HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-66 _~...... --oU>______..- ____........._.~__ _ _ - ~... -- .,..... -..:----... - ."-"_. FORM EDA.I02.b U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (l-oo) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADM1NISTRATIO'" l?es, 410 I () - {;, " RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF APPLICANT FOR GOVERNMENT USE ONLY ResolutIon No. Ptoject No. e RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION WITH THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FOR A SUPPLEME:.1TARYGRANT AND/OR LOAN UNDER THE TERMS OF PUBLIC LAW 89-1"36 WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 89-136, the United States of America has authorized the making of supplemen- tary grants and/or loans to public bodies and private or public nonprofit organizations or associations to aid in financing the construction of specific public projects; Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By The City Council of the City of Port Angeles (Governing Board of Applicant) 1. That Mayor Charles R. Willson (Designated Official) be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of the City of Port Angeles (Ex.ct Leg.1 Corporal' Name of Appllc..nt) with the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, for a supplementary grant and/or loan to aid in financing the construction of (Brief Project Description) a sewer treatment plant and outfall near the Rayonier, Inc. pulp and paper mill plant located-near the east edge of . the City of Port Angeles. The sewer ~reatment plant will treat the domestic waste from the 5,000 plus residents within the community, as well as domestic waste from Crown Zellerbach Corp., Fibreboard Paper Products Corp., Peninsula Pl~vood Corp., Rayonier, Inc., and other businesses and industries located with- in the City of Port Angeles. The outfall will be designed to handle the above mentioned waste water, but in addition should handle all the industrial waste water from Rayonier, Inc. This waste watEr will be transported 4,500 feet out into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and released at a depth of 65 feet. It will be desiqned to operate as an outfall from the sewer treatment plant and Rayonier, Inc. and possibly in conjunction with other sewer treatment facilities, which might become necessary for Rayonier, Inc. . 2. That Charles R. Willson (NF.ure of Authorized Representative) I'Jayor of the City of Port Angeles , be and he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish S;Jch (Tille} information as the Economic Development Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. USCOMM'OC ~~~O~.f'b~ 0,. - ~ --~ --- ~ ----.,.,..... --~- -- _ '___-._,._.__. _......._.... _-.--. _~ - ..____ __L__ , _....~-. IV. COMPUTATION OF AVAILABLE NET REVENUES I A~"""'-'L; 'C' .,,-..... C,:J"'\,. _,' ., .,_"" f:' i~r;li'.r;~ l "or-~tprn~l"t 0f ~r0nf"<o:t""d tJrn'f'(""r. fl.nd 'f"P l'nfJ-r+ ~r.1f'fD'me-nt of nit/''' 11"/'0 for comnutar Ions, n s I required in the Instruc~ions. V. RELATED F~CILITIES A. Is the proposed project related to another proposed project in such 1\ way that one cannot be used J{K] Yes DNo without the other? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If answer is "Yes," describe related project. Construction of collection system to pick up domestic sewage from residential commercial and industrial sources. B. If answer to A is "Yes," is Fcderal financial assistance required for the Qg Yes c::: No related project?. . . .. . .. . ... . .. . _ . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . If answer is "Yes," list name and address of the Fcderal agency with which application fot assistance has been Or will be filed. Federal Pollution Control Corrunission VI. OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Are you requesting or receiving assistance from the Federal Government lor a proiect which is 0 ~No similar to the one for which assistance is requested in this application?........................ Yes If "Yes," p=o"ide the name(s) of the othet Agency(ies) and project number(s) as a separate attachment. VII. ANTICIPATED EFFECT OF COMPLETED PROJECT ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY AND EMPLOYMENT OF AREA (Attach separate sheet) Explain bow proposed prorect will: A. Impro,'e the area's opportunities for the successful establishment or expansion of industrial or commercial plants or facilities, or B. Otherwise assist in the creation of additionallong.term employmenr opportunities for such area, or C. Primarily benefit the long.term unemployed and members of low-income families or otherwise substantially further the obiecti..es 'Of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. VIII. EVIDENCE OF PRESSING NEED TO BE FULFILLED BY PROPOSED PROJECT A. State the pressing need to be met and any special factors concerning urgency of the need. (A t ta ch . epara t e sh e" t) B. Show number of months required for: Months 1. Start 01 construction (From approval of project). . ... . .. . .. . .., .. .... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. Six 2. Completion of construction (From. tart of cOn "truction). . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Twelve 3. Initial operation (From comploUon of eonstr"",ion) ........................... . .. " .. . One IX. RELATIONSHIP TO OVERALL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (Attad., separate sheet) Explain how this project is related to the Overall Economic Developmenr Ptogram (OEDP) for the arca, and how it will help to achie\'e the goals of the OEDP. X. NON.R ELOCA TION A. .'mach hereto Form EDA-SOI, Certificate of Non-Relocation. B. If the proposed ptoject wi1l ser..e primarily or substamially identifiable present or prospecti\'e industri')t Or commercial users, state name, address, and home office of such users and the narure of their principal business. ttached hereto. , I C. Form t....,~.<.fll. .,'tlt:l Ire (if '\Ioo.R/'l,xiti,m. ..,""cuted ~lY ,,"ch of the prospective users listed under X.B., must be '"llbmu'". " (1...1.:: "pPill.ation. - I .