HomeMy WebLinkAbout17-97 RESOLUTION NO. q 7-97 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual by revising several sections to update the manual, in compliance with current laws, rules, regulations, and practices. WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles desires to update its personnel policies and procedures manual to comply with various employment law changes and changes to City policy and procedures; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles as follows: Section 1: The City of Port Angeles Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual is hereby amended by revising the chapters noted below, as set forth in the attached Exhibit "A": A. Chapter 1: Purpose, Applicability, and Definitions (language changes plus add Customer Commitment Process); B. Chapter 2: General Work Rules (EEO, Workplace Harassment, Nepotism, Class Specifications, City Property, Ethical Rules, E-Mail and Internet Usage, Whistle-Blower Protection, City Loci<ers, and Inclement Weather); C. Chapter 3: Employment (Pre-Employment Procedures); D. Chapter 4: Personnel Actions (Transfers, Lay-Offs, and Termination Procedures); E. Chapter 5: Salary Administration (Work on a Holiday, Administrative Time Off, Vacation Cash-Out); F. Chapter 6: Attendance and Hours of Work (Rest Periods and Meal Periods); G. Chapter 7: Leave of Absence (Sick Leave, Maternity Leave, FMLA, Leave of Absence, Donation of Paid Leave); H. Chapter $: Employee Safety (Workplace Threat or Violence); I. Chapter 9: Standards of Employee Conduct (Disciplinary Actions); J. Chapter 10: Employee Grievance Procedures; K. Chapter 1 1: Travel, Vehicle Use, and Reimbursement Procedures. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the.lfitk,day of December, 1997. ATTEST: Becky J'. E~{~nSJCi{y- clerk - APPRQSfED AS TO FORM: Craig D. IT, nutson, City Attorney CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL PREPARED BY THE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE JANUARY, 1998 CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 Ea~,t Fifth Street. PO Box 1150 Phone ~36()} 41 ,--1.501)TTY Phone 1360~ 417-4645 CITY MANAGER Port Angeles. Washington 98362-1150 Fax ~360~ 417--i509 mternet address citym@olympus.net TO ALL CITY EMPLOYEES: This document is vour personal copy of the Ciw of Port Angeles Personnel Policy and Procedures manual. I encourage you to read this throughly, as it describes your rights and obligations as a Ci.ty employee. Please note that for employees covered bv a labor contract, the contract supersedes this poli%' manual. Let me take this opportuniky to emphasize the importance xve all place on quality customer service, whether we are ser~dng external customers (the public and citizens), or internal customers, our fellow employees. Whether you are a ne~v employee or a long-term employee, as you gain knoxvledge about our Customer Commitment process you will more fully understand our unique commitment to sen-ice. In meeting the requests and needs of our "customers", xve strive to go bevond their expectations. You are encouraged to get involved in the Customer Commitment process within your department or in one of the Ciw-wide committees. It xvill be a rewarding experience xvith considerable personal growth and vou xvill gain knowledge that will be used throughout the year. Bv xvav of backgrotmd, we began our Customer Commitment process in 1996 as a City Council goal. ~'earlv all employees xvere involved in developing our City Values Statement, which follows this letter in the manual and is displayed throughout the Ciw. We 'MI are expected to uphold these values in our dealings with each other and the public. You will find them easy to tbllow and use, as they are positive statements that enhance the quail.tX of our xvork life. We believe the Ci,ty of Port Angeles is a special place to live and work. X,Ve encourage your participation in our Customer Commitment process and consider this program a regular part of each employee's job as we deliver quail .ty customer service. Please take the time to know your Customer Commitment Steering Committee members, as they provide the guidance for the Customer Commitment process. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You are also welcome and encouraged to stop bv mv office anytime if I can assist you or answer questions for you. truly, CITY OF PORT ANGELES STATEMENT OF VALUE5 We the employees of the City of Port Angeles share a dedication and commitment to providing QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE with HONESTY, INTEGRITY and FLEXIBILITY. Working as a team, we take PRIDE in providing EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE services for which we are RESPONSIBLE and~ FISCALLY ACCOUNTABLE. We value a POSITIVE A-I-I i-fLIDE, TRUST, INITIATIVE. and COMPASSION with a high standard of PROF.ESSIONA~SM and OPEN COMMUNICATION...: ~e':respect DIVERSITY and foster a SAFE environment. In PARTNERSHIP with the community, we are STEWARDS of our unique environment and QUALITY OF LIFE. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 - PURPOSE, APPLICABILITY, AND DEFINITIONS 1.00 Purpose 1 1.01 Application 1 1.02 Conflicts with Labor Agreements 1 1.03 City's Right to Establish, Amend or Repeal 1 1.04 Customer Commitment Process 1 - 2 1.05 Definitions 2 - 4 CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL WORK RULES 2.00 Equal Employment Opportunity 5 2.01 Workplace Harassment 5.6 2.02 Nepotism 6 2.03 Department Work Rules 7 2.04 Classification Plan 7 2.05 Class Specifications 7 2.06 Smoking in the Work Place 7 2.07 Bulletin Boards 7 2.08 Political Activity 8 2.09 Receipt of Gifts 8 2.10 Care of City Property 8 2.11 Return of City Property 8 2.12 City Dress Code 8 - 9 2.13 Ethical Rules 9 2.14 Electronic Mail & Internet Use 9 - 11 2.15 Reporting Improper Governmental Action and Protecting Employees Against Retaliation 12 - 14 2.16 Purchase of Surplus Property/Equipment 15 2.17 City Sponsored Activities and Programs For Employees 15 2.18 City-Owned Cellular Phones 15 - 16 2.19 City Lockers 16 2.20 Inclement Weather Policy 16 - 17 CHAPTER 3 - EMPLOYMENT 3.00 Notification of Vacancies 18 3.01 Promotional Opportunities 18 3.02 City Applications 18 3.03 Status of New Employees 18 - 19 3.04 Verification of Lawful Employment in the USA 19 3.05 Pre-Employment Procedures 19 CHAPTER 3 - EMPLOYMENT (Con't) 3.06 Starting Salary for New Employees 20 3.07 Written Job Offers 20 3.08 New Employee Orientation 20 3.09 Performance Evaluations 20 - 21 3.10 Hiring of Former Employees 21 3.11 Adjustment of Hire Date 21 3.12 Personnel Record 21 - 22 3.13 Other Employment 22 CHAPTER 4 - PERSONNEL ACTIONS 4.00 Personnel Action Forms 23 4.01 Promotions 23 4.02 Resignation in Good Standing 23 4.03 Transfer 23 4.04 Reclassification 24 4.05 Lay-OffProcedures 24 - 25 4.06 Retirement 25 4.07 Termination Procedures 26 CHAPTER 5 - SALARY ADMINISTRATION 5.00 Salary Structure 27 5.01 Salary Steps 27 5.02 Eligibility for Salary Increases 27 5.03 Payroll Deductions 27 5.04 Pay Days 28 5.05 Overtime 28 5.06 Work on a Holiday 28 5.07 Stand-By Assignment 28 5.08 Call Back 28 - 29 5.09 Higher ClasSification Pay and Assignment 29 5.10 Compensatory Time Off (Comp. Time) 29 5.11 Administrative Time Off 29 - 30 5.12 Vacation Cash-Out 30 CHAPTER 6 - ATTENDANCE AND HOURS OF WORK 6.00 Hours of Work 31 6.01 Attendance 31 6.02 Rest Periods/Meal Periods 31 - 32 6.03 Reporting of Work Hours 32 CHAPTER 7 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 7.00 Vacation 33 7.01 Sick Leave 33 - 34 7.02 Military. Leave 34 7.03 Jury Duty 34 7.04 Holidays 34 - 35 7.05 Maternity Leave 35 7.06 Family Leave 35 - 37 7.07 Leave of Absence Without Pay 38 7.08 Leave of Absence WithPay 38 7.09 Voting During Work Hours 39 7.10 Time Off for Union Business 39 7.11 Donation of Paid Leave 39 - 40 CHAPTER 8 - EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND LOSS CONTROL 8.00 Purpose 41 8.01 Reporting of Injuries/Accidents 41 - 42 8.02 Employee Safety Responsibility 42 8.03 Workers' Compensation 42 8.04 Workplace Threat or Violence 42 - 43 CHAPTER 9 - STANDARDS OF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE 9.00 Purpose 44 9.01 Representation 44 9.02 Right of Appeal 44 - 45 9.03 Causes for Disciplinary Action 45 - 46 CHAPTER 10 - EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 10.00 Purpose 47 10.01 Exclusions from the Grievance Procedures 47 10.02 Time Limits 47 10.03 Right of Representation 48 10.04 Informal Grievance Process 48 10.05 Formal Grievance Procedure 48 - 49 CHAPTER 11 - TUITION REIMBURSEMENT, TRAVEL & VEHICLE USE POLICY 11.00 Tuition Reimbursement 50 11.01 City Travel Vehicle Use and Reimbursement Policy 50 A. Travel Policy 50 - 52 B. Vehicle Use Policy 52 - 54 C. Recruitment Expense 54 D. Business Meals 54 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL CHAPTER 1 - PURPOSE, ,~PPLICABILITY, )d'¢D DEFINITIONS 1.00 PURPOSE 1.02 CONFLICTS WITH LABOR AGREEMENTS The Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual for the City of Port Angeles is In specific instances where these established by the City to: Policies and Procedures may conflict with terms or conditions of the labor A. Provide a uniform system of agreements, the labor agreements shall personnel administration prevail over these Policies and throughout City service; Procedures. These Policies/Procedures supersede any previous personnel B. Ensure a fair and equitable resolutions, policies, ahd procedures. process for recruitment, selection, placement, 1.03 CITY'S RIGHT TO ESTABLISH, promotion, and separation of AMEND, OR REPEAL City employees in compliance with applicable State and The City reserves the exclusive fight to Federal laws and regulations; repeal, modify, or amend any portion or all of these Personnel Policies and C. Assist supervisors and Procedures at any time and with any managers in the development such changes to take effect and implementation of proper immediately, with or without notice, practices and procedures subject to approval of the City Council concerning the administration by Resolution. The Human Resources of humanresourceswithinthe Manager shall be responsible for respective Departments; interpretation of these Policies and Procedures. Portions of these policies D. Ensure and protect certain that are subject to wages, hours and rights and responsibilities of conditions of employment are subject City employees, to collective bargaining, where applicable. 1.01 APPLICATION 1.04 CUSTOMER COMMITMENT Except where specifically indicated, these Policies and Procedures apply to The City of Port Angeles began its all regular full-time and regular part- City-wide Customer Commitment time employees of the City. of Port Program in January, 1996. The City Angeles, as well as to probationary and all employees are dedicated to employees, uphold and support the Customer Commitment process and Values Statement in our work environment. 1 Eft. 1/98 We strive for excellence in providing City Service: The amount of time the best possible customer service to employed by the City in a regular full- the public and our fellow employees, time or regular part-time position (e.g., We have a unique opportunity within total City service used for computing our Customer Commitment process vacation accrual). for individual employees to determine how we meet the needs of the public. Classification: A group of positions sufficiently similar in nature, duties and In order for the Customer responsibilities, knowledge, abilities Commitment process to be effective, and skills, and qualifications to permit we encourage employees to learn combining them within a single job title about the various committees and for purposesofwagesand selection. become actively involved. While some take on leadership roles, others may Classification Seniority: The amount choose to participate in other equally of time employed by the City in a important activities and projects. All regular full-time or regular part-time employees are evaluated on their position within a classification (e.g., performance and commitment to class seniority used for lay-off customer service through the City's procedures). performance evaluation process. Cost of Living Adjustment (C.O.L.A.): In the application of these policies and An across-the-board change in the procedures, customer service is of salary range of a classification, utmost importance, with the City's authorized bv the City Council and Values Statement ever present in our negotiated through the collective daily work. The Values Statement is bargaining process. This excludes to be adhered to in the interpretation salary changes resulting from merit of these Personnel Policies and increases, decreases from disciplinary Procedures. actions, or other similar salary changes. 1.05 DEFINITIONS Demotion: The assignment of an Anniversary Date: The original date of employee, voluntarily or involuntarily, hire with the City in a regular full-time to a classification having a lower or regular part-time position, including maximum salary. the employee's probationary period. Disciplina~_ Action: The action taken Appointing Authority: The City by the City relative to negative Manager or Department Head performance or resulting from action empowered to hire or remove an by an employee in violation of an employee from City employment, established standard, rule, procedure, law, or other legitimate reason, Bargaining Unit: A group of including, but not limited to, verbal classifications represented by a labor reprimand, written reprimand, union, suspension, demotion, or dismissal. 2 Eft. 1/98 Dismissal: The termination by the City Non-Represented Employees: of an employee from employment for Employees of the City not represented cause, by a labor union for purposes of establishing wages, hours, and Employer: The City of Port Angeles, a conditions of employment (i.e., municipal corporation of the State of management and confidential Washington. employees). Employment Status: The period of Personnel File: The official record, service with the City, including the maintained in the City Human probationary period. Resources Office, of each employee's personnel actions while employed. A. Probationary Status: The initial period of employment Position: A singlejob of various tasks, which is considered a duties and responsibilities assigned to continuation of the selection an employee. process, in which the employee's work is evaluated. Promotion: The assignment of an During this period, the employee from a position in one class employee may be dismissed at to a position in another class having a any time, with or without higher salary range. cause, and is not subject to an appeal procedure. Represented Employees: Employees of the City who are lawfully B. Regular Status: The period of represented by a labor union, employment after completion recognized by the City, to establish of the probationary period, wages, hours, and working conditions through collective bargaining. Grievance: A complaint by an employee based on an allegation that Salary_: Base wages, either monthly, an injustice was done upon an bi-weekly, or hourly, paid to an employee or group of employees; employee. unfair application of an adopted rule, regulation, or proce~lure; or violation Salary_ Range: The approved pay for of a term or condition of a valid labor each classification, starting with a agreement, minimum pay with equal step increments up to a maximum rate of Merit Salary Increases: An pay. incremental step(s) increase based upon satisfactory or better Salary_ Step: An established increment performance, as recommended by the of pay within the salary range for a Department Head and approved by the classification. City Manager. 3 Eft. 1/98 Suspension: Temporary removal of an employee, with or without pay, from employment. Transfer: The assignment of an employee from one position to a different position within the same classification or similar classification with the same salary range and having similar qualifications. Type of Emplo_wnent Status: A. Regular Full-Time: A position authorized to work 2,080 hours per year on a regular basis. B. Regular Part-Time: A position authorized to work over 20 but less than 40 hours per week on a regular basis. C. Temporary_: A position authorized to work on a seasonal program, a special project, during peak workloads, or other similar work. Employment may be for 40 hours per work-week for temporary periods or "on call" as needed. Employees in this category do not accrue any benefits or. en:~ployment status with the CiW and may be dismissed at any time, with or without cause of appeal procedures. 4 Eft'. 1/98 CHAPTER 2 - GENERAL WORK RULES 2.00 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Resources Manager for investigation OPPORTUNITY and appropriate action. It is the policy of the City to treat all 2.01 WORKPLACE HARASSMENT applicants and employees equally and without regard to race, religion, creed, Harassment includes unsolicited color, national origin, sex, age, marital remarks, gestures, or physical contact; status, veteran status, disability, or display or circulation of written other basis prohibited by State or materials or pictures derogatory to Federal law. either gender or to racial, ethnic, or religious groups; or basing personnel The City shall make positive effort to decisions on a employee's response to attract, hire, and retain qualified sexually-orientedrequests. candidates who are within recognized minority groups, females, veterans, The City will not tolerate any act that disabled persons, or candidates within discriminates against another employee other protected status through Federal because of race, color, national origin, and/or State law. This process sex, religion, creed, marital or includes providing recruitment notices veteran's status, age, or the presence of to State veterans' offices, vocational a physical, mental or sensory disability, rehabilitation, Employment Security, or any other basis prohibited by local, as well as to local Indian tribes, to state or federal laws. recruit candidates. The City shall also promote advancement of qualified The City prohibits sexual harassment employees within these groups through, of its employees by other employees or internal efforts when possible, outside parties. Sexual harassment negatively affects morale, motivation, It is also the City's policy to foster and and job performance. It is maintain a nondiscriminatory, work inappropriate, offensive, and illegal environment for all e_mployees, and will not be tolerated. Violations of this Policy will be cause "Sexual harassment" means for disciplinary action, including unwelcome sexual advances, requests termination, for favors, and other offensive verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature Any employee who believes he/she has when: a) submission to such conduct is been or is the victim of discriminatory made either explicitly or implicitly a treatment shall bring this concern term or condition of an individual's immediately to the attention of the employment; b)submission to, or Department Head and/or the Human 5 Eft'. 