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A RESOLUTION of the city of Port Angeles,
Washington, authorizing submission of
an application for a Community
Development Block Grant and committing
to comply with all regulations.
WHEREAS, Port Angeles is applying to the State of
Washington for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); and
WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain conditions be met
as part of the application requirements; and
WHEREAS, it is in the public interest of the citizens
of Port Angeles to submit said grant application and to comply
with said requirements;
section 1.
The City council hereby authorizes
submission of a Community Development Block Grant application to
the State of Washington for Senior Services Center in the amount
of $500,000. The city Council designates Jeffrey A. Pomeranz,
as the Chief Executive Officer and authorized representative, to
act in all matters in connection with this application and Port
Angeles' participation in the Washington state CDBG Program.
Section 2.
The City of Port Angeles has provided
citizens with reasonable advance notice of, and the opportunity
to comment on the proposed housing and community development
activities and the estimated cost of the project in relation to
the activities planned to benefit low- and moderate-income
persons. The city of Port Angeles has complied with all public
hearing and citizen participation requ,irements and hereby
certifies to this compliance.
If any substantial changes are
made in the use of CDBG funds, the City will provide citizens
with opportunities to comment; and the City will not use
assessments against properties owned and occupied by low- and
moderate-income persons or charge user fees to recover the
capital costs of CDBG-funded public improvements from low- and
moderate-income owner-occupants.
Section 3. The attached Port Angeles citizen
Participation/Community Development and Housing Plan is hereby
approved and adopted.
section 4. The City of Port Angeles will establish a
plan to minimize displacement as a result of activities assisted
with CDBG funds and to assist persons actually displaced as a
result of such activities.
section 5. The City of Port Angeles will comply with
applicable, federal, state, and local regulations, including the
A. The state Environmental Policy Act and related laws and
B. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title VIII
of the civil Rights Act of 1968.
section 6. The City has adopted or will adopt and
enforce a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law
enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any
individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations,
in accordance with Section 519 of Public Law 101-144 (November
9, 1989); and has adopted or will adopt and implement a policy
of enforcing applicable state or local laws against physically
barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is
the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstrations within
its jurisdiction.
PASSED by the city Council of the City of Port Angeles,
at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ~ day of
, 1991.
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March 28. 1991
To: City Council
Re: CnSG Community Facilities Project Application for
Tbe Problem - the growth of our senior population bas created
a demand for services/activities that strains the available
space and resources of all providers of senior services. We
seek a solution that will maintain the present level of
services for an increasing number ot seniors while holding
the line on operating costs.
Port Angeles residents, age 66 and older, comprise the
tastest growing segment of our population - OFM estimates
indicate a 1990 population of 3215, an increase of 26.4~ over
1980 census figure. In 1980 poverty status was determined
for 2~91 pers ons over 65, (93.9% of persons 66+). We
estimate that the income survey will demonstrate that at
least 12' of the households will be LMI. These are the folks
who are most vulnerable when services and activities are
overextended or oversubscribed -when the service dollars dry
up and thresholds are raised.
Studies focusing on senior needs in Clallam County/Port
Angeles conclude that a continuum of activities and services
is necessary to maintain tbe vitality and present quality of
lite of our senior population. They recommend bringing
available services together under one roof- a desirable and
efficient way to provide visibility of and access to these
resources. Users and providers of senior services agree.
The "glitch" - none of the prOViders bas space to take in
other providers.
In 1990, the City's response to the mounting problems
with the Senior Center building was to designate top priority
status to a goal of developing improved facilities tor the
Center. A subsequent structural review of the building
po~nts to;a number of problems which the Director of Public
Works believes will cost several thousand dollars to correct.
Conclusion: meeting the program/activity needs of present and
future users of the Port Angeles Senior Center requires a
different facility.
Senior Services Center : Design and Construction
Port Angeles COBG Application
Prior to the selection of the Senior Center as the CDUG
project, we reviewed needs assessments and planning documents
of the CIty of Port Angeles, Clallam County Economic
Development Council, Olympic Area Agency on Aging (OAAA),
Clallam/Jefterson County Community Action Council, and the
Clallam County Human Services Department were reviewed.
Planners tor these agencies were interviewed about needs
assessments currently underway, or about to begin. On tbe
basis of this investigation, we concluded that the community
development and bousing needs of the community are being
adequately assessed and that there was no need tor us to
conduct a separate process.