~~ :;. OA.':v. .1,' '~. .: US COMM-DC ~!i~'l.,-pe(i Focm Approv~d; Budget Bureau No. 41-R230 I FORM fDA.I02 Part I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE FOR GOVERNMENT USE ONL Y II-eel ECONOMIC OEVE;;l,..OF>ME;;N T AOMtNI5T R A nON Project No. I APPLICATION FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANT AND/OR LOAN FOR I PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT FACILITIES State and Redevelopment Area (Under Section 101(0)(2) and Section 201 af P.L. 89-136) ; PART I Date Received Check one o GRANT ex; GRANT AND LOAN D LOAN Name and address of Applicant (S/ree/, City, Co"nty, S/ll/e, and ZIp code) 1960 Population City of Port Angeles 140 West Front Street Presen~ estimated population Port Angeles, vJashington 98362 Clallam County I. PROPOSED PROJECT A. Type of Facility Sewer treatment facilities including clarifiers, digesters, and related equipment for the treatment of domestic se\llage. In connection with this, an outfall will be constructed to handle the domestic sewage effluent and the industrial waste water from Rayonier, Inc. This outfall will extend 4,500 feet out towards the Strait of Juan de Fuca and be discharged at a depth of 65 feet. B. Location Treatment plant site is proposed adjacent to the Rayonier, Inc. property, which is at the base of Ennis Street on the water at the east edge of the City of Port Angeles. II. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST A. Land and Rights.of-way S 5,000 B. Construction $ 381,100 C. Machinery and Equipment $ 166,000 D. Other Outfall S 2 937,600 E. Total Projeet Cost (En/er On line [II.E. below) S 3,489,700 III. PROPOSED METHOD OF PROJECT FINANCING A. Grant requesred from other Federal agency S Name of orher agen<;y: Federal Pollution Control Commission 266,910 B. EDA supplemenrary granr requested herein (if any) $ 697,940 C. Other funds S D. EDA loan requesred here in (if an}') S 2,524,850 E. Total rEq""I.s ".lim..ted /0/,.1 project C08/) S 3,489,700 - II ":""~.. Page 1 USCOMM-OC ~1l50~ Pill! ~ r _~~"""""''''~IIII;~.-..'l'''' ....~'". .~~. ~'~~.,., . , CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The undersigned duly qualified and acting City Clerk (Title of cOUlesr) of the Ci ty of Port Angeles, Washington does hereby certify: That the attached resolution is a (Exact Lega] Corporate Name of Applicant) _, true and correct copy of the resolution aurnori zing the fjJint of\ ap~Ii~ation with th~ Econo'~ic Development Admi:Iistra- tion, U. S. Department of Commerce, as regularly adopted at a legally convened meeting of the City Cnun~il r Name o( of the City of Port Anqeldu$y held on the Governing Body of Applic ant) 19 66 ; and further that such resolution has been fully recorded in the journal or proceedings and records in my of- 16th day of June - fice. -... In Witness \I'/hereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of June , 19~ If the applicant has an official seal, impress here. ..... -' "d 4:' Yl'tA/ Ylu~~ .... Signature o( Recording Officer "\ ,J ""~ City Clerk Title of Recording Orneer 'c -' .1 FORM EDA-\(J2 11'5G) Page 2 USCOMM-DC ~~eO$'PGll -"'-'- -- -- ';-.... .'~--r""~ ~ ,..."'-.i<-r ._ . ~'<;~~-.~"~~~._-~--~..:-_~:",~" --:r-.-- ..~ ._.~. ~... "> ~' :. "e- I) .- ... ~.. STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) 55 COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) It the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles. Wash- ington, do hereby certify that the following is true and correot excerpts from the Council Proceedings of June 16, 1966. relative to EDA Applications and Forms: · "A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Council- man Bettger and unanimously carried, that the Mayor pe authorized to sign the resolution on Form EDA ... 102 "Application for Supple- mentary Grant and/or Loan for Public Works and Development Faci- litiesu. for a grant under P.L. 89-136 for treatment plant." "1\ motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Council- man Maxfield and unanimously carried, that the Mayor be author- ized to sign Form EDA..503 ltAssurances of Compliance with the Department of Commerce Regulations Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964". tl "A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Council- man Corriell and unanimously carried, that the Mayor be author- ized to sign Form EDA-SOl "Certificate of Non-Relocation"." AnA motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Coun~i1- man Cornell and unanimoUSly carried. that the Mayor be autho~ized to sign the resolution on Form EDA-.!..G2 uApp1ication for Supple- mentary Grant and/or Loan for Public Works and Development Faci- litiesU for a grant under terms of P.L. 89-136 for Collection System~V WITNESS my hand and.Offidel Seal this 23rd.. day of June, 1966. City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ~ VII . A. At the present time, there are three pulp and paper mills lo- cated within the City of Port Angeles employing approximately 1,200 employees. Each of these firms, as well as industry spokesmen, have stated that the long term forecast for their industry and the use of paper will, for many years, be at a sharp upward trend. For this reason, nearly every producer of paper has plans for plant expansion and new plant construc- tion. This increased use of paper started some years back and promises to snowball. New plants are proposed in the United States, Canada, Russia and elsewhere throughout the world." e In 1965 the Clallam County Industrial Committee flew to New York City to meet with Mr. R. F. Erickson, President of Rayo- nier, Inc. He was quite open in that he showed us their pro- jections of pulp and paper demands' in the years to come, as well as their company,ls plans to build additional plants during this period. He reviewed their financial position and long range capital planning, showing us how this work would be ac- complished. Since we were primarily interested in the Clallam County area, he told us that quite possibly a new plant could be built in our area. If so, he indicated it would be built adjacent to the present mill in Port Angeles. This would allow them to use the same administrative personnel, as