HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-08 e RESOLUTION NO. 7-08 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating funds for certain capital projects. WHEREAS, the City Council has set goals and objectives for the betterment of the City; and WHEREAS, those goals and objectives include major capital projects; and WHEREAS, it is in the community's interest to improve and enhance the City's infrastructure; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the community to dedicate specific sums to the Capital Facilities Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles that the total amount of $511,000 from uncommited funds of the City, and $3,500,000 in funds from the General Fund and the Economic Development Fund set aside to cover shortages for the 8th Street Bridges and Gateway Project, are hereby designated for governmental capital projects identified in the attached "Exhibit 1." The funds include $3,628,000 in allocated project funding in 2008, and $383,000 in projects placed on temporary hold, to be considered if funding is available. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 24th day of June, 2008. /-- ,: , "'7 Iq~ ?:j~ . Gary raun, Mayor ATTEST: ~z:~~ William E. Bloor, City Attorney e b~~ Jp" Becky J. U n, Ity Ckr - G:\Legal ~ BackuplORDIN ANCES&RESOLUTIONSIRESOLUTIONS. 2008105. CFP-GeneraIFund. 0523 08. wpd 2008/2009 Government Fund Projects Projects AlIQcated Funds " Current CFP# Project TltIe Total Project Budget 2008 Proposed 2009 Notes Priority Cost Budget , , 1 TR01-o1 ' 8fhStreet BridQeReolacemfmts 21 000000' 1.215000 - 2 TR48-99 InternatiOrial' Gatewav Center 7 800,000 220000.0 - .. "'3~ TR7 +99 ISi<:leW~]KPrQgram '250;000 50,Q09 - 4 G~-O:f" Iflfra.S{nJ~ur~ Development (NICE prog~m) '700,000" - - , 5 TR04-IJ5 IAlIE!Y PavIng 175,009 ~l?,QOQ - 6 -'-R01.,Q5 Grav~IRQ~(f Paving , 170,000 2~,QOI) - 7 TR,024)0 Fir$t St ~i<:lewalll: (Eru'us - Golf Course) 430;000' " 20;090 . :.. 8 TR,02-1)O Elks Fle!d PiCkle Ball Court 48,OOQ 38,0'00 . - Grant from Elks LOdge $10,000 I SUBTOTAl- 30,573,000 3,583,000 I ~ I Unprioritized Deferred Projects: Funding Availability On A Case By Case Basis -:c- PKO?~~ IFine Arts 'C~nt~r i:ntr'ance Imprvrnrits 59,000 - 38;000 unaralsmg oy t-A l#enter, , FR01-o6 P~blicSafety Tecl)n()logyPlcm 30,O(}Q - 30,0()0' TR,33..99 P~<!bodystR,ecqnstru.ction(5tli - 8Y1J 70.:5;000" - 20Q,gOO Total City cost is S470K T~6-1l9 ' ADA CurP R,i:lIl1PsJChir~rs 180,OQQ - 4Q,OlrOC TR04-06 Dry Creek Pedestriall Bridge/Trail Ph II 759,OQO , - 75,000 project includes mUltiple fullding sot.itc~. I SUBTOTAL 1,724,000 ":,1 383,000 1 Additional Project for Consideration: Funding from Lincoln Park Tree Sales and Land Sale Approximately $120,000 25,QOO 20 000 " 25,000 reparation for POl!;slble nd . 20,000 Preparation forPo~ible Bonet ITOTAL 32,342,000 3,583,000 I 428,000 I N:\CFP\2008\CFP for June 242008CC Exhibit "111 Page 1 6/1912008