1/98 2.01 Workplace Harassment (Con't) possible, as determined by the City, one of the employees may be rejection of. such conduct by an requested to resign from City service. individual is used as the basis for If such a resignation or transfer does employment decisions affecting such not occur within 180 days of notice by individuals; or c)such conduct has the the City, the City shall select and purpose or effect of unreasonably terminate one of the employees. interfering with the individual's work During the 6-month transition, the performance or creating an subordinate employee will be intimidating, hostile, or offensive supervised by another management- working environment, level person who will be responsible for all personnel actions of the affected Sexual harassment includes employee. unwelcome verbal behavior such as comments, suggestions, jokes, or Other situations in which this nepotism derogatory remarks based on sex, policy will be applied are (as physical behavior such as pats, determined by the City): squeezes, repeatedly brushing against someone's body, or impeding or A. One family member would be blocking normal work or movement; responsible to financially affect visual harassment such as posting of the other, or financially audit sexually suggestive or derogatory the other family member. pictures, cartoons or drawings, even at one's work station. It also includes B. One family member would unwanted sexual advances, pressure handle confidential information for sexual favors and/or basing affecting the other family employment decisions (such as an member. employee's performance evaluations, work assignments, or advancement) Immediate family member for upon the employee's acquiescence to application of this policy includes: sexually harassing behavior in the parent, spouse, brother, sister, brother/ workplace, sister-in-law, children, mother/father- in-law, cohabitation relationships, 2.02 NEPOTISM grandparents and grandchildren. It shall be the policy of the City to Any appeals involving the nepotism disallow employment of relatives in a policy shall be to the City Manager, supervisor/subordinate relationship. If whose decision shall be final upon the members of a person's immediate parties. family become employed in such a relationship, one shall be transferred, if possible, to remove the supervisor/ subordinate relationship. If this is not 6 Eft. 1/98 2.03 DEPARTMENT WORK RULES 2.06 SMOKING IN THE WORK PLACE Each Department Head is responsible Smoking is prohibited in City Hall and for establishing and distributing other public work locations. Smoking department work rules and regulations, is permitted only in outdoor areas or Such work rules and regulations shall areas designated as smoking areas, as be in conformity and consistent with determined by the Department Head. these Policies and Procedures, the collective bargaining agreements, and This policy extends to all work areas, Civil Service Rules/Regulations, if including public areas, lobbies, applicable, restrooms, stairways, elevators, employee lounges, and hallways. 2.04 CLASSIFICATION PLAN Smoking areas may be designated by the Department Heads which are The Human Resources Office shall consistent with the intent of this establish and maintain the policy. Classification Plan for the City. The Classification Plan shall consist of class Smoking in City vehicles used for local specifications for each classification, and out-of-town travel as "pool cars" together with established salary ranges is prohibited. Smoking may be as adopted by the City Council. permitted in other City vehicles or equipment, provided the smoker first 2.05 CLASS SPECIFICATIONS checks with all other occupants in the vehicle prior to smoking. If any The Human Resources Office shall occupant objects to another person develop and maintain a class smoking while present in the vehicle, specification (also called a job then smoking is prohibited. It shall be description) for each classification in the responsibility of the smoker to the City, which shall include the nature discontinue smoking in the vehicle of work, the essential functions of the while the objecting person is present. job, illustrative examples of assigned duties and responsibilities, educational/ Failure to comply with this policy is experience quaii_fications, and grounds for disciplinary action. knowledge, abilities, and skills. 2.07 BULLETIN BOARDS Prior to the adoption of a new classification, if applicable, the City Each City Department and major shall notify the appropriate bargaining Division (if in a different work unit for negotiation of the salary, for location) shall maintain an employee the classification, bulletin board for official City notices. This bulletin board shall be used for job postings, safety notices and other information of City business. 7 Eft. 1/98 2.08 POLITICAL ACTIVITY employer at the time the employee terminates employment or upon Solicitations for political contributions request of the employee's immediate is strictly prohibited on City property supervisor or Department Head. This by City employees during working includes, but is not limited to, keys, hours, personal computers, tools, workbooks or training materials, uniforms, 2.09 RECEIPT OF GIFTS calculators, or any other equipment or property of the City. In each instance, No employee shall solicit or receive a the employee's Department Head shall gift, compensation, or other item of so instruct the Director of Finance in value fi.om anyone doing business with writing of such payroll deduction as the City. Unsolicited gifts not soon aspracticable. returnable will be donated to a non- - profit orga~i?ation to be determined by 2.12 CITY DRESS CODE the City Manager or Department Head. Questions regarding application All employees shall maintain their of this policy should be directed to the personal grooming and wear proper respective Department Head and/or to work clothes to adequately perform the City Attorney. their work in a safe manner, as well as present a favorable image to the public 2.10 CARE OF CITY PROPERTY concerning City employees. To meet this objective, and recognizing that An employee is expected to exercise dress standards varv depending on the proper care in the use of City property location and type of work, Department and to utilize City-owned property Heads are responsible for ensuring that only for authorized official City these guidelines are implemented and business. Negligence in the care and followed in their operational areas, in use of any City-owned property may accordance with the specific policies be considered cause for disciplinary below: action, including suspension and/or dismissal from City employment. 1. Work clothes and grooming shall meet required safety rules Unauthorized remox3al of City-owned and regulations. property fi.om the City's premises or its conversion to personal use is 2. Work clothes and grooming prohibited and is cause for disciplinary shall not be overly faddish or action, extreme, based on community and social acceptability, as 2.11 RETURN OF CITY PROPERTY determined by supervisors on a case-by-case basis. City-owned property issued to an employee shall be returned to the 8 Eft. 1/98 2.12 CityDress Code (Con't) 2. Offensive Messages 3. Work clothes and grooming The City of Port Angeles prohibits the display must be clean and well or transmission of sexually explicit images, maintained, offensive or disruptive messages and cartoons, gender-specific comments, as well as the use 4. Work clothes and grooming of ethnic slurs, racial epithets, any comment must be appropriate for the that offensively addresses someone's age, working conditions of the job. sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, national ohgin, disability, or anything that may 2.13 ETHICAL RULES be construed as harassment. In addition to those set forth in these 3. User Accountability Policies and Procedures, State statutes provide certain ethical rules which are Employees are expected to not divulge their attached for easy reference and are individual passwords. If users need to share considered a part of these Policies and computer resident data, they should utilize Procedures. See Chapter 42.20 and message forwarding facilities, public 42.23 RCW (attached). directories on local area network servers, and other authorized information sharing 2.14 ELECTRONIC MAIL & INTERNET mechanisms. To prevent unauthorized parties USE from obtaining access to electronic communications, users shall choose passwords 1. Electronic Mail Security Policy which are difficult to guess. Passwords to avoid are family member names or pet names, Electronic messages generated on or or obvious work-related words. handled by electronic communications systems are the property of the City. 4. Employee Responsibilities and are not the private property of any users of the electronic communications Except as otherwise specifically provided, services, employees may not intercept, disclose, or assist in intercepting or disclosing electronic The City of Port Ap_ geles electronic communications that are not sent to them or communications systems shall be used they are not the intended recipient. for authorized City business only. Information Services is responsible for Users are forbidden to intentionally use servicing and protecting the electronic electronic communications systems for communications networks. To accomplish unauthorized, non-City related this, it occasionally may be necessary to charitable endeavors, religious or intercept or disclose electronic political causes, private business communications. Management reserves the activities, personal activities, right to enter an employee's E-mail file for amusement/entertainment purposes, or business purposes. To this end, employees are other non job-related communications, required to make their computer passwords 9 Eft'. 1/98 2.14 Electronic Mail & Intemet Use (Con't) concerns about specific policy applications should be directed to the Information Services Division. available to IS and their Department Head. Management may examine E-mail 8a. Information Movement communications at any time without prior notice. All software down-loaded from non-City sources via the Internet must be screened with 5. Retrieval of Information virus detection software prior to being invoked. Down-loaded software should be Employees shall not use a code, access a file, tested on a stand-alone, non-networked, non- or retrieve any stored information, unless production computer. If the down-loaded authorized to do so. Employees should not sot~ware contains a virus, worm, or Trojan attempt to gain access to other employee's horse, then the damage will be restricted to the computers without their permission. All involved machine. computer pass codes must be provided to supervisors. Contacts made over the Internet should not be entrusted with confidential City information 6. Purging Electronic Messages unless a due diligence process has first been performed. Users shall not place City material Messages no longer needed for business (software, internal memos, etc.) on any purposes must be periodically purged by users publicly-accessible Internet computer unless from their personal electronic storage areas, the posting of these materials has first been After a certain period (generally 6 months) approved by the appropriate Department electronic messages backed-up to a separate Head. data storage media (tape, disk, CD-ROM, etc.) will bedeleted. All publicly-writable directohes on City Internet-connected computers shall be 7. Policy Violation reviewed and cleared each evening. This process is necessary, to prevent the anonymous Any employee who discovers a violation of exchange of information. Examples include this poli~ shall mediately notify the Finance pirated software, purloined passwords, stolen Director, who shall inform the City Manager. credit card numbers, and inappropriate written An employee who violates this policy or uses or graphic material. the electronic communications for improper purposes shall be subject to disciplinary action. Bb. Information Protection 8. Internet Securit3,_ Policy Wiretapping and message interception is straightforward and frequently encountered on This policy describes the City of Port Angeles the Internet. Confidential, proprietary, or policy regarding Internet use and security. All private information of the City must not be Internet users shall be familiar with and sent over the Internet unless it has first been comply with these policies. Questions and 10 Eft'. 1/98 2.14 Electronic Mail & Internet Use (Con't) 8d. Access Control encrypted by methods approved by the I.S. City employees or volunteers shall not Division. establish Internet or other external network connections that could allow non-City users to Credit card numbers, SCAN numbers, gain access to City of Port Angeles systems telephone calling card numbers, log-in and information. passwords, and other parameters that can be used to gain access to goods or services, shall 8e. Reporting Security Problems not be sent over the Internet in readable form. Whenever passwords or other system access Exchanges of sof~ware between the City and control mechanisms are lost or suspected of any third party shall not proceed unless a being stolen or disclosed, the I.S. Manager written agreement has first been signed by the must be notified immediately_ All unusual Department Head and I.S. Such an agreement behavior, such as missing files, frequent system shall specify the terms of the exchange, as well crashes, misrouted messages, etc. shall be as the ways in which the software is to be immediately reported to the IS Division. handled and protected. Copying of software in a manner that is not consistent with the software vendor's license is strictly forbidden. Likewise, off-hours participation in pirate software bulletin boards and similar activities is prohibited. Reproduction of words posted or otherwise available over the Internet shall be done only xvith the permission of the author/owner. 8c. Expectation of Privacy City employees or volunteers using City information systems and/or the Internet should realize that their communications are not automatically protected from viewing by third parties. At any time and without prior notice, the City reserves the fight to examine E-mail, personal file directories, and other information stored on City computers. 11 Eft. 1/98 2.15 REPORTING IMPROPER GOVERNMENTAL ACTION AND PROTECTING EMPLOYEES AGAINST RETALIATION The Washington State Whistleblower Act is the employee's employment; and intended to protect local government employees who raise issues of improper b. That (I) is in violation of any governmental actions with their supervisors federal, state, or local law or rule, (ii) and with appropriate governmental agencies, is an abuse of authority, (iii) is of The City of Port Angeles respects the rights of substantial and specific danger to the reporting employees and has adopted this public health or safety or (iv) is a gross policy to insure compliance with the law. waste of public funds. It is unlawful for a local government to take "Improper governmental retaliatory, action because an employee, in action" does not include personnel good faith and in conformance with the local actions, including employee government's procedures, provides information grievances, complaints, appointments, that improper governmental action may have promotions, transfers, assignments, occurred, reassignments, reinstatements, restorations, reemployment, POLICY STATEMENT performance evaluations, reductions in pay, dismissals, suspensions, It is the policy of the City of Port Angeles (1) demotions, violations of collective to encourage reporting by its employees of bargaining or civil service laws, alleged improper governmental action taken by the violations of labor agreements or City of Port Angeles officers or employees and reprimands. (2) to protect the City of Port Angeles employees who have reported improper 2. "Retaliatory action" means any adverse governmental actions in accordance with the change in the terms and conditions of City of Port Angeles' policies and procedures, a City of Port Angeles employee's employment. DEFINITIONS 3. "Emergency" means a circumstance As used in this policy, the _following terms that if not immediately changed may shall have the meanings indicated: cause damage to persons or property. 1. "Improper governmental action" PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING means any action by a City of Port Angeles officer or employee: The City of Port Angeles employees who become aware of improper governmental a. That is undertaken in the actions should raise the issue first with their performance of the officer's or supervisor. If requested by the supervisor, the employee's official duties, whether or employee shall submit a written report to the not the action is within the scope of supervisor, or to some person designated by 12 Eft.. 1/98 Procedures for Reporting (Con't) Port Angeles employee reasonably believes that an adequate investigation was not the supervisor, stating in detail the basis for undertaken by the City of Port Angeles to the employee's belief that an improper determine whether an improper governmental governmental action has occurred. Where the action occurred, or that insufficient action has employee reasonably believes the improper been taken by the City of Port Angeles to governmental action involves his or her address the improper governmental action or supervisor, the employee may raise the issue that for other reasons the improper directly with the City Manager or such other governmental action is likely to recur. person as may be designated by the City Manager to receive reports of improper City of Port Angeles employees who fail to governmental action, make a good-faith attempt to follow the City of Port Angeles' procedures in reporting In the case of an emergency, where the improper govemmentalaction shall not receive employee believes that damage to persons or the protection provided by the City of Port property may result if action is not taken Angeles in these procedures. immediately, the employee may report the improper governmental action directly to the PROTECTION AGAINST RETALIATORY appropriate government agency with ACTIONS responsibility for investigating the improper action. City of Port Angeles officials and employees are prohibited from taking retaliatory action The supervisor, the City Manager, or the City against a City of Port Angeles employee Manager's designee, as the case may be, shall because he or she has in good faith reported an take prompt action to assist the City of Port improper governmental action in accordance Angeles in properly investigating the report of with these policies and procedures. improper governmental action. The City of Port Angeles' officers and employees involved Employees who believe that they have been in the investigation shall keep the identity of retaliated against for reporting an improper reporting employees confidential to the extent governmental action should advise their possible under law, unless the employee supervisor, the City of Port Angeles Manager authorizes the disclosure of his or her identity or the City of Port Angeles Manager's in writing. After an investigation has been designee. The City of Port Angeles officials completed, the employee reporting the and supervisors shall take appropriate action improper governmental action shall be advised to investigate and address complaints of of a summary of the results of the retaliation. investigation, except that personnel actions taken as a result of the investigation may be If the employee's supervisor, the City kept confidential. Manager, or the City Manager's designee, as the case may be, does not satisfactorily resolve The City of Port Angeles employees may a City of Port Angeles employee's complaint report information about improper that he or she has been retaliated against in governmental action directly to the appropriate violation of this policy, the City of Port government agency with responsibility for Angeles employee may obtain protection under investigating the improper action if the City of this policy and pursuant to state law by 13 Eft. 1/98 Protection Against Retaliatory_ Actions (Con't) Office of Administrative Hearings P.O. Box 42488, 4224 Sixth S.E. providing a written notice to the City of Port Rowe Six, Bldg. 1 Angeles City Council no later than thirty days Lacey, WA 98504-2488 after the occurrence of the alleged retaliatory (206) 459-6353 action that: The City of Port Angeles will consider any a. Specifies the alleged retaliatory action; recommendation provided by the and administrative law judge that the retaliator be suspended with or without pay, or dismissed. b. Specifies the relief requested. RESPONSIBILITIES The City of Port Angeles employees shall provide a copy of their written charge to the The Human Resources Manage_r, as designated City of Port Angeles Manager no later than by the City Manager, is responsible for thirty (30) days after the occurrence of the implementing the City of Port Angeles' alleged retaliatory action. The City of Port policies and procedures (1) for reporting Angeles shall respond within thirty (30) days improper governmental action and (2) for to the charge of retaliatory action, protecting employees against retaliatory actions. This includes ensuring that this policy After receiving either the response of the City and these procedures (1) are permanently of Port Angeles or thirty days after the posted where all employees will have delivery of the charge to the City of Port reasonable access to them, (2) are made .Angeles, the City of Port Angeles employee available to any employee upon request and may request a hearing before a state (3) are provided to all newly-hired employees. administrative law judge to establish that a Officers, managers and supervisors are retaliatory action occurred and to obtain responsible for ensuring the procedures are appropriate relief provided by law. An fully implemented within their areas of employee seeking a hearing should deliver the responsibility. Violations of this policy and request for hearing to the City of Port Angeles these procedures may result in appropriate Manager within the earlier of either fifteen disciplinary action, up to and including (15) days of delivery to the City of Port dismissal. Angeles' response to the charge of retaliatory action, or forty-five (45) d~ys of delivery of In order to insure reporting options for the the charge of retaliation to the City of Port employee, the City Managex~s designee will be: Angeles for response. (1) Human Resources Manager, (2) City Attorney/Senior Assistant City Attorney. Upon receipt of request for hearing, the City of Port Angeles shall apply within five (5) working days to the State Office of Administrative hearings for an adjudicative proceeding before an administrative law judge: 14 Eft'. 