HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-00 RESOLUTION NO. 8-00 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the Personnel Policies and Procedures by revising the tuition reimbursement, travel, and vehicle use policy. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles desires to update its personnel policies and procedures by revising the tuition reimbursement, travel, and vehicle use policy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The City of Port Angeles Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual is hereby amended by revising Section 11.01 Tuition Reimbursement. Travel. and Vehicle Use Policy, as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19thday of June , 2000. ~7~ ATTEST: D AS TO FORM: ,<J~. on, City Attorney A:\R2000.07.wpd -1- '" Exhibit "A" CHAPTER 11 - TUITION REIMBURSEMENT, TRAVEL, AND VEHICLE USE POLICY 11.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT The City's tuition reimbursement program covers payment for college course work to encourage employees to pursue job-related education/ training. Under the tuition reimbursement program, the City pays for 75% of tuition and required books, subject to budgetary restrictions and in accordance with the following requirements: A) Requests for tuition reimbursement must be made in writing, in advance, on the form provided by the Human Resources Office. B) All course work must be job-related and requires advance approval by the Department Head. and City Manger, processed through the Human Resources Office. C) Prior to payment of approved tuition reimbursement, the employee must provide proof of a grade "C" or better, together with a copy of receipts for the course and required books. D) The City may retain certain course materials (Le., books, reference materials) if the Department Head determines such materials are of value to the City. Courses offered during regular work hours may be approved, per the above policy, if time off can be arranged without affecting the public services or disrupting departmental operations. Such time off should be charged to accrued vacation, comp time, 6f leave without pay, or make up the time during the work week. 11.01 CITY TRAVEL, VEHICLE USE, AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY (Excludes City Council Members) The City shall reimburse employees for job-related expenses, per the following policy: A. TRAVEL POLICY: This policy is to provide for the consistent application and use of travel funds and to provide guidelines for authorization and reimbursement of travel expenses. The City Manager may authorize travel expenses over the limits in this policy at his discretion, on a case-by-case basis. It is the employee's responsibility to use travel funds for their approved purpose only and properly document expenditures with receipts in accordance with this policy. In addition to this policy, the Finance Department provides guidelines on how to complete the travel request form, with timelines and other similar guidance. Contact the Finance Department for a copy of the travel guidelines and travel request forms. 1 AUTHORIZATION FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES: Prior to travel, employees must submit a Travel Request form to their Department head for approval. The form must provide all travel costs, including transportation, lodging,' registration, meals, and other related expenses. All advance travel requests must be submitted to the Finance by Department by 5:00 p.m. on the Wednesday before the week of travel. Requests for less than $30 will be processed after completion of the travel. Requests for travel/conference expenses in excess of $-75e $1500 per person and out of state travel must be approved by the City Council. Tra'v'el to cities in the borDer states of 'Nashington and the Canadian boFder shall not be considered "out of State" for purposes of this policy. examples include Portland and Astoria, Oregon; Cour d'Alene, Idaho; Victoria and Vancou.....er, 8ritish Columbia. REIMBURSEMENT TO THE EMPLOYEE FOR EXPENSES Travel expenses in excess of those received in advance, will be paid to employees upon submission of the approved travel request/expense form. Travel expenses which the employee cannot document with receipts or other appropriate verification will not be approved for reimbursement (excluding meals). . Registration fees will be paid in advance directly to the vendor by the Finance Department from information submitted. Or. if you have a City credit card. it may be used. Travel expenses incurred but not approved on the Travel Request form may be reimbursable with proper verification, provided such expenses are directly related to City travel and are approved by the Department Head or City Manager. The employee shall submit the completed travel/expense form within five (5) working days after completion of the travel. Per IRS regulations. travel not reconciled in a timely manner will become taxable income. Checks for less than $5.00 will not be written for those who travel frequently. but may be added to the next travel request. The Finance Director shall review meal, lodging, mileage and car allowances periodically and recommend adjustments. REIMBURSEMENTS TO THE CITY BY EMPLOYEES Employees are encouraged to pay advance travel overages by check or money order. However. in the event this is not possible. cash and the travel form must be turned in to the Finance Department for a written receipt. 