide b'J8 iuncJs necessary to pay
part of the cost of sucll improvementSi c;,I1cl
1'1HEREJ\S, it. is dee;ne~ necessary and advisable tl~i1t bond
counsel be employed to pre~are certain proceedings necessary for
,the crea'cion of said pyoposeL1 local improvement district and U,e
issuance of securities th8reof, and to give their opinion as to "lhe
validity of such securities at the time of their issuance;
NOW, 'nlERSl:'OHL, HE 1'1' HESOLVrm by the Council of the City of
POJ~t l'-.ngeles, l'lashil1',jtoll, t!lat Preston, TllOr']:dmson, lloro',dtz,
Starin & Ellis, attorne~'s at la':1 of Seilttle, \';usi1ingl:on, be 2.ncl t.hey
are hereby employed to perform the services 2JJOVC set forth, an6 1:\8
compensation therefor. the city aUrccs to pay them the S1.:ITl oJ: $~SO. 00
and in addition thereto to rei~burse them for any out-of-po~tct
expenses such as tra.vel and long aistancetelcDi10ne calls \';:1.1.ch
they may incur in th~ perfor.:1i:l.nce of sah: senric:cs.
'1'11e cit:y furtlwr agn~e:; to furnish said cOllnsel at theil.'
office in Seattle, ~~siingtoll, wit~ a co~plcte cortificd transcri,t
of all proccc~ings t2ken in the m&tter of the fon~atio~ of said
local improve,nent clistrict an0, ti1t~ issuar,cc of said securities.
PASSED by th~ Council of the City of Port Angeles,
\'Jashington 1 z:n(~: approved by its :ll&yoJ.:" ut G regular :llcetii1:.1 of siJit:
'.,"fI'. -_..,
.. .,;-
Council held on the rt ~day of _~~_, 1967.
...... .'
CITY OF POR'::' J\W;:~L;:S I
AT'l'ES'1' :
&A rtlu_ ~~_
City Clerk