1/98 2.16 PURCHASE OF SURPLUS communication for employees. To this PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT end, the City sponsors certain activities and programs such as periodic Employees may participate in bidding employee breakfasts, the Safety and for surplus City, equipment and/or Wellness programs, and annual awards property, provided no special luncheons. The City Council privileges or conflict of interest arises authorizes the City Manager to from such action. A conflict of provide necessary funding for these interest for the purposes of this employee programs. However, Section is defined by Chapter 42.23 funding is limited to budgetary RCW, "Code of Ethics for Municipal limitations. Officers - contract Interests". 2.18 CITY OWNED CELLULAR Generally speaking, the following PHONES employees may not participate in bidding for or purchase of surplus The acquisition and use of cellular property/equipment: (1) City Council phones by City departments shall be in members; (2) City Manager; (3) accordance with this policy. The Department Heads; and (4) any purpose of this policy is to ensure employee responsible for surplusing cellular phones are used in the most and sale of the property and/or expeditious manner and to provide equipment, guidelines in the acquisition and use of such equipment. Employees electing to bid on or purchase surplus property/equipment The purchase and/or installation of for which no conflict of interest arises cellular phones shall be approved by shall participate in the public bidding the Department Head. It shall be the process stipulated by City of Port responsibility of the Department Head Angeles Ordinance No. 2168. In to ensure that sufficient funds are addition, such employee shall declare budgeted for the purchase and monthly his/her interest in participating in the operational costs associated with such bidding process to his/her Department equipment prior to its use. Head in advance, or as soon as possible after the ~ublic notice of Cellular phones owned by the City sealed bids or auction is released, shall be used only for authorized City business as determined by the 2.17 CITY SPONSORED ACTIVITIES Department Head and the individual AND PROGRAMS FOR employee's job requirements. The EMPLOYEES general use of cellular phones shall not be in lieu of more cost effective, The City of Port Angeles endeavors to practical and available means of create a harmonious and productive communication. work environment and improve 15 Eft. 1/98 2.18 City Owned Cellular Phones (Con't) garbage collection. The City will make reasonable efforts to notify affected Cellular phones may be used for employees that a facility will be closed, personal reasons only in an emergency such as announcements over the radio situation when no other immediate and phone calls, if appropriate, as means of communication is available to determined by the City. the employee. In such event, the employee shall reimburse the City for Administering Pay: the cellular phone charge incurred. Should conditions prevail which would It is the responsibility of the prohibit City employees from reporting Department Head or his/her designee to work as scheduled, the following to provide for a routine examination of shall apply relative to the cellular phone billing summaries to administration of pay for affected ensure proper use of such equipment, employees: 2.19 CITY LOCKERS Normal Situation: Employees who are normally scheduled to work and do The City may furnish lockers for report to work shall receive their certain employees for security of normal rate of pay for the hours employee possessions. The City does worked. not assume responsibility for any thet~ or damage to the personal belongings Leave Work Early: If an employee is of employees, and the City reserves the authorized by his/her supervisor to right to search these lockers at any leave work before the designated shffi time. ends, such time will be charged to first accrued comp time and then accrued 2.20 INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY vacation or leave without pay. Curtailing Services and Closing Unable to Report: Employees who Facilities: are normally scheduled to work but are unable to report to work because of In the event of an emergency or during the weather conditions shall charge severe weather conditions, as declared such time to first accrued comp time by the City Manager, certain City and then accrued vacation or leave services and/or facilities may be closed without pay. It will be the or services curtailed. Under such responsibility of the employee to emergency or severe weather contact his/her supervisor or conditions, only primary services, as Department Head by telephone if the determined by the Department Head, employee is scheduled but is unable to shall be provided, i.e., electric services report for work during the emergency and Public Works activities such as or inclement weather conditions. water, sewer, street maintenance, and 16 Eft. 1/98 2.20 Inclement Weather Policy (Con't) City Facility Closed: Employees who are normally scheduled to work but are unable to report to work because the City facility is closed shall charge time to first accrued comp time and then accrued vacation or leave without pay. A second option, on an individual basis, with Department Head approval, is for the employee to report to the closed facility and work. A third option, with Department Head approval, is for the employee to receive his/her normal pay as if he/she had worked and later make up the hours scheduled but not worked. This make-up time shall be arranged within a reasonable time between the employee and the Department Head and shall not result in overtime compensation. Employees on Leave Employees who are scheduled to be on paid leave, such as vacation, comp time, or holidays, shall have such time charged to the leave allotments as originally scheduled. 17 Eft. 1/98 CHAPTER 3 - EMPLOYMENT 3.00 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES The City shall provide notice to City employees of job openings prior to or When a vacant position occurs in a in conjunction with public notice. This Department, the Department Head procedure is established to encourage shall notify the Human Resources promotional opportunities and Office in writing of the vacancy, and determine whether qualified employees shall designate a contact person in the exist within the workforce. However, Department with whom the Human this does not restrict the City from Resources Office will coordinate the hiring outside the workf'orce or selection activity, seeking other sources of applicants to fill job openings. _ In working with the Department, the Human Resources Office will assist in The Human Resources Office will determining the necessary recruitment prepare the job posting and distribute period, develop job posting/ it to City Departments for posting on advertisements, screen applications, bulletin boards. Such internal posting test qualified applicants, monitor the shall be for a minimum of five working selection process for compliance with days and shall include the job title, lawful requirements, and/or assist the salary, general duties and Department with the appropriate pre- responsibilities, qualifications, and employment procedures, such as closing date to receive applications/ medical examination, reference checks, resumes. psychological evaluations, and employee orientation once the 3.02 CITY APPLICATIONS selection is made by the Department Head. All Departments will use the City of Port Angeles Employment Application 3.01 PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES as approved and adopted by the (Excluding City Manager) Human Resources Office when _ recruiting for vacancies. This is to The City shall attempt to fill vacant ensure uniformity and compliance with positions with the most qualified applicable Federal/State requirements individual as determined through the relative to the selection process. selection process and to fill positions from within the City as appropriate by 3.03 PROBATIONARY §TATUg OF providing promotional career NEW EMPLOYEES opportunities for regular full-time and regular part-time employees. Except as otherwise determined by the City Manager, all newly hired regular full-time or regular part-time 18 Eft. 1/98 3.03 Probationary_ Status (Con't) 3.04 VERIFICATION OF LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT IN THE U.S.A. employees shall be hired for a probationary, period of six (6) months Federal law requires the employer to (twelve months for law enforcement or ensure that newly hired employees are Fire Department positions). The lawfully employable in the United Department Head shall use this States. Failure to do so is punishable probationary period as an extension of by fines and/or imprisonment. To the selection process to evaluate the comply with this requirement, each employee's work performance. Each Department must provide to the employee shall receive a performance Human Resources Office a copy of the evaluation during the probationary employee's driver's license and Social period, generally at three (3) and six Security card prior to employment or (6) month intervals, or more frequent, other proof of identification allowable as determined by the Department under the law. Check with the Human Head. Resources Office for other identification. Probationers may be terminated during this period at anytime, with or without 3.05 P R E - E M P L O Y M E N T cause, and without right of appeal. PROCEDURES A probationary period shall not be Applicants who have received a extended except in the instance of an conditional offer of employment may employee on an extended leave of be required to complete a pre- absence, so that the Department has employment medical examination the full term of the probationary period scheduled by the Human Resources to evaluate the employee. Extensions Office prior to employment. The of this period are not permitted to Human Resources Office will continue evaluation of a probationer coordinate the examination with the who has marginal performance. Department and the potential new hire. Probationary employees shall be either Failure of the candidate to pass the terminated or retained by the end of pre-employment medical (i.e., as the probationary period, as determined determined by the City physician) (plus by the Department Head. polygraph and psychological evaluations for law enforcement In the event an employee is promoted positions) or other required to a higher classification and serves a procedures, will result in promotional probation period and fails disqualification from employment. to complete the probation, the employee shall revert back to the classification previously held if the higher class is within the normal line of promotion. 19 Eft. 1/98 3.06 STARTING SALARY FOR NEW signature when such orientation is EMPLOYEES (Excluding City completed. A copy of the checklist Manager and Department Heads) will be placed in the employee's personnel file. Employees shall be hired at the beginning step of the salary range of Any orientation relative to specific the classification. If the Department Department concerns is the Head wishes to start the employee responsibility of the respective above the first step of the salary range, Department Head. such a request must be in writing and reviewed by the Human Resources 3.09 PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS Manager and approved by the City Manager prior to offering the salary to Performance evaluations are the new employee, recognized as an integral part of a supervisor's responsibilities toward As a guideline, a new employee shall effective employer-employee relations. begin at the starting range~step unless To this end, an employee shall receive the person exceeds the qualifications his/her performance evaluation which for the job with additional experience shall be processed in a timely manner. and/or education, or other reasons as The completed performance evaluation approved by the City Manager. becomes part of the employee's permanent record. 3.07 X~RITTEN JOB OFFERS (Excluding Seasonal or Temporary Personnel) New Hires: Performance evaluations shall generally be completed at three The HumanResourcesOffice will send (3) month, and at six (6) month written confirmation of a job intervals. For Police and Fire appointment (atter acceptance by the classifications, such evaluations shall new employee) to the new employee, be completed at three (3) month, six Such a letter will include the starting (6) month, and twelve (12) month salary, the probationary period, the intervals. More frequent evaluations start date, and any other conditions of may generally be conducted at the employment which are applicable, discretion of the Department Head. 3.08 NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION Annual Review: Each employee shall receive an annual performance The Department Head or his designee evaluation, generally on his/her will make arrangements with the anniversary date, regardless of what Human Resources Office for employee step in the salary range the employee is orientation within the first week of assigned. employment for new employees. The orientation will include a checklist of Special Evaluations: A Department items covered with the employee's Head or supervisor may conduct a 20 Eft'. 1/98 3.09 Performance Evaluations (Con't) specifically provided for by State or Federal Law. With the exception ora special performance evaluation at any person on a valid re-employment list, time to evaluate the employee's job the employment of former employees performance over a given period, shall follow procedures per Section Such evaluations may be used relative 3.01 of these Policies. to a specific problem which needs to be corrected within a certain time 3.11 ADJUSTMENT OF HIRE DATE period. An employee who is on a leave of Exit Performance Evaluation: Upon absence without pay fi.om City service separation from City service for any for a period of thirty (30) days or employee, whether full-time, part-time, more, shall have his/her City or seasonal, the Department Head shall anniversary date (for £ity seniority) initiate an exit performance evaluation adjusted for the period of such leave. for placement in the personnel file, which will include a statement as to 3.12 PERSONNEL RECORD whether or not the employee is subject to rehire. The exit performance Personnel records are maintained by evaluation forms are available from the the Human Resources Office for each Human Resources Office upon City employee. Such records are request, property of the City. The records include, but are not limited to, the 3.10 HIRING OF FORMER EMPLOYEES employee's application, a record of all personnel actions affecting the Employees who have resigned their employee such as pay changes, employment in good standing and who promotions, title changes, leaves of the Department Head is willing to absences, transfers, accidents, rehire, or who are on a valid layoff list disciplinary actions, and other related for re-employment, may be eligible for information. rehire. If such an employee is rehired in his/her former classification within An employee's record shall be one (1) year fi.om the date of confidential to the extent allowable by separation, the employee may be law. Employees of the City having credited for his/her previous work time access to the file include the employee, only for purposes of determining Human Resources Office staff, the his/her wage. Such wage employee's Department Head, the determination is subject to review by employee's supervisor(s), the City the Human Resources Manager and Attorney, and the City Manager. The approval by the Department Head and employee's representative or legal City Manager. Prior service credit counsel may have access to the does not apply to any other employee's file upon written employment purpose, unless authorization by the employee, with a 21 Eft. 1/98 3.12 Personnel Record (Con't) notice and review for compliance with this policy is required by the copy of such authorization placed in Department Head or, in the case of the file. other employment for Department Heads, the City Manager's approval. The personnel file may also be obtained by a valid court order. Additionally, outside employment will be prohibited which, in the judgment If the employee is disciplined resulting of the City Attorney, is in violation of in documentation being placed in his/ or conflicts with any Federal or State her personnel file, the employee may law or regulation. submit a rebuttal to the information. Such rebuttal must be submitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of the discipline action. The employee may review his personnel file and obtain a copy of any information so contained with advance notice to the Human Resources Office. The City reserves the fight, as provided for by City Ordinance, to charge a copy fee for providing copies of such information from the file. 3.13 OTHER EMPLOYMENT If an employee wishes to obtain employment in addition to his/her City job, the employee shall provide written notice to the Department Head prior to beginning the other job. Such notice and related correspondence from the Department Head sh~ll be placed in the employee's personnel file. Outside employment which results in a conflict of interest with City employment, or which interferes with the employee's work performance, as determined by the Department Head and subsequent verification by the City Attorney, will be prohibited. Advance 22 Eft. 1/98 CHAPTER 4 - PERSONNEL ACTIONS 4.00 PERSONNEL ACTION FORMS 4.02 RESIGNATION IN GOOD STANDING Any personnel action affecting an employee shall be implemented by the An employee who leaves City service operating Department processing a shall provide a written resignation to Personnel Action Form. Such the employee's supervisor with a personnel actions include, but are not minimum of two (2) weeks advance limited to, new hires, promotions, notice. Resignations with less than this demotions, changes in compensation, notice shall be deemed resignations not leaves of absence, title changes, in good standing, unless authorized by reclassifications, transfers, the City Manager. _ terminations, resignations, or other personnel actions. 