HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-12and RESOLUTION NO. 1 -12 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, adopting the Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2012 -2018. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is required to annually update its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington being the legislative body of said City, on the 5th ofJune, 2012, and the 19 of June, 2012 did hold public hearings on the update of its Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program; WHEREAS, the proposed Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Program for 2012 -2018 are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington that the Capital Facilities Plan and the Transportation Improvement Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A, for the City of Port Angeles, Washington, be and the same are hereby adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2012 -2018 Transportation Improvement Program, together with this Resolution, shall be filed with the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Washington. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of June, 2012. ATTEST: Jan Hurd, City Clerk G 1 1.EGAL\a ORDINANCES &RESOLUTIONS\ RESOLUTIONS 2012 \I31IP &CIP -Adopt 05 30 12 wpd (lune 19, 2012) Cherie Kidd, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FO William E. Bloor, City Attorney 1 PK01 -2010 Civic Field Upgrades 5,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 1.000,000 4,000,000 N 2 PK06 -2005 Replace Roof of Vern Burton 250,000 250,000 250,000 N 3 PK06 -2009 Waterfront Trail RipORap RepairOFEMA Mitigation 500.000 125,000 375,000 N 4 PK04 -2009 Ediz Hook West Boat Dock RepairOFEMA Mitigation 520,000 130,000 50,000 470,000 390.000 N 5 PK04 -2012 Lincoln Park Development 3,500.000 3,500,00D 3.500,000 N 6 PK02 -2006 Fine Arts Center Entrance Improvements 80,000 15,000 80,000 65,000 N 7 PK02 -2012 City Pier Electrical 140,000 140,000 140,000 N 8 PK02 -2005 Restroom Replacement 375,000 375,000 125,000 125.000 125,000 N 9 PK11 -2006 City Pier Float Replacement 750,000 750,000 750,000 N 10 PK01 -2012 City Pier Railing Replacement 600,000 600,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 N 11 PK03 -2007 Tennis Courts at Erickson Park Lighting 75,000 50,000 75,000 25.000 N 12 PK08 -2002 Neighborhood Park Renovation /Development 500,000 500,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 13 PK04 -2006 Shane Elks Ball Field Lighting Project 200.000 200,000 100,000 100,000 N 14 PK06 -2006 Lions Park Development 160.000 160,000 20,000 70,000 70,000 N 15 PK03 -2012 City Pier Fire Suppression System CentralEast Systems 330,000 330,000 40.000 290,000 Y 1 GG01 -2010 Valley Creek Restoration Phase III 1,000,000 300,000 300,000 400,000 1,000,000 N 2 0003 -2003 Infrastructure Development (NICE Program) 753,300 753,300 153,300 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 3 G003 -2009 Entryway Monument 88,000 88,000 31,000 57,000 N 4 GG01 -2011 Aerial Mapping 115,000 115,000 115,000 N 5 GG03 -2007 City Hall Parking Lot Repair 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 6 G007 -2009 Construct Underground on Front Street 1,500 000 1,500,000 1,500,000 N 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 1 GENERAL PROJECTS FIRE PROJECTS 1 2 FRO2 -2009 FR07 -1999 Wireless Mobile Data for Fire Apparatus West Side Fire Station 60,000 1,986,000 1,986,000 60,000 171,000 1,815,000 60,000 1,986 ,000 N N PARKS PROJECTS POLICE PROJECTS N: \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xis Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012 