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A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the
1999 goals and objectives
WHEREAS, the setting of goals provides unity and direction for the City, addresses
community needs, and provides a plan for the City organization; and
WHEREAS, having objectives translates those goals into action plans, and specifically
advances the City toward its goals; and
WHEREAS, the annual budget should reflect the goals and objectives of the community
City Council; and
WHEREAS, the budget process should allocate resources toward the attainment of goals,
making those goals a reality;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Port
Angeles adopts the attached goals and objectives for the 1999 fiscal year.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 20th day of April, 1999.
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Adopted in February, 1999
A. Improve the Financial Stability of Port Angeles
1. Update and improve, long range financial projections/plans by receiving quarterly
reports from Finance Director.
2. Avoid diminishing operating reserves and designate fund balance for emergencies,
maintenance and capital by conferring with City Manager and Finance Director to
establish a minimum level of reserve. .
3. Evaluate equipment replacement fund and develop a five-year equipment
replacement plan by September 1, 1999.
4. Minimize any potential property tax increase by developing revenue options and
reviewing all vacant positions for optimal efficiency to ensure cost effective City
operations and service delivery. All user fees will be reviewed prior to undertaking
year 2000 budget process.
5. Seek return of non-local tax dollars by actively pursuing state and federal grants and
6. Revise the Capital Facility Plan to include a priority list and funding source by
September 1, 1999.
7. Review budget requests and present a balanced budget for year 2000.
8. Undertake cost of service studies for water and wastewater rates. Utility Advi-
sory Committee (UAC) will review the studies by September 1.
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B. Promote High Quality of Health and Public Safety
1. Continue to support teen and youth programs, and family services by evaluating
fund requests as part of annual budget process.
2. Promote emergency preparedness both in the home and business through inserts
in monthly utility bills, Public Service Announcements, city newsletter and at City
3. Review and consider implementing Fire Department Strategic Plan.
4. Consider stricter enforcement of Abatable Structures and Other Public Nuisances.
C. Increase City Influence on State Legislation and
U.S. Congress
1. Maintain active role with state and congressional legislators and participate in state
and federal legislative processes.
2. Support and remain active in the Association of Washington Cities.
3. Monitor Elwha Dam issues: evaluate regional water supply and pursue funding to
mitigate supply issue.
4. Schedule meetings with state and congressional legislators prior to the beginning
of sessions.
5. Join National League of Cities (NLC) so as to stay abreast of issues affecting
D. Maintain and Develop City Facilities, Infrastructure, and Programs
1. Monitor efforts targeted at electric utility restructuring.
2. Evaluate mitigation measures to decommission Morse Creek Hydroelectric Project.
3. Ensure power sale contracts are renewed with Daishowa and SPA 90 days after the
latter's rate case is completed on or before November.
4. Install underground electrical utility lines on Ediz Hook. UAC will consider project
in April and if authorized, the contract for installation will be awarded in September.
5. Continue discussions with PUD regarding the construction of a new electric
transmission line on Golf Course Road to feed the new substation located on Golf
Course Road. The UAC will consider the initial report in April and plans are that by
September 1, a decision has been made whether or not to pursue this project.
6. Utility Advisory Committee will review the staff report regarding the conversion of
landlocked facilities for electrical purposes in April and discuss feasibility.
7. . Develop water supply comprehensive plan, watershed plan, protecting water rights
and domestic supplies. Final scope of project to be discussed with UAC in April.
Study to be completed and reviewed by UAC on or before August 1.
8. On or before July 1, award contract for purchase of SCADA System for water and
sewer systems.
9. Relocate Peabody Street waterline outside of the embankment that surrounds the
reservoir, since the failure of this line could cause the reservoir to fail with flooding
downstream of the reservoir. UAC will consider project scope in April, with award
of contract scheduled for August. Construction would be completed on or before
November 1 .
10. Reduce combined sewer overflows and evaluate funding options for storm water
11. Identify date for closing landfill and participate in regional efforts regarding future
disposal efforts.
12. Enter into an inter-local agreement with the Port of Port Angeles by June 1 to insure
Wildlife Management Plan is continued at landfill.