4.03 TRANSFER (Excluding City Manager and Department Heads) The Personnel Action Form is in triplicate with the white (original) A regular full-time employee who has placed in the employee's personnel file, completed his/her probationary period the yellow returned to the Departmem may request a transfer from one for retention, and the pink copy given position to another position within the to the employee for his/her records, same classification. Before such a transfer can occur, it must be approved 4.01 PROMOTIONS (Excluding Civil in advance by the affected Department Service Positions and City Manager) Heads and City Manager. The transferring employee will be required As set forth in Section 3.01, it is the to serve another probationary period if policy of the City to encourage transferring to a different Department. promotional opportunities to fill job vacancies. However, the City reserves If an employee is granted a transfer the right to determine the method of and subsequently falls the probationary filling job vacancies, whether open or period, the employee may be placed promotional, back in his/her prior position if the position is vacant. If the position is Notices of City job openings are not vacant the employee shall be posted on City bulletin boards. Any terminated and placed in a lay-off current employee who meets the status on the lay-off list for re- qualifications for the position and who employment (See 4.05, Lay-Off received a satisfactory or higher rating Procedures.) on their last performance evaluation may compete for a City job. 23 Eft. 1/98 4.04 RECLASSIFICATION (Excluding his/ her present level until the salary City Manager and Department Heads) range for the classification catches up with the higher salary range). Because of changes in service Downward reclassifications shall not demands, job requirements, assigned be considered a demotion. duties/responsibilities, technology, or other reasons, a position may be 4.05 LAY-OFF PROCEDURES (Excluding reclassified. Such changes in a job City Manager, Department Heads, and may necessitate a classification review Police and Fire classifications under conducted by the Human Resources authority of Civil Service) Office, which may affect the wages of the class (increase or decrease), The City may lay off employees where change in qualifications, or amending there are changes in service levels, of the class specifications. A request reorganization, a position is abolished, for a classification review may only be lack of funding, or other appropriate initiated by a Department Head, the reason requiring a reduction in the City Manager, or such review by the work force as determined by the City. Human Resources Manager. The City shall make efforts to keep such lay-offs to a minimum by attrition A Department Head may initiate a or integrating affected employees into request for a classification review for a other positions. Any employee laid off newly created position or for an shall receive a minimum of two weeks existing position, if the duties/ written notice prior to the effective responsibilities have significantly date of the lay-off changed. A classification review will not be undertaken solely to support a Employees having rights to layoff pay increase. Any request for a procedures include regular full-time classification review should be in and regular part-time employees. writing to the Human Resources Seasonal employees or temporary Office, with a copy to the City employees do not have fights to the Manager. Any reclassification is layoff procedures or re-employment subject to appropriate funding within rights. the respective Depar[ment. Lay-off will generally be in inverse If the classification review results in an order of hire by classification seniority up-grade of the salary range, the within eachDepartment. However, in incumbent shall be placed within the considering which employees are laid new range at the step nearest his/her off, the City shall retain the most present salary, but in no event lower, qualified and job performance shall be If the classification review results in a a factor in such retention. If a dom-grade of the position, the particular skill is needed by the City, incumbent's salary shall be "Y" rated the City maintains the right to retain (i.e., the employee's salary is frozen at such an employee. Qualifications will 24 Eft. 1/98 4.05 Lay-Off Procedures (Con't) valid reason as determined by the City exists for such failure to respond. be determined by the knowledge, abilities and skills for the classification. 4.06 RETIREMENT "Bumping procedures" shall apply to Employees covered by the Public class seniority for positions holding Employees Retirement System (PERS prior status in a lower class within an I or II) or the Law Enforcement occupational series. Such procedures Officers and Firefighters Retirement are defined as employment status held System (LEOFF I or II) wishing in a lower classification within the information concerning retirement same occupational series; i.e., a should contact the Department of maintenance worker may be "bumped" Retirement Systems in Olympia, by a leadworker with greater seniority Washington. If an emplgyee wishes to and who has held status in the lower retire, the employee must send an classification, application for retirement to the Retirement System Office at least Lay-Off List ninety (90) days prior to his/her retirement effective date. The For a period of eighteen (18) months Department of Retirement Systems from the date of lay-off, regular full- will provide the employee with the time employees who were laid off, estimates of benefits due the retiring followed by regular part-time employee. ,An employee shall provide employees, shall have re-employment as much notice as possible to the rights to a position in the classification affected Department Head prior to the they held prior to such lay-off and shall retirement effective date, preferably six have first opportunity to fill a position months' notice. when one becomes available. An employee re-hired from the lay-off list The respective City Department, shall be placed at the salary range and within two weeks prior to the effective step held by the employee prior to date of retirement, shall submit a being laid off. However, the salary Personnel Action Form to the Human schedule shall be the rate of pay at the Resources Office for processing, time ofre-employme-nt, together with a letter from the employee notifying the City of his/her It shall be the responsibility of the laid retirement effective date. The Human off employee to keep his address Resources Office will coordinate the current with the City. If a position necessary employee separation becomes available, the City will send procedures with the payroll clerk notice to the employee at the last relative to the employee's final address of record, and if the employee paycheck, pay-off of vacation, and fails to respond to such notice within other applicable compensation. ten (10) calendar days, the employee's name will be removed from the lay-off list for future consideration, unless a 25 Eft. 1/98 4.07 TERMINATION PROCEDURES (Excluding the City Manager) Termination of employment shall be based on either (1) resignation by the employee, (2) disciplinary action of the employer, or (3) reduction in force by the employer. Whenever an employee's service with the City terminates, it is the responsibility of the Department Head to ensure that the Personnel Action Form is processed in a timely manner and that all City keys and other City property is returned. 26 Eft. 1/98 CHAPTER 5 - SALARY ADMINISTRATION 5.00 SALARY STRUCTURE Regular part-time employees are eligible for a salary increase based Salaries for union employees are upon the number of hours budgeted to established through the collective work in relation to when full-time bargaining process and adopted by the employee would be eligible for a salary City Council. Salaries for increase (i.e., one-half or three-quarter Management, Confidential, and time position). For example, a one- Unrepresented classifications are half time employee who works 1,040 established by the City Council. All hours/year (i.e., half time) is eligible salaries are contained in salary for a salary increase upon completion ordinance(s) adopted by the City of 2,080 authorized work hours, or Council on an annual basis, two years. _ 5.01 SALARY STEPS In order for any merit salary increase to be effective, the employee must Each classification has a salary range receive a satisfactory performance with several steps, a flat rate, either evaluation by the employee's hourly or monthly. An employee is supervisor, with approval by the generally hired at the starting step Department Head and City Manager. within the salary range with annual Annual salary increases are not progression through the steps based automatic and may be withheld in the upon satisfactory performance, event of unsatisfactory performance, However, an employee may be hired excessive absenteeism, unsafe work up to the mid-point of the salary range, record, because of disciplinary actions based upon experience and/or within the evaluation period, or as qualifications, with approval by the determined by the Department Head Department Head. Starting salary and substantiated through above the mid-point of the salary range documentation. requires advanced approval of the City Manager together with written 5.03 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS justification. As required by law, the City deducts 5.02 ELIGIBILITY FOR SALARY applicable payroll withholdings for INCREASES Social Security, Federal taxes and Retirement. Other payroll deductions Regular, full-time employees are on a voluntary basis are provided for eligible for a salary step increase(s) through payroll authorization (increment advance) upon completion procedures, such as union dues, of the initial probationary period and deferred compensation, United Way, annually thereat~er, to the maximum of etc. the established salary range. 27 Eft'. 1/98 5.04 PAY DAYS 5.06 WORK ON A HOLIDAY (Excluding exempt employees) The City issues a pay check to eligible employees eveD' other Friday on a bi- If a regular full-time employee weekly basis. The pay period for full (designated as non-exempt per FLSA) time positions, covers 80 hours. The works on a scheduled holiday, the pay check covers the two-week (80- employee shall be paid the overtime hour) work period ending Sunday rate for the shift and shall receive an in before the pay day. Requests for pay lieu holiday to be taken at a later date, on a day other than the normal payday subject to supervisory approval, or the must be submitted in writing at least City may pay in cash the equivalent; seven (7) days in advance to the City i.e., 2-1/2 times the employee's hourly Manager for approval, rate. Regular part-time employees do not receive overtime f~or work on a 5.05 OVERTIME(Non-Exempt Employee) holiday, unless they exceed forty (40) hours per work week. The regular Overtime hours for regular full-time part-time employee shall receive an in employees are authorized hours lieu holiday based upon a pro-ration of worked in excess of eight (8) hours in their annual authorized work hours. a work day or forty (40) hours in a work week. For regular part-time 5.07 STAND-BY ASSIGNMENT employees, the non-overtime work week is 40 hours/week, which may If an employee is needed to work include work in excess of 8 hrs/day, during off-duty hours, as determined by the City, the employee may be Overtime compensation will be paid placed on stand-by assignment. Stand- for authorized overtime hours worked by status includes situations where the at the rate of time and one-half the employee is provided a paging device employees regular rate of pay. or portable radio so he may respond to Assignment of overtime hours is a work when called. management prerogative and is not voluntary. 5.08 CALL.______.:BACK (Non-Exempt Emp.) To be eligible - for overtime If an employee is called back to work compensation, and employee must be other than Ms/her normal work shit~, in a classification designated as non- the employee shall receive exempt per Fair Labor Standards Act compensation at the rate of two (2) (FLSA) requirements. Classes exempt hours minimum at time and one-half from overtime include executive, the employer's regular rate of pay. professional, and certain administrative Hours worked on a call-back situation positions. The Human Resources Office maintains a list of exempt and non-exempt classes. 28 Eft'. 1/98 5.08 Call-Back (Con't) for overtime hours worked, and an employee elects to take comp time in beyond the 2-hour minimum shall be lieu of cash, the rate of earnings shall paid at the overtime rate of pay, unless be one and one-half hours of comp such time is part of the employee's time earned for each hour of overtime regularly scheduled work week. worked, computed to the nearest 30 minutes. The maximum number of 5.09 HIGHER CLASSIFICATION PAY hours of comp time accrued shall not AND ASSIGNMENT (Excluding City exceed 40 hours. Overtime worked in Manager and Department Heads) excess of this amount shall be paid off in cash. In the event of separation of The Department Head may assign an City service, comp time hours accrued employee to work in a higher but not taken shall be paid off'in cash classification in the event of a position at the employee's rate_ of pay in the being temporarily vacant. Such classification the employee holds assignment may be made if the position regular status. Prior to a promotion, will be vacant for a minimum of one accrued comp time shall be taken off week or more. The premium pay shall or paid in cash to eliminate this fiscal be 5% of the employee's regular rate of liability. pay. To qualify and be assigned higher class pay, the employee must be Departments are responsible for granted the responsibility and authority keeping and maintaining separate of the higher class, including making records of comp time hours accrued decisions within the normal scope of and taken, showing the employer work. Assistant Department Heads name, job title, number of overtime whose duties include acting as a hours worked, the date of overtime Department Head, as noted in their job hours worked together with remaining descriptions, are excluded from this balance of hours on the books. The policy, record-keeping requirements is mandated by the Fair Labor Standards In the event a Department Head Act (FLSA). documents unusual circumstances for higher class assignment, such Employees wishing to schedule time exceptions shall be submitted to the off to use accrued comp time hours City Manager for variance to this shall do so in advance, similar to policy, vacation usage. 5.10 COMPENSATORY TIME OFF 5.11 ADMINISTRATIVE TIME OFF (COMP TIME) (Non-Exempt Employees) Managers are expected to work a minimum of a 45 hour work week If a Department Head elects to offer before being eligible for administrative compensatory time off' in lieu of cash 29 Eft.. 1/98 5.11 Administrative Time Off (Con't) 4) Administrative time off.shall be recorded within the time off' credited to the 40 hours per department, but not on time year in #2 below. Eligibility for cards. In January of eachyear, administrative time off' is not an each Department Head shall accrual process such as compensatory prepare a memo to the Human time off. It is intended for the Resources Manager indicating increased work load because of special the total number of hours of projects and/or non-routine work. The administrative time off allowed Department Head shall determine for each employee in excess of when administrative time off is two hour increments during permitted, subject to City Manager the preceding year. approval, as stated below. 5.12 VACATION CASH OUT 1) Administrative time off of up to two (2) hours in a given day In an effort to reduce the City's future shall be allowed at the liability for vacation accrual, the City discretion of the Department may allow employees to cash out a Head. portion of their vacation on an annual basis, based on the following 2) Administrative time off of conditions: If an employee has in more than two (2) hours in a excess of 200 hours of combined sick given day shall be allowed leave and vacation accrual upon the upon approval of /he date of the request, the employee may Department Head, up to an request to cash out up to 40 hours of annual maximum of 40 hours vacation. However, they must leave per calendar year. Such time two weeks of vacation on the books to off shall only be given for be used. hours worked by management employees in excess of 45 All requests will be considered on a hours per week. City-wide basis, subject to available funding in the budget adopted by the 3) The City _Manager may City Council. Requests will be approve up to an additional 40 submitted to the Human Resources hours per year for special Office by September 1 st of each year projects, provided that written to be considered for funding in the justification is submitted by the subsequent budget. If funding is not Department Head, with acopy authorized, requests will not be to the Human Resources allowed. A separate budget line item Office. will be established. Approved requests will be pro-rated with all requests received. 30 Eft. 1/98 CHAPTER 6 - ATTENDANCE .~ND HOURS OF WORK (Excludes City Manager and Department Heads) 600 HOURS OF WORK An employee absent from work without proper notification shall be The regular non-overtime work week subject to disciplinary action and if the is 40 hours, except for Fire absence continues for three (3) or Department shift employees. The more consecutive days or shifts, shall work day is generally 8 hours in a 24- be considered as having abandoned hour period, as scheduled by the his/her job and may be terminated, Department. The Fire Department has depending upon the circumstances of 24-hour shifts, the employee's absence. Each Department shall establish work 6.02 REST PERIODS/MEAL PERIODS schedules for employees which may vary and may include weekends. The Employees working 8-hour shifts shall normal work week is 5 consecutive be entitled to two (2) 15-minute rest days on and 2 consecutive days off periods; one during the first half of the (excluding Fire Department shift 8-hour shift, and one during the employees), second half of an 8-hour shift. Break times are scheduled by the supervisor 6.01 ATTENDANCE per department/division needs so as not to interfere with City business and Employees are expected to arrive at such breaks or meal periods shall not work in sufficient time, ready to work be accrued for use at a later time. The when the work shift begins. If a morning and afternoon breaks shall be uniform is required, changing from taken in the field at the crew's current personal clothes to the uniform is non- work site, unless the type of work paid time. Punctual attendance is performed is not compatible due to required. If an employee is going to be efficiency, safety, or other legitimate late for work, or absent himself/herself reasons with a break in the field. The from work, it is the employee's supervisor shall, at the beginning ofthe responsibility to -notify his/her day when assigning work, determine if supervisor in advance of the situation, it is appropriate for the crew to take Each Department will establish their morning and/or afternoon break attendance notification procedures for in a location other than at the job site. employees (i.e., minimum time for notifying supervisor of absence). If an employee is unable to receive Repeated tardiness is subject to his/her rest period during the day, such disciplinary_ action, time is not additional hours worked for overtime purposes. 