TOTAL DIVISION PROJECT TOTAL CITY 2012 TOTAL 2013 TOTAL 2014 TOTAL 2015 TOTAL 2016 TOTAL 2017 TOTAL 2018 TOTAL GRANTS BONDS OUTSIDE PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE COSTS COST COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS COSTS CONTRIB LOANS MANDATE 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 1 GENERAL PROJECTS FIRE PROJECTS 1 2 FRO2 -2009 FR07 -1999 Wireless Mobile Data for Fire Apparatus West Side Fire Station 60,000 1,986,000 1,986,000 60,000 171,000 1,815,000 60,000 1,986 ,000 N N PARKS PROJECTS POLICE PROJECTS N: \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xis Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012 1 TR01 -2006 Transportation Comprehensive Plan 45000 45,000 45,000 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS N 2 TR02 -2003 Waterfront Development 17,313,309 17,313,309 3,683,329 4,080,497 3,423,016 4,746,419 1,380,048 N 3 TR05 -2009 Ediz Hook Harbor Erosion Riprap Repa r0FEMA Mitigation 10,000 26,000 254,000 228,000 N 4 TR09 -2009 WayOFinding Signage 80,000 80,000 80,000 N 5 TR10 -2009 First/Front Race Street Nodes 55,000 55000 55,000 368,000 N 6 TR01 -2012 Ediz Hook RipRap Repair (2012) 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 7 TR42 -1999 Lauridsen Blvd Bridge Replacement 4,715,000 1,000,000 715,252 3,999,748 3,715,000 N 8 TR16 -1999 18th Street Reconstruction 4,475,000 4,475,000 420,000 4,055,000 N 9 TR06 -2009 Tumwater Street Retaining Wall RepairOFEMA Mitigation 375.000 94,000 50,000 325,000 281,000 N 10 IR01 -2003 Overlay Program 2,490,000 2,490,000 340,000 357,000 382,000 429000 470,000 512,000 N 11 TRO2 -2009 Race Street Complete Street Development 2,413,000 2,413,000 14,000 313000 302,000 1,359,000 425,000 N 12 7R04 -2005 Alley Paving 875,000 875,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 N 13 TR18 -1999 Lincoln /Laurel Rechannelization /Signal)Roun dabout 1,750,000 367,000 100,000 150,000 1,500,000 1,383,000 300,000 N 14 TR17 -1999 Truck Route at US101 Intersection 6,000,000 6,000,000 N 15 TR26 -1999 ADA Curb Ramps 140,000 140,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Y 16 TR74 -1999 Sidewalk Program 360,000 360,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 N 17 TR11 -2009 Marine Drive Bulkhead Repairs 4,530,000 4,200,000 200,000 130,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 330,000 N 18 TR01 -2001 Laurel St. Stairs Replacement 302,500 302,500 27,500 275,000 N DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS CONTRIB. BONDS LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 1 PD01 -2009 Wireless TerminalsNoice Radio Upgrades (Stonegarden) 145,000 145,000 145,000 N 2 PD01 -2012 Waterfront Surveillance Cameras 413,416 103,354 413,416 310,062 N 3 P001 -2011 City Clerk Storage Remodel 700,000 645,000 255,000 445,000 55,000 N 4 P002 -2012 Emergency Generator 0 Police Department/City Hall 400,000 400,000 400,000 N 5 PD03 -2007 Regional Firearms Training Facility 300,000 35,000 300,000 265,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED GENERAL FUND PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL GENERAL FUND PROJECTS 330,000 20,540,716 330,000 13,350,654 1,162,716 8,152,000 4,916,000 2,485,000 40,000 735,000 290,000 1,990,000 600,000 7,190,062 5,986,000 STREET PROJECTS 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 2 N: \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS CONTRIB BONDS LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 19 TR02 -2012 Caroline Street Slide Repair 375,000 375,000 50,000 325,000 N 20 TR01 -2011 Marine Drive Channel Bridge Repair /Replacement 510,000 