HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-69 .. e. e RESOLUTION NO. 1/- I> 9 'I !I. A RESOLUTION pertaining to personnel, rules and regula- tions, establishing hours of employment, leaves of absence with pay, sick leave with pay, annual vacation, military leave, fixing policy as to holidays, holiday work and other matters pertaining to employment with the City of Port Angeles and repealing certain resolutions. WHEREAS, previously certain resolutions were adopted by the City Ii. ~: Council pertaining to the matters covered by the title of this resolution; and j' ii WHEREAS, conditions have changed and it appears desirable and :lto the best interest of the City and its employees to make aertain changes, :1 a s hereinafter set forth; now, therefore, II BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT Ii IIANGELES that Resolutions numbered 1-67 and 20-67 are hereby repealed. 1'1 The following provisions of these rules, as contained herein, I. I I' lare hereby declared to be general administrative rules for all departments. I I Section 1. HOURS OF DUTY: Minimum hours of duty for all I employees shall be prescribed by the heads of the departments concerned, /' i / :IWith the approval of the City Manager, and set forth in instructions issued by them to govern their respective departments. ') :1 Section 2. HIRING OF RELATIVES: The general policy of the City 'bf Port Angeles shall be not to employ personnel who are related by blood or , il IfIlarriage in the same City Department. Section 3. RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT: The general policy of the ,City of Port Angeles shall be to require all Department Heads and certain i key supervisory personnel as designated by the City Manager or by Depart- !I bent Heads to live within the City Limits. I 'I Section 4. SICK LEAVE WITH PAY: Sick leave shall not be con- :~idered as a privilege which the employees may use at their discretion, but .1 iphall be only used in the ,case of necessity and actual sickness or disability. !Sick leave with pay shall be granted at the rate of one (1) work day for each ,', ~ " . . II calendar month of service. The City Manager has the authority to grant I additional sick leave in emergencies. Unused sick leave shall be accu- I I Imulated at the rate of twelve (12) days a year, and all twelve (12) days , I can be accumulated if not used to a total of not more than one hundred i ,twenty (120) work days. In order to receive compensation while absent lion such leave, the employees must see that proper notification is given Ii !Ihis immediate superior of his illness within two (2) hours after the time i,: 'set for beginning his daily duties, or as may be specified by the head of L .;his department. When absence is for more than three (3) work days, the I ,I employee shall file a personal affidavit or a physician's certificate with I I Ithe head of the department stating the cause of the absence. Personnel LhO are sick over five {5} days are required to obtain a physician 's cer- !I :\tificate. No accumulated sick leave may be used, except in the case of I actual sicknes s. Where the facts are established to the satisfaction of II i,the head of the department, sick leave may be granted for one of the follow- ling reasons: I (1) Because of and during illness or injury (on or off the job) in- I ,capacitating the employee to perform his duties. (2) Because of illness in the immediate family requiring the attend- lance of the employee. Immediate family includes spouse and children and lSick leave is allowed for one (1) day in anyone instance. I ~j (3) Because of death in the immediate family requiring the attendance qof the employee. Sick leave for such rea son shall be limited to three (3) days ) !Iin anyone instance. "Immediate Family" shall include only persons related I !!by blood or marriage or legal adoption in the degree of consanquinity of which I[includes parent, wife, husband, brother, sister, child, grandparents or grand- !Ichild:' and any relative living in the employee I s household. :1 (4) In the case of maternity leave,where employee returns to work, 'j ,I leave for such reason shall be granted up to thirty (30) days. I - 2 - . . (5) Employees on authorized sick leave will continue to accrue I 'I sick leave time for the first fifteen (15) days while on leave. After that time l employees will not accrue additional sick leave until they have returned to il work. ,I 'I (6) Employees paid by the Workmen's Compensation Fund while ., lion sick leave will deposit this money with the City Finance Department and I II receive sick leave credit. The sick leave credit will be determined by divid- '. I'; ing the employee's hourly pay rate with the total monies turned in for credit. 11 Section 5. ANNUAL LEAVE WITH PAY: During each of the first I eight (8) years of employment, annual leave with pay shall accrue to each " employee of the City at the rate of ten (lO) working days for each twelve (12) ~ months of service. I II (a) Annual leave after eilil"ht (8) years service shall accrue I I) each month as follows: Nine (9) through fifteen (IS) years a t the rate of fifteen (I5) working days per year; sixteen (16) through twenty-five (25) years at the rate of twenty (20) work- ing days per year; after twenty-five (25) years of service at the rate of twenty-five (25) working days per year. (b) Vacation will be granted only after the completion of one (I) full year's service .:'Thereafter the leave credited for any month of service may be taken in any subsequent month; provided, however, such leave will not interfere with work of the department. Application for such leave will be made in advance and approved by the Department Head. (c) No employee shall be permitted to accumulate annual leave in excess of the amount earned over a two (2) year period and such leave is subject to provision (b) statEd above. (d) Any annual leave earned in excess of two (2) weeks - 3 - r . . each year may be paid in cash provided pay is taken the year after vacation is earned, at the rate of pay when earned. I il Ithe City Manager, leave not to exceed fifteen (15) calendar days in anyone Section 6. MILITARY LEAVE WITH PAY: Upon written application to 'Iyear over and above the annual leave may be allowed to any employee who is Ila member of National Guard or Reserve Corps of the United States to the extent 1'lauthOrized by, and under the provision of the laws of the State of Washington. il All military leave requests shall have mili tary orders. No military leave request I' ['shall exceed the days allowed in the ol'tlers. , !: Section 7. LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY: Leave of absence lithout pay may be allowed for specifiC periods for any of the reasons applicable :\ ,for leave with pay for any periods beyond those covered by permissible leaves 11 I rith pay, for military service~ and for maternity leave. Leave of absence with- :1 ~ut pay shall not be allowed to an extent aggregating more than twelve (12) ,. konths in any consecutive period of five (5) years, but this limitation shall not II ~pply to absence on account of military service. Any employee entering the ,I fuilitary service of the United States, under the conditions prescribed in the I II Laws of the State of Washington, shall be entitled to leave of absence without I' 'I pay and restoration of his position in accordance with the provisions of the law. II ~eave of absence without pay, except in cases of military service or maternity ;i leave, shall not be authorized in any case where such leave shall operate to Ii Ii the detriment of the City service. II Section 8. CANCELLATION OF LEAVE CREDITS ON SEPARATION: When an employee's service with the City has been terminated, he shall be paid for " ~ccumulated annual leave. All other leave credits, however, shall be canceled. II Section 9. PART-TIME PERMANENT SERVICES: Where less than full- ~ ~ime service is required, or rendered in any position, or employment, compensa- [I tion shall be paid only on such a part-time basis, and payment shall take account !I ');If the ratio of hours actually engaged on duty to the ratio required for full-time - 4 - ... .' . . " services in determining the benefits under this resolution. This resolution shall ~I not apply to extra help or temporary employees. This resolution shall apply to :1 any employee whether employed on hourly or monthly basis in regular employment ,I j:, of the City as covered by the budget under regular classification of employment. Section 10. MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBIUTIES: The City has the I, rights, prerogatives and powers invested by the citizens of the State and this ,I II community which are essential to efficiently and ju.stly manage the City opera- Iltions for its citizens. Following are some of the powers and rights so vested: I' II (1) Establish reasonable work rules, assign work, determine job I: n clas sifications and job descriptions, schedule hours of work, number of em- I, 'ployees required for jobs, as sign duties and responsibilities, control over- ! ~time work, and other management responsibilities required for the efficient I :Ioperation of the City government. (2) The City has the right, among other actions, to discipline. lay :1 I' :Ioff personnel when not required and discharge employees for cause. The dis- ,I '!charge or suspension of an employee for "cause" will be with full explanation i: II given the employee in writing if requested and shall have recourse to grievance il .'jProcedures in labor contracts. Although dismissal may be based on other causes, , I j'lany one or more of the following shall be sufficient: (a) Conviction of criminal offense or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude. .I (b) Willful violation of any lawful and rea sonable regulation, order or direction made or given by a superior officer when such violation ha s amounted to insubordination or serious breach of proper discipline or has resulted in loss or injury to the public. (c) Intoxication or drinking intoxicating liquor while on duty, or being addicted to the use of narcotics. (d) Incompetency o! inefficiency in the performance of duties of the po sition to which he is appointed. (e) Wantonly offensive conduct or language toward the public or fellow officers or employees. (f) Ca!elessness or negligence in the use of the property of the City, and deliberate destruction or removal of - 5 - ~' . . ,. Cit y property or another employee's property. (g) Failure to payor make reasonable provision for the future payment of just debts due and OWing by him. \1 I I II I I II !l (h) Aiding in assessment from any officer or employee in the City service for the purpose of securing the nomination or election of any person to municipal office. (i) The taking or receiving of any fee, gift or other valuable thing in the course of his work or in con- nection with it for his personal gain from any per- son when such fee or gift is given by such person in the hope or expectation of receiving a favor or better treatment than that accorded to other persons. (j) Absence without leave, including failure to report for employment, and repeated failure to report for duty as scheduled. -I (k) Entering private property or establishments during working hours, without authori zation or for personal reasons. Section 11. LEGAL HOLIDAYS: The following are legal holidays: a. New Year's Day b. Lincoln's Birthday c. Washington I s Birthday d. Memorial Day e. Independence Day f. Labor Day g. Veterans Day h. ThanksgiVing i. Christmas j. General Election Day January I February 12 February 22 May 30 July 4 1 st Monday in September November II As proclaimed by Governor December 25 1 st Tuesday after the 1 s.t Monday in the even numbered years. :~h e holiday is to be ce leheated on the actual date. Pmv!ded that: Whenev", !jny legal holiday falls on a Sunday, employees who generally do not work on ISunday shall have Monday as a holiday, and except whenever any hOliday falls :1 Ion a Saturday I employees who generally do not work on Saturday shall have the I lprevious Friday as a holiday. Employees must work the scheduled day before !,and after a holiday in order to be paid for holidays. This does not apply to jpersonnel on authorized sick or annual leave. I Section 12. RESTRICTION ON USE OF CITY VEHICLES: Personnel j , 'assigned City vehicles shall limit the use of these vehicles to within the City I ILimits. Those personnel permitted to drive vehicles to their residence, shall ,I Ii J _ 6 _ I .~ no.' ~ . . i keep them locked and use them only for official City business. Section 13. JURY DUTY: City personnel required to perform jury ,. II duty will receive their regular City pay for the duration of the jury duty. All I ~I monies received for performing jury duty over and abqve their regular City pay,,, i ) will be turned in to the City trea sury. II PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved II by its Mayor at a regular meeting of the Council held on the J 9 W day r . ,I of I' I y.Ur1 U 1999. d----yJ.. w. W~ Ma yor '..... .' ~.' ... - II Attest,:" ;1;;:; ~ 'I' -~' -- 'a~'A ,;~ j,""' 7n:; cr; p Pft~ II City Clerk JApproved a s to form; II .I II .1 Ii ,1 I' II - 7 -