2 ALLOWABLE EXPENSES Meals: Meal per diem payment will include tax and gratuity. Refer to the IRS travel reimbursement schedule by location, provided by Finance, which shall be amended as the I RS adjusts the rates. However. the maximum per diem allowable will be at the Seattle level. regardless of IRS rates. In the event travel is less than one day, the per diem payment will be pro-rated 25% for breakfast, 25% for lunch, and 50% for dinner. To qualify for meal allowance, the employee must be on City business outside the Port Angeles area (30-mile radius) during regular meal hours. No receipts are required for meal expenses unless you use your City credit card. then all receipts must be attached and no further amount will be paid. If an employee is attending a meeting or conference where meals are included, reimbursement for substitute meals will not be allowed and the per diem will be reduced accordingly. Lodging: Lodging reimbursement rates will be based upon the IRS rates by location. The Finance Department publishes the rates annually. Tax is in addition to these IR8 rates. Exceptions to these rates require advanced City Manager appro.....al. Lodging arrangements must be made in the most cost effective manner. Whenever possible. IRS rates should be followed. The Finance Department publishes the rates annually and tax is in addition to these IRS rates. When calling for rates. always ask for Government or Corporate rates. Receipts for lodging are required. Airline Tickets: Airline tickets will be purchased in the most cost-effective manner. Each Department will be responsible for placing reservations and notifying the Finance Department to make payment, with a copy of the invoice, or you may use your' City credit card. Ferry Fees and Taxi Fares: These expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of receipts. Ferry tickets should be requested in advance from the Finance Department. B. VEHICLE USE POLICY General City Vehicle Policy: City vehicles may only be used by employees for City business. The Department Head is responsible to ensure compliance with this vehicle use policy. An employee may be assigned a vehicle on a regular basis or for special needs due to work load changes, seasonal or weather conditions that require an additional vehicle to provide services. 3 ll' 11 Employees authorized to use City vehicles shall operate the vehicle in a safe, courteous, and efficient manner and shall conform to all State and local laws governing the use and operation of a motor vehicle. City vehicles may not be operated if the employee has consumed any amount of alcoholic beverages or is under the influence of any drug which may impair one's ability to operate the vehicle safely. It is the responsibility of the employee to notify his supervisor of any possible impairment, so he/she does not operate equipment. Any accident or injury occurring in resulting from the operation of a City vehicle shall be reported as soon as possible by notifying the employee's supervisor of the incident, as well as completing the necessary accident report forms obtained from the employee's supervisor. Gas Credit Cards: The use of City gasoline credit cards is permitted only for City-owned vehicles. Gasoline credit cards may be checked out for out-of-town travel from the Finance Department. The employee shall keep receipts of all expenses charged on the credit cards and turn these in when returning the credit card. After-Hours City Vehicle Use for Employees Subject to Call Back: The Department Head shall determine whether an employee takes home an assigned. vehicle or has the employee report to a City facility to pick up the vehicle for after-hours use. This determination shall be based upon: a) The frequency of the call-outs (average of once per month); b) The person performs after hours emergency services; c) It is the most efficient method of operation in performing the services during the after-hours work. d) The employee must use the vehicle to respond directly to the call-out scene. In January of each year, the Department Head shall submit to the City Manager for his approval, a list of employees to be assigned a City vehicle for after-hours use on a regular basis. If there is any change from the previous years' assignment, justification for the assignment shall be provided. Assignment of an after-hours use vehicle for seasonal or other fluctuations in work load on a temporary basis does not require City Manager approval if such assignment is less than 90 days. Non-City Employee Transportation: An employee may transport non-City employees in City vehicles during the execution of City business only. This action requires advanced approval from the employee's supervisor. An employee assigned a City vehicle for after-hours use on a regular basis may use the vehicle for an occasional convenience incidental to the performance of the official duties, Le., incidental use of the vehicle for personal business, or making a personal stop during a business trip. Family members may not be transported in a 4 City vehicle. Reimbursement for Employees Using Their Private Vehicles: Employees are encouraged to use a City vehicle for City business whenever possible. However, an employee may be authorized to use his/her private vehicle for conducting City business as determined by the Department Head. If a City vehicle is not available, reimbursement for mileage shall be based upon the Internal Revenue Service mileage reimbursement rate. In the event the employee prefers to use his/her private vehicle for out-of-town travel in lieu of an available City vehicle, the employee shall receive prior Department Head approval to be reimbursed for mileage at the at the City's Equipment Services rate. If an employee is authorized to use his/her private vehicle for City business, it is the responsibility of the Department Head to ensure the employee has a valid driver's license and vehicle insurance to protect the City in the event of an accident. General Rule: The personal use of a City-provided vehicle is taxable to the employee. "Personal use" includes commuting, as well as local and out-of-town personal travel. Record Keeping Requirements: Employees must keep records for business and personal miles driven in City-provided vehicles. Record keeping procedures shall be prescribed by the Finance Department. For specific IRS regulations on record-keeping and vehicle taxation, see the Finance Department. C. RECRUITMENT EXPENSES The City Manager may authorize reimbursement or the payment of certain expenses for candidates interviewed for Department Head management positions. Such expenses include reasonable costs for transportation, lodging, and meals. . Expenses incurred by City employees participating in the selection process shall also be reimbursed, including meals and expenses directly related to assisting and evaluating the candidates, as approved by the City Manager. D. BUSINESS MEALS Meal expenses for employees on official City business within the Port Angeles area may be eligible for reimbursement with approval by the Department Head or City Manager at the same rates as set forth in Travel Policy, Allowable Expenses section. 5