31 Eft. 1/98 6.02 Rest/Meal Periods (Con't) Meal periods may be 30 or 60 minutes in length, as established by the Department work schedule and may be paid time or non-paid time, depending upon the employee's work schedule. If an employee works less than a 5-hour shift, a meal period is not provided. 6.03 REPORTING OF WORK HOURS Maintaining accurate time records relative to hours worked and leave time is required by law. Each employee is responsible for completing his/her time card and each supervisor is responsible for verifying such information prior to submittal for payroll purposes. Falsification of time records will be grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 32 Eft'. 1/98 CHAPTER 7 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 7.00 VACATION (Excluding City Manager Sick leave is earned at the rate of eight and Department Heads) (8) hours per month (3.6923 hours bi- weekly) (Fire shift employees receive Vacation shall be earned and taken as twelve (12) hours per month) for all provided for in the appropriate City regular full-time employees. Regular Ordinance or labor agreement, part-time employees earn an amount Vacation may be taken, upon prorated, based upon the number of supervisory approval, after completing authorized hours budgeted for the the first six (6) months of employment, position. Unused vacation credits shall be paid off in cash upon separation from City Sick leave may be used, with advance service, approval of the supervisor or Department Head, for illness or injury Except during probationary periods for to the employee, to care for members promotional positions, probationary of his/her immediate family, or for employees do not accrue vacation and funeral leave. Use of sick leave for are not entitled to any vacation pay-off funeral leave is limited to three (3) if they are terminated or resign during days per incident unless additional time the probationary period. After is approved by the Department Head. reaching regular status, the employee The definition of a family member is is credited with the appropriate found in Section 7.06, Family Leave. number of hours of vacation time for time in City service. Regular part-time If a Department Head or supervisor employees earn an amount pro-rated, has reasonable cause to believe an based upon the number of authorized employee has used sick leave hours budgeted for the position. All improperly, the employee may be vacation taken is subject to advanced required to show proof of illness/injury supervisory approval, by verification from a physician. Such proof of illness may be requested for 7.01 SICK LEAVE (Excluding the City any suspected abuse or misuse of sick Manager and Department Heads) leave benefits. Prior to the (See also Section 7.06, Family Leave) Department Head requiring the employee to produce a doctor's Sick leave is a benefit provided by the statement relative to the illness, the City to regular full-time and regular employee may, upon request, discuss part-time employees. Sick leave is the matter with the Department Head considered a privilege and not a right, so extenuating circumstances, if any, Abuse or improper use of sick leave is may be considered. The employee's subject to disciplinary action, supervisor may, with reasonable cause, opt to visit the employee's home to 33 Eft'. 1/98 agreement. The holidays for 7.06 FAMILY LEAVE Management, Administrative, and regular part-time and regular full-time, An eligible employee may take up to twelve unrepresented employees are: (12) work weeks of family leave during any consecutive twelve (12) month period for: New Year's Day Labor Day 1. The birth of a child and to care for a Washington's Birthday newborn child; or Veteran's Day Memorial Day 2. Placement with the employee of a child Thanksgiving Day for adoption or foster care; or Independence Day Day a~er Thanksgiving 3. Care for a spouse, child under the age Christmas Day of 18 years, or parent, bu_t not including Two (2) Floating Holidays parent-in-law, who has a serious health condition; or Two floating holidays shall be granted to eligible employees on the payroll, 4. To care for self; if the employee has a effective January 1 st of each year. serious health condition that makes the Employees hired after July 1 st shall employee unable to perform the receive one floating holiday for the essential functions of the employee's calendar year. Floating holidays may job. be taken in only 8-hour periods. Family leave shall include unpaid leave, paid 7.05 MATERNITY LEAVE leave, compensatory time and paid legal holidays, ifa. ny. Leave for childbirth, adoption Medical disabilities resulting from or placement for foster care shall be completed pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, or within twelve (12) months after the birth or recovery from childbirth, shall be placement for adoption, as applicable. eligible for maternity leave of absence. Such leave of absence shall not exceed Family leave shall be charged to accrued sick the actual period of disability. Prior to leave, accrued compensatory time, and floating utilization of any unp_aid leave without holidays. Unpaid leave as family leave shall be pay, the affected, employee shall first authorized only at~er the exhaustion of all use accumulated paid leave (comp forms ofavailablepaidleaves above. Vacation time, vacation, sick leave, and floating may also be used for family leave. holidays). Eligibility: To be eligible for family leave, an Any request for maternity leave shall employee must have been employed by the be in writing to the Department Head City for at least 12 consecutive months prior on the City Leave of Absence Request to the date family leave is to begin and have form, stating theduration of the leave, been compensated for at least 1,250 hours subject to approval by the City during the same 12~month period. Family Manager. leave is available to all regular full-time and regular part-time employees. 35 Eft. 1/98 7.01 Sick Leave (Con't) considered for reinstatement in accordance with the provisions of determine the nature of the illness and State law (Chapter 73.16 RCW). extent of expected absence or to Upon application for reinstatement, the investigate proper usage of sick leave, employee must provide a copy of his/her military discharge papers. Employees may use sick leave for Reinstatement is limited to employees medical, dental, and other related who receive an honorable discharge health appointments, and should and meet the necessary physical and schedule such appointments to cause medical standards established for the the least disruption as possible to the particular classification. work. When possible, appointments should be scheduled on the employee's 7.03 JURY DUTY own time or days off. Sick leave for such appointments shall be charged in If an employee is caller] for jury duty, 30 minute increments. All requests for the employee shall promptly notify sick leave shall be made on the City his/her supervisor of such jury duty Sick Leave Request form provided by service. the Human Resources Office. If the employee is called to sit on a 7.02 MII.ITARY LEAVE jury during his/her normal work hours, the employee will receive his/her Any employee of the City who is a normal salary but shall surrender to the member of the State National Guard or City any pay for jury duty paid to the a Federal Reserve Military unit shall be employee, excluding mileage, if entitled to be absent from employment applicable. with the City with full pay up to fifteen (15) calendar days during each When the employee is excused from calendar year while engaging in the jury duty, he/she shall report back to performance of an officially ordered work immediately and notify his/her military duty and while going to or supervisor that he/she is able to return returning from such duty, in to work for the balance of his/her shift. accordance with the laws of the State of Washington (Rt;W 38.40.060). This section does not apply to time Such leave shall be in addition to any spent in court on personal business. other leave and vacation benefits. Such time shall be charged to accrued Leave for military purposes in excess vacation, comp time, or leave without of 15 days per year shall be days off as pay. vacation leave and shall be scheduled to comply with military orders. 7.04 HOLIDAYS Employees who are called or volunteer for service with the armed forces of Holidays are set forth in the the United States shall be entitled to be appropriate ordinance or labor 34 Eft. 1/98 7.06 Family Leave (Con't) foreseeable, shall be cause to deny family leave until such time as an Maintenance of Benefits: During acceptable medical certificate is periods of family leave, the City will provided to the City. maintain employee and dependent coverage under the health plan under If the validity of the claim is disputed or which the employee was enrolled at unclear, the City may require the the time leave commenced and shall employee to obtain a second opinion by make premium payments at the same a provider of the City's choice and at level as were made prior to leave the City's expense. In the event of a commencement. Should the employee dispute between the two providers, the fail to return to work at the conclusion City may require an opinion of a third of authorized family leave, the City provider jointly selected by the shall recover any premiums paid for employer and the employee, the cost of maintaining health coverage under this which shall be borne by the City. The section, unless the reason is the opinion of the third party shall be continuation, onset, or recurrence of a binding. serious health condition, or other circumstances beyond the employee's Approval of Family Leave: All requests control, for family leave require the approval of the employee's Department Head and Spouses employed by the City are the Human Resources Manager. entitled to a combined total of 12 work weeks of family leave for the ,an employee planning to take family birth or placement of a child for leave shall complete the request for a adoption or foster care, or to care for leave of absence and provide their a child or parent, but excluding a Department Head and immediate parent-in-law, who has a serious supervisor with written notice thirty health condition. (30) days in advance of the anticipated date of delivery or placement for Medical Certification Required: Each adoption or foster care, stating the employee requesting family leave shall dates the employee intends to take make application on an approved City family leave, unless exempted as application form-and provide a follows: certification from the attending physician. Submission of the medical 1. The birth is premature; certification should be made at the time of application but shall be 2. The mother is incapacitated submitted no later than 15 calendar due to birth so that she is days aRer application is made. Failure unable to care for the child; to provide the medical certification within the required 15 days aRer application, when the leave was 36 Eft. 1/98 7.06 Family Leave (Con't) 2. An employee on family leave takes another job. 3. The employee takes custody of the newly adopted child or The City may elect to designate up to child placed for foster care at ten percent (10%) of its "highly an unanticipated time and is compensated" salaried personnel to be unable to give thirty (30) days exempt from reinstatement under the advance notice; FMLA, and the employer shall noti~ the affected employee of this action 4. The Department Head, and its consequences at the time the employee's supervisor and employee makes a request for the employee agree to notice of leave of absence. less than thirty (30) days. Family leave for birth or adoption or Subject to #1, below, an employee who placement for foster care may only be exercises any right provided under this used in full work week units and may section shall be entitled, upon return not be used on an hourly basis or on a from leave or during any reduced leave single day usage basis unless schedule: intermittent leave is requested by the employee and approved by both the 1. To the same or equivalent Department Head and Human position and salary as was held Resources Manager. Only the actual by the employee when the number of hours taken will be leave commenced; or subtracted from the employee's annual family leave entitlement. Legal 2. If the department's holidays occurring during a week of circumstances have so changed family leave will not extend the total that the employee cannot be number of weeks of family leave reinstated to the same position, available. or a position of equivalent pay and benefits, the employee Family leave for serious health shall be reinstated in any other conditions may be used either as full position which is vacant and work week units or on an intermittent for which the employee is or reduced leave schedule if medically qualified, necessary. Legal holidays occurring during a week of family leave will not The entitlements above are subject to extend the total number of weeks of bona fide changes in compensation or family leave available. Only the actual work duties, and do not apply if: number of hours taken will be subtracted from the employee's annual 1. The employee's position is family leave entitlement. eliminated by a bona fide restructuring, or reduction-in- force; or 37 Eft. 1/98 7.07 OTHER LEAVES OF ABSENCES not limited to sick leave, vacation, and WITHOUT PAY holiday. Excluding approved military leave, a The employee's City anniversary date leave of absence without pay is ofemploymentshallbeadjustedequal permitted by the City under certain to the duration of the leave of absence, circumstances and after all other paid if such leave extends beyond thirty leave benefits are exhausted. The City (30) days. reserves the fight to grant, modit~,, or deny any leave of absence without pay Failure of the employee to return from requests, an approved leave of absence without pay or make other arrangements A leave of absence without pay is a acceptable to the City Manager shall privilege the City may extend to result in termination of_the employee, regular full-time and regular pan-time unless unique circumstances exist, as employees, for specific periods of time, determined by the City Manager. on a case-by-case basis. Such leaves may be granted, e.g., for personal or If the leave of absence is six (6) educational reasons, months or less, the City will hold the employee's position open. If the leave A leave of absence without pay must extends beyond six (6) months, the be requested in writing on the position may be filled and the appropriate form obtained from the employee placed on a re-hire list for employee's supervisor and submitted future vacancies in the classification to the Department Head as soon as the held prior to the approved leave of need for such leave is known. The absence without pay. request shall contain the reason for the leave and the expected duration of the 7.08 LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITH PAY requested time off, together with the date the employee will return to work. A leave of absence with pay, which may run concurrently with Family During a leave of absence without pay, Leave, includes approved sick leave, other than Family Leave, the employee vacation, holiday time, comp. time, shall be required to pay the necessary military leave, and jury duty. Such health premiums, if continued leaves of absence require coordination coverage is requested by the employee, of notice and/or approval by the The Human Resources Manager will employee's supervisor or Department assist the employee in the options for Head. A suspension with pay, such as continued health coverage, investigation of a job-related incident, is also considered a leave of absence While on a leave of absence without with pay. pay, the employee shall not accrue or be entitled paid leave, including but 38 Eft. 1/98 7.09 VOTING DURING WORK HOURS paid leave (i.e., vacation, sick leave, holidays, and comp time) because of a When an employee is informed that catastrophic illness or injury affecting his/her work schedule is such that the employee or eligible dependent. he/she is unable to vote either prior to The policy will not apply to an or after his/her normal work schedule, employee on Worker's Compensation and there is insufficient advance notice benefits or receiving long-term within which to secure an absentee disability (LTD)benefits. ballot, the employee will be allowed up to two (2) hours time off with pay to A catastrophic illness/injury is one vote. However, the employee must which is likely to result in an extended obtain advance supervisory approval disability of several weeks or more, for this time off, and such time shall be based on medical evidence as provided scheduled to best meet the operational by a physician's letter. T_he donation of needs oftheDepartment, the leave is intended to assist an employee during the 90-day waiting 7.10 TIME OFF FOR UNION BUSINESS period before the long-term disability benefits begin. In the case of an Employees who are officers of the employee not eligible for long-term union shall conduct official union disability coverage, the donation of business during off-duty hours paid leave benefits can be for up to six whenever possible. Certain business (6) months' duration. Exceptions to may be conducted on duty, with the 3 and 6 month time limits will be advance Department Head approval, evaluated on a case-by-case basis for such meetings as Labor/ where the employee will return to Management meetings, grievance work, as verified by medical evidence processing, and negotiations. All and approved by the City Manager. meeting shall be at times which do not interfere with the delivery of municipal In the event a medical situation occurs services, where an employee needs additional paid leave, the Department Head will Any solicitations of members, notify the Human Resources Office, distribution of union literature, or which will then post a notice that internal union busines~ shall be on non- donations of paid leave time are work time. needed to assist another employee. The use of any City facilities for union- If an employee wishes to donate a related business is subject to advance portion of his/her accrued paid leave approval of the affected Department (i.e., sick leave, vacation, comp time Heads. or holiday time) to another employee, a written request will be submitted 7.11 DONATION OF PAID LEAVE specifying the name of the employee, and the amount of hours he or she This policy shall apply when a regular wishes to donate, and shall forward full-time employee or regular part-time this to the Human Resources Office. employee has exhausted all forms of The Human Resources Manager shall 39 Eft. 1/98 Donation of Paid Leave (Con't) for the transfer of paid leave time. If the hours donated exceed the hours have the authority to approve or denv used, the excess donation will be the donation, based on the following returned to the donor. factors: 1. The nature of the extended illness or injury to the employee who has depleted his/her paid leave time; i.e., sick leave, vacation, compensatory, time, or holiday time. 2. The historical use of sick leave by the employee receiving the donation. If the employee has misused or has a poor record of sick leave usage, the request may be denied. 