well as other machinery, functions, processes and personnel. He indicated that adequate water was available. He felt that timber was available, as well as power and they only had one major problem which kept them from building here. This centered around the removal of waste water. For several years the State of Wash- ington has only given them temporary permits to operate since they do not have facilities to handle their waste water. He indicated that under these conditions they would not build a new plant and possibly might have to shut down this plant if State requirements became uneconomical. Of course, this wquld mean the elimination of about 500 jobs. It is proposed that this sewer treatment plant and outfall be. built adjacent to the Rayonier plant. This is being planned because it is the b~st point for the plant as far as the City of Port Angeles is con- cerned. However, at the same time, a 4,500 foot long outfall is being proposed, which would carry waste waters to a point where they would adequately diffuse into the Strait.of Juan de Fuca. Negotiations are now under way with Rayonier, Inc. sO that this outfall could be made larger to handle the waste water of Rayonier, Inc. in addition tu the Cityls. The Washington Pollution officials have indicated that this is a very desirable feature and that they would wholeheartedly recommend it. . Fprther study would have to be undertaken, but there is the possibility that this, in itself, would be enough to satisfy the State Pollu- tion Controlls water quality requirements. This action would then clear the way for the construction of an- other pulp and paper mill at this site, which would employ 400 people. e e ;... ._.' ._~.. ... :-1. \' . ..... '"I', VII B. The interceptor sewer, ad "prd'posed , would pick up YJaste water from the Crown Zellerbach pulp and paper mill and Fibreboard pulp and paper mill. Both of these firms have been operating under temporary permits issued by the Washington State Pollution Control System. The interception of their domestic waste water would help a great deal in satisfying the requirements of the Washington State Pollution Control Commission and act as an en- couragement to these firms to expand'. They, as well as Rayonier could quite possibly double their employment by the construction of a similar plant in years to come. This would mean over 500 employees at Crown Zellerbach and around 300 at Fibreboard. The pulp and paper industry is a very steady type of industry and employment. Rayonier was the first mill to build in this area and has been operating continuously since 1930. Generally, these mills operate 365 days a year and there has only been one strike, which lasted twelve days, since the start of the mills. C.. The majority of the workers in these mills do not have to have any previous experience. If they possess normal intelligence and physical powers, then,they can start at the lower jobs and work up depending upon ~heir skills. The major jobs are physical in nature, therefore,~re suitable for the hardcore unemployed, who generally can only handle physical work. ,I e e . ~ ",: .. ..<\~ ...~. VIII A. The City of Port Angeles' is the largest city ln the state of Washington not having primary treatment of their sanitary sewage at this time. Therefore, the State is demanding that we build this treatment plant and interceptor sewer. If we decline, then they would be. forced to issue an order, which would prohibit any further residential construction within the city. In addition, the city is dependent on the three pulp and paper mills as its major source of employment. In effect, this is a one industry community. The State of Wash- ington allows these pulp mills to operate under an annual temporary permit and with the Federal Government entering into the field of water pollution, all indications are that require- ments for water quality will become even stricter. With the State threatening to shut down these mills because of their polluting the area water, it is feared that if the Federal Governmentts requirements are any stricter, that the plants will actually be shut down. This treatment plant and outfall would immediately solve the problem of domestic waste disposal for all three plants and would greatly contribute to the solu- tion of Rayonier, Inc.ls problem of getting rid of their in- dustrial waste. One plant, wh~ch could have been built in the Port Angeles area by Rayonier, Inc. is now slated to be built in another area that does not have the pollution problem which we have. It is hoped that, if a solution can be arrived at for the waste water, another plant can be built here. ,. IX e e .. ~ . "(.". ~. ~, :' . ~~'.". >7~"':"~ In ] %2 C"lallam County, .Po:ct of Port Ang€les, City of Port Angeles and the Area Redevelopment Act Committee hired tile firm of Bani, Watkins, Jason and Company of New York City to do an economic st~dy of Clallam County. In its conclu- sion, this report pointed out, I1The dependence of the County on forest products industries is apparent throughout the analysis. Standing timber is the only avai~able natural resource capable of large-scale industrial development. There is definitely a scarcity of possibilities for new production industry, based on local resources.TT Further the report stated, nIt is nevertheless virtually inevitable that the Clallam County industrial scene IrJill continue to be dominated by the forest products industries and that 'the community will continue to suffer from the irregularity of employment associated with a logging economy.lt Since this time, the industries have made improvGments in their operation, which directly affect the number of potential employees and the irregularities of employment. Mechanization, automation, and road construction have improved the situation so that the logging industry is not as seasonal as it used to be. Research into using helicopters and balloons to remove timber could possibly make even a further impact in this area. Wood chippers, thinning of forests, and other uses for timber, as well as precutting, chipping and other improvements are in effect making higher production