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RE$OLUTION NOo I s--- 5'7
WHEREAS, the Port Q~ Port Angeles, a municipal corporation,
has available ~or expenditure at this time ~or the enlargement of'
the Boat 'Haven $175,000000; and,
WHEREAS, the Port has heretofore expended' $225,000.00 t~
])rovi,de mooring for commercial and pleasure craft; and,
WHEREAS, the Boat Haven, particularly during the winter time,
:ll:! over crowded, ~o~cii:lg commercial vessels to travel ~r0m the c,oast
an acl.dlticma1 day to St(attle harbors ~or protection; and"
WERE~, 10cal e Gnm ti ons at the Boat Haven are such that at
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,,~' . '~I1i'e,li.1>rers\'ent','~~mEr'Ji3.0 r0q>me.xIbl-ts ''.~er- -the m00ring o'f" t'lle vesseJ:s ,in
this area and many small craf't have had to be removed f'rom the water
wir~h subsequent dll"yi:ng and physical damage to the vessel; and"
WHEREAS, Port Angeles is the logical location and the nearest
',: '10cati-on f'or a boat haven f'or all commercial ~ishermen ~i shing along
\' ,
the~8traits 0:f Juan de ,Fuca and this northern coast; and,
WffEREAS, the Fort o:f:fers many services, including Marine Ways,
f'ueling and emergency services to all navigable ships; and"
' I,
WHEREAS, the ~fshing industry af'f'ords a major, contribution
to our local economy;
NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED that the 01 ty C0uncil o~ the
ca ty of' Port Ang,eles go on record as ,,-urging Federal Of'f'icials to
give ,f'avorable consider.ation to the 'appropriation o~ $396,000.00 f'or
the enlargement, of the Boat Basin at Port Angele s, WaShington; an,d
'c - ''':t~ansmi tted to the Honolrable Allen J. Ellender, Sr., the Honora.ble
BE IT FOOTHER ~SOLVED that a copy o~ this resolution be
t" "
Clarence Cannon, Repres;entati ve Jack Westland, Representati ve DoD.
Magnuson, Senator Henry M. Jackson and Senator \varren Magnuson.
ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th day of May" 1957.
(J. e
Oi ty Clerk: ~
A]:'prevecd as . to :farm: i
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