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A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, providing for various employee awards and incentive
WHEREAS, the City Council, City Manager, and City Staff recognize the need for
programs to reward outstanding performance by City employees and have developed and adopted
several employee recognition and incentives programs; and
WHEREAS, employee awards and recognition programs have a useful value of several
years but need to be amended and updated from time to time to meet the current goals and
objectives of the organization and remain positive, creative, and successful incentives for
employee productivity; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager and management personnel have reviewed the existing
employee awards and recognition programs and recommend a number of changes to keep the
programs of value to employees and a viable method, of special recognition for outstanding
performance by City employees;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port
Angeles as follows:
Section 1. The City shall implement employee awards and recognition programs as
outlined in the attached Exhibit "A".
Section 2.
Resolution # 4-98 is hereby rescinded.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 5th day of September, 2006.
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William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Becky J. U n, . Clerk
G:\Legal_ Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTIONS\R2006-14 .Employeelncentives&A wards. wpd
Exhibit A
City of Port Angeles Employee Awards
And Recognition Programs
1. Caught in the Act: A program that recognizes fellow employees in praiseworthy situations
at the workplace and rewards them, by co-workers, with video coupons or a gift certificate to a
restaurant ($5 value).
2. Superior Performance Award: A program with a cash award of $100 (net value) for
superior performance for an individual employee or team of employees. This requires
department head and City Manager approval and must be for performance above and beyond the
normal scope of their job. This could range from overall excellence to specific situations that
involve customer service, creativity, complex problem solving on multidimensional projects, and
other related examples of superior employee performance.
3. "Shining Star" Certificate Award: A program reserved for special performance by
Management positions in the City. A department head, with City Manager approval, would
present this meritorious certificate to a manager in their department who has demonstrated extra
effort in their work performance for a job well done.
4. Department Employee Recognition Award: This program has as a cash value not to
exceed $50 per recipient. The specific award may be cash, a gift certificate to a restaurant, a gift
selected by the department head that may be tailored to the employee's interests, a team
luncheon, or other related item. This program is designed to be flexible because of the varied
interests of departments and provide a gift of recognition the employee would value and use.
This program is similar to the Superior Performance Award, but provides the department greater
flexibility for the reasons the employee is selected.
5. Distinguished Service Award: This employee recognition program would be the highest
level of award for an employee or team of employees. All the awards presented during the year
from numbers 2, 3, and 4 above would be entered into consideration for the Distinguished
Service Award, (DSA). The selection committee for this award would be the City Manager, a c
City Council member, and an outside person in the community. This committee would select
one or more employees or team of employees to receive the DSA during the annual employee
service award luncheon. This award is $150 cash (net value), a certificate or plaque, and a letter
of recognition in the employee's personnel file.
6. Employee Annual Service Awards: This program is to present employees with an award for
completing increments of City Service; 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service. The award
value varies, depending on the length of service, from $25 to $175. The award is a gift
certificate to local businesses in the community, as approved by the City Manager. These are
presented at the annual service awards luncheon.
7. Annual Attendance Award. This program recognizes employees that use two days or less
of sick leave in a calendar year with a cash award of $1 00 (net value).
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