HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-69 ~. i, :. e .... e ~. ! ~ ~ Q 1 .!! ! 1" Q !i ?-6'1 HHEREAS, the preference customers of the region rely upon the Bonneville PO\ver Administration to supply their electric pover requirements and it is now recognized that available power supplies from the Federal system will be insufficient to meet regional preference customer needs by 1977; and HHERElIS, the electric utilities of the region and Bonneville Power Administration have developed a Regional Ten-Year Hydro-Thermal Plan Hhich anticipates the construction of thermal generating plants by non- Federal entities to meet regional pmver requirements at the-> lowest prac- ticable cost; and HHEREAS, the Hydro-Thermal Plan includes arrangements Hhercby Bonneville Pm-ler Administration \-7ill acquire through "net billing" electric- power from publicly mmed thermal generating plants to meet the needs of preference customers and industrial customers of the region; and HHEREAS, \.Jashington Public PO'der Supply System has proposed to undertake the financing, construction and operation of a thermal generating plant of a size, at a location and on a schedule which viII meet the objectives of the Hydro-Thermal Plan and Bonneville PO\;,Ter Administration has recom- mended that this proposal be implemented by construction of a 1,000 mega- watt nuclear generating plant with a desired location in Southvest Washington and to be operational on a date needed to meet load requirements after 1977; and \\'HEREAS, the Hashington Public POlder Supply System proposed plant will require participation by a number of consenting preference customers of. the region having a net billing capabi.1ity \o1hich exceeds the expected annual cost of the project; and HBEREAS, this uti.1ity recognizes its uti.1ityresponsibility for an adequate low cost power supply and this Hoard finds that participation. in the planning, financing and construction of a thermal generating project as proposed by \1ashington Public Power Supply System and recom- mended by Bonneville POh'er Administration ,.ill provi.de pm.er at 1m" cost and delay the datE' of Bonneville POHer Adminigtration pOI'ler insuf- ficiency and that such participation is, therefore, in the best interests of this utility; and WHEREAS, based on pO\ver purchases from Bonueville POHer Administration this utility has a net billing capability ,,,hich would permit participation to the extent of 3.31 % of the expected annual costs of the plant; and WHEREAS, the Manager should be authorized to participate in the develop- ment of suitable contracts and arrangements Hhich "lill implement this .... ..1' .... "" c ~J.. .. ,e . plan and facilitate the financing, designJ construction and operation of a thermal pow"er generating facility as proposed herein; NOH". THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that based on the foregoing, the City of Port Angeles expresses its desire and intent. subject to execution of binding contracts and instruments acceptable and approved by formal action of the Governing Body to enter into appropriate arrange- ments with the Bonneville Power Administration and Washington Public Power Supply Systen\ to implement the Regional Ten-Year Hydro-Thermal Plan and the proposed financing, construction and operation of the thermal power generating facility proposed to be constructed by Washington Public Power Supply System; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Manager is hereby authorized to participate in the development of suitable arrangements and contrac~s to implement the foregoing purposes, thereafter to be reviewed by this Board; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that this expression of Intent to Participate in such project shall not authorize the expenditure or commitment of funds in excess of the incidental expenses of the Manager in his participation of the development of said arrangements and contracts; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be imtnediately forwarded to the Administrator of the Bonneville POHer Administration and the Managing Director. of Washington Public Power Supply System. by its Mayor Adopted by the City Council and approved/ of Port Angeles this 17th day of April , 1969. ............ -"'&. ., .&~ ....... ~~ '" . .............. Cfc:~k# (Jayor 07'('--0 i~ /' /"' -. ....... ----" "'- ::==. _: " r-':. Attest:.-~ ~ -. .: ....... ~ ',-..., .... ., ....'" r.... Afi;6 ~ 7J~ CJ~-") B. B. McNeece, City Clerk