possible from the same acreage. The higher productivity means that we can support additional pulp and paper mills in this area from the same timber, while the mechani- zation, automation and road construction are improving even the logging part of the operation so that it can provide year-around employment for the people in this and other industries. ,I The O.E.D.P. points out that forest products industries has been and will continue to be the main source of employment in this area.. If, because of inadequate waste disposal facilities; part of these facilities are shut down, it would be a vital blow to the area. On th~ other hand, if we can help the industry solve their problems then 'VJe \'lill be furthering the aims of the O.E. D. P. in further strengthening this major industry in Our area. e e x ... > ~ . .' r B. Ru.yonier, Inc. 161 East 42nd Street New York 17, New York Fibreboard Paper Products Corp. 475 Brannan Street San Francisco; California 94119 Crown Zellerbach Corp. #1 Bush Street or P. O. Box 3475 Rincon Annex San Francisco; California 94119 Perinsula Plywood Corp_ 439 Marine Drive Fort A:1geles, ~vashington 98362 r'1 ~.} .~-"_...; Wood, pulp and celu]ose Wood, pulp and paper WOOd, pulp and paper Plywood manufacturing .' " ", ,.,.,,,-....,,1" FORM EO...-102.... U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Project No. II-bel ECONOMIC DeVEl.OPMENT "DMIN1STRATlON FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PROJECT (Estimated Revenues and Expenses) Type of f<ldlity (Waler Ny..tem, "."Vet ..y..t..m. ..tc.) " Name or identity of facility . . Trea~:ment Plant and Outfall ea. If ncw facility, leave columns I and 2 blank and show il\ column 3 estimated figures for first full year of operation and in column -1 estimated figures for year in which anticipated normal level of operation has been rNlched. b. If expansioo of an existing facility, show in columns 1 and 2 operating figures for past two years, in column 3 estimatl"d ligures for first full year of operation of expanded facility, and in column 4 estimated figureS for year in which anticipated normal level of operation has been reached. l 2 3 4 19 1968 1969 1970 Operoting Revenues, by source or bosi 5: S Monthly Fees or Flat Rates.... ..... ........ ....... $ s 73,500 s 74,500 75,500 Volume Charges: at S at $ Other: Total Operoting Revenues... .. . . . ... . ... ... .... . 73.500 74.500 75.500 I qther Revenues (Expl..ln) Total Rll"enulls.. .. .. ... . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 73.500 74.500 75.500 E Kpanses Supervisory Expense. .quci. Taxes. . .. . . . . .... . . . . 3,073 3,134 3,199 l1:'ages .............. ........ .................... Fuel and Power. .. . . . . . ; .... .. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . Cost of Water, Gas, etc...... .. ..... ... .. . . ...... . . d" .;ind Wages -.-......- Repurs an MaIntenance.. ....... . . . ... . . . . . . . . 26.000 26.520 27 050 Other 1 Depreciation.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Total ElCpensas.............................. 29,073 29,654 30,249 Net Ineome2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payment of Principal and Interest on Oebt3.. ... ..... . . 72 000 73,000 74,000 Supplementary Data; , Number of Users or CUStomers. .. . . . . . . . " .. . . .. .. . 5,465 5,552 5,641 Rntes Charged.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . 2.80 2.80 2.80 III overhead, N other expenses are, or will be, pro'rated between project aad anotller entity, explain basis below. " 2lf deficit, explain under "Remarks" in detail how financed, including special aSSessmenl. . I 31f debt service payments exceeded net income, explain sOUlce of the balance, such as special assessments ot $eneral raxes. Remllrks (u... thi.. ..pace ..nd r"v"r~a aide to expl../n ..ny flg"t".. "bov.., ".. n....ded) ; , e . USCOMM-DC ~~~,'~.pee . " -. .. I Xt. COMPLIANCE WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 I P- ~ . . ~-~._--~~._- XII. CQMf'lIANC E WITH PROVISIONS OF TtIE DAVIS-BACON ACT, AS AMENDED . -~. ~ I Tho> "I'f!li",tnt "i:ll1<; r"qulred to complY,with prcl~isi.l~ns of 40 U.S.c. 276" throu/l.h27GlI-5. Su~h provisions indud;' rhe p 'y- I molt (lIrorc.\.".]Lnf. W1pfc r~tes, as ddermtned by the' Se<;re:ary of Labor, to laborers and mechnnlcs ~Illployed by confrf\ctor.~ i and ~-Ui'l( {lntr;:l~:tn[.s. Lxm. REVIEW AND COMMENT BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES ~A. "tte"h letter ~rom approfriate unit or units of local gove~nmenr in whose territory the project is located reviewing ilnd com- . mentmg on this pr<'posa . , Att",." l' ',fL"" J I)A-~Ui, "As~uran.;e ul COTl1p]ibllce ",ith Dl!parrmem ot Cl.HI";'''IC~ J{egul"titon,; Vlder Title VI of th" Civil Righr" A. I "I l'i,l" cH:uJted by the applicant and tor e'Kh prospective user listed in Item X.H. of this dPplitation. e. If 3prlir"nr it:-;df ic; " unit of generai local government, no such letter is requh-ed. XIV.CERTIFICATlON BY APPLICANT. Applicant hereby ccnifics thar all information contained above and in exhibit~ .rt"L'lled hereto I:. uu", "nJ torreet to hi:. be;:;t knowledge and be'lief and is submitted for the purpose of obtaining financial as,ist..n.-e under rhl' l'ublic Wor~s and Economic Devdopmem Act,of 19(;5 for the project described above. It is understood thilt the pro- ce;,sin/; of this appJin.tion will tequire the submission of additional dara, statements, and other informarion to EDA and other ...genci,'" 01 the Ft.Jerlll government to comply with administrative and statutory requirements, including documents to ('on:-:",n- m,lte .IIIY finan<.:(al "s[,istance npproved by the EDA. In wit"",...... whertof, the applicant has caused this application to be duly executed in its name by its undersigned dull' autho'- ized odicer, il~ official seal (if One has been adopted) to be hereto affixed, aud attested by its proper officer on this 22nd day of June , 19~. "" (SEAU City of Port Angeles EX8Ct Leg81 Corporale Name of Appllcant R ,;.~ m <-le Attest ----L+- R1 ~ I .L.~A.~ ~i&n..ture of Aile aHug QfHc er ~~ 0. . . ; c '",. r: "". ,.~J-...