HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-02 RESOLUTION NO. 7-02
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of
Cherry Street in the City of Port Angeles, Washington.
WHEREAS, a petition is on file with the City of Port Angeles to vacate a portion of
Cherry Street generally described as follows:
That portion of Cherry Street extending north of Front Street from the
1894 Inner Harbor Line to the north boundary of Milwaukee Railroad
Franchise Area that was not vacated under Ordinance No. 1208 dated
April 6, 1949 as shown in the attached Exhibit A.
WHEREAS, the petition has been signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the
property abutting upon the right-of-way to be vacated;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles as follows:
Section 1. The petition to vacate the above-described City right-of-way shall be heard
and determined by the City Council in the Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, at the
Council's regular meeting on September 3rd, 2002 at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible,
which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hereafter.
Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the
pendency of the petition and the time and place of the hearing in accordance with the provisions
of RCW 35.79.020.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 6th day of August, 2002.
B'~cky J. Ui~n, ~t~ty Clerl~
Craig D. Knuts6'h, City Attorney
AN 0:~.OIi.,:~CE VACATING ro.,.LI0if,S 0P v,:mm1_.:
SUCH POtaTiONS ';~': .... ""~ Ptbil,~ ..... (}l:;'Z.l'[ LiN.L Ol:'
CHICAGO~ '.?-- .;,~- ..... ?'- ~- n-r
?~lb~ :~}',._t~S, ST. P/gL & .~.. ~ PL. ILROAD.
i;%tEREAS, the Port of Sort ~;ngeles, a r~micipal corpore-
tion of the State of TM ~
~,a~n~n~ton, h~ving filed herein its peti-
tion praying for the vacation of certain portions of streets
in the City of Port Angeles, and it appearing tilat the peti-
tioner i8 the oi'~er of more than .......
~,,to-~;1reS Of the property
abutting on the parts of the streets sought to be
that due ~.d legal notice of the time and pla~e or said hear-
ihs has been given~ and the Mayor and Oity Cox~ission
dete~tined that said petition should be granted; now~ therefore~
BE IT ORDAINED BY 'il~ I'~AiW0R AND o'r~.-
.... ~z CONi:iISSION OF
CIT~ 0F PORT ~.~i,~ES:
SECtiON 1. That the following parts of streets des-
cribed as follows, to wit:
That portion of Valley Street extending from the
North line of Front Street to the Inner Harbor
Line, excepting the 'portion thereof covered by a
franchise of the Chicago, }Cilwaukee, st. Pa-el
Pacific Nailroad.
na~ portion of o~erry St~eet -'~ - ''
e~enm~ng from the
North line of Front Street to the Ironer Harbor
Line, excepting that portion thereof covered by
a franchise of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul
& Pacific Hailroad right of way.
be~ and the s~:~e are hereby~ vacated.
Sm~TION ~. This ordinance shall oa~e effect and be in
force thirty (SO) days from and after its ~zLal passage,
approval ~d lawful publication.
Exhibit A
Passed first readJ_nj; by the City
day of ~," >,>?.>'~.-:,~>~ , 1949.
Passed second reading by tke z'~y Comm. mssmon this ':~"J2,"
day of _ ./~k~..:f2~.~q~:i)~__~, 1949.
Passed third reading by the City Co~nission and adopted
~ ' '~ ' ~'-'- "~ 1949
o~ty Uo~:m~ssion t[~is ~.~'a;~
by the ' ..... day of .
Approved and si~ed by the ~;[ayor this ~[ day of
--~- City Clerk
AppToved as to fo~t:
City ~i~torney
Exhibit A