510,000 110,000 400,000 N 21 TR03 -2006 Oak Street Stairs Replacement 550,000 550,000 55,000 495,000 N 22 TR20 -1999 Street Bicycle Facilities /Racks /Striping 100,000 100,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 N 23 TR01 -2005 Gravel Road Paving 175,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 N 24 TR05 -2006 Valley Creek Loop Trail 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 N 25 TR02 -2008 Alternative CrossoTown Route Study 220,000 220,000 220,000 N 26 TR12 -1999 Park Avenue Reconstruction [Peabody to Race] 1,455,000 365,000 185,000 1,270,000 1,090,000 N 27 TR03 -2007 Laurel Street Sidewalk Phase I 260,000 60,000 260,000 200,000 N 28 TR13-2000 'N' Street Sidewalk [14th St to 18th St I 355,000 55,000 355,000 300,000 N 29 TR02 -2007 Laurel St. Sidewalk Phase II 325,000 75,000 325,000 250,000 N 30 TR05 -1999 Hill Street Intersection Reconstruction 485,000 303,000 485,000 182,000 N 31 TR07 -1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase I 2,905,000 2,905,000 2,905,000 N 32 TR04 -2009 Manneaumwater Pedestrian Underpass 700,000 100,000 700,000 600,000 N 33 TR01 -2004 2nd Valley Pavement Restoration 550,000 550,000 550,000 N 34 TR12 -2000 10th Street [M' Street to '1' Street] 735,000 225,000 735,000 510,000 N 35 TR04 -1999 Laurel Street/Ahlvers Road Reconstruction 1,745,000 813,000 1,745,000 932,000 N 36 TR11 -2000 10th Street S/W ['N' Street to 'M' Street] 660,000 220,000 660,000 440,000 N 37 TR71 -1999 10th /13th and "I'P'M" Street Improvements 3,330,000 3,330,000 3,330 000 3,330,000 N 38 TR02 -2001 Ennis St, Slide Repair 500,000 500,000 500,000 N 39 TR69 -1999 Rhoads Road Area Street Improvements 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 1,355,000 N 40 TR70 -1999 Mt Angeles Road /Porter Street Improvements 3,030 000 3,030,000 3,030,000 3,030,000 N 41 TR13 -1999 CityoWide Traffic Signal Interconnect/PreOemption 725,000 725,000 725,000 N 42 TR10 -1999 10th Street Reconstruction 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 N 43 TR97 -1999 C Street and Fairmont Street Improvements 3,660,000 3,660,000 3,660,000 3,660,000 N 44 TR08 -1999 Milwaukee Drive Phase II 4,550,000 4,550,000 4,550,000 N 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER N \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls Exhibit "A" CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 3 6/14/2012 1 CL01 -2006 Eclipse Industrial Park Increase Capacity 385,000 385,000 150,000 200,000 N 2 CL02 -2011 Underground Cable Repair 150,000 150000 150,000 N 3 CL03 -2010 Redundant Fiber Optic Facilities 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 4 CLO5 -2009 Street Light Upgrades Tier 2 Conservation Program 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 N 5 CLOS -2011 Public Safety Wireless Mobile Network (BTOP) 3,724,000 1,117,000 2,495,000 1,229,000 2,607,000 N 6 CL07 -2010 BPA Conservation Program 5,718,000 762,000 826,000 826,000 826,000 826,000 826,000 826,000 5,718.000 N 7 CL09 -2009 Tier 2 Conservation Program 2,100,000 2,100,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 N 8 CL02 -2006 Upgrade "A" Street Substation Transformer 860,000 860,000 60,000 800,000 800,000 N 9 CL02 -2012 Yard /Area Light Replacement 125,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 N 10 CL03 -2009 Voluntary Peak Power Project 1,000,000 1,000,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 N 11 CL06 -2012 Upgrade Downtown Lighting Poles 200,000 200,000 200,000 N 12 CLOS-2012 Cable Restoration 0 Phase V 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 13 CLO8 -2007 Olympic Medical Center Redundant Power Source 