~. y (' .. By, . f ~'-'(". ~4 r "..L _ //~ ~. , ';j~ Signature of Authortzed Officer City Clerk Title of Atteatlnll Officer Mayor Title of Aulhurized Officer Typewritten Name Charles R. Willson Tl'pewriUen Name Beulah B. McNeece ,I ... APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TO WHOM COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD 61= ADDRESSED "lgnatur< of Authodzed Representative Address Title . /' ~ /' ~ 14D West Front Street l t<,." ~"'J {.<<I ~4-'o.___ Port Angeles, ~vashing T}'p~wri1re" NC,lnc City Manager one (Include Are.l Code) Donald D. Herrman 206 457-9477 (.)H.M .".t; .'1[1.... (l..e6~ Page l ,- - - Project No. FORM EDA-102.A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 11-061 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PROJECT (Estimated Revenues and Expenses) Type of faciliry (Water sYM"m, seWer "yotem. etc.) Name Or identity of facility Collection o. If new facility, leave columns 1 and 2 blank and show in column 3 estimated figures for first full year of operatiorl and in column 4 estimnted figures for year ill which anticipated' normal level of operation has been reached. b. If expansion of nt1 existing f"cility, show in columns 1 and 2 operating figures f"r past two ycars, in column 3 eStirnllted figures for first full year of operation of expanded facility, and in column 4 estimated figurcs for year in which anticipated normal levc I of operation has been reached. 1 2 3 4 19 1968 1969 1970 Operating Revenues, by source or basis: Monthly Fees or Flat Rates...................... _. $ $ 119.305 $ 121. 375 $ 123.514 Volume Charges: at S at $ Other: Total Operating Revenues... .. . . .. ... .. ..... _.. . 119.305 121,375 123,514 Other Revenues (Explllln) Total Revenues. . . " . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . 119 305 121,375 123,514 Expenses Supervisory Expcnse.9!V;l. .'J;'c?X?S................. 5 000 5.100 5,200 Wages . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fuel and Power. .. .. . .. ; .. .. .. . . .. .. ... .. . ... . . .. Cost of U/ater, Gas, cte ...... .. .. ...... .. . . .... .. . R . d M .. and Wage~ 17 n27 17 368 17 715 epults an alntenance. . . . . . . . .. .. ..... _ . . . . .. Other 1 Depreciation. . ... . . .. . .. '" . . .. . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. .. Totol Ellpenso5.......,.. .. ... .. . .. ... .. .. . .. 22,027 22.468 22 915 I Net Income2. . .. . .. " . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . " Payment of Principal and Interest an Debt3 _ . . . . . . . . . . . Fi2.000 61.000 63 000 Supplementary Data: j Numb~r of Users or Customers. .. . " .. . .. ... .. . " .. 5 465 5.552 5.641 Rates Charged... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 2.80 2.80 1[/ ovemead, or other expenses are. or will be, pro-rated between project Bnd another entity, explain basis below. '- 2jf deficit. explain under "Remarks" in detail how financed, including special assessment. , 311 debt service payments exceeded net income, explain source of the balance, such as special assessments or general taxes. I Remarks (U.." this apllC" "nd r"v"r.." Itlde to expl"/n any flQur".. "bo"", at! n"odod) , I , e USCOMM-QC ~550~'P66 " ". .,-" ~.;.;.... ...."'.<~ ~ . ;,~. ""f , . 'j" .- .. '"' .. XI. COMPLIANCE WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Attach Furmo; E!JA-')03, "Assurance of Complianle with Depaltment of Commerce Regulations UnJer Title VI of the Civil Rights Act uf 1~6.1" eKeulted by the a.pplie.1n! and b)' each prospective user listed in Item X:"B. of this appli~ation. XII. COMPLlAl>ICE WITH PROVISIOl>lS OF THE DAVIS-BACON ACT, AS AMENDED The uppli.:ant will be required to compLy witl1 provisions of 40 U.S.c. Z76i1 through 27tla-5. Such provisions include the pay- ment of prevailing wage rates, as determined hy "'(h'e ~Seeretary of Labor, to Laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors. XIII. REVIEW AND COMMENT BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES A. Attach letter from appropriate unit or units of local government in whose territory the project is located reviewing and com- menting on rhis proposal. . B. If applicant itself is a unit of general local government, nO such letter is required. XIV. CERTIFICATION BY APPLICANT - Applicant hereby certifies that all information contained f\bove nnd irl e"hibits attllched hereto is true and correct to his besr knowledge and belief and is submitted {Ot the purpose of obtaining financial assistance under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 for the project described above. It is understood tholt the pro-- cessing of this app\icatiorl will require the submission of additional data," statements, and other inEorrnatiorl to EDA and orher agencies of the Federal govctllment to comply with administrative and statutory requirements, including documents to consum- mate any financial assistance approved by the EDA. , In witness whereof. the applicant has caused this application to be duly cltecuted in its name by its undersigned duly author- ized officer, its official seal (if one has been adopted) to be hereto affixed, and attested hy its proper officer on this 22nd day of June 11966 . (SEAL) City of Port Angeles Exact Leial Corporate Nome of Applien"t Attest A ~ 1J1~ np~~ By (?Il~~,. #py;;;g#"".~ Signature of Attesting Orneer Slgnahlte of AuthorIzed Officer City Clerk ~~t..oo~ Authorhed Officer TItle of Attesting OHlce. , I Beulah B. McNeece Charles R. Willson Typewritten Name Typewrltt." Nom.. ,I " I I , XV. APPLICANT'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE TO WHOM COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED Sign:\ture cl Authorized Representative Address Title G~.~ (W~k~__ t~~1- WK~;So ~;~nt\.l~t:r~et City Manager TYPL:written Name ... . 98362~ Telephc>nc (Include Area Code) Donald D. Herrman 206 457-9477 e e Fon.... E:DA. I 0:1. (1-661 Page 3 ~.~.. ._ 04 '-:' e e ).-'~":, .lo..n~.7.~~_' FORM EDA.50l ~a'23.