HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01 RESOLUTION NO. 12-01 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating a portion of the General Fund balance for certain capital projects. WHEREAS, the City Council has set certain goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, those goals include certain major capital projects; and WHEREAS, it is in the community's interest to improve and enhance the City's infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the City Council passed Resolution No. 4-00 designating $1,650,000 of the General Fund balance for the specific purpose of funding general purpose capital projects; and WHEREAS, the City's annual operating budget ordinance includes a financial management policy designating year-end surpluses to be dedicated to the Capital Facilities Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles hereby designates $1,330,000, which includes $600,000 from the year-end 2000 General Fund surplus, $595,000 from the reallocation and reprioritization of the $1,650,000 allocation designated by Resolution 4-00, and $135,000 from street projects in the 2001 operating budget, for the specific purpose of funding general purpose capital projects as identified in the list of capital projects attached hereto as Exhibit "A". PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of July, 2001. ATTEST: Q~ t1-~ f't I 1\ n t"t VDA ~~~~~Gll PUBLISHED: JULY 8 ~ 2001 By Summary ED AS TO FORM: /~ F:\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R200 1-09 June 28, 2001 -1- .... (9 w z U oft: Z :J :J 0 u.Ul Cf) I- a w ...., o 0::: c- o z ::> LL .....J 4: I- Z W ~ Z 0::: w > o <.9 .... + '" II U"l ~ W C N Z W Q 0 W Q .... i= z ~ Ul '"' 0 Q C Q ~ Z N :J u. N ..... o o C'\I ~ ~ - 0 u- ft: Q. Ul W I- o Z N ~ I- N <l: w I- - u Q) 0:: oil ~ ;. ~ ~ :5: - ~ - a.. ....= en ~ LLLLLLu..U.U. (9(9(9(9(9(9 000 0 o o o .... >< Q) ~ J::J m e,j (/) U) (I) ~ 'i3Q)-c-c-l: '" '=-,.-~= ~~~~~ ~ s U) .~ .2.2 ~ :5 ~~:g:g~!!!", - w c.. c.. c.. c.. 15 !;: c;;----t::~ U.U.LLQ)LLU.LLlL.L.L.LL _(9 (9 (9 0:: (9 (9 (9 (9 (9 (9rn ~ I I Ie ILl I I I LI I . 8 0> 0 0' g g g g g g g g g g g g ~ o 00 00000000000 ci ~~ a> <Ii 0 0 o~ an ci ci u; ..0 0 ~ i~ o ..qCX) T""'OLOLONNNNNT""'.':; N v I"- T"'" ...... ...... iJ) I. I' Q; .c is "C C o CO ~Ii 0> .:>: c.. I!UU Q) Q) ro 10 > > "C: "C c.. c.. IJ , I , I I I I o 0 a o .n .... 00 o o o 't o 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0000 00 0 o 000 0 000 u) 000..0 60 an LO 0 LO ~ v v 0 N N N N N ~IG J::J ~I( .~ '0, ::l Q) ~ ~Ii III ~ii;~ii~ii~1 I- U w ..., o ft: Q. c Q) E c .2' c;; Q) 0:: Q; g] l ~ U-g'ffig?~ 2e-g-ec ~~~!~~ &coU5 ~~~ ~mu5~~~ U5:g~'gc~ ..c :J ::J ~ ~ CO co ~ ~ u.. Q (!) I- Z c III 0 _lJlC~ ,., >- :J U to 0 ~C;-J ~ cJ. . . . I-UJ~ g~g~gg ~g g ~ ~g~g~~g~~g 000 ~ N~qq _ ~ ~ ~ LOT""'~ T""'T""'T""'V t-a::::() <\IN .q-N T"'" N N or- Q. Q. U. ., U "I"""" N ("') v I.t) co 000 a o .n U"l ~ en c Q) E 2l ~li c w o o c.. 0> C c: Q) "C ~ Q) 0> "C 'C CO ~ Ul CD t; c W Q) ..., ~ ~ ::l Q. ~ ~ Ol U Ol '"' N Q .... Q 0:: N I- ~ ~ b ~ I- to :J Ul r-- <Xl Ol -' u .9 "C Q) > o ::2: "C C o CO ~~ ,e~ -' 0 o - o "C o Q) o > o 0 N ::2: c;; > e a. ~ g. ~ c .9 ~ "C(9 Q) "C > Q) o Q) ::2: z 000 000 000 .nNO N N o o o ,..: .... c c;; Q) C E 0> 2l U5 '" oil o.c &!. 0 CJ~ ~ ~ __2 a:: c g~i :g&!.&!.Ul c5:g~t; ,-coew .22c0(3 c..o~ft: ~gc;;Q. o::;>~ mOl mO)mommO q~O')oc>>mo>C?mm... o~oM<bocbocbog 0::(91i1E~~~(9o::5N u. (9 I- I- c.. I- I- (9 I- (9 ~ ~ I- o I- to :J Ul 0> C :g ~ Ci5 c C en Q) ~..:.:: ~Ecal u ~ w 0:: t'tICJtncn a. e co ~ &!.[L~'i3<lJ Q)Cij.-(QO- :gc1J'-?~~ <D~:(l~0:: Q)t) ~.2€ f!?"[>>t-CO :J U5cQ)Q)~ J::'~e~Cl <<ia..U5w<c >- "C ::l ~ U5 "C ~ ~ ~ en :J ~ ~ E '" o ~ o 0 <(oo ~oIl ~ ~ U Q) '" oo ~~ 0::0 :: ~ ~ ;!~~~~~~ .:>: c;; ~ "C U5 C e u. .!:; "C Q) <lJ ::J .... o o N .!:; t5 2 1il C o U 'IT I. 0000 0000 0000 Ll'ioLl'io OlOMC'? lO<o.....r<t .... - oo I- o W ..., o 0:: c.. -' <( I- Z w ::2: z 0:: w 6 (9 ~ I- o r.!;;. In t5 Q) "e- UlOo 0:J- 0c.Q) ~5~ o(/)(/) lOO"O ~OQ) ;;~~ EE~ e e c "C............::::::J Q)Q)Q)..... m:i5:i50-l UtlltllO<( .2'ffi'ffiC\l1- ro <(> <(> E 0 Q) ol- D .::: .9 ~ In .!!! -g '(ij Q)~ ~ Cl "0 :J lD Q) ~ en o o C\l .!: "0 Q) "0 :J U C Exhibit" A" In X ai 'E o t5 Q) "e- o. ..... o a. :Q c .