13. Complete the design and determine funding for renovation of the William Shore
Memorial Pool by July 1.
14. Complete grant funded recreation projects: Volunteer Field (July 1), Francis Street
(July 1), and Valley Creek Estuary Uplands (July 1, 2000).
15. Award necessary contracts for improvements to various park facilities which were
included in 1999 budget.
16. Pursue concessionaire to operate Art Feiro Marine Lab.
17. Continue development of Centennial Trail by acquiring properties on or before June
1, renovating Morse Creek Trestle by December 31, and developing trail through
former Rayonier site.
18. Ensure Y2K conversion for City facilities, equipment and services. Prepare
contingency plan and distribute public information.
19. Remove facade from former Carnegie Library. Real Estate Committee will
determine best uses of facility.
20. Real Estate Committee will review entire list of City-owned properties and
consider options.
21. Award $300,000 contract for street repairs. Adopt a five-year plan for street
22. Evaluate funding sources for repairing roads damaged by January 30 storm and
award the necessary contracts for the repairs. These include Tumwater & 5th,
Cherry and 2nd, and behind the fountain on Laurel Street downtown.
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23. Monitor 8th Street Engineering contract and pursue loan and grant funding for
reconstruction. Funding for design has been received and should begin this Spring.
Intent is for construction to begin in the year 2000, dependent upon the receipt of
PWTF loans or other sources.
24. Award contract for Airport Road realignment by August 1.
25. Consider construction of sidewalks on "I" street from 5th Street to 16th. Review
revised staff report by May 1 outlining options on drainage and paving requirements.
E. Enhance Work Environment and
Promote Employee Excellence
1. Expand training for employees through the leadership academy.
2. Evaluate the continuation of the Customer Commitment program, and Bureaucracy
Busting process.
3. Integrate the City's Statement of Values into the workplace.
4. Continue employee incentive programs.
5. Develop action plan to properly address results of Employee Opinion Survey.
F. Enhance and Increase Economic Development
in Port Angeles and Clallam County
1. Provide Council oversight and support to "Port Angeles Works!".
2. Receive regular reports from Economic Development Director regarding status of
Economic Development Work Plan.
3. Collaborate with other agencies in ensuring proper and timely clean-up of Rayonier
site. Monitor and advance best interest for residents and businesses of Port
Angeles regarding future use of site.
4. Consider adopting a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with Port of Port
Angeles, regarding the use of Oak Street Property.
5. Receive report on or before October 1, prepared by the City Manager, regarding the
Urban Growth Area annexation plan.
6. Continue to support efforts of the Economic Development Council.
7. Utilize the Downtown Forward Executive Committee as a sounding board regarding
city-related economic development items.
8. Collaborate with Clallam Transit in overseeing architectural design of Gateway
9. Consider pursuing Request For Proposal (RFP) to evaluate viability of a Conven-
tion/Conference Center.
10. Continue to participate with Port Angeles Downtown Association (PADA) on
redevelopment efforts.
G. Improve Intergovernmental Relations
1. Build bridges with other governmental entities by participating in
2. Finalize the wholesale water agreement with the Public Utility District by May 1.
3. Schedule meetings with governing bodies of the following agencies:
a) At least twice per year with Port of Port Angeles, Lower Elwha
Tribal Council, and Clallam County Commissioners; and
b) At least once per year with Peninsula College, Port Angeles School
District, PUD, Dry Creek Advisory Board and Black Diamond.
H. Enhance the Community's Quality of Life Through Responsible
Development of the Land and Stewardship of the Natural Environment
1. Promote responsible forest management and support fish enhancement efforts.
2. Consider new ordinance for telecommunications by July 1.
3. Consider new adult entertainment ordinance by July 1.
4. Continue to promote and acknowledge citizens for civic contributions by hosting an
annual appreciation event for those who serve on Boards and Commissions.
5. Evaluate usefulness of neighborhood planning.
6. Actively participate in activities related to ESA listing of Salmon, including
Southwest Sub-Region Group.
7. Evaluate potential uses of Ennis Creek Estates property.