~~l U.S. DEPARTMENT O. COMMERCE ECONOMIC DEV"'-OPMENT ADMINISTRATION Ilud!;l'l Hutl'Ilu Approval NUl RCljuin'd CERTIFICATE OF NON.RELOCATION To be Executed by Applicants for OircctGrants or Supplementary Grants Under Title I nnd for P~blic Works and Development Facility Loans Under Title II, Sec. 201. Note.. The Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 prohibits the Administrator from mnking loans or grants which will have the effect of assisting an employer in moving jobs from one area to another. An expansion of an existing business to a new location may be assisted if such an expansion will not cause unemployment in other areas where the business conducts operations, or will not enable contractotS ot subcontractors to undertake contracts or subcontracts heretofore performed elsewhere, the performance of which would result in an increase of unemployment at the previous location of such work. Execution of the following Certificate is necessary for rhe Administrator to determine the eligibility of the subject project in this regard. Project Waste Disposal - Treatment (Nature af Project) Port Angeles, Washington (Location) I cenlfy that I am the City of Port Angeles, Washinqton (Applicant) Mayor (Official Title) of and lhat the above named Public Works and Development facility project is not undertaken fottbe purpose of serving an industrial and commercial enterprise which has relocated its operations into the area during the past 24 months or for the purpose of assisting, soliciting or otherwise encouraging therelocat!on of any industrial or commercJal enterprise, and that tll.- applicant is not presently negotiating with an industrial or comrr.ercial enterprise which intends to relocate or to curtail its operations in another location with the intention of utilizing the above named facility when it is constructed. In the event that after the date of execurion of this Certificate and prior to final disbursement, an agreement is reached between the applicant and any industrial or commercial enterprise to use the Development facility, the applicant will notify the EDA Administrator of such agreement and submit the name or names of the enterprise involved. "'I June 16, 1966 (Date) ~ /-'&; 4--- ;Jl "." .1:0';' " . ftl-) \.... . / / _ ( . ,/o.~ t/ I . "C"~ J.,"~I~I Mayor ". (Signa"ture and Title) " For City of Port Angeles, Washington (Applicant) Note. Section 71O(a) of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 provides that; "Whoever makes any statement knowing it to be false, or whoever willfully overvalues any security, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or for ::lny applicant any financial assistance under section 101, 201, 202, or 403 or any extension thereof by renewal, deferment or action, or otherwise, or the acceptance, release, or substitution of security therefor, or for the purpose of influencing in any way the action of the Secretary, or for the purpose of obtaining money, pro- perty, or anything of value, under this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more rhan five years, or both." USCOMM.OC ~~1110.Pll~ .......- . .t ST ATEMENT ON NO~-RELOCA TION All programs and benefits under the Public Works and Economic Development Act, including ~oans, grants, techni- cal assistance, and twining will be administ~r('d with strict adherence to the policy of denying assistanc~ to busi- nesses which are seeking to relocate or which r~Y)<;ated in the recent past. Section 2, the Declaration of Purpose of the Public Works and Economic Development Act states that under the pro- .. visions of this Act new employment opportunities should be created by developing and expanding new and existing .. bcilities and resources rather than by merely transferring jobs from one area of the United States [0 another. Section 202 (b)( 1) of the Public \\'l'rks and Economic Development Act prov ides that EDA financial ass iswncc shall not be extended to assist (l) industrial or commercial establishments relocating from one area to.anothcr, (2) ex- pansions which would result in unemployment in any area where the business entity involved conducts its operations or 0) contractors or subcontractors whose purpose it is to seck the transfer of contract work presently perfotmed at another location. It is the policy of EDA to construe the general prohibition against relocation in Section 2 as applicable to all sec- tions of the Act. The specific language in Section 202 (b)(l) provides further guidance to EDA in carryil)g out the policy of Section 2 and is used by the Administrator as a guide'in rendering assi stance under other sections of the Act. Applicants for development facility loans and grants or for supplementary grants must therefore assure the Administrator, prior to receiving financial assistance, that they are not constructing the facilities for the pUlpose of serving a relocated busine ss firm, that they are not then negotiating with a relocating firm, and that they have no intention of using the project to induce industries to relocate into their areas. . Similar assurances will be required from industrial and commercial users of development facilities if such facilities are constructed primarily or sub- stantially for their use. It is not always easy to identify what constitutes the relocation of a business enterprise and its associated jobs. In some instances the movement of machinery and equipment may in practical effect be the movement of the business enterprise. In orher instances the business enterprise is more appropriately identified and characterized by a trade name, customer lists, and other intangible assets. FDA will carefully examin~ all transfers of ownership, liquida- tions and curtailment of operations which bear any relationship to the proposed establishment of a new enterprise. In all cases, the controlling consideration will be whether the effect is the relocation of jobs from one area to another. Ordinarily the phrase' 'from one area to another" as used in connection with relocations means from one labor area to another. Nevertheless, EDA will consider in evaluating a project any adverse cffects which may indirectly re- sult from a relocation ever though the new location may be whoqy within the boundaries of the same labor area or the same redevelopment area or district. The limitation on assisting in relocations is applied both to prospective moves and those made in the recent past. For instance, EDA will not assist a relocated industry in a new location even though the withdrawal or curtail. ment of employment at the previous place of business was substantially completed at the time of the request for assistance from ED:\.. Any such earlier relocation, a part of which was carried out within 24 months prior to an ap- plication for EDA assistance, shall be subject to the rebuttable presumption that the EDA assistance reque.