110,000 110,000 110,000 N 14 CL04 -2012 Remove Rayonier Transmission Line 150,000 150,000 150,000 N 15 CLO5 -2010 Pole Replacement Program 2 ,775,000 2,775,000 900,000 625,000 625,000 625,000 2,775,000 N 16 CL02 -2010 Transmission Line UpgradeOWashington to I St 220,000 220,000 20,000 200,000 N 17 CL02 -2002 Feeder Tie Porter To Golf Course 260,000 260,000 30,000 230,000 N 18 CL07 -2007 Underground Feeder F01202 110,000 110,000 10,000 100,000 N 19 CL01 -2004 Feeder Tie Hwy 101, Cherry Street to Pine Street 60,000 60,000 60,000 N DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS 8 CONTRIB BONDS 8 LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 45 TR80 -1999 Laundsen BIvdNJashington Street Reconstruct 480,000 75,000 480,000 405,000 N 46 TR14 -1999 White's Creek Crossing 9,690,000 9,690,000 9,690,000 N 47 TR03 -2008 0 Street Improvements (14th to 16th Streets) 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED STREET PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL STREET PROJECTS 140,000 87,553,809 140,000 76,901,809 20,000 5,411,581 20,000 10,360,745 20,000 12,445,016 20,000 3,171,000 20,000 7,600,419 20,000 1,415,000 20,000 41,762,048 10,896,000 11,675,000 ELECTRIC PROJECTS 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 4 N: \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012 1 WT02 -2006 BioAnnual Replacements 1,224000 1,224,000 306,000 306,000 306,000 306,000 N 2 WT02 -2009 Concrete Cylinder Pipe Replacement 7,424,000 7,424,000 1,736,000 3,000,000 2,688,000 7424,000 N 3 WT01 -2009 E Street Reservoir Cover Repainting 300,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 ry 4 WT01 -2011 Liberty Street Water Main Replacement 380,000 380,000 380,000 360,000 N 5 WT03 -2009 Transfer Morse Creek Water Lines to Clallam PUD 400,000 200,000 400,000 200,000 N 6 WT64 -1999 McDougal Pressure Subzone Improvements 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 550,000 N 7 WT05 -2012 East 4th Street Water Main Replacement 400,000 400,000 50,000 350,000 115,000 595,000 532,500 N 8 WT01 -2012 10th Street Water Main Replacement 990,000 990,000 100,000 890,000 990,000 N 9 WT02 -2012 East 6th Street Water Main Replacement 290,000 290,000 40,000 250,000 N 10 WT03 -2005 Vulnerability Improvements 210,000 210,000 210,000 N 11 WT03 -2012 North Liberty Street Water Main 100,000 100,000 100,000 N DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS CONTRIB. BONDS LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 20 CL07 -1999 Arpod Industrial Park Electric Service 800,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 N 21 CL03 -2011 Cable Television Franchise Formal Proceeding 65,000 65,000 65,000 22 CL01 -2012 Street Light Upgrades Phase II 500,000 400,000 500,000 100,000 N 23 CL04 -2010 Metropolitan Area Network Needs Assessment 72,000 72,000 30,000 42,000 N 24 CL03 -2006 Install Peabody Substation 770,000 770,000 440,000 330,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 21,554,000 12,304,000 6,117,000 3,240,000 3,186,000 3,111,000 2,443,000 1,766,000 1,656,000 9,250,000 4,775,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 6,780,000 6,247,500 330,000 1,215,000 3,200,000 3,035,000 2,750,000 115,000 635,000 532,500 WATER PROJECTS N \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER Exhibi "A" CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 5 6/14/2012 Landfill Bluff Stabilization 0 1 5W02 -2012 Phase 1 4,715,000 4,715,000 300,000 1,215,000 3,200,000 N Post0Closure Beach 2 SW01 -2009 Nourishment 105,000 105,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 N Landfill Bluff Stabihzaton 0 3 SW03 -2012 Phase II 