HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-67 ~1J '!a. . . . . RESOLUTION NO. .5-'7 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City manager of the City of Port Angeles to negotiate with the General Services Administration for purchase of land. I I I I, certain property, which they h.ave leased to theCi ty of Port ; ~geles for many years, has been declared surplus, as' far as WHEREAS, the United States Government has determined that the United States Government is concerned, which property is described jas follows: The Lighthouse Reservation, Out Lot No. I, Out Lot No. I :2 and Out Lot No.3, Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation, Township 31 II North, Range 6 W.W.M., Clallam County, Washington; and WHEREAS, it is necess'ary for one individual to negotiate wi tll i I ithe United States Government for the 'purchase price and method of i,payment for said land; and 'I ;! : WHEREAS, the United States Government has appraised this I Iland and determined that it has a value of $200,000.00; and I I' i WHEREAS, the United States Government has a plan whereby the iCity can purchase this property on the basis of a real estate con- I ~tract over a ten year period with twenty per cent down and interest I I :at the rate of 5\% per annum; and WHEREAS, Donald D. Herrman is the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles and has discussed this matter at. great le!lgth with the I beneral Services Administration; now, therefore, :l BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ! s follows: II Section 1. Donald D. Herrman is hereby designated as the ~gent for the City of Port ~geles to purchase the above mentioned .\ property from the General Services Administration according to the ferms and conditions of negotiated sales as out lined by the United ~tates Government. I Section 2. Donald D. Herrman is hereby authorized to pur- phase the above des'cribed property for the sum of $200,000.00 over I I r V~.,.. . . . . ;a ten year period according to the above mentioned terms. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and !approved by its Mayor at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the '.,J~"1h day of April, 19-67. - ...... Attest: ".. . fj/AAJ.#2>1:~ Mayor " -' c ..- i; . 'IJ:.~ .' - '~:g ~'n~~... , City Clerk 'Approved as to form: I I! 1fL .<<,~~ ! -. City A . tney I e - ImSOLUTION NO. .b~- "7 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Anqeles authorizinq the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles to negotiate with the General Services Administration for purchase of land. WHEREAS, the United States Government through the General Services Administration has offered to 8ell to the City of Port Angeles property described as follows: The Lighthouse Reserva- tion, Out Lot No.1, Out Lot No. 2 and Out Lot No.3, Edlz Hook Lighthouse Reservation, Township 31 North, Range 6 W.W.M., Clallam County, Washingtonl and WHEREAS, it is necessary for one individual to negotiate with the United States Government for the purchase price and method of payment for said land: and WHEREAS, Donald D. Herrman is the City Manager of the City of Port Angeles and has discussed this matter at great length with the General Services Administration: now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: Section 1. Donald D. Herrman i8 hereby designated as the agent for the City of Port Anqeles to negotiate the purchase price and method of payment with the General Services Administration for the above described property. Section 2. Any tems agreed upon between Donald D. Herrman and General Services Administration must be yatified by the City , Council to be binding on the City of Port Angeles. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angel.. and approved by its Mayor at a reqular meeting of said City Council held on the 6th day of April, 196~~ ..ffI~~ :f'jfr~ 7'~ ~~WILLS09 Mayor S'. ~D. McNEECE - __ ~ Ci ty.... Clerk ..~ ""fo