~ted is causally related to the relocation. EDA can assist in true expansio']s through the establishment of new branches, affiliates, or subsidiaries, provided that such expansion will be carried out and operated without increasing unemployment at other places of business of the enterprise. To give effect [0 this limitation, FDA will inquire into the undertakings and (l)perations of affiJi- ated enterprises or enterprises under common control with the particular business which is to be benefited by the propused proj ect. e In considering whether a proposed expansion wili result in an increase in unemployment at other facilities of a business enterprise, the Administrator will consider, among other things, traditional as well as current operating levels of employment, changes in demand for worker skills at the existing facilities, chanEes in capital investment at the existing facilities, and any relationship the proposed expansion may have upon die future prospects for oper- ation of such eXjsting hcijities. USCOM~~.DC 5s160.POs FORM I OA.SOl (B'~~'B51 .. I Ie.,,-:.: !:~.. -,~. :\...i..... ." ... .. FORM EOA-501 (S-23-"~' u.s. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE:. gCONOMIC OEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION Audile! Bureau ^ppro",,[ Nor RequireJ CERTIFICATE OF NON.RELOCATlON To be Executed by Applicants for Direct Gra!1ts or Supplementary Grams Under Title I and for Public' Works and Development Facility Loans Under Title II, Sec. 201. Note.. The Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 prohibits the Administrator from making loans or grants which will have the effect of assisting an employer in moving jobs from one area to another. An expansion of an existing business to a new location may be assistedif such an expansion will not cause unemployment in other areas where the business conducts operations, or will not enable contractors or subcontractors to undertake contracts or subcontracts heretofore performed elsewhere, theperformaoce of which would result in an increase of unemployment at the previous location of such work. Execution of the following Certificate is necessary for the Administrator to determine the eligibility of the subject project in this regard. . Proiect ---'yJaste Disposal - Collection (!\'ature of Pro) eel) Port Anqeles~ Washinqton (Location) I certIfy that I :lm the Mayor (Official Title) of City of Port Angeles, Washington (Applicanr) and that the above named Public Works and Development facility project is not undertaken fonhe purpose of serving an industrial and commercial enterprise which has relocated its operations into the area during the past 24 months or for the purpose of assisting, soliciting or otherwise encouraging the relocatIon of any industrial or commerCIal enterprise, and that the applicant is not presently negotiating with an industrial or comrr.ercial enterprise which intends to relocate or to curtail its operations in another loc-ation with the intention of utilizing the above named facility when it is constructed. In the event that after the date of execution of this Certificate and prior to final disbursement, an agreement is reached between the applicant and any industrial or commercial enterprise to use rhe Development facility, the applicant will notify the EDA Administrator of such agreement and submit the name or names of the enterprise involved. ~.~L~.. //1-:; ", 1 /~ /';' r / ; ~Y',., ~ ' /"r"' A!... r; J.;, ::...-1 Ma or (Signnturc nnd Tide) June 16 ~ 1%6 (Date) ~)~ -) " " For Ci ty of Port Anqeles, vJashinqton (Appl icant) . Note. Section 710 (a) of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 provi de 5 that: "Whoever makes any stat'::mem knowing it to be false, or whoever willfully overvalues any security, for the purpose of obtaining for himself or for ::lny applicant any financial assisrance under secrion 101, 201, 202, or 403 or any extension thereof by renewal, deferment or action, or otherwise, or the acceptance, release, or substitution of security therefor, or fr>r the purpose of influencing in any way the action of the Secretary, or for the purpose of obraining money, pro- perry, or anything of value, under this Act, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 ot by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both." USCOMM.PC 5~160.P6~ -L_ :'lo, - _.~-~-::- FO"," EDA.503 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Nan'" (If f'roj"ct I '-EO) ECONOMIC DEVIOLOPME" r ADMINISTRATION ASSURANCESOF COMPLIANCE WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF City tlr\d State COMMERCE REGULATIONS UNDER TITLE VI OF THE Projcct No. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Iludp,"l II"""'" Apl''''v''' :\Cll H,'quirt:d Ci tv of Port Anqeles . .. ., !';"m~. 01 R,'cipicnl (here lnafter cailed the RecIplem ") hereby warrants, coven ants, agree s, Assures, and undertakes that as a ~cciri~nt ~f Federal fin.anci~1 assistance fro.m .the ~conDmic Deve lopment Admini stm" .on, for the prolect .1hove JdenufJed, It wdI comply wHb Talc VI of the CIvJI Rights Act of 1964 (P.L 88-352), the requirements imposed by or pursuant to Regulations, issued for the Department of Commerce and designated as Part 8 of Subtitle A of Title 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of which is attached hereto, to the end that no person in the United :-;tates shall on the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded ftom participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be othcrwise subject to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Recipient receives Federal financial :lssistancc from EDA; and hereby further gives assurance that it will immediately take any measures n(~cessary (0 effectuate this agreement. \, In accord with such assurances, and without limiting the above, the Recipient agrees: 1. That it will not engage in the discrimination prohibited in subparagraph (1), (2), or (3) of Section 8.6(b) of the De- partment's Regubtions as applicable to its program, and in any prohibited act or course of conduct with respect thereto as further descrihed in Section 8.4 of the Department's Regulations. 