1,250,000 1,250,000 3,000,000 2,750,000 N 4 SW01 -2012 Decant Facility 710,000 177,500 115,000 595,000 532,500 N TOTAL OF MANDATED ELECTRIC PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL ELECTRIC PROJECTS 21,554,000 12,304,000 6,117,000 3,240,000 3,186,000 3,111,000 2,443,000 1,766,000 1,656,000 9,250,000 4,775,000 SOLID WASTE PROJECTS TOTAL OF MANDATED SOLID WASTE PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL SOLID WASTE PROJECTS 6,780,000 6,247,500 330,000 1,215,000 3,200,000 3,035,000 2,750,000 115,000 635,000 532,500 WATER PROJECTS N \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER Exhibi "A" CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 5 6/14/2012 1 WW06 -2006 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase I 21,289,000 21,289,000 12,500,000 8,789,000 21,289,000 N 2 1 NW10 -2008 Combined Sewer Overflows Phase II 16,628,000 16,628,000 1,000,000 1,445,000 7,091,000 7,092,000 12,501,000 N 3 WW02 -2011 Fiber Optic Connections to CSO Sites 100,000 100,000 100,000 N 4 WW03 -2005 Plant Headworks Improvements 350,000 350,000 350,000 N 5 W 0005 -2006 Sewer Trestle at Francis 8th 175,000 175,000 175,000 N 6 MO2-2010 SCADA System Upgrade /Replacement 675,000 675,000 125,000 400,000 100,000 50,000 N 7 WW03 -2008 Pump Station #3 Replacement 410,000 410,000 30,000 80,000 300,000 N 8 WW01 -2011 Sanitary Sewer InfiltratiorVlnflow Reduction Phase l 2,132,000 2,132,000 257,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 325,000 325,000 325,000 N 9 WW04 -2008 Carbon Scrubbers WWTP 53,000 53,000 3,000 50,000 N 10 WW01-2008 Dry Polymer Feeder Replacement WWTP 54,000 54,000 3,000 51,000 N 11 WW02 -2008 Septage Receiving Station WWTP 770,000 770,000 120,000 650,000 N 12 WW01 -2010 Turbo Blower Installation 220,000 220,000 10,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 N 13 W /05 -2008 Digester Mixing Improvement WWTP 380,000 380,000 15,000 35,000 165,000 165,000 N 14 WW27 -1999 BioAnnual Replacement Lines 893,000 893,000 276,000 300,000 317,000 N 15 WW03 -2012 Marine Dnve Forece Main Replacement 1,119,000 1,119,000 158,600 960,400 N 15 WW06 -2008 Waste Activated Sludge Thickening WWTP 50,000 50,000 10,000 40,000 220,000 N 16 WW02 -2005 Plant Dewatenng improvements 2,963,000 2,963,000 63,000 400,000 3,500,000 3,963,000 N 17 WW02 -2012 WWTP Grit Classifier and Washer 215,000 215,000 15,000 200,000 N 18 WW03 -2000 Lindberg Rd Sewer LID 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 N 19 WW07 -2008 West UGA Basin 2 Sewer Extension 7,100,000 7,100,000 7,100,000 N 20 W /09 -2008 West UGA Basin 3 Sewer Extension 6,100,000 6,100,000 6,100,000 N DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS CONTRIB. BONDS LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 12 WT06.2012 Third Street and Vine Street Main Replacement 390,000 390,000 390,000 N 13 WT04 -2012 West 4th Street Water Main Replacement 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150,000 1,150000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL WATER PROJECTS 13,308,000 13,108,000 2,242,000 880,000 3,506,000 1,780,000 3,244,000 2,156,000 200,000 10,494,000 WASTEWATER PROJECTS 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 6 N. \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012 1 DR01 -2011 Water Quality Studies for Fecal Conform Pollution 100,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 Y 2 DR03 -2009 4th Street Stormwater Improvements 1,168,000 168,000 1,168,000 1,000,000 N 3 DR03 -2011 Stormwater NPDES Needs Assessment 85,000 85,000 85,000 N 4 DR02 -2012 Peabody Creek Fecal Conform Bacteria Reduction 125,000 (350,000) 25,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 475,000 N 5 DR03 -2012 Stormwater Enhancement LID Program. 