Co-.aaity Participation
In response to the state's new Growth Management Act,
the Division of Government Studies and Services, Washington
State University, recently conducted a "Citizen Survey on
Planning Issues, 1990" for the Port Angeles Planning
Department. The questionnaire was sent to a sample ot 2700
households; 1700 responses were received. The report is
presently being reviewed by the City Planning Director who
plans to release the report in May. The stated purpose of
the survey is to ensure that citizens' preferences are given
maximum consideration in the planning process. Several areas
of community development are holding steady, waiting to see
if priorities that emerge from the 1990 surveYf will require
major course adjustment.
Co..unity DeYelop~nt Needs and Response
Community development needs previously identified
through citizen participation processes In 1987 and 1989
identified economic development/downtown revitalization,
recyclingf the Waterfront Trail, beautification, and youth
services as priorities.
A major step toward 8cono.lc deYelop~nt /downtown
revitalization was completed in March, 1991 when Port Angeles
was selected for the Department of Community Development
Mainstreet Program. This is a result of sustained,
cooperative efforts of the CitYJ the Port Angeles Downtown
Association and Chamber of Commerce. Tbe Clty's
role/activities will be further defined during the
development phase.
The City Council adopted a curbside recycling program on
March 19th; implementation is a strategic goal for the Public
Works Department for 1991-1992.
During 1990, the first phases of the Waterfront trail
were completed, assisted by a successful ($825fOOO) grant
application. Expansion of the tratl is planned through
seeking donation of land and pursuing grants and other income
sources. Scheduled 1991/92 beautification efforts include
expansion of the hanging basket program, replacement of high
maintenance wood planters with concrete planters in the
Downtown areas, and added landscaping at City-owned
The City has responded to the identified need for youth
services by working with ~Yes to Youth," ~Youth 2000" and
other community groups to expand youth activities and
programs. The City plans continued and increased involvement
aa more concrete community plana come together.
DonalDg Needs Asse..~nt
A major community-wide process to identify and
prioritize housing needs is Just getting underway.
The City contributed $5115 to the "Jefferson, Clallam Housing
Needs Survey, 1991" conducted by Pacific Development Concepts
which began in March, 1991j the goals and strategies are to
be completed July, 1991. The oversight and citizen
participation component of this project includes an active
advisory committee and two citizen participation events.
Funded by a grant from Department of Community Development,
Housing Division (#2-91-491-AM) and local Jurisdictions, the
grant is administered by the Community Action Council.
Wh, a Sentor Center lor CDBG and CDBG lor a Senior Center?
The decision to propose the Senior Services Center as a
CDBG project responded to three strong factors: 1) the need
for a Senior Center was identified in a 1987 "Public Opinion
Survey-Goals for Port Angeles' Future; II and has continued as
a top priority; 2) other community senior needs assessments
have identified the need and potential for a facility which
brings together a variety of senior services under one rootj
and 3) the CIty's Senior Center is a natural focal point and
the City is willing to act as the lead agency but lacks the
tinancial resources to develop a project large enough to
accommodate all needed services.
The CnSG application addresses the need tor a Senior
Services Center that will provide sufficient, efficient and
accessible space tor a multiplicity of senior services. This
need results from the growth of our senior population which
has created a demand for services and activities that strains
the space and capacity of prOViders to provide the services.
The City of Port Angeles proposes to design and
construct a facility of an estimated 12,000 - 15,000 SF that
wtll bring together under one roof a continuum of senior
services: the Port Angeles Senior Center, Retired Senior
Volunteers (RSVP), Sentor Nutrition, Information and
Assistance (I&A), Home Chore Services, and Adult Action.
Public Input tor this Application
To obtain citizen views on this proJect, including
sentor residents who are most affected by the proJect and who
are predominantly persons of low- and moderate-income, the
City has taken the tollowing actions:
1. Conducted a public hearing on February 5, 1991, 1
p.m. In the Port Angeles City Hall tor the purpose of
obtaining public input on community needs. Fifty two persons
signed the roster, the majority of whom support the concept
of a Senior Center; approximately fifty seniors attended the
hearing, though not all sIgned the roster.
2. Conducted a mail survey of 750 senior households for
general information reo age and household income. Tbe survey
ldentitiedthe CDSG application as its purpose.
3. Conducted a public hearing on April 1t 1991t noont
in the Port Angeles Senior Center for the purpose of
reviewing the proposed project and responding to questions
and comments.
Notices for both public hearings were placed in the Port
Angeles Daily Newst and flyers were posted tn public
buildingst supermarketst laudromatst pharmacies and other
prominent locations. The Port Angeles Daily News also
printed news stories about the process and application. To
date no written complaints or grievances have been received.
We believe that we have provided (and continue to
provide> meaningful opportunities for the citizens of Port
Angeles to participate in processes tbat identify community
needs/problems and plan for their resolution.