HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-08 e RESOLUTION NO. 17-0R A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, designating New World Systems as the sole source for acquisition and implementation services for upgrade of the PenCom AS400 dispatch software and hardware and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements. WHEREAS, New World Systems currently provides software for PenCom's combined dispatch center based on an AS400 platform; and WHEREAS, New World System proposes to replace the AS400 system with a Microsoft Windows server-based system, which would significantly reduce operating costs; and WHEREAS, New W orld Syste~s is the only vendor that has a method to readily convert the current AS400 database to the Windows-based platform in the existing highly integrated PenCom system. The existing 10 years of historical data could not be converted using software from another vendor without extensive manpower and contract labor, making the cost prohibitive; and WHEREAS, New World Systems has the only software which meets the needs of the City, PenCom and its user agencies; and WHEREAS, the purchase is clearly and legitimately limited to a single source or supply. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the Findings of Fact that are attached to this Resolution. e -1- e Section 2. The City of Port Angeles and Pen Com needs to install an upgrade to its existing computer system. The upgrade software is available only through one distributor. New World Systems is the sole source for acquisition and installation of the PenCom combined dispatch center software and hardware upgrade to a Microsoft Windows platform. Section 3. New World Systems certifies that the City is getting the lowest price it offers anyone. Section 4. Pursuant to RCW 39.04.280, an exception from normal bidding requirements is hereby implemented, under which the acquisition of a New World Systems software and Microsoft Windows server-based system need not be competitively bid. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of October, 2008. );i~ v~~ f:\YOR ATTEST: APP~OVED AS TO FORM: y~ 7.- k--- William E. Bloor, City Attorney &~~ d~^- Becky J. on, Ity Cler G:\Legal_ Backup\ORDINANCES&RESOLUTlONSIRESOLUTIONS. 2008\ 17. New World Sole Source.092308. wpd e -2- FINDINGS OF FACT The City of Port Angeles operates PenCom, a combined dispatch center, which provides dispatch services for law enforcement and fire/medic agencies in Clallam County. PenCom's dispatch data is integrated with the record keeping functions of the PenCom user agencies. The City of Port Angeles and Clallam County have both contracted with New World Systems (NWS) since the early 1990's to provide proprietary software, maintenance, and other technical services in relation to the combined dispatch and records management functions. The City of Port Angeles and Clallam County currently own NWS licensed software that runs on an AS400 platform. The current AS400 is nearing the end of its useful life. The alternatives are to purchase a new AS400, or move to a Windows server-based system. The overall cost of owning an AS400 is much higher than the Microsoft server environment. The AS400 requires a significantly different set of IT skills to maintain. In addition, the only employee with the required application skill set for the AS400 is pending retirement. NWS has developed licensed software to run on a Microsoft Windows platform (MSP) that will upgrade PenCom's current system. NWS makes this software available to its current customers by providing it as an upgrade to the AS400 software, without cost. NWS' proposal to replace the AS400 system with a Microsoft Windows server-based system would significantly reduce operating costs. The retiring System Analyst could be replaced by someone with more mainstream skills. NWS is the only vendor that has a method to readily convert the current AS400 database to the Windows server-based platform in the existing highly integrated PenCom system. The existing 10 years of historical data could not be converted using software from another vendor without extensive manpower and contract labor, making this project cost prohibitive. This software upgrades PenCom' s current system in a way that meets the needs of the City and PenCom and is available only from New World Systems. We currently use interfaces developed by NWS to allow other vendor applications to extract information from our database. NWS can provide the same interfaces to the MSP environment. It is desirable to continue to use the proven software provided by NWS to continue to increase the business efficiencies necessary to perform our functions. By upgrading the AS400 software to the new MSP software, we will continue to take advantage offuture upgrades as they are released by NWS. No vendor other than NWS can offer this seamless transition from our AS400 database to a Microsoft platform software. Any other application would mean significant, costly programming. Page 2 Findings of Fact October 21, 2008 Software programming: New W orId Systems as holder of the source code is the only vendor that can update, patch or create new versions of its existing application. Data conversion: Because NWS is a proprietary product, they are the only vendor that can convert the AS400 database to the new MSP project. All users of the system agree that it is imperative that the data stored in the jail, criminal records, and dispatch databases be converted to the upgraded software. There is no intention, funding, or resources to continue to keep the AS400 software up and running in order to maintain the historical data collected within it. For business efficiencies, the database must be converted to the new MSP project. Any other vendor's new system would entail a complete rework of existing procedures, codes and the table data at a much higher cost. Mobile software: The NWS Mobile Data solution includes several modules. One facet is the CAD interface allowing dispatchers and first responders to communicate via keystrokes on their terminals regarding dispatch, in routes, and arrivals. A second part of Mobile Data is the ability to run wants, warrants, drivers and vehicle checks, and criminal history requests directly by the responder in the vehicle. The third main aspect of this system is the ability to construct reports and communicate case information to the main records management system. By using the NWS Mobile Data software we will have a complete seamless system from dispatch through responders to the Records Management System. Mobile Data is an extension of the original application. It uses the existing AEGIS application to supply information to and accept information from public safety units in the field. It is a process that requires intimate knowledge of the originating data and the way it is stored and accessed to be able to work. Although other vendors could supply portions of Mobile Data, this would require a very complicated and expensive interface between them and the NWS system. The ongoing maintenance of this type of interface system would require costly re-writes each time either software package was updated. If either vendor had a major change in their software architecture, the interface may be near to impossible to recreate. The process of splitting a full software suite would also create a significant additional burden on the local IT staff to maintain two systems. The NWS Mobile Reporting software and Mobile Laptop software was purchased several years ago. This move to MSP will enhance that investment by adding the other portions of the Mobile Data suite allowing us to completely meet the need for accurate and timely information for first responders. No other vendor can provide a Mobile Data product that works without an interface to the Mobile software we already own that is MSP-ready and needs no upgrade. Page 3 Findings of Fact October 2], 2008 MSP replaces, with no additional license fees, the software the City currently owns. This allowance is a term of our existing NWS agreement. New World Systems AEGIS software is the intellectual property ofN ew World Systems, hence, N ew World Professional Services is the only source for implementation services. No other vendor is able to supply the licensed Microsoft platform software and Mobile Data software to meet the specifications required by the City and County to upgrade the current AS400 software being used by the local public safety agencies. DATED this 21st day of October, 2008. /d-~ ~ Gary B un, Mayor Attest: J)u~)~~ Becky 1. U on, ity Cl rk G:\Legal_BackupIORDlNANCES&RESOLUTlONSIRESOLUTIONS.2008117.New World Sole Source-Findings ofFact.I00608.wpd