3. A physician's verification of the extended disability. The donation, if approved, shall be on an hour-for-hour basis without any salary conversion. The employee receiving the donated hours will receive no compensation or monetary conversion to benefits. The maximum donation an employee may contribute is eighty (80) hours of paid leave time. The employee donating sick leave hours must maintain a minimum balance of three (3) weeks of accrued sick leave. Employees donating sick leave hours shall not receive payment for those hours at the time of resignation or retirement. The Human Resources Manager will notify each employee of the hours donated and will initiate the paperwork 40 Eft'. 1/98 CHAPTER 8 - EMPLOYEE SAFETY AND LOSS CONTROL 8.00 PURPOSE completion of his/her assigned duties, for his/her own personal safety and the It is the policy of the City of Port safety of his/her fellow employees, the Angeles to provide a safe work general public, and Cityproperty. environment, as required by taw, for all employees. The City has established a Additionally, every employee shall be loss control and safety program evaluated on safety practices and through the Human Resources Office. habits applicable to his/her job performance. The City of Port Angeles endeavors to provide a safe and healthy work 8.01 REPORTING OF INJURIES/ environment for its employees and to ACCIDENTS conduct its operations accordingly. It is required that all on-the-job injuries The City of Port Angeles' Safety and and accidents to employees or the Loss Control Program requires all public, regardless of severity, be employees to perform their assigned reported on the City Accident/Injury work as safely as reasonably possible. Report Form. These forms are The success of this program available in each Department for necessitates cooperation from every employees' use and have instructions employee in each City department, with the form. The City Manager has the overall In the event of an accident or injury, responsibility for promulgating safety the Report of Accident form must be and loss control policies and assuring completed and delivered to the Human implementation. Resources Manager within 48 hours. In addition, injuries or property The Human Resources Manager has damage over $500 must be reported direct responsibility for continuous immediately to the Human Resources coordination and evaluation of the Manager. overall City safety program and all applicable rules, laws, and regulations In the event of an injury, the employee pertaining to health and safety, must advise his/her supervisor immediately so that proper medical The Department Heads and Division attention can be obtained and the Supervisors are responsible for injury report can be completed. The implementing safety policies as they supervisor must make an immediate apply to workers in their Departments/ investigation, as complete as the Divisions, as well as the general public situation warrants, and assure that the affected by their work. Report of Accident or Injury form is properly completed and forwarded. Each employee is responsible for The supervisor also shall be following the safety policies in the responsible for obtaining damage 41 Eft. 1/98 8.01 Reporting of Injuries/Accidents (Con't) E. Report any unsafe conditions or acts, near misses, and other estimates. Equipment Services will safety concerns immediately to assist in determining damage estimates his/her supervisor. and coordinating the information to the Human Resources Manager. The F. Wear a seatbelt while Human Resources Manager and City operating City vehicles, as Attorney's office will assist as required by law. necessary. G. Actively participate in City- Emergency assistance can be requested wide and departmental safety by dialing 911. The employee's training and safety programs. supervisor is responsible for making sure that all vital information is 8.03 WORKEWSCOMPENSATION collected. Vital information can include photographs of the scene and Employees injured on the job are witness statements containing names, covered by worker's compensation addresses and phone numbers, and benefits and are required to notify the other relevant information. Human Resources Manager by completing the City Accident Report 8.02 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITY form. The employee is permitted to integrate any accrued sick leave credits Each employee has a responsibility to with worker's compensation benefits to assist with the City's safety and loss equal the employee's regular salary. prevention program, including but not Any questions by employees or limited to the following: supervisory personnel shall be directed to the Human Resources Manager. A. Comply with and keep informed of necessary safety 8.04 WORKPLACE THREAT OR work rules, regulations, and VIOLENCE practices. The City will not tolerate any acts of B. Use required_safetyprotection violence to City employees or the on equipment and around public. Any employee who commits machinery, such as proper an act of violence or threatens another shoes, ear and eye protection, employee or the public will be subject hard hat, respirator, etc. to investigation and discipline. Additionally, any threat or act of C. Report all injuries and violence by the public towards an accidents to his/her supervisor employee will not be tolerated. If an as soon as possible, regardless employee feels threatened by any act, of the severity, he/she shall report the incident to the Supervisor, who shall investigate the D. Report to the supervisor when matter. The Supervisor will respond the employee is taking any verbally or in writing to the citizen and prescribed drugs, the employee involved and document 42 Eft'. 1/98 8.04 Workplace Threat or Violence (Con't) the incident in writing to the Human Resources Manager. Workplace violence includes any acts of violence or threats against an employee or the public, such as verbal threats of physical harm, damage to City property, or behavior knowingly harmful or threatening. In conjunction with this policy, weapons shall not be permitted in the workplace, including firearms, knives in excess of a 4" blade, dangerous or flammable chemicals or liquids, or any other object intended to injure or harm. This excludes normal work tools or firearms in the case of sworn police officers. Any incidents of violence or threat to an employee or member of the public will be reported to the employee's Supervisor for investigation. The Supervisor shall contact the Human Resources Manager to assist in the investigation 43 Eft. 1/98 CHAPTER 9 - STANDARDS OF EMPLOYEE CONDUCT AND DISC~LINE (Excluding City Manager, Probationary and Temporary Employees) 9.00 PUP, PO SE 9.01 REPRESENTATION Standardized rules of' employee During any meetings between a conduct and disciplinary procedures supervisor/manager with an employee are necessary to ensure fair and involving disciplinary action or when equitable treatment of employees, such action may reasonably be These procedures are established so expected, the affected employee has a that all employees and supervisory right to representation on his behalf. personnel are aware of the rules of Such representation is generally by a conduct and employee discipline, union officer, shop steward, union business agent, or in some instances an The U. S. Supreme Court in a attorney. Management will make an landmark decision (Cleveland Board of effort to comply with a request by an Education vs. Loudermill, 1985) ruled employee for representation prior to that employees who have a property discussions or implementation of right in continued employment have disciplinary action unless certain rights which are afforded prior circumstances merit immediate action. to discharge of employment (excluding probationary discharge). The intern of 9.02 RIGHT OF APPEAL this procedure is to provide an employee a pre-disciplinary review An employee who is disciplined has a process which includes (a) verbal or right to appeal the disciplinary action written notice of the intent to (except verbal reprimands or written discipline; (b) an explanation of the reprimands), if such action results in a evidence and charges against the loss of compensation, benefits, or employee; and (c)an opportunity for similar sanction, or a change in the employee to respond to the working conditions done specifically charges, for disciplinary reasons which has a negative financial impact upon the This pre-disciplinary ~'eview process is employee. Such an appeal shall be to intended to be informal, and affords (1) the City Manager; (2)through the eligible employees certain rights prior grievance procedure of the respective to being disciplined. Exclusions from labor agreement; or (3) the Civil this pre-disciplinary review process are Service Commission for Police and (a) verbal reprimands; (b) performance Fire Department Civil Service evaluations; and (c) written reprimands employees. which do not result in loss of pay or benefits. The employee may not process an appeal by more than one of the avenues noted above and shall do so in accordance with his/her respective 44 Eft. 1/98 9.02 Right of Appeal (Con't) reprimands: (b) performance evaluations: and (c) written reprimands status (i.e., Management/ that do not result in loss of pay or Administrative employee may appeal benefits. to the City Manager; union employees appeal through the labor contract 9.03 CAUSES FOR DISCIPLINARY grievance procedure or to the City ACTION Manager, depending on the issue; and Civil Service employees appeal to the Except for Civil Service employees Civil Service Commission). (Police and Fire) who are covered by Chapter 2.22 PAMC, causes for An employee shall request an appeal disciplinary actions include but are not within ten (10) days (see PAMC limited tothefollowing: 2.22.110) from the effective date of the disciplinary action. Failure to file A. Absence without leave. An such an appeal within this time period employee who absents shall result in denial of the appeal as himself]herself from the job, untimely and forfeits any fight to without proper notification to appeal the disciplinary action, the appointing authority or supervisor, shall be guilty of An employee is entitled to a pre- absence without leave within disciplinary meeting to review the the meaning of this subsection. evidence and documentation which will result in disciplinary action as well B. Workplace harassment, as the fight to respond verbally and/or including sexual harassment. in writing to the charges brought against him/her. However, these C. Conviction of any criminal act, procedures do not limit additional including any felony or disciplinary action or evidence, if misdemeanor which adversely additional facts/evidence become impacts the City or the ability subsequently available at a later date. to effectively perform the job. The pre-disciplinary meeting is an informal meeting, including the D. Disorderly or immoral employee, his/her representative, if conduct, or conduct any, the Department Head and unbecoming an employee in employee's supervisor, and others as the public service,which determined by the Department Head. adversely affects the After conclusion of the informal employee's performanceorthe meeting, the Department Head will effectiveness of the City's determine whether to proceed with the service to the public. disciplinary action or amend his action accordingly. Such a decision may E. Incompetency or inefficiency. occur at the meeting or following the meeting, if additional time is needed. F. Insubordination. Exceptions to entitlement to the pre- disciplinary meeting are (a) verbal 45 Eft. 1/98 9.03 Causes for Disciplinary. Action (Con't) P. Failure to report an accident or falsely filing a report G. Being in possession or under concerning an injury., accident, the influence of alcoholic or other related incident. beverages during the employee's working hours or Q. Violation of the City's at his or her work site. Personnel Policies and Procedures. H. Neglect of duty. I. Negligence or willful damage to public property or waste of public supplies or equipment. J. Violation of any lawful or reasonable regulation or order made and given by a supervisor. K. Fraud in securing appointment. L. Dishonesty, including but not limited to falsification of records, time cards, or other work activity records. M. While on duty, being in possession of unlawful drugs, under the influence of unlawful drugs, or under the influence of a drug which may adversely affect the employee's performance._ Also, any trafficking-of a controlled substance or narcotic is cause for disciplinary action. N.Discourteous treatment of the public or other employees. O. Willful violation of any rule, regulation, policy, procedure, or safety practice. 46 Eft. 1/98 CHAPTER 10 - EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Excluding City Manager and Department Heads) 10.00 PURPOSE C. Grievances filed atter twenty (20) days from the date of The employee grievance procedure is occurrence, or after twenty established to provide an orderly (20) days from the date the process for an employee to attempt to employee had knowledge of an resolve a problem, complaint, unfair occurrence, but in no event treatment, or improper application ora later than one (1) year from the policy, rule, or regulation. This date of the occurrence. employee grievance procedure is not to be used relative to issues covered by D. Classification is_sues. the labor contracts. Such matters are addressed through the grievance 10.02 TIME LIMITS procedure of the respective labor contracts. Time limits are established to settle grievances quickly. Time limits in the NOTE: Grievance procedures of the grievance procedure may be extended labor contracts or this employee by written agreement of the City and grievance procedure, or any other the affected employee. If the grievant administrative procedure, are not is not satisfied with the decision available to employees on probation rendered at a particular step in the who are discharged during the process, it is the grievant's probationary period. The only responsibility to initiate the action exception to this is if such discharge which submits the grievance to the involves sexual harassment or next level of review within the time discrimination, in which case, this limits specified. Failure of the grievance procedure is limited to the employee to submit the grievance specific charge, within the time limits shall terminate the grievance and the matter shall be 10.01 EXCLUSIONS FROM THE considered resolved. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. Work assignments, shift scheduling, overtime assignment, and similar related matters. B. Work performance evaluations. 47 Eft. 1/98 10.03 RIGHT OF REPRESENTATION The grievance form and any supporting documents shall be An employee may have a delivered to the supervisor with whom representative present during the the informal meeting was held, no later grievance procedures to assist the than ten (10) days from the date of the employee in the process. However, close of the informal meeting. The the employee shall notify the City in supervisor shall hold a formal meeting advance of the name and address of with the employee to review the facts, any such representative, gather all supporting documents, discuss the complaint and desired solution. The supervisor will issue a 10.04 INFORMAL GRIEVANCE written decision on the original PROCESS grievance form within a reasonable time, generally within five (5) days of The informal process of the grievance the close of the formal meeting. procedure shall be used prior to initiating the formal grievance Step 2 procedure. This process involves verbal discussion between the If the employee feels the immediate employee and the immediate supervisor has not resolved the supervisor in an attempt to resolve the grievance, the employee may appeal to issue or concern. If the employee's the Department Head. At this time, all supervisor fails to resolve the issue supporting documents and evidence within five (5) days of the meeting held relative to the grievance shall be to discuss the matter, or the employee included with the appeal. The is not satisfied with the supervisor's Department Head shall hold a formal response, the employee may proceed meeting with the employee and his to the formal grievance process, representative, if requested, within a reasonable time, generally within ten 10.05 FORMAL GRIEVANCE (10) days from the date of the appeal PROCEDURE receipt, and attempt to settle the grievance. Step 1 A decision shall be made, in writing, The formal grievance procedure shall on the original grievance form, to the be initiated by the employee, stating employee by the Department Head the natureofthegrievance, the alleged within a reasonable time, generally violation, and the desired solution, in within ten (10) days fi-om the close of writing on the City grievance form, the formal meeting. together with any supporting documents attached to the grievance form. 48 Eft. 1/98 10.05 Formal Grievance Procedure (Con't) Step 3 If the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Department Head, he may appeal the decision to the City Manager within five (5) days from receipt of the Department Head's decision. In his appeal to the City Manager, all supporting documents must be attached to the grievance form, together with the grievant's reason for appeal and stated remedy requested. The City Manager or his designee will review the original grievance, all supporting documents, the Department Head's response, and the remedy requested, and issue a written decision within a reasonable time, generally within ten (10) days of receipt of the grievance. The decision of the City Manager shall be final and binding upon the parties to the grievance. 49 Eft'. 1/98 CHAPTER 11 - TUITION REIMBURSEMENT, TKAVEL, AND VEHICLE USE POLICY 11.