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NO. J.!l-"
WHEREAS~ certain real property owned by the United States,
consisting of 652.9) acres, located in the County of Clallam,
State of Washfngton, has been declared surplus a~d is subject to
disposal for public health purposes by the Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare, under the Federal Property and Adm-inistra-
tive Services Act of 1949, as amended, and rules and regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto; and
e WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington needs said
property and can utilize the same for public health purposes in
accordance with the requirements of said Act and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Port Angeles,
Washington shall make application to the Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare for and secure the transfe~ to it of the'
abovementioned property for public health use upon and subjeci to
such exceptions, reservations, terms, cove~ants, agreements..con-
di tions, and restrictions as the Secretary of Health, Education,
and Welfare, or his authorized representatiyes, may requ~re ~n
connection with the disposal of said property unde1 said 'Act and
the rules and r~gul~tions issued pursuant theretoi ~ Provided that
the purchase pr1ce 1S acceptable to the City Council; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. D. D. Herrman, the Ci,ty ,
Manager be and he is hereby authorized, tor and on behalf of
the City of Port Angeles, lVashi,ngton, to do and perform' any and
all acts and things which may be necessary to carry out the fote-
going resolution; including the preparing, making; and filing of
plans, applications, reports. and other documents, including
representations and commitments regarding use and time within
which such use shall commence; the execution, ~cceptance,
delivery, and recordation of agreements, deeds, and other
instruments pertaining to the transfer of !laid: property; and
the payment of any and all sums 'necessary on account of the
purchase price thereof or on account of fees or costs incurred
in connection with the ~~ansfer of said property for surveys,
title searches. appraisals, re~oraation of instruments or escrow
costs. .
{'L~~ (~_ ~~LhcMaYOr
f, ~.B. McNeece, he~e~y certify that 1 am the City Clerk of
the City of Port Angele~; Washington; and that the foregoing reso-
lution is a true and cotr~ot copy ot the resolution adopted by the
vote of a majority of the members of said City Council, City of
Port AngelelJ_ w.aShington present at a meeting of said Council on
the f/'YV day of ~ . , 19~, at which a qucrum
was present.
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B. B. McNeece, .City Clerk
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WHEREAS, certain real property owned by the United States,
consisting of 652.93 acres, located in the County ot Clallam,
State of Washington. has been declared surplus and is subject to
disposal tor public health purposes by the Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare, under the Federal Property and Administra-
tive Services Act of 1949, as amended, and rules and regulations
promulgated pursuant thereto; and
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles, Washington needs said
property and can utilize the same for public health purposes in
accordance with the requirements of said Act and the rules and
regulations promulgated thereunder;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Port Angeles,
Washington shall make application to the Secretary of Health,
'Education, and Welfare for and secure the transfer to it of the
abovementioned property for public health use upon and subject to
such exceptions, reservations, terms, covenants. agreements, con-
ditions, and restrictions as the Secretary of Health, Education,
and Welfare, or his authorized representatives, may require in
connection with the disposal of said property under said Act and
the rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto; ~ Provided that
the purchase price is acceptable to the City Council; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. D. D. Herr~an, the City
Manager be and he is hereby authorized, for and on behalf of
the City of Port Angeles, Washington, to do and perform any and
all acts and things which may be necessary to carry out the toraT
going resolution; including the preparing, making, and filing of
plans, applications, reports, and other docunents, including
representations and commitments regarding use and time within
which such use shall commence; the execution, acceptance,
delivery, and recordation of agreements, deeds, and other
instruments pertaining to the transfer of said property; and
the payment of any and all sums necessary on account of the
purchase price thereof or on account of fees or costs incurred
in connection with the transfer of said property for surveys,
title searches, appraisals, recordation of instruments or escrow
(J~~<ffP ?hd:~ .
I, B. B. McNeece, hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of
the City of Port Angeles, Washington; and that the foregoing reso.
lution 1s a true and correct copy of the resolution adopted by .the
vote of a majority of the members of said City Council, City of
Port An~eles, Washington present at a meetin~ .of said Council on
the ~ '"t:::Rv day of ~ . , 19~, at which a quorum
was present. .
4 ~ ~ \fJ-L;~
B. . c eece, City Clerk