HomeMy WebLinkAbout15-65 ---..... ~.j;- RESOLUTION NO. 15-65 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles relating to Project No. 45-P-95. WHEREAS, the United States of American has heretofore made an advance, pursuant to an agreement dated August 21, 1946 to the City of ~ Port Angeles in the amount of $8,000.00 for the purpose of plan prepar- I~ at ion of the public work described in the agreement as a ItCity Municipal Building". WHEREAS, by the use of the Federal advance the City of Port Angeles caused to be prepared plans and specifications for the public work described in the aforesaid agreement, and WHEREAS, no construction has been undertaken of the project or any portion thereof described in the aforesaid agreement dated as of the 21st day of August, 1946, and WHEREAS, there is no reasonable likelihood of the planned pro- ject or any portion thereof being undertaken because the City remodeled and expanded its existing City Hall. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council that as there is no reasonable likelihood of the project or any portion thereof as planned with the Federal advance ever being placed under construction for the reasons set forth above, the Housing and Home Finance Administrator be requested to make a determination that the agreement dated on the 21st day of August, 1946 be terminated and that the City of Port Angeles be relieved of all ,liability thereunder. THIS RESOLUTION is adopted pursuant to the authority provided by R.C.W. 35.23.010 et seq. . \ PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles and approved by its Mayor ~t a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 15th day t? ... ~.~-%Ae~ - Mayor of-July, 1965. ,............~...... ;r~ ,'" .... M:test: \~ . - . . . . ~ ~ 0'.' )'4 7Y~~ Ci ty Clerk 0/2~~ City ney '. t- , ~, ----- I .. " t---' H OJ '1 ~ 11 0 rt '1::l ~ 1O ~ ~ ro ;j ro l--tl t-j 0 en 0.. en (,Q (/) ~ '1 ro lJ1 ~ 0 ro '0 c.... ro IT f-l. t-j 1---1 f-l (D ~ C rt ro ~ ro () t---' OJ ~ 5- :::1 () IT (ll IT '< ~ ::s CD 0 1--1. .. 0.. l.Q CD {JJ t-j 0 0.. IT CD t-j <n 0.. ::s SlI 0 f-l () f-l Ul en rt 1O 0 ro 1--1- ~ ::r CO IT m I-j Ul ~ f-l. SlI 0.. ~ lJ1 Ii ro ::s (JJ CO ill 0.. CO t-j It SlI () 0 0- ro S tT' ::r' n,J IT IT CO 0 '< CO CD ~ (j) 0.. I-tl ro n,J () ~ .. 0 ::s 1'0 CD 0 ::r' 1---1 I-t1 j-l m j-l '0 CD '< () H I-h l-h tf) :3 m '< 11 ~ f-I. ~ rt CO tQ CD .g ~ () f-l ::s SlI 0 tT' OJ CD t-' 0.. rt I-' I-h '< OJ H < '< n,J f-l j-l 'Tj CD '< tT' '< ?d () !-J. H t-j CO ro ro I-t1 (j ~ CO 0 IT () Ul t-j f-J. ;J::l CD () I-h ~ 0 0 rt (0 1-3 t-j 0 CO ::s f-l J-l. 0.. tr:I CO I-j J;:l CO <: ~ l-h ~ 0.. c: ::s m IT '< OJ 0 :J CO ~ ::s 1--1. :J 'Tj It 0.. It (\) 0 g: 0... 0 If) ::r' 0.. ::s fg f-l. rt (\) OJ OJ Ul ::s ::l Z rt () () ro GJ CD 0 IT 0 IT g: f-l 0 CD rt 1-1. ~ 1O < rt ::r' ::s ;:I ro +=> CO \-I. f-l ro l.Q H '< m Ii ::s Vl Z u. ... ~ LQ I OJ () GJ ::r' 0 m IT 1-1. f-3 PJ ~ H ro 0 Vl IT rt 0 1-" ::s tj ::s l-h OJ '< 'Tj rt p.. ::s I-t1 rt OJ () Ijj j--l() OJ c: rt 0.- ::r' n H ro 1-" rt f-' tj QJ ::r' 0 CD I-' () rt ::r' en rt 8. ro '0 P. ro ~ 0 f-l. ::r' rt * I-h If) 0 ro () CO 11 () rn tj f} f-l. 0.. (D /dt-' I--' rt {JJ 0 (D (i) m IT () CD '< 0 0 I-h () t-i ft ::Y CD ::s I--' o~ CD t-j () n c g: a rt f-l. 0 rt rt 0.. '0 !-J. rt c: ::r f-l. ro 1-" OJ Ii Hl '< ::s CD 0 ::s '< 0 '< () ::s () t.Q () 0 1-" t-' f-J. 0 ro rt I-h t-' Vl f-l. rt 0 rn CD ::t_ It (Jl '< J;-, 0.. !lI t-d :s ::r' I-i1 c.... !-J. et 0 1--" OJ 0 ...... C ::1 t-;I rt 0.. I--t1 (.l I--' I.Q CJl rt ::r' OJ ro '< {/) c '< t-j .. 0 ::r'