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Courses offered during regular work hours may be approved, per the above The City's tuition reimbursement policy, if time off can be arranged program covers payment for college without affecting the public services or course work to encourage employees disrupting departmental operations, to pursue job-related education/ Such time off should be charged to training. Under the tuition accrued vacation, comp time, or leave reimbursement program, the City pays without pay. for 75% of tuition and required books, subject to budgetary restrictions and in 11.01 CITY TRAVEL, VEHICLE USE, accordance with the following AND REIMBURSEMENT POLICY requirements: (Excludes City Council Members) a) Requests for tuition The City shall reimburse employees for reimbursement must be made job-related expenses, per the following in writing, in advance, on the policy: form provided by the Human Resources Office. TRAVEL POLICY: b) Ail course work must be job- This policy is to provide for the related and requires advance consistent application and use of travel approval by the Department funds and to provide guidelines for Head and City Manger, authorization and reimbursement of processed through the Human travel expenses. The City Manager Resources Office. may authorize travel expenses over the limits in this policy at his discretion, on c) Prior to payment of approved a case-by-case basis. tuition reimbursement, the employee must provide proof It is the employee's responsibility to of a grade "C" or better, use travel funds for their approved together · w~th a copy of purpose only and properly document receipts for the course and expenditures with receipts in required books, accordance with this policy. d) The City may retain certain In addition to this policy, the Finance course materials (i.e., books, Department provides guidelines on reference materials) if the how to complete the travel request Department Head determines form, with timelines and other similar such materials are of value to the City. 50 Eft. 1/98 11.01 Travel Policy (Con't) Registration fees will be paid in advance directly to the vendor by the guidance. Contact the Finance Finance Department from information Department for a copy of the travel submitted. guidelines and travel request forms. Travel expenses incurred but not Authorization for Travel Expenses: approved on the Travel Request form may be reimbursable with proper Prior to travel, employees must submit verification, provided such expenses a Travel Request form for approval, are directly related to City travel and The form must provide all travel costs, are approved by the Department Head including transportation, lodging, or City Manager. registration, meals, and other related expenses. The employee shall_ submit the completed travel/expense form within Requests for less than $30 will be five (5)working days after completion processed after completion of the ofthetravel. travel. The Finance Director shall review Requests for travel/conference meal, lodging, mileage and car expenses in excess of $750 per person allowances periodically and and out-of-state travel must be recommend adjustments. approved by the City Council. Allowable Expenses Travel to cities in the border states of Washington and the Canadian border Meals: shall not be considered "out-of-State" Meal per diem payment will include for purposes of this policy. Examples tax and gratuity. Refer to the IRS include Portland and Astoria, Oregon; travel reimbursement schedule by Cour d'Alene, Idaho; Victoria and location, provided by Finance, which Vancouver, British Columbia. shall be amended as the IRS adjusts the rates. In the event travel is less Reimbursement for Expenses: than one day, the per diem payment - will be pro-rated 25% for breakfast, Travel expenses in excess of those 25% for lunch, and 50°,4 for dinner. To received in advance, will be paid to qualify for meal allowance, the employees upon submission of the employee must be on City business approved travel request/expense form. outside the Port Angeles area (30-mile Travel expenses which the employee radius) during regular meal hours. cannot document with receipts or other appropriate verification will not If an employee is attending a meeting be approved for reimbursement or conference where meals are (excluding meals), included, reimbursement for substitute 51 Eft. 1/98 11.01 Travel Policy (Con't) Employees authorized to use City vehicles shall operate the vehicle in a meals will not be allowed and the per safe, courteous, and efficient manner diem will be reduced accordingly, and shall conform to all State and local laws governing the use and operation Lodging: of a motor vehicle. Lodging reimbursement rates will be based upon the IRS rates by location. City vehicles may not be operated if The FinanceDepartmentpublishesthe the employee has consumed any rates annually. Tax is in addition to amount of alcoholic beverages or is these IRS rates. Exceptions to these under the influence of any drug which rates require advanced City Manager may impair one's ability to operate the approval, vehicle safely. It is the responsibility of the employee t~o notify his Airline Tickets: supervisor of any possible impairment, Airline tickets will be purchased in the so he/she does not operate equipment. most cost-effective manner. Each Department will be responsible for Any accident or injury resulting from placing reservations and notifying the the operation of a City vehicle shall be Finance Departmentto make payment, reported as soon as possible by with a copy of the invoice, notifying the employee's supervisor of the incident, as well as completing the Ferry_ Fees and Taxi Fares: necessary accident report forms These expenses will be reimbursed on obtained from the employee's the basis of receipts. Ferry tickets supervisor. should be requested in advance from the Finance Department. Gas Credit Cards: VEHICLE USE POLICY The use of City gasoline credit cards is permitted only for City-owned General City_ Vehicle Policy: vehicles. Gasoline credit cards may be checked out for out-of-town travel City vehicles may only be used by from the Finance Department. The employees for City-business. The employee shall keep receipts of all Department Head is responsible to expenses charged on the credit eat'ds ensure compliance with this vehicle use and turn these in when returning the policy. An employee may be assigned credit card. a vehicle on a regular basis or for special needs due to work load After-Hours City Vehicle Use for changes, seasonal or weather Employees Subject to Call Back: conditions that require an additional vehicle to provide services. The Department Head shall determine whether an employee takes home an 52 Eft. 1/98 11.01 Vehicle Use Policy (Con't) from the employee's supervisor. An employee assigned a City vehicle for assigned vehicle or has the employee after-hours use on a regular basis may report to a City facility to pick up the use the vehicle for an occasional vehicle for after-hours use. This convenience incidental to the determination shall be based upon: performance of the official duties, i.e., incidental use of the vehicle for a) /he frequency of the call-outs personal business, or making a (average of once per month); personal stop during a business trip. b) The person performs after Family members may not be hours emergency services; transported in a City vehicle. c) It is the most efficient method Reimbursement for Employees Using of operation in performing the Their Private Vehicles: services during the after-hours work. Employees are encouraged to use a City vehicle for City business d) The employee must use the whenever possible. However, an vehicle to respond directly to employee may be authorized to use the call-out scene, his/her private vehicle for conducting City business as determined by the In January of each year, the Department Head. If a City vehicle is Department Head shall submit to the not available, reimbursement for City Managerforhisapproval, a list of mileage shall be based upon the employees to be assigned a City Internal Revenue Service mileage vehicle for at~er-hours use on a regular reimbursement rate. In the event the basis. If there is any change from the employee prefers to use his/her private previous years' assignment, vehicle for out-of-tom travel in lieu of justification for the assignment shall be an available City vehicle, the employee provided. Assignment of an after- shall receive prior Department Head hours use vehicle for seasonal or other approval to be reimbursed for mileage fluctuations in work load on a at theCity'sEquipmentServicesrate. temporary basis does-not require City Manager approval if such assignment If an employee is authorized to use is less than 90 days. his/her private vehicle for City business, it is the responsibility of the Non-City Employee Transportation: Department Head to ensure the employee has a valid driver's license An employee may transport non-City and vehicle insurance to protect the employees in City vehicles during the City in the event of an accident. execution of City business only. This action requires advanced approval 53 Eft. 1/98 11.01 Vehicle Use Policy (Con't) Department Head or City Manager at the same rates as set forth in Travel General Rule: Policy, Allowable Expenses section. The personal use of a City-provided vehicle is taxable to the employee. "Personal use" includes commuting, as well as local and out-of-town personal travel. Record Keeping Requirements: Employees must keep records for business and personal miles driven in - City-provided vehicles. Record keeping procedures shall be prescribed by the Finance Department. For specific IRS regulations on record- keeping and vehicle taxation, see the Finance Department. RECRUITMENT EXPENSES The City Manager may authorize reimbursement or the payment of certain expenses for candidates interviewed for Department Head positions. Such expenses include reasonable costs for transportation, lodging, and meals. Expenses incurred by_City employees participating in the selection process shall also be reimbursed, including meals and expenses directly related to assisting and evaluating the candidates, as approved by the City Manager. BUSINESS MEALS Meal expenses for employees on official City business within the Port Angeles area may be eligible for reimbursement with approval by the 54 Eft. 1/98 42.17.790 Title 42 RCW: Public Officers and Agencies organization. A contribution solicited for or received on 42.17.940 Repealer--1973 c 1. Chapter 9, Laws of behalf of the candidate for public office is considered 1965, as amended by section 9, chapter 150, Laws of 1965 solicited or received for the candidacy for which the individ- ex. sess., and RCW 29.18.140; and chapter 131, Laws of ual is then a candidate if the contribution is solicited or 1967 ex. sess. and RCW 44.64 [chapter 44.64 RCW]; and received before the general elections for which the candidate chapter 82, Laws of 1972 (42nd Leg. 2nd Ex. Sess.) and for public office is a nominee or is unopposed. Referendum Bill No. 24; and chapter 98, Laws of 1972 (2) With the written approval of the contributor, a (42nd Leg. 2nd Ex. Sess.) and Referendum Bill No. 25 are candidate for public office or the candidate's political each hereby repealed. [1973 c 1 § 50 (Initiative Measure committee may use or permit the use of contributions, No. 276, approved November 7, 1972).] whether or not surplus, solicited for or received by the candidate for public office or the candidate's political 42.17.945 Construction--1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112. committee from that contributor to further the candidacy of The provisions of this 1976 amendatory act are intended to the individual for an office other than the office designated be remedial and shall be liberally construed, and nothing in on the statement of organization. If the contributor does not this 1976 amendatory act shall be construed to limit the approve the use of his or her contribution to further the power of the commission under any other provision of candidacy of the individual for an office other than the office chapter 42.17 RCW. [I 975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112 § 15.] designated on the statement of organization at the time of the contribution, the contribution must be considered surplus 42.17.950 Captions. Section captions and part funds and disposed of in accordance with RCW 42.17.095. headings used in this act do not constitute any part of the [1995 c 397 § 27; 1993 c 2 § 19 (Initiative Measure No. law. [1993 c 2 § 34 (Initiative Measure No. 134, approved 134, approved November 3, 1992).] November 3, 1992).] TECHNICAL PROVISIONS 42.17.955 Short titl~1993 e 2. This act may be known and cited as the Fair Campaign Practices Act. [1993 42.17.900 Effective date---1973 e 1. The effective c 2 § 36 (Initiative Measure No. 134, approved Novemb~ 3, date of this act shall be January 1, 1973. [1973 c I § 49 1992).] (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972).] 42.17.960 Effective dat~1995 c 397. Sections i 42.17.910 Severability--1973 c 1. If any provision through 32, 34, and 37 of this act are necessary for the of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of or support of the state government and its existing public the provision to other persons or circumstances is not institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1995. [1995 c 397 affected. [1973 c 1 § 46 (Initiative Measure No. 276, § 35.] approved November 7, 1972).] 42.17.961 Captions---1995 c 397. Captions as used 42.17.911 Severability--1975 1st ex.s. c 294. If any in chapter 397, Laws of 1995 constitute no part of the law. provision of this 1975 amendatory act, or its application to [1995 c 397 § 37.] any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other persons 42.17.962 Severability--1995 c 397. If any provision or circumstances is not affected. [1975 1st ex.s. c 294 § of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is 29.] held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not 42.17.912 Severability--1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 112. If affected. [1995 c 397 § 38.] any provision of this 197~ amendatory act, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act, or the application of the provision to other Chapter 42.20 persons or circumstances is not affected. [1975-'76 2nd MISCONDUCT OF PUBLIC OFFICERS ex.s. c 112 § 16.] Sections 42.17.920 Construction---1973 c 1. The provisions 42.20.020 Powers may not be delegated for profit. 42.20.030 Inu'usion into and refusal to surrender public office. of this act are to be liberally construed to effectuate the 42.20.040 False report. policies and purposes of this act. In the event of conflict 42.20.050 Public officer making false cet'dficate. between the provisions of this act and any other act, the 42.20.060 Falsely auditing and paying claims. provisions of this act shall govern. [1973 c I § 47 (Initiative 42.20.070 Misappropriation and falsification of accounts by public officer. Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972).] 42.20.080 Other violations by officers. 42.20.090 M~Sappropriation, etc., by treasurer. 42.17.930 Chapter, section headings not part of law. 42.20.100 Failure of duty by public officer a misdemeanor. 42.20.110 Improper conduct by certain justices. Chapter and section captions or headings as used in this act do not constitute any part of the law. [ 1973 c 1 § 48 Bidding offenses: Chapter 9.18 RCW. (Initiative Measure No. 276, approved November 7, 1972).] Bribery or corrupt $olicltation prohibited: State Constitution Art. 2 § 30. [Title 42 RCW---page 48] (1996 Ed.) Misconduct of Public Officers .Chapter 42.20 Cities shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 84: optional municipal code, council-manager plan. forfeiture of office .for RRS § 2336.] rtUsconduct: RCW 35A. 13.020. optional municipal code. mayor-council plan. forfeiture of office for Impersonating a public officer: RCW 9A.60.040. misconduct: RCW 35A.12.060. Quo warranto: Chapter 7.56 RCW. Cities and towns, commission ,form. misconduct of officers and employees: RCW 35.17.150. 42.20.040 False report. Every public officer who County commissioners. ~rUsconduct relating to inventories: RCW 36.32.220. shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement in Count, officers, misconduct: RCW36.18.160. 36.18.170. any official report or statement, under circumstances not Count, sheri~ misconduct: RCW36.28.140. otherwise prohibited by law, shall be guilty of a gross County treasurer, suspension.for misconduct: RCW 36.29.090. misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 98: RRS § 2350.] Election q.l?cials, misconduct: Chapter 29.85 RCW. Flood control district officers, interest in contracts prohibited: RCW 42.20.050 Public officer making false certificate. 86.09.286. Every public officer who, being authorized by law to make Forfeiture of office upon conviction of felony or malfeasance: RCW 9.92.120. or give a certificate or other writing, shall knowingly make Free transportation for public officers prohibited: State Constitution Art. and deliver as true such a certificate or writing containing 2 § 39. Art. 12 § 20. any statement which he knows to be false, in a case where the punishment thereof is not expressly prescribed by law, Impersonating public officer: RCW 9A.60.040. shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 128: Juries, misconduct of public officers concermng: Chapter 9.51 RCW. Militia, misconduct: Chapter 38.32 RCW RRS § 2380.] Official misconduct: RCW 9A.80.010. Penitentiary. employees, misconduct: RCW 72.01.060. 42.20.060 Falsely auditing and paying claims. Private use of public funds, penal~.: State Constitution Art, I1 § 14. Every public officer, or person holding or discharging the duties of any public office or place of trust under the state School fund& failure to turn over: RCW 28A.635.070. School officials or in any county, town or city, a part of whose duty it is to disclosing examination questions: RCW 28A.635.040. audit, allow or pay. or take part in auditing, allowing or grafting: RCW28A.635.050. paying, claims or demands upon the state or such county, School teachers town or city, who shall knowingly audit, allow or pay, or, failure to dt~Playflag: RCW 28~A.230.140. directly or indirectly, consent to or in any way connive at the failure to enforce rules: REW28A.405.060. auditing, allowance or payment of any claim or demand revocation or suspension of certificate or permit to teach--investigation against the state or such county, town or city, which is false by superintendent of public instruction--inundator, revocation .tbr crimes against children: RCW 28A.410.090. or fraudulent or contains any charge, item or.claim which is State and judicial officers, impeachment: State Constitution Art. 5. false or fraudulent, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. State treasurer, embezzlement: RCW43.08.140. [1909 C 249 § 129: RRS § 2381.] Subversive activities, disqualification from holding public office: RCW o.8t.o~o. 42.20.070 Misappropriation and falsification of Township officers not to be interested in contracts: RCW 45.16.110, accounts by public officer. Every public officer, and every Utilities and transportation comnUSsion members and employees, interest in other person receiving money on behalf or for or on account regulated compames prohibited: RCW 80.01.020. Of the people of the state or of any department of the slate government or of any bureau or fund created by law in 42.20.020 Powers may not be delegated for profit, which the people are directly or indirectly interested, or for Every public officer who, for any reward, consideration or or on account of any county, city, town, or any school, gratuity paid or agreed to be paid, shall, directly or indirect- diking, drainage, or irrigation district, who: ly, grant to another the right or authority to discharge any (1) Shall appropriate to his or her own use or the use of function of his office, or permit another to perform any of any person not entitled thereto, without authority of law, any his duties, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c money so received by him or her as such officer or other- 249 § 83; RRS § 2335.] wise: or Reviser's note: Caption for 1909 c 249 § 83 reads as follows: ~Sec. (2) Shall knowingly keep any false account, or make 83. Grant of Official Powers.' any false entry or erasure in any account, of or relating to any money so received by him or her; or 42.20.030 Intrusion into and refusal to surrender (3) Shall fraudulently alter, falsify, conceal, destroy or public office. Every person who shall falsely personate or obliterate any such account; or represent any public officer, or who shall wilfuily intrude (4) Shall willfully omit or refuse to pay over to the himself into a public office to which he has not been duly state, its officer or agent authorized by law to receive the elected or appointed, or who shall wiifully exercise any of same, or to such county, city, town, or such school, diking, the functions or perform any of the duties of such officer, drainage, or