HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-70 ..~. -.' ~ro. . . RESOLUTION NO. /7-7~ A RESOLUTION authorizing the executian of net billing agreement with the Bonneville Power Administrator and the Washington Public Power Supply System, and delivery of said agreement to thase parties. The City of port Angeles (hereinafter called the "City") is authorized by law ta distribute, sell and dispose of electric energy, to provide for sources of power supply, and to cantract for the purchase and sale of electric energy. The United States of America, Department of the Interior, acting by and through the Bonneville Power Administrator (herein- after called "Bonneville"), and the utilities of the Pacific North- west have develaped the Ten Year Hydra Thermal Pragram pursuant to which Banneville will acquire by net billing fram preference cus- tomers generating capability from nan-federally financed thermal generating plants to meet the power requirements .of preference and other custaffiers in the region. Pursuant to said pragram, the City proposes to execute with the Washington Public Power Supply System (hereinafter called the "System") and with Bonneville a contract designated "Net Billing Agreement" in the farm and content as set forth in the draft thereof an file with the City, No. l4~03-l9l90, dated October 5, 1970, under which the System sells ta the City (called the "Parti- cipant" in said Agreement) a specified share of capability of the nuclear generating plant and associated facilities identified therein, and Banneville acquires such capability from the City. The System proposes to finance, construct, own and operate said generating plant and facilities associated therewith, such plant and facilities being referred to in the Net Billing Agreement as the "Washingtan Public Power Supply System Nuclear Praject No. 2", hereinafter called the "Project". .o~?t__ - . \ ,t In accordance with the Net Billing Agreement, the System propases to adopt two "Project Bond Resolutions": One, to be adopted at the time that the System executes the Net Billing Agreement provides, among other things, for the preliminary financ- ing of the Project, describes the project and pravides far possible change of site; it is entitled, A RESOLUTION Providing a Plan and System for the Acquisition and Canstruction by Washingtan Public Power Supply System of a Utility System Constituting the Washingtan Public Power Supply System ~uclear Project Na. 2, and Providing For the Issuance of Revenue Notes for Said Purposes. The other Resalution, to be adapted at a later date, pravides, among other things, for the issuance of Bonds; it is entitled, A RESOLUTION Providing a Plan and System far the Acquisition and Canstruction by Washington Public Power Supply System of a Utility System Constituting the Washington Public Pawer Supply System Nuclear Project No.2, and Providing for the Issuance of Revenue Bands for Said Purposes. Drafts of both Resalutions, each dated September 25, 1970 are an file with the City. The Council of the City (or other statutory .or charter bady) has reviewed the Net Billing Agreement and the two Resolu- tions above referred to and now finds that entering into the said I Net Billing Agreement with the System and Bonneville is in the best interests of the City, that performance of the Net Billing Agreement, among other things, will make additianal amaunts of low-cost power and energy available from Bonneville ta meet the prospective power needs of the City, to serve customers of the City in the future. THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the Mayar and Clerk of the City are hereby autharized and directed, an behalf of the City, to execute with Bonneville and the Washington Public Power Supply System the Net Billing Agreement above referred ta, substantially .,"tt- . t '... " . . as set aut in the draft thereof an file with the City, No. 14-03- 19190, dated October 5, 1970, and to deliver copies thereof to the other parties to the Agreement. PASSED by the City Council of the City .of Port Angeles and approved by its Mayar at a regular meeting of the Council held on the 1st day of December, 1970. .... -:..~ .'~~ /" A-ttes t : -". fl-14 m~91#P~~ . Ci ty Clerk Approved as to form: ;fCie~, "Jr-:.., ~.. .. ..." e ....... , C ER T I F I CAT E I, the undersigned City Clerk .of the City .of Port Angeles, hereinafter.called the "City", certify with regard to the City and the meeting of its City Council, at which the resolution hereinafter described was adopted as fallows: Date of meeting: December 1, 1970 Hour: 7:30 P.M. Place: The regular place of meeting in Part Angeles, Washington. At that time said Council cansisted of 7 members whose names and titles were: Joseph W. Wolfe, Mayori Larraine Ross, Councilwaman; Jahn H. Hordyk, Councilman; Carltan B. Olson, Councilman; Clarence Edwards, Cauncilman; C. Vernan Basom, Councilman; and Flayd B. JllcRevey, Councilman. . The following named members, constituting a quorum, were present and participated in the praceedings: Mayor Joseph W. Wolfe; Cauncilwoman Lorraine Ross; Councilmen John H. Hordyk, Carlton B. Olson, Clarence Edwards, C. Vernon Basom, and Floyd B. McRevey The meeting was called to .order by Joseph W. Wolfe, Mayor. Resolution No. /7- 10 , entitled: A RESOLUTION autharizing the execution of net billing agreement with the Banneville Pawer Administrator and the Washington Public Power Supply System, and delivery of said agreement ta those parties. was presented and discussed. The motion was made by Councilman Hordyk and seconded by Councilman Olson that said resolution be adopted. The motion passed by the following vote: For: Unanim. Against: .r; ,.... *' .:' e_ .<i " e ,. and filed in the recards of the City. A true copy thereof The resolutian was thereupon declared duly adopted is attached hereta. Minutes of the meeting, showing the above proceedings, have been entered in the records .of the City. The meeting was a regular meeting, was duly and regu~ larly called and held, and was open ta the public. All no- tices thereof required to be given were given in due time, form and manner as prescribed by applicable laws, ordinances, by-laws, rules, resolutions and motions. As .of the date of this certificate the said Resolu- tion No. /7-76 is in full force and effect and has not been amended, madified or revoked. " ...~-..."'~ .......~ , - . "';"'-~ -: ~; =""""...........1;.. EXECUTED this ~ day of December, 1970. . :Iil & '1?2J~ B. B. McNEECE, Clerk :' -2-