210,000 150,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 60,000 N 6 0R02 -2011 Annual Stormwater System Rehabilitation 1,284,000 1,284,000 170,000 170,000 170,000 191,000 191,000 192.000 200,000 N 7 DR01 -2008 Annual Water Quality Project 210.000 105,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 105,000 N 8 DR03 -2004 Stormwater at Laurel US101 575,000 575,000 75,000 500,000 575,000 N 9 DR04 -2012 Outran Dredging 165,000 165,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 N 10 DR14 -1999 Peabody Creek/Lincoln St Culvert Rehab 920,000 460,000 120,000 800,000 460,000 460,000 N 11 DR04 -2011 Liberty Street Stormwater Improvement 1.035,000 1,035,000 135,000 900,000 1,035,000 N 12 DR01 -2012 Valley Creek Culvert/Outfall Replacement 600,000 600,000 100,000 500,000 N 13 DR06 -2004 Stormwater at Campbell Porter 3450,000 3,450,000 450,000 3,000,000 3,450,000 N 14 DR042004 Stormwater at Canyon Edge &Ahlvers 3,450,000 3,450,000 450,000 3,000,000 3,450,000 N 15 DR08 -2004 Lincoln Park/Big Boy Pond 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 N DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS CONTRIB. BONDS LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 21 WW11 -2008 West UGA Basin 4 Sewer Extension 2,500,000 500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 N TOTAL OF MANDATED WASTEWATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL WASTEWATER PROJECTS 65,376,000 48,476,000 14,761 000 11,391,000 8,211,000 7,935,600 1,820,400 1,597,000 20,880,000 16,900,000 37,753,000 STORMWATER PROJECTS 11,192,000 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 7 TOTAL OF MANDATED STORMWATER PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL STORMWATER PROJECTS 100,000 13,427 000 50,000 11,192,000 50,000 360,000 25,000 1,553,000 25,000 985,000 1,691,000 1,211 000 1,307,000 6,820,000 50,000 2,235,000 9,020,000 TOTAL OF ALL MANDATED UTILITY PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL UTILITY PROJECTS 100,000 120,445,000 50,000 91,327,500 50,000 23,810,000 25,000 18,279,000 25,000 19,088,000 17,552,600 11 468,400 4,785,000 32,147,000 50,000 29,117,500 62,042,000 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS 1 I IT01 -2011 Electronic Records Management Upgrade 140,000 140,000 140,000 N N: \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012 DIVISION PRIORITY PROJECT ID PROJECT TITLE TOTAL PROJECT COSTS TOTAL CITY COST 2012 TOTAL COSTS 2013 TOTAL COSTS 2014 TOTAL COSTS 2015 TOTAL COSTS 2016 TOTAL COSTS 2017 TOTAL COSTS 2018 TOTAL COSTS GRANTS 8 CONTRIB. BONDS 8 LOANS OUTSIDE MANDATE 2 1702 -2012 Redundant Data Center Fire Suppression /Security Upgrade 50,000 50,000 50,000 N 3 1703 -2011 Redundant Datacenter Facility Air Conditioning 35,000 35,000 35,000 N 4 IT03 -2012 Replace Data Center Server Management Hardware 60,000 60,000 60,000 N 5 1701 -2012 Replacement Computer Room Battery Backup Systems 90,000 90,000 90,000 N 6 1702 -2011 Council Chambers Visual Aids Upgrade 55,000 55,000 55,000 N GRAND TOTAL OF MANDATED PROJECTS 570,000 520,000 70,000 45,000 45,000 20,000 60,000 310,000 20,000 50,000 GRANDTOTALOFALLPROJECTS 228,969,525 182,009,963 30,559,297 36,901,745 36,594,016 23,208,600 19,803,819 8,190,000 74,509,048 47,203,562 79,703,000 N. \CFP\2012 \Resolution Exhibit A 061912.XLS.xls 2012 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PROJECTS PRIORITY ORDER CFP TIP SUMMARY PAGE 8 TOTAL OF MANDATED IT PROJECTS TOTAL OF ALL IT PROJECTS 430,000 430,000 175,000 110,000 145,000 Exhibit "A" 6/14/2012