irrigation district or to the proper officer or without having duly qualified therefor, as required by law. authority empowered to demand and receive the same, any or who, having been an executive or administrative officer, money received by him or her as such officer when it is a shall wilfully exercise any of the functions of his office after duty imposed upon him or her by law to pay over and his right to do so has ceased, or wrongfully refuse to account for the same, surrender the official seal or any books or papers appertain- shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional lng to such office, upon the demand of his lawful successor, facility for not more than fifteen years. [1992 c 7 § 37; (1996 Ed.) [Title 42 R(2W---page 49] 42.20.070 Title 42 RCW: Public Officers and Agencies 1909 c 249 § 317; RRS § 2569. Prior: Code 1'881 § 890; municipal officers, as defined in *this act, in conflict with 1873 p 202 § 92; 1854 p 91 § 83.] the proper performance of their duties in the public interest; and to promote the efficiency of local government by 42.20.080 Other violations by officers. Every officer prohibiting certain instances and areas of conflict while at or other person mentioned in RCW 42.20.070. who shall the same time sanctioning, under sufficient controls, certain wilfully disobey any provision of law regulating his official other instances and areas of conflict wherein the private conduct in cases other than those specified in said section, interest of the municipal officer is deemed to be only re- shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 318; mote, to the end that, without sacrificing necessary public re- sponsibility and enforceability in areas of significant and RRS § 2570.] clearly conflicting interests, the selection of municipal officers may be made from a wider group of responsible 42.20.090 Misappropriation, etc., by treasurer. citizens of the communities which they are called upon to Every state, county, city, or town treasurer who willfully misappropriates any moneys, funds, or securities received by serve. [1961 c 268 § 2.] or deposited with him or her as such treasurer, or who shall *Reviser's note: This act [1961 c 2681 is codified as RCW 28A.58.310, 35.17.150, 35.17.160, 35.23.230, 42.22.030, and 42.23.010 be guilty of any other malfeasance or willful neglect of duty through 42.23.060. in his or her office, shall be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than five years or by 42.23.020 Definitions. For the purpose of *this act: a fine of not more than five thousand dollars. [1992 c 7 § (1) "Municipality" shall include all counties, cities, 38; 1909 c 249 § 319; RRS § 2571.] towns, districts, and other municipal corporations and quasi Count. treasurer, suspension for misconduct: RCW 36.29.090. municipal corporations organized under the laws of the state State treasurer, embezzlement: RCW 43.08.140. of Washington; (2) "Municipal officer" and "officer" shall each include 42.20.100 Failure of duty by public officer a all elected and appointed officers of a municipality, together misdemeanor. Whenever any duty is enjoined by law upon with all deputies and assistants of such an officer, and all any public officer or other person holding any public trust or persons exercising or undertaking to exercise any of the employment, their wilful neglect to perform such duty, ex- powers or functions of a municipal officer; cept where otherwise specially provided for. shall be a (3) "Contract" shall include any contract, sale, lease or misdemeanor. [1909 c 249 § 16; RRS § 2268. Prior: Code purchase; 1881 § 889; 1854 p 90 § 82.] (4) "Contracting party" shall include any person, Official nUsconduct by. public sen'ant: RCW 9A.80.010. partnership, association, cooperative, corporation, or other business entity which is a party to a contract with a munici- 42.20.110 Improper conduct by certain justices. It pality. [1961 c 268 § 3.] shall be a misdemeanor for any judge or justice of any court *Reviser's note: For meaning of "this act," see note following RCW not of record, during the hearing of any cause or proceeding 42.23.010. therein, to address any person in his presence in unfit, unseemly or improper language. [1911 c 115 § l; RRS § 42.23.030 Interest in contracts prohibited-- 2696-1.] Exceptions. No municipal officer shall be beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract which may be made by, through or under the supervision of such Chapter 42.23 officer, in whole or in part, or which may be made for the CODE OF ETHICS FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICERS-- benefit of his or her office, or accept, directly or indirectly, CONTRACT INTERESTS any compensation, gratuity or reward in connection with such contract from any other person beneficially interested Sections - therein. This section shall not apply in the following cases: 42.23.010 Declaration of purpose. (1) The furnishing of electrical, water or other utility 42.23.020 Definitions. services by a municipality engaged in the business of 42.23.030 interest in contracts prohibited--Exceptions. 42.23.040 Remote interests, furnishing such services, at the same rates and on the same 42.23.0:50 Prohibited contracts void--Penalties for violation of chapter, terms as are available to the public generally; 42.23.060 City charter paramount to act. (2) The designation of public depositaries for municipal ,~2.23.070 Prohibited acts. funds: Cities (3) The publication of legal notices required by law to free passes, services prohibited: R CW 35.17.150. political activities by officers and employees forbidden: REW 35.17.160. be published by any municipality, upon competitive bidding County officers, general provisions: Chapter 36.16 RCV}'. or at rates not higher than prescribed by law for members of ' the general public; Ethics in public service act: Chapter 42.52 RCW. (4) The designation of a school director as clerk or as Public employment, civil service: Title 41 RCW. both clerk and purchasing agent of a school district; State officers, general provisions: Chapter 43.01 REV}'. (5) The employment of any person by a municipality, other than a county with a population of one hundred 42.23.010 Declaration of purpose. It is the purpose twenty-five thousand or more, a city of the first or second and intent of this chapter to revise and make uniform the class, an irrigation district encompassing in excess of fifty laws of this state concerning the transaction of business by thousand acres, or a first class school district, for unskilled ITitle 42 RCW-~page 50] 0996 Ed.) Code of Ethics for Municipal Office~Contract Interests 42.23.030 day labor at wages not exceeding one hundred dollars in any assumes office: PROVIDED, That the terms of such calendar month; contract shall be commensurate with the pay plan or collec- (6) The letting of any other contract (except a sale or rive bargaining agreement operating in the district. [1996 c lease as seller or lessor) by a municipality, other than a 246 § 1. Prior: 1994 c 81 § 77; 1994 c 20 § 1; 1993 c 308 county with a population of one hundred twenty-five § l; 1991 c 363 § 120; 1990 c 33 § 573; 1989 c 263 § 1; thousand or more, a city with a population of ten thousand 1983 1st ex.s. c 44 § 1; prior: 1980 c 39 § l; 1979 ex.s. ~ or more, or an irrigation district encompassing in excess of 4 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 242 § 1:1961 c 268 § 4.] fifty thousand acres: PROVIDED, That the total volume of Purpose~Captions not law--1991 c 363: See notes following RCW business represented by such contract or contracts in which 2.32.180. a particular officer is interested, singly or in the aggregate, Purpose--Statutory references---Severability--1990 c 33: Sec as measured by the dollar amount of the municipality's lia- RCW 28A.900.100 through 28A.900.102. bility thereunder, shall not exceed seven hundred fifty dollars Severabilitym1989 c 263: "If any provision of this act or its in any calendar month: PROVIDED FURTHER, That in the application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of thc provision ~o other persons or circumstances case of a particular officer of a second class city or town, or is not affected." [1989 c 263 § 3.] a noncharter optional code city, or a member of any county Severability--1980 c 39: "If any provision of this amendator? act or fair board in a county which has not established a county its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, thc remainder purchasing department pursuant to RCW 36.32.240, the total of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circum- volume of such contract or contracts authorized in this stances is not affected." [1980 c 39 § 3.] subsection may exceed seven hundred fifty dollars in any calendar month but shall not exceed nine thousand dollars in 42.23.040 '- Remote interests. A municipal officer any calendar year: PROVIDED FURTHER, That there shall shall not be deemed to be interested in a contract, within the be public disclosure by having an available list of such pur- meaning of RCW 42.23.030, if he has only a remote interest chases or contracts, and if the supplier or contractor is an in the contract and if the fact and extent of such interest is official of the municipality, he or she shall not vote on the disclosed to the governing body of the municipality of which authorization: PROVIDED FURTHER, That in the case of he is an officer and noted in the official minutes or similar a first class school district, there shall be notice of the records of the municipality prior to the formation of the proposed contract by publication given in one or more contract, and thereafter the governing body authorizes, ap- newspapers of general circulation within the district; proves, or ratifies the contract in good faith by a vote of its (7) The leasing by a port district as lessor of port membership sufficient for the purpose without counting the district property to a municipal officer or to a contracting vote or votes of the officer having the remote interest. As party in which a municipal officer may be beneficially used in this section "remote interest" means: interested, if in addition to all other legal requirements, a (l) That of a nonsalaried officer of a nonprofit corpora- board of three disinterested appraisers, who shall be appoint- tion; ed from members of the American institute of real estate (2) That of an employee or agent of a contracting party appraisers by the presiding judge of the superior court in the where the compensation of such employee or agent consists county where the property is situated, shall find and the entirely of fixed wages or salary; court finds that all terms and conditions of such lease are (3) That of a landlord or tenant of a contracting party; fair to the port district and are in the public interest; (4) That of a holder of less than one percent of the (8) The letting of any employment contract for the shares of a corporation or cooperative which is a contracting driving of a school bus in a second class school district: party. PROVIDED, That the terms of such contract shall be None of the provisions of this section shall be applica- commensurate with the pay plan or collective bargaining ble to any officer interested in a contract, though his interest agreement operating in the district; be only remote, who influences or attempts to influence any (9) The letting of any employment contract to the other officer of the municipality of which he is an officer to spouse of an offi'cer of a second class school district in enter into the contract. [1961 c 268 § 5.] which less than two hundred full time equivalent students are enrolled at the start of the school year as defined in RCW 42.23.050 Prohibited contracts void--Penalties for 28A. 150.040, when such contract is solely for employment violation of chapter. Any contract made in violation of the as a certificated or classified employee of thc school district, provisions of *this act shall be void and the performance or the letting of any contract to the spouse of an officer of thereof, in full or in part, by a contracting party shall not be a school district, when such contract is solely for employ- the basis of any claim against the municipality. Any office' ment as a substitute teacher for the school district: PRO- violating the provisions of *this act shall be liable to th, VIDED, That the terms of such contract shall be commensu- municipality of which he is an officer for a penalty in the rate with the pay plan or collective bargaining agreement amount of three hundred dollars, in addition to such other applicable to all district employees and the board of directors civil or criminal liability or penalty as may otherwise be has found, consistent with the written policy under RCW imposed upon him by law. 28A.330.240, that there is a shortage of substitute teachers In addition to all other penalties, civil or criminal, the in the school district; violation by any officer of the provisions of *this act shall (10) The letting of any employment contract to the work a forfeiture of his office. [1961 c 268 § 6.] spouse of an officer of a school district if the spouse was *Reviser's note: For meaning of "this act." see note following RCW under contract as a certificated or classified employee with 42.23.010. the school district before the date in which the officer ~1996 Ed.) [Title 42 RCW---page 51] 42.23.060 Title 42 RCW: Public Officers and Agencies 42.23.060 City charter paramount to act. If any municipal corporations which are expressly or by necessary provision of *this act conflicts with any provision of a city implication authorized to subscribe to magazines or other charter, the city charter shall control. [196l c 268 § 16.] periodical publications or books or to purchase postage or *Reviser's note: For meaning of "this act." see note following RCW publications from the United States government or any other 42.23.010. publisher may make payment of the costs of such purchases in a manner as consistent as possible and practicable with 42.23.070 Prohibited acts. (1) No municipal officer normal and usual business methods, and in the case of may use his or her position to secure special privileges or subscriptions, for periods not in excess of three years. [1975 exemptions for himself, herself, or others. 1st ex.s. c 72 § 1; 1963 c 116 § 1.] (2~ No municipal officer may, directly or indirectly, give or receive or agree to receive any compensation, gift. 42.24.070 State agenci~Budget and accounting reward, or gratuity from a source except the employing system. See chapter 43.88 RCW. municipality, for a matter connected with or related to the officer's services as such an officer unless otherwise 42.24.080 Municipal corporations and political provided for by law. subdivisions~Claims against for contractual pul'poses~ (3) No municipal officer may accept employment or Auditing and payment--Forms--Authentication and engage in business or professional activity that the officer certification. All claims presented against any county, city, might reasonably expect would require or induce him or her district or other municipal corporation or political subdivi- by reason of his or her official position to disclose con- sion by persons furnishi_ng materials, rendering services or fidential information acquired by reason of his or her official performing labor, or for any other contractual purpose, shall position, be audited, before payment, by an auditing officer elected or (4) No municipal officer may disclose confidential appointed pursuant to statute or, in the absence of statute, an information gained by reason of the officer's position, nor appropriate charter provision, ordinance or resolution of the may the officer otherwise use such information for his or her municipal corporation or political subdivision. Such claims personal gain or benefit. [1994 c 154 § 121.] shall be prepared for audit and payment on a form and in the Parts and captions not lawtEffective date~Severability--1994 c manner prescribed by the state auditor. The form shall 154: See RCW 42.52.902. 42.52.904. and 42.52.905. provide for the authentication and certification by such auditing officer that the materials have been furnished, the Chapter 42.24 services rendered or the labor performed as described, and that the claim is a just, due and unpaid obligation against the PAYMENT OF CLAIMS FOR EXPENSES, municipal corporation or political subdivision: and no claim MATERIAL, PURCHASES~ADVANCEMENTS shall be paid without such authentication and certification: Sections PROVIDED, That the certificates as to claims of officers 42.24.035 Payment for postage, books, and periodicals, and employees of a county, city, district or other municipal 42.24.070 state agencies--Budget and accounting system, corporation or political subdivision, for services rendered, 42.24.080 Municipal corporations and political subdivisions----Clainxq shall be made by the person charged with the duty of agmnst for contractual purposes--Auditing and pay- preparing and submitting vouchers for the payment of merit--Forms--Authentication and certification, services, and he or she shall certify that the claim is just, 42.24.090 Municipal corporations and political subdivisions-- Reimbursement claims by officers and employees, true and unpaid, which certificate shall be part of the 42.24.10o Municipal corporations and political subdivisions-- voucher. [1995 c 301 § 72:1965 c 116 § I.] Certificates need not be sworn--Penalty for false claim. 42.24.110 Municipal corporations and political subdivisions-- Approving or paying false claim--Penalties. 42.24.090 Municipal corporations and political 42.24.115 Municipal corporations and political subdivisions---Charge subdivisions--Reimbursement claims by officers and cards for office, rs' and employees' travel expenses, employees. No claim for reimbursement of any expendi- 42.24.120 Advancements for travel expenses--Municipal corporation tures by officers or employees of any municipal corporation or political subdivision officers and employees. 42.24.130 Advancements for travel expenses--Revolving fund. or political subdivision of the state for transportation, 42.24.140 Advancements for travel expenses--Provision to assure lodging, meals or any other purpose shall be allowed by any repayment, officer, employee or board charged with auditing accounts 42.24.150 Advancements for travel expenses--Travel expense voucher, unless the same shall be presented in a detailed account: 42.24.160 Advancements for travel expenses--Purpose--Not personal PROVIDED, That, unless otherwise authorized by law, the loan. .t,2.24.170 Expenditures by special purpose districts to recruit job can- legislative body of any municipal corporation or political didates--Reimbursement for travel expenses, subdivision of the state may prescribe by ordinance or 42.24.180 Taxing district--issuance of warrants or checks before ap- resolution the amounts to be paid officers or employees proval by legislative body--Conditions, thereof as reimbursement for the use of their personal auto- Count. au&tor: Chapter 36.22 RCW. mobiles or other transportation equipment in connection with State auditor: Chapter 43.09 RCW. officially assigned duties and other travel for approved public purposes, or as reimbursement to such officers or 42.24.035 Payment for postage, books, and periodi- employees in lieu of actual expenses incurred for lodging, cals. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 42.24 RCW meals or other purposes. The rates for such reimbursements or any other existing statute, school districts and other public may be computed on a mileage, hourly, per diem, monthly, agencies including but not limited to state agencies and or other basis as the respective legislative bodies shall [Title 42 RCW---page 52] (1996 Ed.)