2. That as to employment practices it will take the actions specified in Section 8.5(b)(2) of the Department's Rq;ula. (Jons. 3. That it recognizes its obligation for compliance with Title VI and the Regulations extends n0[ onl}' to its direct activities but aba in accord with Section 8.5(b)(4) of said Regulations to assure that, where applicable, the con- tractors, subcontractors, suppliers, lessees, and other parries directly participating in the Recipient's project will comply with Title VI and the Regulations with respect to such projecl. To that end, the Recipient agrees; (n) that it will obtain as part of its contractual arrangements with such parties, as a minimum form of assurance, their agree- ment in writing that such parties, their assignees and successors, "during and in cqnnecrion with the associated agreement relating to the Federally assisted program, (i) will comply, to the extent applicable, as contractors, subcontractors, lessees, suppliers, or in any other capacity, with tbe applicable provisions of the Regulations of the United States Depart- ment of Commerce (Part 8 of Subtitle A of Title 15 of the Code of Federal Regulations) issued pur- suant.to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352), and will not thereby discriminate :1[i.ainst any person on the ground of race, color, or national origin in their employment prnc'tices, in , any of th eir own contractual arrangements, in all services or accommodations which they offer to rhe public, and in any of their otber business operations, (ii) they will provide till,' information re- quin;:rl by or pursuant to said Regulations to ascertain compliance with the Regulations an~ these assurances, and (iii) tbeir noncompliance with the nondiscrimination requirements of said Regula- tions and these assurances shall constitute a breach of their contractual arrangements with the Re- cipient whereby said arrangements may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part or " may be subject to enforcement otherwise by appropriate 'legal proceedings"; - (b) that it will secure the compliance, and assist and cO,operate actively with EDA in obtnining and enforcing the compliance, of said contracting parties with the nondiscrimination required by the Act and Regulntions nnd their respective COllt1;:1ctu31 arrtlngements, and in the event the Hecipient becomes involved in litigation with n non- complying party, it may request FDA to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the Unired States in the enforcement of these obligations; and (c) it will obtain and furnish to the EDA Administrator such information as He may rC<.juire for the supervision or securing of such compliance. 4. That where the Recipient is an institution referred to in Section 8,'j(b)(9) of the Department's' Regularions, the pro. visions of that SectJon will be applicable to the Recipient's program. U5COMM.OC 55~73.PtJc.. p"/;l' I ~", ",..~ . ""'-:"'';::'''1.''' :.& 5. That where EDA' s financ ia1 assistance to the Recipient is ro provide: (a) real property or strllctures thereon, the Recipient's assurances shall be in effect for the period during which the real property or structures :ue used for a purpose for which the assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of .<, illl LIar scrvi ces or benefits; (b) personal property, the assurances shall be in effect for so long as the recipient retains ownership or possession of the property, but in allY event the time shall not be less than the term of the: loan nnd allY <:xtcn- sians thereof, and (c) any other [>'pe or form of Hssistance, the nssurances shnll be ill dfcn for the dur.Hi,!n of the period during which the assiSI:lnce is extended to the program. 6. Thar any failure by rhe Recipient to comply with these assurances shall constitute a breach of the agrcem,.nt under ... which the Recipient receives financial assistance from EDA, that in such case of breach the Government may rc- W' fusc [0 make furdler disbursements under said agree~em, may accelerate the maturity of the Hecipicnt's financial obi igation 5 to the Department, <lnd may take <lny other enforcement or remcdi al action or remedi es prov ilJcd in th,. Act anel the Department's Regulations or otherwise by law, which. action shall be severable and cumulative; and that the enforcement by the Government of one or more rights shall not be prejudicial to its right to obtain judicia] relief and/or take any other action available under the Act, Regulations, and Recipient's agreements with the Dc. partment. 7. That these assurances shall be binding upon the Fecipient, its grantees, assignees, transferees, lessees, and suc- cessors in intere~t. The pecipient acknowledges that it has received and read the Department's Fegularions. This assurance is made and accepted this 15th day of June , 19~, in Port Angeles, Wash. City of Port Angeles. L.-\,/~ B~l'~.~nt).-.., t?f;/ . I.t ,{ -d'.-:/, <7 t ~...... .....(I:{:t:!~1l. -Cnarlas.....R.._W ' on (Type n.,m<') By Mayor (Title) (Sir.n"tu'e) I, , as Secretary of Inc., a corporation organized and existing by virtue of the laws of the State of or as of the State of ; or ns I City ~~rk AuthOfl7.I,.'rl. 1 ~clal Aulhotized Stule Officiol of the county or municipality of City of Port AnqelEiJi the State of Washington ~ . do hereby certify rhat the foregoing officer who executed this assurance has full authority to bind the Recipient. In witness whereof I sct my hand and affix the corporatc, state, or municipal seal this 23rd day of cTunp 19 66 - ~U/ ~~J' ~~f!13Jv .. (S'C'crc-tery or other OifiCiJ') (SLLl FORM E OA.~Oll \1-C61 Poge 2 USCOMM-OC ~~.n.P55